Pajama Sam
Pajama Sam is a series of click-and-point children's games originally made by Humongous Entertainment, which was later bought by Atari. The series spans four Adventure Games and four Gaiden Games.
Sam is a young child who likes to dress up in his pajamas with a cape and a mask and pretend to be his hero - Pajama Man. Most of the games each have An Aesop.
The Adventure Games, in order, are:
- Pajama Sam in No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside (also known as Pajama Sam: Don't Fear The Dark, and often referred to as Pajama Sam 1)
- Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening (also known as Pajama Sam: Thunder & Lightning)
- Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet
- Pajama Sam: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! (often referred to as Pajama Sam 4)
The Gaiden Games, in order, are:
- Pajama Sam's SockWorks
- Pajama Sam's Lost & Found
- Pajama Sam's One-Stop Fun Shop
- Pajama Sam: Games To Play On Any Day
The series also spawned multiple children's books (not all of which may have been published), including Pajama Sam: Amazing TV Adventure!, Pajama Sam: Color and Activity Book, Pajama Sam: Food Fight!, Pajama Sam: Mission to the Moon, Pajama Sam: Out To Lunch!, Pajama Sam: The Magic Hat Tree, and Pajama Sam: What's Different?, as well as a Pajama Man Comic Book Adaptation, including Don't Rain On My Parade (issue #223), and The Milkman Always Burps Twice! (issue #619).
The premises, by installment
In Pajama Sam in No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside, the first half of Pajama Sam: Color and Activity Book, and the first third of Pajama Sam: What's Different?, Sam is scared of the dark, and wants to defeat Darkness, who lives in his closet. After entering his closet, Sam falls into the Land of Darkness, an almost Nightmare Fuel-ish forest. He loses his stuff (his mask, his flashlight and his lunchbox) and he has to find them before he can confront Darkness. At the end of the game Sam realizes that Darkness isn't evil and he shouldn't be scared of him.
In Pajama Sam's SockWorks, Sam is tasked with sorting the socks he picked up in his previous adventure. He decides to rest his eyes for a minute, but soon falls asleep, and dreams of the Sock-o-Matic Mark III, a machine to sort his socks for him.
In Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening, the second half of Pajama Sam: Color and Activity Book, and the second third of Pajama Sam: What's Different?, Sam is watching TV during a storm and is scared by thunder and lightning. He goes up into the clouds and finds World Wide Weather, the people who control the weather, and accidentally presses the Big Red Button that screws everything up. Sam then has to go and find four talking machine components to fix it.
In Pajama Sam's Lost & Found, Sam is tasked with cleaning his messy room, and soon discovers that many of his things have fallen through the space under his bed and into other places. He dives in to find his missing stuff and ends up traveling through the Land of Darkness's river and mines, the North Pole, World Wide Weather's factory, and his own neighborhood.
In Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Had To Your Feet and the third third of Pajama Sam: What's Different?, Sam becomes ill after eating too many cookies, only for the remainder to somehow come alive and take him to MopTop Island, an island resembling his own body. While there, he learns that there is a lot of conflict between the six factions of food groups. A delegate from each group has been chosen to attend a conference for peace talks, however most have gone missing. Sam must go and find the missing delegates and make it home in time for dinner.
In Pajama Sam's One-Stop Fun Shop, Sam has finished his chores quickly and has lots of time to play with his One-Stop Fun Shop, which includes projects such as toys, cards, and decorations for his room, as well as activities.
In Pajama Sam: Mission to the Moon, Sam and Carrot are having lunch at Pierre's Pickle Palace in the Land of Darkness, but the moonlight is too dim for anybody to read the restaurant's menus. Sam volunteers to be slingshotted to the moon, and must turn the moonlight up then find a way back to Earth.
In Pajama Sam: The Magic Hat Tree, Sam and Carrot discover the Magic Hat Tree in the Land of Darkness and try on the tree's hats, which magically place the two of them in various situations.
In Pajama Sam: Amazing TV Adventure!, Sam is watching TV, but the picture suddenly goes black. In desperation, Sam punches all the buttons on the remote control at the same time, zapping him and the remote into the TV Zone. In each TV program, Sam must find the remote in order to zap into a different TV program.
In Pajama Sam: Out To Lunch!, Sam wakes up trapped in his lunch box, and soon finds himself being stalked by a creepy celery stalk. Sam tries to get out fast in order to avoid being late for school.
In Pajama Sam: Games To Play On Any Day, Sam is stuck indoors due to rain and decides to play some board games. He climbs the shelves of the board games closet in search of his favorite game, but loses his footing and falls down through a pile of board games that had tumbled out of the closet, landing in an area filled with board games to play.
In Pajama Sam: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!, Sam is watching TV and sees an announcement that "Pajama Man" is signing autographs at the mall. Sam plans to get his copy of Pajama Man issue #1 signed, but it gets pulled down into a pile of clutter. He dives in after it and falls into a land resembling his messy room. He finds out that his comic book has been taken to Grubby Corners Mall for Dr. Grime to sign. Sam must find a shirt, shoes and socks in order to gain entry to Grubby Corners and reclaim his comic book. This game was made after Humongous was bought out by Atari, and was infamous for many big problems. It was plagued with bad voice acting, poor writing, Loads and Loads of Loading, and many others. No more games have been seen since.
A demo version of No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside can be downloaded [dead link] from Infogrames.
- Acid Reflux Nightmare: The Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: Out To Lunch! turns out to be one of these.
- An Aesop
- Aesop Amnesia: At the end of Lost & Found Sam learns to keep his room clean, but it's messier than ever in Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!, which ends with Sam learning a very similar lesson in cleanliness.
- Air Vent Passageway: Sam uses one to reach a room's ceiling near the end of Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
- Aliens Steal Cattle: In the Show Within a Show Pajama Man, this is how Clementine the Cow (and by extension Milkman) gained superpowers.
- All Animals Are Dogs: The second game has a vacuum cleaner that acts like a dog. No, seriously.
- All Just a Dream: The Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: Out To Lunch! turns out to be an Acid Reflux Nightmare of Sam's.
- Alternate Continuity:
- The Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: Color and Activity Book, a Compressed Adaptation of the games No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside and Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening.
- The Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: What's Different?, a Compressed Adaptation of the games No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside, Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening, and You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet.
- Always Night
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Granted, we only see Sam, but his skin is light blue. Most of the Pajama Man characters have blue skin as well as Sam's rarely seen mom.
- The Anime of the Game: Was to have been created by Lancit Media Entertainment.
- Anthropomorphic Food: Especially in You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking:
- In the first game:
Wink: Sam's interests include skydiving, channeling ancient spirits, and stamp collecting.
Sam: Wait, I don't collect stamps.
- During the etiqutte lesson in Pajama Sam 3:
Selma Celery: Silverware should be placed as follows: forks on the left. Salad fork, seafood fork, and steak fork. To the right we have the steak knife, seafood knife, soup spoon. Cocktail weenie poker, swizzle stick, (laying a golf club down on the table) and mashie niblick.
- Ascended Extra: Rudy Beagle (AKA Mr. Forklift).
- Banister Slide: In No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside, Sam does this when heading down from where the Doors of Knowledge are, and manages to land on his feet every time.
- Be Yourself: The Aesop of the Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: The Magic Hat Tree.
- Berserk Button: "It's almost my dinner time, and I wouldn't want to spoil it."
- Big No: Otto lets one out when he goes down the waterfall.
- Big Red Button: The second game's main plot is kicked off when Sam hits one of these by accident.
- Blank White Eyes: Pajama Sam's mask often has this effect.
- Blessed Are the Cheesemakers: Apart from the many, MANY, appareances of cheese in the clickable background events, Sam's favorite snack "Cheese Giblets" is used to solve a puzzle. And in the Land of Darkness they play a game called "Cheese and Crackers" which is basically tic-tac-toe with the titular food as tokens.
- Blind Without'Em: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!'s Grandma Sweater and her contact lenses, according to some Dummied Out dialogue. This was going to be a plot point in a game path that didn't make the final cut.
- Blooper:
- In the 2002 re-release of the first game, there is a glitch where when clicking on the "Dogs Playing Poker" picture in Darkness's living room. After one of the animations plays, it overlaps the couch.
- The fourth game has some, though not as many as Atari's later Putt-Putt: Pep's Birthday Surprise.
- Brain In a Jar: Darkness's Secret Mad Scientist Lab has one. In No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside, it reads a poem if clicked on:
I float and I think
And I think and I think
About walking or driving a car
Or riding a bike
And I think and I float
Because I'm just a Brain In a Jar
- Button Mashing: In the first game, this is the easiest way to swing over to the oars on the wall.
- Canon Discontinuity: Sam creates the stories in One-Stop Fun Shop's storytime coloring book, so the five stories are most likely not canon.
- Canon Foreigner:
- From the Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: Mission to the Moon, four Pierre's Pickle Palace customers, Pierre's Pickle Palace waiter Marcel the fork, moon person Monterey Jack, five other moon people, and the complimentary mints.
- From the Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: The Magic Hat Tree, the Sheriff, the rocking horse, the firefighters, Stinky Sock, Stinky's sock guests, and the football helmet octopus with belts for tentacles.
- From the Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: Amazing TV Adventure!, Pajama Man character Minnie Bubbles, Pajama Man villain Dr. Wrench-It, The Young, The Beautiful and The Really, Really Rich characters Alexis Livingston Weatherspoon Whirlyblender, Cord Colossal and the audience, football teams the Griddle Irons and the Mighty P Js, the comedy show actors and Laugh Track, Who Needs A Gazillion Bucks?' host Dilbert Fillpockets and audience, four alligators, and superstar rapper LLPJ's fans and bodyguards.
- From the Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: Out To Lunch!, the creepy celery stalk, the groovin' grapes, the banana, the nuts, and the chocolate pudding.
- Canon Immigrant: Some characters from the Pajama Man Comic Book Adaptations:
- Clementine the Cow from Don't Rain On My Parade (issue #223) and The Milkman Always Burps Twice! (issue #619) is featured in the One-Stop Fun Shop and has her own Pajama Man trading card in Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
- Thunder & Lightning, both from Don't Rain On My Parade (issue #223), and Dr. Scott Bruvvers of the S.H.M.O. (Superhero Health Maintenance Organization) and the Malevolent Milk Molecules, both from The Milkman Always Burps Twice! (issue #619), all have their own Pajama Man trading cards in Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
- Captain Superhero: Captain Gelatin from the Pajama Man series.
- Cheek Copy: Actually attempted by Pajama Sam in the second game if the photocopier is clicked, but it doesn't result in anything.
- Collection Sidequest:
- Every Adventure Game has an optional one, doubling as a Hidden Object Game: 20 socks in the first game, 20 puzzle pieces in the second, 20 box tops in the third, and 24 trading cards in the fourth.
- Lost & Found has eight bonus puzzle pieces per level.
- Comic Book Adaptation: The Pajama Man comic books Don't Rain On My Parade (issue #223) and The Milkman Always Burps Twice! (issue #619), which were included with the second and third games, respectively.
- Competition Coupon Madness: The Choc Amok box tops in You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet.
- Compressed Adaptation:
- The Alternate Continuity Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: Color and Activity Book, based on the games No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside and Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening.
- The Alternate Continuity Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: What's Different?, based on the games No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside, Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening, and You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet.
- Cool House: Darkness's house.
- Media Research Failure:
- In the One-Stop Fun Shop storytime coloring book story The Lost Socks, if you choose to have one of the trees from the first game in the story, they refer to it as Mrs. Tree. Not only did they misidentify her as one of the custom inspection trees, but her name is Ms. Tree.
- In the Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: What's Different?, the banner at the sweets' party reads "Welcome S.A.M." instead of "Welcome S.S.A.M." despite optional dialogue in the game pointing out that it's supposed to be spelled with two Ss.
- Creator Cameo: Dr. Scott Bruvvers from the Pajama Man series is based on Humongous animator Scott Brothers.
- Cut Song:
- Some games' HE4 files, as well as Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!'s music.he file, contain Dummied Out music.
- Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! was apparently going to have a Sock Musical reprise featuring both socks.
- Damn You, Muscle Memory!: The fourth game changed the "skip cutscenes" key from Escape to Enter (with Escape now functioning as an additional way to access the Main Menu), leaving many unaware it was possible to skip cut scenes.
- Dark Is Evil: Darkness (the Pajama Man villain, not the character Sam meets).
- Dark Is Not Evil: Darkness (the character Sam meets, not the Pajama Man villain).
- Defictionalization:
- The Pajama Man Comic Book Adaptations Don't Rain On My Parade (issue #223) and The Milkman Always Burps Twice!, which were included with the second and third games, respectively.
- The Illuminator Mark V Jr. was made an actual toy at one point.
- Pajama Man was going to get his own game, but it appears to be Vaporware.
- Depending on the Artist:
- Rudy Beagle (AKA Mr. Forklift) did not have a space for Sam to ride in in Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening. This was changed in Lost & Found.
- Non-character example: Sam's copy of Pajama Man issue #1 has a different cover in Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! than it did in No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside.
- Demoted to Extra: Carrot was a recurring character until the fourth game, where he only made cameos (on a poster in Sam's room and on a stone carving during a clickpoint in the Land of Broken Toys). He may have just started Commuting on a Bus, but the lack of any further installments makes it this trope.
- The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: If SockWorks fails to load a level, it instead loads " Bad Level"[1] (which can also be accessed by using ScummVM's debugger and typing "room 7" without signing in). The level has no socks, only containing four blue conveyor belts, a red laundry basket, and the message "This Level cannot be read from the CD. Please clean the CD and check for scratches." As soon as the level is loaded, a crash is heard, and Sam says "Uh oh... Something's wrong! The Sock-O-Matic only sets itself up like this when it can't read its instructions from the CD. The CD might be dirty, or even scratched! I think you'd better quit the game and try cleaning the CD."
- Door to Before: In Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!, the Dresser Scaling mini-game can serve as this, due to a Good Bad Bug.
- Double Take: Lightning pulls a textbook one of these when Sam first enters the Master Control Room in the second game.
- Downloadable Content: Pajama Sam's One-Stop Fun Shop had additional art that could be downloaded from Humongous' website.
- Dream Sequence: All of SockWorks but the opening and ending cutscenes.
- Dummied Out:
- No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside:
- The game's HE4 file contains unused music.
- Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening:
- Pajama Sam and Bill Gate have two unused exchanges (with unfinished animation) that can be triggered by using Foster Boondoggle's employee ID card on Bill Gate (which can only be done by using the game's debug mode or ScummVM's debugger).
- Lost & Found:
- Two unused and blank instructions screens exist, and both can be accessed using ScummVM's debugger. The first one (accessed by typing "room 7") has the level menu's blue background. The second one (accessed by typing "room 22") has the bonus menu's orange background and two additional elements: a red X crossing out the "INSTRUCTIONS" heading common to both instructions screens and an exhausted-looking computer monitor character who does not appear elsewhere.
- You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet:
- The Sweet Troops have unused riot gear that can be unlocked by adding "WTO=S" to the game's section in the INI file.
- The game's HE4 file contains unused music, including music that would later be used in Games To Play On Any Day.
- Games To Play On Any Day:
- The Puzzle Games have 39 unused puzzles that can be unlocked by adding "WeMissYou=1" to the game's section in the INI file.
- Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
- There is a poster of Pajama Man in Sam's room, but it is normally covered by one of the three clickpoint posters.
- The game's music.he file contains unused music.
- The game's talkies.he file contains unused dialogue recordings.
- The game's data.he file contains unused dialogue scripts.
- No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside:
- Easter Egg: Lost & Found has three secret passcodes: "BONUS" takes you to the bonus games menu, "CRAZY" acts as a Silliness Switch for the main game (even in the demo version), and "ENDIT" skips to the game's ending cutscene.
- Excited Show Title!: Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
- Expanded Universe: The Tie-In Novels and Comic Book Adaptations.
- The Faceless:
- Sam's mom.
- The Leavins & Squeezins delivery person from Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
- Fade to Black: The end of the first game.
- Fantastic Voyage Plot: The Pajama Man Comic Book Adaptation The Milkman Always Burps Twice! (issue #619), mentioned on the Pajama Man trading card of the Malevolent Milk Molecules in Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
- Franchise Killer: The fourth game.
- Fridge Horror: Pajama Sam throws a plank of wood into the water to get Otto into the water, but when Otto and Pajama Sam look away the plank sinks. So that means that eventually Otto is going to sink.
- In Lost & Found, crashing into an obstacle causes his back end to sink.
- Fun with Acronyms: From the third game, S.S.A.M. (Snacks and Sweets Aggressive Majority), which Sam initially mistakes for a misspelling of his name.
- Furry Confusion: Somewhat. The party in the third game that Sam lands in has a candy cane dancing, but what is the jail cell made out of? Candy Canes!
- Game Breaking Bug: In SockWorks, passing a sock through a multi-color paint bucket changes the color of every sock in the level, not just the sock that passed through the bucket. This can make levels with multi-color buckets much harder or easier than intended.
- Game Within a Game: The Remote Mining Terminal known as Nuggets in the first game, which is a clone of Snake. There's also the Sorry!-esque board game in the second game.
- The Ghost:
- All of Sam's family (besides his mom, who's The Faceless), most notably his big brother Mark.
- In Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening, Foster Boondoggle (though a photo of him is seen).
- In Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!, Dr. Grime (presumably not the one from Pajama Man, as with Darkness in No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside and Thunder & Lightning in Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening) is never seen, but he does seem to exist--he's mentioned to be signing autographs at Grubby Corners Mall and has fans who mistake Sam for Grime, leading to Sam hiding in Grime's dressing room.
- Hand Wave: In SockWorks, when making a level, if you face a pusher toward a chute and try to play the level, Sam will say, "If a sock came out of a chute while the pusher was moving, it could jam the machine and the whole Sock-o-Matic might blow up!" It actually just causes the sock to randomly teleport all over the place.
- Hidden Object Game:
- Every Adventure Game's Collection Sidequest.
- Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening's comic book minigame.
- The Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: What's Different?
- Idle Animation: Sam has one for every screen. Some of them are quite humorous, one of them being that if you wait long enough outside of World Wide Weather between the warehouse and the entrance with the hard hat on, Sam will do the YMCA.
- Imagine Spot: Pajama Sam's adventures are implied to be these.
- Intelligible Unintelligible: Hero Sandwich from the Pajama Man series.
- Kick the Dog: The pairs of clean clothes in Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!'s Sock Musical sing the following to the lonely Soiled Sock:
We're all pairs, we're all pairs
We'll always be together
The world is fine, the world is fine
The sun will shine forever in the sky
You're all alone
It's strange to see
We guess you must deserve to be
- Kid Hero
- Lampshade Hanging: In Games To Play On Any Day:
Sam: I always seem to fall into really neat places.
- Level Editor: SockWorks.
- Loads and Loads of Loading:
- The fourth game (perhaps due to the newly-introduced autosave feature). There is a five-second wait between every screen. Now, when you first hear that, it doesn't sound too bad, but to begin with, the previous three games took less than half a second to load, and even quicker if ran off the hard drive. The fourth game, on the other hand, takes much longer, even though all data is put on the hard drive. All of this time adds up for a heck of a long wait. It makes skipping movement phases almost pointless. Thankfully, Atari's later Putt-Putt: Pep's Birthday Surprise fixed this.
- The PlayStation version of You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet, if these three videos on YouTube are anything to go by.
- Long Title: All the main games have one. Just look at the top of the page.
- Lost Forever: The first and third games' Collection Sidequests have a chance of placing one or two items in areas only accessible at the start of the game.
- In No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside, one of the 20 socks may be in Sam's room.
- In You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet, two of the 20 box tops will be at the sweets' party and jail cell.
- Macro Zone: The world of Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! is sort of this, since it's based on Sam's room.
- Mad Libs Dialogue: It's a Humongous game, what did you expect?
- Mad Scientist Laboratory: The Secret Mad Scientist Lab at the bottom of Darkness's house.
- Minecart Madness: The first game provides a rare adventure game example. Lost & Found revisits it.
- Minigame Game: Games To Play On Any Day.
- Mission Pack Sequel: SockWorks. It's nothing more than a clone of the Lost Luggage arcade game from Let's Explore The Airport With Buzzy The Knowledge Bug, except with randomized levels each playthrough, a new color changing mechanic, distractions during gameplay, and a Level Editor.
- Mother Nature: She's the President and CEO of World Wide Weather.
- Mr. Imagination: Sam.
- Muck Monster: Dr. Grime from Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
- Nice Hat:
- The hardhat from Pajama Sam 2.
- The Magic Hat Tree's hats from the Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: The Magic Hat Tree.
- No Fair Cheating: In Pajama Sam 3, attempting to go to the ending via a Debug Room results in the message "who’se dreamin’ now?"
- No Ontological Inertia: The Malevolent Milk Molecules from the Pajama Man series.
- No OSHA Compliance: Despite being located up in the clouds, World Wide Weather (second game) has very few railings alongside its factory walkways. If Sam were to trip on his cape again out there like he does in an early cutscene...!
- Non-Indicative Name: Pajama Sam's SockWorks only features Sam, not Pajama Sam (since he doesn't put on his cape).
- Off-Model:
- In the first game, have Sam show Carrot to the trees by the wishing well. During the exchange that follows, Sam's head is slightly Off-Model when he's looking at Carrot.
- In the first game, after Sam gets rid of the rust holding King in place, King will occasionally zoom by on the mine tracks near the entrance to Darkness's house and the bottom of the waterfall. King doesn't stop in either place, but if you look closely (or pause the game at the right moment) you can see that his face is Off-Model, especially when he's on the mine tracks near the bottom of the waterfall.
- Or Was It a Dream?: The Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: Amazing TV Adventure!
- Overly Long Gag: Whatever you do, don't ask Otto about geysers. You'll regret it.
- Pajama-Clad Hero: Quite obviously. It makes sense for Sam's costume, but his big comic book hero is actually "Pajama Man."
- Password Save: Lost & Found.
- Photo Montage: The credits of No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside (with comic book pages), You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet, and Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! (with the pictures from the Pajama Man trading cards).
- Recursive Import: In the 1999 re-release of the first game, a few lines are replaced with their equivalents from the Dutch dub.
- Recycled Soundtrack: SockWorks, Lost & Found, One-Stop Fun Shop, and Games To Play On Any Day each reuse music from previous games.
- Repeating So the Audience Can Hear: The Pajama Man Comic Book Adaptations Don't Rain On My Parade (issue #223) gives us this line:
Hero is right! Earth Quaker is running into the museum!
- Running Gag: In the second game characters tend to interrupt Sam when he's introducing himself.
- Same Language Dub
- Save Game Limits: The other Junior Arcade games had a nice save system where you could save up to 75 names, and it would keep track of score. Lost & Found, however, decided to use Password Saves. While they were stored, scores weren't, and you couldn't have more than one game going on at once. Not to mention that if you want a good score, you have to play the game all the way through without shutting it off.
- Sequel Hook: The end of SockWorks sets up the beginning of Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening.
- Shaggy Dog Story: The Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: Mission to the Moon. Pajama Sam manages to turn up the moonlight and get back to Earth, only to discover that the menus at Pierre's Pickle Palace are written in French.
- Shout-Out:
- "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Sam."
- In SockWorks, one of the background music cues is The Jimmy Hart Version of the Rocko's Modern Life theme song (1994 onwards).
- There are also countless Shout Outs to many other Humongous games.
- Show Within a Show: The Pajama Man franchise.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Thunder and Lightning.
- Silliness Switch: In Lost & Found (even the demo version), entering the passcode "CRAZY" causes the levels' layers to move up and down--more than just a visual difference, since it even affects the layers that hold items and obstacles. Entering the passcode again returns the layers to normal.
- Sinister Shades: Pajama Man villain Darkness.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Is it Earth Quaker or Earthquaker? The two-word spelling is used in the Pajama Man Comic Book Adaptations Don't Rain On My Parade (issue #223), while the one-word spelling is used by the Dummied Out subtitles in Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening and by the villain's Pajama Man trading card in Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
- Stopped Numbering Sequels: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! (the fourth game) is unnumbered.
- The Incredible Shrinking Man: In Thunder and Lightning aren't so frightening, Sam must enter the machine that shrinks snowflakes in order to solve a puzzle.
- The Pratfall: Sam can suffer from this in one of the ladders from World Wide Weather.
- Tie-in Novel
- Title Drop: Very blatant in the opening cutscenes of the first two games, but averted in the third and fourth.
- Too Dumb to Live: Otto, who believed his friend when he said wood sinks in water AND believed another friend who told him you can't grab metal with a magnet.
- Dumbass Has a Point: See the Fridge Horror above.
- Out-of-Character Moment: He apparently knows a ton about geysers.
- Trapped in TV Land: The Tie-in Novel Pajama Sam: Amazing TV Adventure!
- Treehouse of Fun: Darkness's house, though it's initially presented as being scary.
- Trouser Space: Though, since Sam wears footie pajamas, it's more like a dropseat space.
- If you watch his animations carefully, he stuffs everything he carries in the underside of his cape.
- In Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!, he refers to it as his pocket.
- In SockWorks he has a standard pocket that's only visible when he takes things out of it, but since it's part of a Dream Sequence it probably doesn't count.
- Umpteenth Customer: Sam has to become the 30th customer at Leavins n' Squeezins in the fourth game to get a special pass.
- Vaporware: The Pajama Man Defictionalization game.
- Virtual Paper Doll: One-Stop Fun Shop's Sam-o-Matic.
- Visual Pun: Some of the click points in Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
- The Voice: Mr. Hereford from Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening.
- Warp Whistle: In Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!, the Dresser Scaling mini-game can serve as this, due to a Good Bad Bug.
- Who's on First?: Sam invokes this by accident at one point in the second game. Though to his credit, when he called to "make an appointment to see someone" he didn't have any way of knowing that the personnel manager's name actually was George Someone.
- Womb Level: MopTop Island, the world of You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet, is sort of this, since it's based on Sam's body.
- Written Sound Effect
- ↑ the space at the beginning is part of the title