Overcoming the Clashing Tides/Characters
Alright, let's do this.
Separate folders based on how early they appear.
The Main Characters
Ashley Ketchum
Introduced in the second chapter and it is shown that she is very passionate about everything. She is the oldest child of Ash and Misty, and she is a Tsundere (Type A), just like her mother. She is sixteen years old. It has been heavily hinted by her friends and sister that she has strong feelings for Jason Hayden, but she is often angered by him, causing her to react very violently. She cares deeply for her friends and family, acting very protective of her twin sister Maria, threatening her Childhood Friend, Drake, when Maria and he started dating. Even though she fiercely denies it, her best friend is Alex. As of Chapter 28, she is MIA.
- Action Girl: Hmmmm... I wonder how...
- Ancestral Weapon: More like ancestral clothing.
- Badass Abnormal: Well, she is the leader, she can kick some major ass, and HOLY CRAP SHE CAN USE AURA!
- Badass Princess: Well, technically...
- Bat Space: Seriously, where does she keep that bat of hers?
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Jay.
- Blue Eyes + Green Eyes
- Hair-Trigger Temper: It's really, really hard to not make her mad.
- Jay can testify.
- Heroic Lineage: I'm not just talking about Ash and Misty.
- Hot-Blooded: You have to be blind to not see this.
- Idiot Hero: She may be smarter than Ash but she has a few moments.
- Knight Templar Big Sister: OH DEAR LORD.
- Bully Lewis, her cousin, and she'll beat the crap out of you.
- And if you kill him? Sora needs to pray that she and Maria never find him...
- Look at her little brother funny and she'll sic her Pokemon on you.
- Doesn't matter if you're a childhood friend; break her sister's heart and Ashley will cut you.
- Bully Lewis, her cousin, and she'll beat the crap out of you.
- Large Ham: She is very hammy.
- Leeroy Jenkins: Alex even lampshades this.
Alex: Do you ever think of a plan first?
- Lineage Comes From the Father: This trope is true for Ashley, but Maria...
- That's a different story.
- Oblivious to Love: She was completely clueless to the fact that Jonah's been crushing on her.
- Psychic Powers: WELL, DUH. She has Aura.
- Secret Legacy: She has one from Ash's side of the family.
- Slap Slap Kiss: With Jay.
- But not yet... It's just slapslap right now...
- Soul Power
- Supreme Chef: Despite her temperament, she's an awesome cook.
- Tsundere: AND HOW!
Maria Ketchum
Calm and kind, Maria is definitely the softer side of the Ketchum twins. It is unknown where Maria gets her patience, as it is very known that Ash and Misty are not very patient. She's stubborn as a mule, on the other hand, and can be quite unforgiving, as poor Drake can testify. Despite this, Drake and Maria confess to each other quite early in the story, because they've both acknowledged feelings for each other a couple years ago, and they become a couple. On her sixteenth birthday, she comes into Misty's side of the family's powers. As of Chapter 28, she and Ashley are MIA.
- Action Girl: It runs in the family.
- Badass Abnormal: She can control WATER.
- Badass Family: With Ashley and Lewis.
- Battle Couple: With Drake.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She's considerably one of the nicer ones in her circle of friends.
- Just don't make her mad.
- Blue Eyes + Green Eyes
- Green-Eyed Monster: She gets veeeeeery jealous.
- Technically, she can considered a green eyed monster herself because her eyes are bluish green.
- Making a Splash: No, duh. (She got it from Misty's side of the family.
- An Ice Person: Comes with the territory.
- Healing Hands: Limited powers, but still.
- Heroic Lineage
- Legacy Character
- Lineage Comes From the Father: Averted. She got her special power from Misty.
- Turns out that this power was passed down through the maternal line.
- Only Sane Man: She shares this role with Alex.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: She has her moments.
- Tranquil Fury: Maria doesn't lose her temper often.
- Sometimes she shouts and yells.
- When she just glares darkly at you, that's when you're screwed.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Maria's the Tomboy to Lizzie's Girly Girl.
- And she's the girly girl to Ashley's tomboy.
- Tsundere: She's Type B.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: She fulfilled this trope for Drake before they started dating.
Maria: You keep your filthy hands off him!
Drake: M-M-MARIA?!
Maria: Hey, Drake.
Drake: ...I'm not hallucinating, right?
Maria: *kisses him* Does that answer your question?
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry:
- Don't piss her off. JUST DON'T.
Alexandra 'Alex' Shinji
Aloof and sarcastic, Alex Shinji is the snarker of the group. She is the oldest (and only) daughter of Paul and Dawn. She is sixteen. Even though she acts a lot like Paul, (cold, sarcastic, and callous), she has some of her mother's compassion. Despite this, she loves her friends and family, and has a strong relationship with all of her friends, but especially with Drake, her younger twin brother and Ashley, who she has known since they were very young. Even though she is calm 95% of the time, she has a violent temper when angered. She develops a rivalry with Cobalt Oak, who she loathes with a passion. It has been commented a couple of times, to her irritation, that her relationship with Cobalt mirrors her parents' relationship.
- Action Girl: Pfft, do you really expect her to depend on a guy to save her?
- Aloof Big Sister: Averted with Drake. She cares a lot for her brother, but she just prefers to not show much emotion.
- Played straight with Rory, though. It's possible that she's just taking her frustration out with Rory.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Girl: Not often but she can be arrogant.
- She also is adept in martial arts.
- Beware the Quiet Ones: She is very, very scary when provoked correctly.
- The Chessmaster: She is very good at strategy.
- Deadpan Snarker: Provides most of the sarcasm in the group.
- Emotionless Girl: The reason why she's the Only Sane Man.
- Gray Eyes
- Knife Nut: Indeed.
- Knight Templar Big Sister: DON'T YOU DARE MESS WITH ALEX'S FAMILY.
- Alex will sic her entire Pokemon team on you.
- And they're in the high eighties.
- Kuudere: She's Type 1.
- Lady of War: It's Paul's fault.
- The Lancer: To Ashley.
- Ninja: Mmhm.
- Not a Morning Person
- Only Sane Woman: She is probably the most sane in the group.
- The Quiet One: Well, compared to her friends she is.
- She really doesn't lose her cool.
- Unless you say to her face that there's a possibility that she could end up with Cobalt.
- The Rival: She's more of a mashup of this trope and Vitriolic Best Buds for Ashley.
- Shipper on Deck: She's completely fine with Maria dating Drake.
- It's NOT okay when Amethyst wanted to date Drake.
- The Smart Guy: She comes up with all of the plans.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Other than her family and friends, she treats everyone coldly.
- Except when Cobalt annoys her.
- She then reacts beautifully.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: She meets all three requirements.
- Tsundere: Type A.
- She's especially this with Cobalt.
- Underestimating Badassery: Cobalt makes this mistake, and this is probably the reason why they got off the wrong foot.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Ashley.
- What the Hell, Hero?: She does this to Drake when he goes emo after Maria and Ashley 'die'.
- See chapter 29.
- You Gotta Have Indigo Hair: Well duh.
Drake Shinji
Appearing in the second chapter, along with the rest of his friends, Drake Shinji is the Nice Guy of the group. Drake is the younger twin brother of Alex and the son of Paul and Dawn. He may look like his father a lot, but his temperament is nothing like Paul's. He is in love with Maria, and was very heartbroken when she and Ashley disappeared. He seems to have an inferiority complex and compares himself with Alex often. Despite this, he has a pretty close relationship with her, and acts as her rock when she's moody. He is currently sixteen years old.
- Adorkable: He can be a dork but he's just so cuuuute!
- The Archer
- Badass Family: With Alex and to a lesser extent, Ronnie.
- Badass Long Hair
- Badass Normal: He can still kick butt without his Pokemon.
- Berserk Button: See Relative Button.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Drake is very nice, but once you get him mad, you're basically screwed.
- Brother-Sister Team: With Alex.
- Deadpan Snarker: He has his moments.
- Fatal Flaw: You Wouldn'tLikeMeWhenImAngry.
- Growing A Spine: A work in progress.
- Heroic BSOD: He gets this after Maria and Ashley get kidnapped.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Yeah... He doesn't really mind letting Alex handling her troubles, but he will hunt you down if you're stupid enough to put her in real danger.
- Martial Pacifist: Drake prefers to practice this, but once you get him mad enough...
- Midnight Blue Eyes: A trait from Dawn.
- Nice Guy
- Ninja: And how?
- Relative Button: Do not mess with Alex.
- Or Rory.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Alex.
- The Unfavorite: He thinks that Paul favors Alex more.
- Alex smacks some sense into him after he tells her that, though.
Alex: You're an idiot. Now quit babbling about it or I'll have to slap you.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Alex really lets him have it when he tries to run away.
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: Drake may seem to be a pushover but he isn't.
Jason 'Jay' Hayden
The Jerkass With a Heart of Gold of the gang. He is the oldest child and son of Drew and May. He is now seventeen, almost eighteen. He is a lot like his father, down to his personality and looks, only have inherited May's sapphire blue eyes. He may seem like a jerk, but he cares greatly about his friends and family. Even though he doesn't show it, he's fiercely protective of his younger sister, Lizzie, especially during the second arc. He often acts jealous of Jonah, due to his close friendship with Ashley, and constantly fights with Ashley, egging her on until she loses her temper.
- Aloof Big Brother: He can be distant to Lizzie.
- Anime Hair: Drew gave it to him.
- Blue Eyes: Thanks to May.
- Chick Magnet: Many girls find him very attractive, and unlike his father, he enjoys the attention.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Uh huh, sure Jay. You aren't jealous.
- Crazy Prepared: He put a freaking microchip in Lizzie's necklace just so he could track her in case she was in danger.
- Fatal Flaw: Pride
- Green-Eyed Epiphany: When he realizes that he loves Ashley, he decides to...lock her away. Her reaction wasn't...pretty.
- Handsome Devil: He gets along with all of the anime girls...except for Ashley.
- It Amused Me: Not really EVIL, but he taunts Ashley a lot.
- Her reaction is usually yelling at him...
- Or hitting him with her bat.
- Or both.
- Jerkass With a Heart of Gold: He can be a cocky jerk, but he cares deeply about his friends.
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Mess with Lizzie and he'll go crazy.
- Legacy Character
- Like Father, Like Son: Mmmhm.
- Only Known By Jay: His real name is Jason, but nobody calls him that.
- Relative Button: Reduce Lizzie to the point of tears and die.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: He is in denial right now.
- Strong Family Resemblance
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: From Drew.
Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Hayden
The hyper and cheerful girl of the group, Lizzie could be considered the weak link of the group since she is the sole female Coordinator. Is it true? HECK NO. She can be badass when she feels like it. She is the only daughter of Drew and May, and literally one of the nicest characters in the group. She is no push-over though, and is very capable of kicking your butt. She is the shipper of the group and she is often looked on as crazy but lovable by her friends. She is currently sixteen years old.
- Action Girl: She owns a Charizard. Do I have to say more?
- Badass Adorable: She may look innocent but she can kick ass.
- Badass Family: With Jay, and later on, Amethyst and Tanzanite.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Braids of Action
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- The Chick: Considering that the other girls comprise of a hotblooded, short tempered hellion, a sarcastic Deadpan Snarker, and a stubborn, but nice girl, I'm not really surprised.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Her friends view her as being a bit on the crazy side.
- The Ditz: She has her moments. But then...
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm: She has her moments.
- Dragon Rider: She owns a freaking Charizard. MOVING ON.
- Fan Girl: Over her 'ships'.
- The Fashionista: Oh so much.
- Fiery Redhead: Averted. She's the sweetest girl in the series.
- Genki Girl: SO. FREAKING. MUCH.
- Green Eyes: She got Drew's eyes.
- Green Eyed Red Head
- The Heart: She's the nicest one of her friends, but she's just really, really hyper.
- Katanas Are Just Better: She uses one.
- Petal Power: Just one of her awesome powers.
- Green Thumb: Her other power.
- The Matchmaker: She even mentions the ship names in passing.
- Motor Mouth: She has her moments.
- One Head Shorter: She's pretty short, so practically everyone.
- But Citrine's an exception.
- Plucky Girl
- Shipper on Deck: Apparently she ships Drake/Maria, Jay/Ashley, Cobalt/Alex, and heck, even Jet/Citrine and Mercury/Amethyst!
- Stepford Smiler: She seems to always smile, even if she just lost her best friend.
Alex: (to Drake) How do you think she's [Lizzie] coping? Just because she keeps on that ridiculous cheery smile on her face twenty-four/seven doesn't mean that she isn't hurting at all.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Averted. She's the only one who's not mentioned that doesn't at least resemble one of her parents.
- Underestimating Badassery: Many people make this mistake.
- But then again, not many Coordinators pick a CHARMANDER for their starter.
- Why Did It Have To Be Ghost Pokemon?: Lizzie's deathly afraid of ghost Pokemon, due to a bad childhood memory.
Citrine Fawkes.
Sweet and kind, Citrine is the somewhat reluctant leader of her friends. She is the only daughter of Red and Yellow, and their youngest child. She is currently fifteen years old. She is a Viridian Forest child and one of the most powerful shown, as her mother and grandmother were both Viridian Forest children. She is quite compassionate and patient as shown when dealing with her crazy friends. She seems to hold no grudge toward the anime group, and appears to dislike that her friends are fighting with them. Her best friend is Amethyst, the daughter of Ruby and Sapphire, but she is very close to all of her friends.
- Action Girl: This story is full of them, and she's no exception.
- Little Miss Badass: She's pretty short.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Just don't make her angry.
- Cute Bruiser: She may seem adorable but she is pretty badass.
- Eyes of Gold: From Yellow.
- Hair of Gold: Also from Yellow.
- Hereditary Hairstyle: It was mentioned early in the story that she has messy hair from Red.
- The Leader: A position that Red passed on to her.
- She doesn't really like it, though.
Citrine: AGAIN? Why me?!
Amethyst: You're the obvious choice.
Citrine: I'm the youngest! Can't Cobalt do it?
Bronze: If Cobalt was in charge, we would be dead.
Cobalt: HEY!
- Like Mother, Like Daughter: She doesn't really like fighting, like Yellow, not to mention she looks a lot like her mother, and oh yeah, did I forget to mention that she has Viridian Forest powers like Yellow.
- The Medic: She plays this role even more after she becomes the head of the medics in the second arc.
- Oblivious to Love: One of the very few traits that she inherited from Red.
- Poor Jet.
- Older Than She Looks: Unfortunately, she inherited her slow growth from Yellow.
- Pettanko
- Pokémon-Speak: Reversed since Pokemon talk to her.
- Psychic Powers: She is the most powerful Viridian Forest child born in a century, being the daughter and granddaughter of a Viridian Forest child.
- Doctor Dolittle
- Healing Hands
- Mind Over Matter
- According to the authoress, Jet and Citrine's children will be even powerful, since Jet also has Viridian Forest ancestry.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Shrinking Violet: In the beginning but she's outgrowing it.
- Young and in Charge: She is the youngest of the gang, but she's considered the leader.
- Youngest Child Wins: She has the most Viridian powers out of Red and Yellow's three children.
Cobalt Oak
Shown as cocky and arrogant, Cobalt quickly earns the intense dislike of Alex Shinji. He is portrayed as being proud of the fact of being the son of Green and Blue. This is shown early in the story, angering Alex enough to challenge him and the latter beating him. Despite this, he remains quite arrogant, but he seems to care for his friends. He enjoys pestering Alex, causing the latter to act violently to this, and she even calls him Sergeant Sexist at times. Despite his boasts, he loathes being compared to his father, Green, and the other Oaks. He seems to find Alex's reactions to him amusing, something that is mirror of his parents' relationship when they were teens.
- Anime Hair: From his father.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: He is quite arrogant and he does know kung fu.
- Badass Bookworm: He's a genius, but he prefers to kick butt.
- Berserk Button: Compare him to Green. Go on. I DARE YOU.
- Brainy Brunette: It is implied that he is intelligent, but prefers to pursue other endeavors.
- Butt Monkey: The authoress enjoys picking on him.
- Dragon Rider: He owns a Charizard.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: His full name is Cobalt Samuel Oak.
- Foe Yay: Mild example with Alex.
- Gibberish of Love: The real reason why he annoys Alex constantly.
- Green Eyes: Also a trait from Green.
- Hereditary Hairstyle: Same spiky hair from Green.
- It's All My Fault: Cobalt blames himself for Lewis's death.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Cobalt seems like an idiot, but as shown when he fought Sora, he is very adept in fighting and martial arts.
- Long-Lost Relative: He has an older sister named Jade.
- Relative Button: Mention Sora's name after he 'betrays' the rebels, and he'll starting ranting.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: When Jade asked Cobalt about Alex, he acted very flustered and denied having any feelings for Alex.
- Riiiiiight.
- Jade agrees with me.
- Shipper on Deck: Seen teasing Jet about Citrine.
- Ship Tease: With Alex, of course.
- Spiky Hair
- The Unfavorite: He believes that he is worthless compared to the rest of his family.
- Sora betraying the Resistance wasn't really helping...
- Uptight Loves Wild: Genderflipped.
- Cobalt may not be that wild, but Alex is definitely uptight.
- Strong Family Resemblance: A trait that he shares with Lewis, his second cousin.
Jet Rocket
Appears in the first chapter, along with his friends. He is a lot like his father, Silver, but he is not really a stoic. Early on the story, it is established that he harbors a very obvious crush on Citrine Fawkes, but she is quite oblivious to it, to his chagrin. He is currently sixteen years old. His first Pokemon was his Houndour, now a Houndoom, and his starter is a Feraligatr.
- Badass: Indeed.
- Badass Long Hair: Mmmmhm. Yet another trait from Silver.
- Childhood Friends: With the rest of the second gen Dex Holders.
- But mostly with Bronze, as they lived the closest to each other.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Citrine.
- But mostly with Bronze, as they lived the closest to each other.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Jet won't have any problem with suggesting murder for those who mess with his little sister.
- Kuudere: Yup.
- The Lancer: To Cobalt.
- Like Father, Like Son: The only thing he really got from his mom, was well, his hair color.
- Not So Above It All
- Pokémon-Speak
- Psychic Powers: He has a weakened version of Viridian powers and he is able to talk to Pokemon.
- He has been shown to exhibit healing powers now.
- The Quiet One
- Ship Tease: A bunch with Citrine.
- Too bad that Citrine inherited her father's instinct for love...
- It also seems that the authoress is planning some with Rory.
- Too bad that Citrine inherited her father's instinct for love...
- Silver Eyes
- The Stoic: Not often, but he has his moments.
Bronze Elm
The Only Sane Man of his friends, Bronze is one of the most brainy person among the gang. He is the son of Gold and Crystal, and apparently takes after a lot like his mother in personality, but looks just like his father except for his hair color. He grows to dislike Lizzie Hayden and finds her odd. To his dismay, he has inherited his father's perverted side.
- Anime Hair: Yeah, thanks to his daddy.
- Badass Bookworm: Okay, he's pretty darn smart. Can he still kick butt?
- Butt Monkey: The authoress even admits it.
DemigodWitch96 I dunno why, but it's just fun to screw with Bronze. Maybe because him freaking out is more fun to write than him being super serious.
- Comically Serious: Seen when he interacts with Lizzie.
- Covert Pervert: To his horror.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Eyes of Gold: From Gold.
- Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The Responsible to Opal's Foolish.
- Insufferable Genius: He is very aware of his intelligence.
- Jerkass With a Heart of Gold: He can be a snob at times...
- Only Sane Man: He is this with his group of friends.
- He also plays this trope straight with his siblings, Opal and Pyrite.
- Opposites Attract: With Lizzie.
- Bronze does not agree.
- YET.
- Bronze does not agree.
- Ship Tease: The authoress enjoys writing embarrassing scenes between him and Lizzie.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Right, Bronze, riiiiiight.
- Just keep on denying it.
- Suggestive Collision: With Lizzie.
- He was understandably embarrassed but even though that little, ahem, incident showed a new side of him...
- Talking to Himself: He does this a few times to his 'perverted' side.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: He has his moments.
- Uptight Loves Wild: Bronze is the uptight to Lizzie's wild.
- Wild Hair: Gold gave him some pretty wild hair.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: A trait from Crystal.
Amethyst Maple
Rational and Hot-Blooded at the same time, Amethyst is a strange combination of her parents. She is the older daughter of Ruby and Sapphire. At the beginning of the story, it seemed to the readers that she was just a shallow and female version of Ruby. But as the story continued, it is revealed that she is caring and passionate, two traits from Sapphire. Unfortunately, she also inherited Sapphire's temper. It is very obvious that Mercury has feelings for her, but she is quite clueless about it. She is the: The Coordinator.
- Cool Big Sis: To Tanzy.
- Die for Our Ship: Unfortunately, at the beginning, she was hated for interfering with Drake/Maria.
- The fans eventually got over it, thankfully.
- Genki Girl: Less of an example than Lizzie, but she has her moments.
- Katanas Are Just Better: She has the family legacy.
- Blow You Away: Her special power.
- Lightning Bruiser: She beat up people and is pretty fast...
- Multicolored Hair: Justified since the narration states that she uses highlights.
- Oblivious to Love: To Mercury's disappointment.
- Pretty ironic, considering she's more than once ranted about how painful it is to see Jet obviously crushing on Citrine, and she's completely clueless to the fact that Merc has liked her for a while...
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: To show off her badassery and temper, even though she's nice usually.
- Shipper on Deck: For Jet/Citrine.
- Ship Tease: With Mercury.
- The authoress loves driving the fans nuts with Ship Tease.
- Tsundere: She has her mother's temper; she just controls it better.
- She's Type B.
- Wild Child: She may like Contests and girly things, but she can be pretty wild.
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: When she does get pissed at you, you better pray for your life.
- Ame also gave Merc a black eye when she was PO'd at him.
Mercury Nakamura "Merc"
The eldest son and child of Diamond and Platinum.
- Arranged Marriage: Copper warned him that this could be his fate if he doesn't act on his feelings about Amethyst.
- Badass Bookworm
- Little Big Brother: Elle is older than Merc, but she was born after him, and is pretty protective of her after what happened with Copper.
- Childhood Friends: With the Dex Holders' kids, but mainly Citrine, Cobalt, Bronze, Jet, and Amethyst.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend / Victorious Childhood Friend: Unlucky from Arc One to the middle of Arc Two. Victorious for the rest of the story.
- Emo Teen: He becomes this briefly after Copper dies.
- Gray Eyes
- Heroic BSOD: See Emo Teen above.
- In-Series Nickname: He sometimes go by Merc.
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: He has this attitude with Elle after he finds that she is his younger sister.
- Lost Long Relative: He was surprised to find out that he had two more cousins.
- And then a third.
- Nice Guy: When he's not emo.
- Relative Button: Call Copper some form of stupid after the first arc and you'll face the wrath of a very angry Mercury.
- The Woobie: YMMV, but the fans mainly agree on this.
- The authoress picks on him for some reason...
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
The (Minor) Main Characters
Lewis Oak-Ketchum
The younger cousin of the Ketchum twins and the second cousin of Cobalt Oak, Lewis plays a smaller role than his cousins, but still plays a major role. He is the son of Gary and Leaf Oak, but he has only known his father for two years. Lewis acts like an annoying twerp at times, but he is very capable about being mature. He is also a strong trainer for his age, due to the early exposure he has, because his uncle (Ash), was an Elite Four, his mother was a Gym Leader, and his honorary godfather was a Frontier Brain.
- Anime Hair
- Annoying Younger Sibling: To Ashley.
- Child Prodigy
- Dead Little Cousin: He eventually got better, activating his aura powers.
- Midnight Blue Eyes
- Only Sane Man: Of the Ketchum cousins.
- Shipper on Deck: It's really more to annoy Ashley, but he still ships Jay/Ashley.
- Slap Slap Kiss: He has this with Tanzy.
- Spiky Hair
- Strong Family Resemblance: To his father, Green, and Cobalt.
- He was even bullied due to this reason.
- Maria was quick to kick the bully's ass, though.
Copper Nakamura
Calm and intelligent, Copper Nakamura is wise beyond his years. He is the younger brother of Mercury and the youngest child of Diamond and Platina. He is only seen briefly at the beginning of the story but he later returns, along with Lewis Oak and Tanzanite Maple. He is then seen during the battles against Ghetsis and later sacrifices his soul and spirit in order for Kyurem to be subdued. He then is seen speaking to his parents in spirit form when Giratina and Arceus bring them. He returns again when he talks to his older brother in a dream, reprimanding Mercury about being so upset over his death.
- Badass Bookworm: He wasn't seen often before he died, but he could kick butt from what was seen.
- Child Prodigy
- Dead Little Brother: To Mercury.
- Gray Eyes + Gold Eyes
- Preteen Genius: Well, he's twelve.
- And he's pretty darn smart.
- The Unfavorite: The Berlitz elders view him as a spare, even though his parents disagree with them.
- He has long accepted it, to Mercury's horror.
- What the Hell, Hero?: He does to Mercury when he was being depressed.
Tanzanite "Tanzy" Maple
- Action Girl: NO DUH.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Lewis.
- Berserk Button: If you happen to enjoy torturing Pokemon, it is highly recommended to stay far, far, far away from Tanzy.
- Blue Eyes: Thanks to Sapphire.
- Even though her personality is NOTHING like the trope.
- Childhood Friends: With the younger group of the Dex Holders' kids.
- Embarrassing First Name: She prefers to go by Tanzy.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: Look at the quote.
Pyrite: *snickers* VALENTINE?
Tanzy: I hate you.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Mmmhm.
- She got it from Sapphire.
- But then again, Lewis doesn't help much.
- Hot-Blooded: Oh so much.
- Mouthy Kid: She's not afraid of stating her opinion.
- Like Mother, Like Daughter: She is very much like her mother.
- Slap Slap Kiss: With Lewis.
- Tsundere
- Wild Child: A straighter example than her sister.
Aurora "Rory" Kouhei (Shinji)
She is introduced in the second arc and Chapter 29. She is found hurt near the Resistance HQ, but she recovers after a few days in the infirmary. She then reveals to Jade that she is the adoptive daughter of a government scientist, who is soon revealed to be Conway Kouhei. She is quite shy and has a low self esteem.
- Blue Eyes + Gray Eyes
- Expy: This may be unintentional, but her personality is a lot like Jewel Synis, a character from Ice Krystal's Forever Trilogy.
- Innocent Blue Eyes: She is very innocent.
Rory: Um, where do babies come from, anyway?
Pyrite: Well...
Pyrite: Ahahaha... Never mind...
- In-Series Nickname: Her real name is Aurora.
- Long Lost Relatives: It is revealed that she is the youngest child of Paul and Dawn.
- Drake and Alex were both so shocked.
- Love Triangle: Rory is crushing on Jet, who has had a crush on Citrine for years, who is completely oblivious to Jet's obvious crush.
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Adoptive Daughter: Mmmhm.
- Meaningful Name: Her full name is a hint about her real family.
- Aurora, lights that only show in cold areas. Dawn = light.
- Second Love: Tony Jun.
- Ship Tease: With Jet.
- Shrinking Violet
- The Woobie
- Yamato Nadeshiko: When she learned to stand up for herself, she becomes a pretty darn good fighter, and learns her birth family's techniques.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Played straight.
Tony Jun
The son of Barry and really takes after him; He is very hyperactive and energetic, being very enthusiastic during battle. Barry's admiration for Paul had rubbed off of him and Tony harbors a very obvious crush on Alex Shinji, much to her annoyance.
- Anime Hair
- Doggged Nice Guy: Alex isn't exactly fond of him, and well, he just keeps on trying...
- He then gets with Rory.
- Hair of Gold
- Keet: Like his daddy.
- Legacy Character
- Like Father, Like Son: Down to the admiration for Shinjis.
- Settle for Sibling: Even though he falls for Rory for real, technically he still fits this trope.
- Technicolor Eyes: His are orange.
Opal Elm
Bronze's younger sister. She makes a brief appearance in the second chapter before returning in the second arc in the distant future. She is quite like her father, Gold, being a foil to her older brother. Despite this, she is a bit jealous of her brother, and believes that he is the favorite of their mother. Her title is The Capturer. Her first pokemon is a Seel, now Dewgong, named Mari and her starter is a female Typhlosion named Pele.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: To Bronze.
- Pyrite, not so much.
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Normal
- Blue Eyes
- Chivalrous Pervert: A rare female example.
- Energetic Girl Savvy Guy: She's the energetic girl to Adrian's savvy guy.
- Genki Girl: Mmhm.
- Kick Chick: Like her mother.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Shipper on Deck: She has her moments.
- Especially Bronze and Lizzie.
Kyle Hibiki
The cousin of Bronze and Opal Elm, the nephew of both Gold and Crystal, and the son of Jimmy and Marina.
The Resistance
Auburn Knight
A descendant of Red and Yellow, Auburn Knight is one of the commanders and leaders of the Resistance. He often acts like Red, and even resembles him greatly. It is mentioned by Ronnie Shinji that he and Jade have a history and Jade wants to be more than friends but of course Auburn is clueless...
- The Ace: Everyone was pretty surprised to find out all of his Pokemon are level 100.
- Anime Hair
- Asskicking Equals Authority: He's one of the strongest fighters in the Resistance.
- It's only natural that he is one of the top authority figures of the Resistance.
- Berserk Button: Do not even suggest that Jade is attractive. He will beat the pulp out of you.
- Big Brother Instinct: To Hazel and eventually Citrine.
- Jade even lampshades this.
Jade: I pity the boy that takes an interest in Haze.
Auburn: *twitches* Don't say things like that.
- Gender Blender Name: No offense, Aub, but your name is pretty feminine.
- Happily Adopted: He was very close to his adoptive parents before, you know, they got murdered.
- Hereditary Hairstyle: From Red.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Do not mess with his little sisters.
- Blood or adoptive.
- Auburn will cut you.
- Blood or adoptive.
- Legacy Character
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: For Hazel, to her annoyance.
- Nice Guy
- Oblivious to Love: OH. SO. MUCH.
- He doesn't like when Verde said Jade was drop dead gorgeous, though.
- He had no idea why he felt that way, though.
Amethyst: Why did Red have to pass on his obliviousness to all of his kids?!
Auburn: Huh?
Citrine: What?
Jet: ...Amethyst is just being melodramatic. Ignore her.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Of his temper and ability to power up his Pokemon.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend:
Ronnie: Commander, with all due respect, I was just wondering... What's your relationship with Jade?
Auburn: We're just friends! Really!
Rory: ...But you beat up Verde when he said Jade was pretty...
Kyle: How come you're so flustered?
Ronnie: ...I didn't say anything about you being in love with Jade...
- Spiky Hair
- Strong Family Resemblance: He bears a great resemblance to his father, Red.
Jade Pine
Jade Pine is one of the three remaining commanders/leaders of the Resistance. She is calm and collected, a contrast to Auburn Knight. She, however, knows how to have fun, and enjoys teasing Auburn. Not that much is known about her except that she is a powerful trainer and a descendant of Green and Blue. It is also possible that she is the missing daughter of Green and Blue, but she is very skeptical about this.
- Action Girl
- Brainy Brunette: She is one of their best strategists.
- Childhood Friend: To Auburn and to a lesser extent, Hazel.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Auburn really doesn't get it.
- Heck, even Citrine saw it.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Auburn really doesn't get it.
- Cool Big Sis
- Everyone Can See It: With Auburn.
- Green Eyes
- Lady of War
- Long-Lost Relative: To Cobalt and Sora.
- Shipper on Deck: For Cobalt/Alex.
- The Smart Girl: Well, duh.
- The Spock: Mmmmmhm.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Well, she's got everything, except her hair's BROWN.
- Team Mom: Well, duh.
- She's the oldest girl around.
- Yamamto Nadeshiko: She does fit this trope.
- She's on the tall side, willowy, and does take up on her family tradition of kicking ass.
- Young and in Charge: Well, she's considerably older than most of the gang, but she's kinda young to be in charge of an army.
Hazel Knight
Elle Arlon
Lena Hayden
Sappho Odamaki
Pyrite Kimu
Sora Oak
Sora Oak is the youngest child and the youngest son of Green and Blue. Introduced to the gang as Cyan Hawthorne, but it is later revealed to everyone that he is Sora Oak at the age of seventeen, to their shock. He is very much his father's son, being very quiet and serious. His first Pokemon is a Scyther, now a Scizor and his starter was a Squirtle, now a Blastoise.
- Aloof Little Brother
- Anime Hair
- Berserk Button: See Relative Button below.
- Deadpan Snarker: Very, very much.
- He especially enjoys making fun of his older brother, Cobalt.
- Hereditary Hairstyle: From his daddy.
- Like Father, Like Son: He even has his father's catchphrase.
Sora: (to Hazel) ...Pesky woman.
- Legacy Character
- Midnight Blue Eyes
- Relative Button: Do not mock his older brother in front of him.
- His reaction is not pretty. NOT PRETTY AT ALL.
- The Stoic
- Strong Family Resemblance: To his dad, older brother, uncle, and cousin.