One Piece/Characters/Anime Only
Movie Characters
El Drago
Voiced by: Kenji Utsumi (JP)
The Big Bad of the first movie. A pirate who loves gold and is seeking after Woonan's treasure. He ate the Voice-Voice Fruit (Goe Goe no Mi) which allows him to fire beams of sound from his mouth.
- Animal Motifs: The lion, if his jolly roger [dead link]
is to be believed.
- Luffy even states that he resembles a lion, but then makes him mad calling him "cat".
- Armor Is Useless: His gold plates are shattered by Luffy during the battle.
- Battle Aura/Power Glows: Whenever he uses his powers, he gets a yellow aura around his body. The brightness of the aura is proportionate to the strength of the beam.
- Breath Weapon: His DFs core ability is to fire sound waves that look like energy beams from his mouth.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Fangs Are Evil
- Hoist by His Own Petard
- Large and In Charge
- Make Me Wanna Shout: A unique case as the "sound waves" are portrayed as Kamehame Hadoken energy beams.
- Money Fetish: He loves gold, to the point where he rejects other valuables, such as gems and diamonds.
- Wolverine Claws: Made of gold, no less.
Voiced by: N/A
El Drago's best man, is a huge swordsman resembling a Native American. He never speaks and is always paid with gold coins for his service.
- Ambiguously Brown
- BFS: His sword is as long as he's tall. And he's far taller than a normal person.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: His main attack consists of drawing his blade and charging at the obstacle with all his might.
- The Dragon: To El Drago
- Hidden Depths: During his fight with Zoro, the latter points out that he actually hates working for money and that he can have more ambition.
- Only in It For the Money: El Drago pays him for anything, even for clearing a path obstructed by fallen trees.
- The Voiceless
Bear King
Voiced by: Tessho Genda (JP)
The Big Bad of the second movie. A tyrant who lorded over Clockwork Island and leader of the Trump Siblings. He ate the Hard-Hard Fruit (Kachi Kachi no Mi) which allows him to harden his body.
- Animal Motifs: The Bear, obviously.
- BFG: His King Cannon which fire large drill shaped bullets that can cause tidal waves on impact with water.
- Convection, Schmonvection: His fruit also lets him heat up his body to the point of which anything he touches bursts into flames, but only if he's touching it.
- This is more based on the Meaningful Name of his fruit. Kachi also means knocking rocks together, which can produce heat if struck enough times.
- Disney Villain Death
- Elemental Punch: Close enough with his "Hot Boiling Special" attack.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He was defeated by his own King Cannon bullet.
- Jerkass: Seriously bordering with Complete Monster.
- Large and In Charge
- Made of Diamond: His Devil Fruit makes his body practically invincible, even Luffy said that hurting him was impossible.
- Shotgun Wedding: He tried to force Nami to marry him.
Honey Queen
Voiced by: Megumi Hayashibara (JP)
A member of the trump siblings. She ate the Simmer-Simmer Fruit (Toro Toro no Mi) which allows her to turn into a simmering liquid.
- Animal Motifs: The Honey Bee.
- Anticlimax Boss
- Blondes Are Evil
- Cowardly Lion: Despite being a Logia, she ran away when Bear King was defeated.
- Nigh Invulnerable: She is a Logia, too bad she got captured in a jar though
- It actually hinted at that the fruit isn't really all that powerful and she isn't well-versed in using it.
- Making a Splash: The only liquid Logia in the series. Though it isn't stated what liquid it is.
- Ms. Fanservice: She takes her clothes off whenever she uses her powers.
- My Breasts Are Down Here: Her outfit sports a minor case of this.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Averted. Despite being a Logia she has displayed no mass destructive powers with her power.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Her liquid form can be confined by solid objects like her clothes or a Jar.
Pin Joker
Voiced by: Hideyuki Tanaka (JP)
Member of the Trumb Siblings, is a scarred and smug swordmaster who has a grudge against Zoro.
- Animal Motifs: The Kiwi bird.
- Combat Pragmatist: He's an avid user of poisoned knives and he also attacked Zoro while he was stuck in a room with a descending roof.
- The Dragon
- Feather Flechettes: His Hari Hari Ken attack.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Zoro's Tatsumaki reflects most of his poisoned darts back at him. It doesn't completely beat him but weakens him enough for Zoro to finish him.
- Malaproper: Running Gag has him mangling idioms and someone correcting.
- Poisoned Weapons: His needles are covered with a debilitating poison.
- Royal Rapier: His sword.
- Unknown Rival: He wants to take revenge on Zoro for scarring him. Zoro doesn't remember him at all.
- Villainous Harlequin
Boo Jack
Voiced by: Isamu Tanonaka (JP)
A portly member of the Trump Siblings. Has an armor that wields spikes, which he uses with his rolling attacks. Can also throw balls that jut out spikes as well.
- Animal Motifs: A pig
- Fat Bastard
- Rolling Attack / Spin Attack
- Running Gag: Always sprouts out riddle which the answer is always "Bear King"
- Spikes of Doom
- Tempting Fate: Personally made an enemy of Sanji by mocking him and calling him weak. This was when he caught Sanji off guard with his attacks. Once Sanji got his shoes back though...
Skunk One
Voiced by: Takeshi Aono (JP)
A mustached member of the Trump Siblings. Wears a fluffy looking rocket pack that emits gas that can paralyze his opponents.
- Animal Motif: Skunk obviously
- Fartillery
- Gag Nose
- Gonk
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Blown out of the sky when Ussop shoots a explosive up his jetpack as Skunk One was trying to finish him with his gas.
- Verbal Tic: Ends all his sentences with "Gas"
Count Butler
Voiced by: Masashi Ebara (JP)
The Big Bad of the third movie, a poacher who is snooping around on Crown Island looking for the Crowning Treasure horns. Winds up making enemies of the Straw Hats when he finds they're after the same goal.
- An Axe to Grind: Disguised as a tambourine nonetheless.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Subverted hilariously: he broke his arm punching a stone tablet!
- The Beast Master: Can use his violin to control a pack of Horn Eaters. And Luffy.
- Gonk: And his subordinates aren't better.
- Horned Humanoid: When transformed.
- Musical Assassin: Is very skilled with his violin and has a tambourine-looking axe in his arsenal.
- Obviously Evil: He has a Kanji on his back that literally translates to evil.
- One-Winged Angel: Turns into a large furry beast after consuming the Crowing Treasure horns. After Luffy destroys the horns, he turns back into a human, but looks kinda like a zombie.
- Villains Never Lie: A bad habit of his is that he tells what evil deeds and strategies he'll do VERY loudly to the people he intends to harm.
- You Killed My Father: To Mobambi.
General Hotdog and President Heaby
Hotdog voiced by: Daisuke Gouri (JP)
Heaby voiced by: Tomokazu Seki (JP)
Butler's henchmen and bodyguards. Hotdog is a fighter who claims to be the strongest in the world, while Heaby is a swordsman who claims to be the most handsome guy on earth. They're defeated by Zoro and Sanji, respectively.
- Animal Motifs: Bulldog for Hotdog and Snake for Heaby.
- Camp Straight: Heaby looks sissy and narcissistic but he tried to hit on Nami on their first meeting.
- The Dragon: To Butler. Fitting as they're both stronger than him.
- Epic Flail: Hotdog's weapon, though his strong suit are kicks.
- Facial Markings: Heaby.
- Fat Bastard: Hotdog.
- Fragile Speedster: Heaby, to the point that he leave an afterimage of himself.
- Irony: Hotdog, the martial artist, was defeated by Zoro while Heaby the swordmaster was defeated by Sanji.
- Lean and Mean: Heaby.
- Small Name, Big Ego: They boast about their specialties (Kicks and swordsmanship), but both Zoro and Sanji proved them wrong.
- Sobriquet: "Mad Dog" for Hotdog and "Poisonous Snake" for Heaby.
- Those Two Bad Guys
- Whip Sword: Heaby.
General Gasparde
Voiced by: Taro Ishida (JP)
The Big Bad of the fourth movie. A former marine turned pirate who believes power is everything. He ate the Candy-Candy Fruit (Ame Ame no Mi) which allows him to turn into candy syrup.
- Bad Boss: He's not very nice to his crew.
- Blood Knight: Pretty much stated to be this, as he doesn't even care about being a pirate and just wants something to do with his free time on the ocean. During Luffy's fight against him, he rips the straw hat in order to make him angry and more challenging as an opponent.
- Cool Ship: The Salamander.
- Face Heel Turn: He used to be a marine.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: With a mast. Good thing he's a Logia.
- Large and In Charge
- Nigh Invulnerable: Comes with being a Logia.
- Spikes of Villainy: He can shape his syrup into spikes, claws, spears, etc.
- Sticky Situation: His power makes his body extremely sticky so if someone punches him their fist will get stuck.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Flour.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Candy is a natural element?
- He can however put it to a good use.
Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi (JP)
Gasparde's right hand man.
- Badass: Faces down Shuraiya and winds up almost killing the guy.
- The Dragon
- Dragon with an Agenda: Stated that he wants kill Gasparde himself, but he's beaten before anything comes of it however.
- Evil Albino
- Facial Markings
- Handicapped Badass: Got one of his arms broken during the fight but still kept going.
- Hey, It's That Voice: A meta example. His voice actor also voices Arlong.
- Lightning Bruiser: A pretty big and bulky looking guy but he moves like a shotgun.
- Never Found the Body: Shuraiya knocks him off the ship into the ocean and that's the last we see of him.
- The Quiet One: He really only has two lines in the film.
- Wolverine Claws
Shuraiya Bascùd
Voiced by: Mitsuru Miyamoto (JP)
A famed bounty hunter out for Gasparde's head the reason being was because Gasparde raided his hometown. He lost his parents and his sister in the attack. At the end of the film however, he finds that his sister is still alive.
- Badass
- Big Eater: Starts a fight with Luffy over food.
- Dead Little Sister: Or not.
- Improbable Weapon User: His style involves using the nearest tool available as a weapon.
- Nice Hat
- Shout-Out: His outfit and fighting style are very similar to a certain legendary martial artist.
- Shovel Strike: Uses one during his fight against Needless.
Voiced by: Nakamura Shido (JP)
Big Bad of the fifth movie, Saga was a friend of Zoro and a master swordsman fighting for justice, until he loses the use of his right arm because of an explosion. He eventually ends up on Asuka Island and get possessed by the demonic Seven Star Sword.
- Badass
- Handicapped Badass: The sword gives him back the right arm during the climax.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Cool Sword: The titular blade is a very long Jian with seven gemstones encased in it and a bloody past.
- Demonic Possession: The sword is manipulating him. Considering that One Piece usually gives a "plausible" explanation for any mysterious phenomenon, this is quite unsettling.
- Family-Unfriendly Violence: Usually whenever he gives up to the sword's possession, especially in the beginning.
- Hey, It's That Voice: It's Ryuk!
- Morality Pet: Maya.
- One-Winged Angel: When Luffy defeats him, the sword crumbles and takes over his body, giving him super strength, blank eyes and a sword-shaped tattoo on his back, he's very expressionless which makes him more menacing then...
- Clipped-Wing Angel: briefly transformed into a large version of himself with longer hair and crazed expression... which doesn't stop him from being beaten to hell by Luffy.
- Playing with Fire: He can fling demonic green fire with that blade.
- Razor Wind: During his One-Winged Angel he sliced a whole stone temple in half with this.
- Rival Turned Evil: Used to be a justice-loving and righteous swordsman before putting his hands on the blade.
- Single-Stroke Battle: How Sword-Possessed Saga is defeated by Zoro.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Saga's Henchmen (Touma, Bismarck and Boo Kong)
Touma voiced by: Hiroki Uchi (JP)
Boo Kong voiced by: Takeshi Aono (JP)
Bismark voiced by: Seiji Sasaki (JP)
A trio of marine serving Saga in his plan for reviving the Seven Star Sword.
- Anticlimax Boss: They're all defeated pretty fast by the Strawhats.
- Armor Is Useless: Averted by Bismarck's armor, which is strong enough to withstand Sanji's kicks. A pity that it doesn't protect the face or the top of the head.
- The Brute: Boo Kong.
- Carry a Big Stick: Unlike the other swordsmen, Boo Kong is armed with two spiked kanabo.
- Cool Sword: Bismarck has a medieval longsword, while Touma uses a saber.
- The Dark Chick: Touma.
- Dissonant Serenity: Touma is always calm and friendly, but eventually he snaps during the climax and is possessed by the Sword's influence.
- The Dragon: Bismarck.
- Evil Redhead: Bismarck.
- Fat Bastard: Boo Kong is spherical, to the point that he even use his own body as a bouncing ball to smash people and buildings alike.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Boo Kong, who's defeated by Robin with ease.
- Terrible Trio
- Token Good Teammate: Touma.
Voiced by: Ryoka Yuzuki (JP)
A young maiden from Asuka Island and descendant of a family of priests whose job is to keep the Seven Star Sword sealed. She's also Saga's love interest.
- Barrier Maiden: She can summon a barrier to seal the power of the Seven Star Sword. However she's not strong enough.
- Bling Bling Bang: Her priestess outfit sports a lot of golden trinkets and bracelets.
- Honor Before Reason: She's willing to give her life to save Saga.
- MacGuffin Girl
- Morality Pet: To Saga.
- Purple Eyes
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Except for the fighting part.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Literally.
Baron Omatsuri
Voiced by: Akio Ohtsuka (JP)
The Big Bad of the sixth movie. Omatsuri is the owner of the resort exclusive to pirates, however, before he lets the crews enjoy themselves he tests their worth with the Trials of Hell, a series of nearly impossible and dangerous games. The tests are just a ruse and are really used to gauge the strength of his opponents. If they are strong enough, he feeds them to the Lily Carnation (read below). The reason he doing all of this is because he lost his crew in a storm and grew bitter from it. Figuring if he can't be happy then no other pirate crew will be either.
- Affably Evil: Genuinely cared for his comrades and acted in a goofy manner, but was one of the most sick and perverse villains prior the Time Skip.
- The Archer: He uses a bow and arrow as his signature weapon.
- Anti-Villain
- Ax Crazy: For a character who was hinted to be once like Luffy to become so mentally unstable, it's hellish.
- Annoying Arrows: The arrows that home in on their targets. This power likely comes from Lily.
- Big Bad: Of the sixth movie, although you don't think so at first.
- Evil Counterpart: Doubles as Fridge Horror, The horror comes near the end when you realize he's what Luffy might've become if his loss of Ace got to him, before Jinbei snapped him out of it.
- Doubles as Despair Event Horizon as he snapped and contends with Gecko Moria as the series' most Ax Crazy villain after he lost his comrades.
- Freudian Excuse: His entire crew was killed in a storm which psychologically broke him, although it doesn't even begin to excuse him for what he put Luffy through.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: In-universe, shares the same voice actor as Blackbeard.
- Improbable Hairstyle: His hair is shaped like a palm tree.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope
- Killed Off for Real: The only villain to ever be killed by Luffy, although it is likely that he was being kept alive by Lily, thus a parasite with the shell of a man feeding off Lily.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Turns out to very serious and out of his mind.
- Stepford Smiler: Shown when one of his men are revived, he gives a brief glimpse of his past self, only to make him feel happy. It's to hide the feelings of regret of losing his real crew and having to be satisfied with a hollow shell.
- Villainous Breakdown: One of the most horrifying in the series, contending with Gecko Moria for the title.
Lily Carnation
Voiced by: Misa Watanabe (JP)
The true Big Bad of the sixth movie. A mysterious plant that gave Baron Omatsuri the power to replica his deceased crew into plant hybrids in exchange for presumably his body and being fed strong pirates. The nature of it's body is split into two: A giant snake looking creature that its victims are dropped into and are slowly absorbed. And the cutsy looking flower on that rides on the Baron's shoulder. Though its true form is really that of a grotesque looking Venus fly trap creature.
- Anticlimax Boss: Despite being one of the most potentially frightening villains, it gets destroyed by a single well aimed arrow.
- Ax Crazy: There's a part where her eyes change into all kinds of green shapes for second as she giggles as Baron "kills" a victim.
- Voice of the Legion: It's more of a laugh of's as scary as it sounds.
- Bigger Bad
- Eldritch Abomination: Her true form.
- Even Robin, who's a Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant, is wondering "WHAT THE HELL is Lily Carnation?!"
- Luffy who's never been intimidated even by a friggin' GOD like being, is scared beyond all reason at this thing, maybe it's more because he finds out the horrible fate his crew's suffering. His expression speaks volumes.
- Even Robin, who's a Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant, is wondering "WHAT THE HELL is Lily Carnation?!"
- Flower From the Mountaintop: She is that flower.
- Doubles as Fridge Horror: Imagine her true form... Used to be much, MUCH LARGER!!
- Innocent Flower Girl: She is literally this. but at the end of the movie, she's not.
- Not So Harmless: And beyond terrifying.
- Man-Eating Plant
- Plant Behind The Man: The source of the Baron's powers
- No Ontological Inertia: When she dies all the arrows conjured vanish.
- Plant Person: Sort of, she doesn't look human, but she can talk.
- Reality Warper: To an extent.
Red Arrows Pirates
Baron Omatsuri's crew who make up the island's staff and residents. Most of whom challenge the Straw Hats for the right to relax on the island However they're all nothing more then plant replicas of Omatsuri's real crew who died in a storm. By feeding Lily strong pirates is he able to keep them functioning. Otherwise they shrivel up and turn into real plants.
- Animal Motif: Kappa to -ahem- DJ Gappa. Frogs to the Four Wise Men
- Chef of Iron: Kotetsu who engages Sanji in a cooking duel...on top of a giant grill.
- Punny Name: Kotetsu actually means "Steel" in Japanese.
- Miniature Senior Citizens: The Four Wise Men
- Plant People
- Rapid Aging: Mujigoro is suddenly subject to this while speaking to Nami. And is quite unsettling.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When DJ Gappa confront Ussop for his hat. Say the least this is the point in the movie where things suddenly shift to darker territory.
- Ridiculously-Fast Construction: Keroshot and Kerodeek do this repeatedly when Zoro and Sanji break their machines. It took both of them to finally give it a rest.
- The Smurfette Principle: Keroko of the Four Wise Men
Voiced by: Goro Inagaki (JP)
Big Bad of the seventh movie. An inventor and ruler of Mecha Island looking for a hidden treasure. After meeting the Straw Hats, he request their help to find it, promising to split the reward with them. However said treasure turned out to be a process of awakening the island which was a giant turtle and forcing it under his control using his machines so he can take over the Grand Line. Naturally the Straw Hats weren't pleased that they were bring used, leading to a confrontation.
- Big Bad: Of the seventh movie.
- Clock Punk: Most of his inventions seem to be clockwork, complete with Wind Up Keys.
- Cool Shades
- Foreshadowing: Luffy defeats him by unknowingly activating Gear Second, which he wouldn't develop until the Water 7 arc.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Humongous Mecha: He fought Luffy with three of these: Tetsujin 28.5, Tetsujin 32.5 and the Super Zougame.
- Flawed Prototype: 32.5 was pretty much useless as it was sea-based and its legs were poorly designed.
- This Is a Drill: They all have drills as weapons.
- Rocket Punch: 28.5 and Zougame can fire their fists and/or drills off at enemies, luckily they're attached to cables so they can be retracted.
- Transforming Mecha: Luffy kept asking if they could transform to which Ratchet kept saying they couldn't.
- Turtle Power: His biggest and most powerful mecha, Super Zougame, looks like a giant turtle.
- Powered Armor: He builds one for Honki, fit with Shoulder Cannons and a mask that suffocates him.
- Mad Scientist
- Momma's Boy: It doesn't stop him from trying to lock her away.
- Robot Maid: He has a bunch of them in his lair, much to Sanji's delight.
- Stunt Casting: Played by a member of SMAP who normally acts in live-action (and "sings", of course). His voice-acting is similarly understated.
Colonel Honki and General Maji
Honki voiced by: Keiichi Yamamoto (JP)
Maji voiced by: Kouji Katou (JP)
Ratchet's henchmen in the seventh movie. Honki is his bodyguard, while Maji has the duty to patrol the island.
- Chainsaw Good: Maji attacks Zoro in a car equipped with giant buzzsaws.
- Co-Dragons: Honki is more brutish while Maji relies more on machinery and tactics.
- Funny Afro: Honki.
- Gonk: Honki.
- Lean and Mean: Maji.
- Mask Power: Parodied: Honki sports an impressive mask in his mecha, but it does suffocate him.
- Powered Armor: Honki fights Sanji with one armed with Shoulder Cannon.
- Punny Name: Honki means "Seriously" and Maji "Really".
- Unusual Eyebrows: Maji.
- Vader Breath: Parodied with Honki during his mask scene.
- Verbal Tic: Honki says "OOS!" a lot.
Voiced by: Mino Monta (JP)
Wapol's brother and Big Bad Duumvirate along with him of the What If ninth movie. He ate the Shroom-Shroom Fruit (Noko Noko no Mi) which allows him to produce poisonous mushroom spores.
- Aloof Big Brother: It bites him in the ass later.
- Badass: Unlike his brother, Mushul was actually a worthy opponent to Luffy, in fact he nearly killed him.
- The Dragon: To Wapol.
- Fusion Dance Wapol eats him against his will in order to become stronger.
- Foreshadowing: Later in the manga Luffy faced Magellan, a purple poison user who almost killed him.
- Jerkass: Just like his brother, he's a prick.
- Lightning Bruiser: He can move at speeds akin to Soru and can punch the stuffing out of Luffy.
- Petal Power: Or rather spore power.
- Beam Spam: His Shade Dance attack is to fire spore bullets that look like pink laser beams from his hair.
- Doppleganger Attack: His Lot Stiffen technique is a series of clones made of spores.
- Kill It with Fire: His fruits' weakness is fire. The spores can be burnt to neutralize them
- Person of Mass Destruction: He has to release an enormous amount of spores ever 10 years which can wipe out the entire population of an island.
- Poisonous Person: The spores he creates are extremely toxic.
- Playing Against Type / Stunt Casting: One of the most famous comedians in Japan, in his first voice role and as a villain to boot.
- Punny Name: "Musshuru" is a pun on "Mushroom".
- Spell My Name with an "S": Is it Mushul or Musshuru?
- Technicolor Toxin: Purple.
- This Is a Drill: He can cover his hand in brown spores forming a mushroom-like drill.
- Worf Effect: After utterly curbstomping Luffy, he was almost killed by Usopp's Explosive Star which set him ablaze. To his defense, it was its Achilles' Heel and he was caught by surprise.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair: In the shape of a mushroom cap no less.
Voiced by: Tomomitsu Yamaguchi (JP)
A character appearing in the eleventh movie. Schneider used to be the leader of the Schneider pirates, who're now disbanded, leaving him only with his pet dog Buzz. Apparently, he's dying from ilness and he tries to force Buzz to leave him by giving him an impossible task: Steal Luffy's hat. Later is revealed that he wasn't really dying at all and he and Buzz are reunited.
- Cool Old Guy
- Impossible Task: Orders Buzz to bring him Luffy's Strawhat if he wants to stay with him. Justified, as he doesn't want to have Buzz seeing him die.
- Incurable Cough of Death: His mysterious illness. Is actually a fork he swallowed while eating spaghetti.
- Your Days Are Numbered: Subverted in the end.
Voiced by: Tomomitsu Yamaguchi (JP)
Schneider's pet bulldog and loyal companion, is sent to steal Luffy's hat in order to stay with his master. He ate the Bird Bird fruit, Model Eagle.
- Big Badass Bird of Prey: His eagle form, which caused a lot of trouble to Luffy.
- The Determinator: When you're ready to steal Luffy's extremely precious and trademark strawhat in order to stay with your master, you're this.
- Giant Flyer
- Mix and Match Critter: He's a bulldog who can turn into an Eagle or a eagle-dog hybrid, similar to a Simurgh.
Voiced by: ???
The incoming Big Bad of the Twelvth Movie, looks like an imposing man with a giant mechanical arm and a Jolly Roger similar to the Marine's flag. Word of God stated that he's the strongest opponent that the crew has faced so far.
- Artificial Limbs: A gargantuan mechanical arm connected to his shoulder.
- Badass
- Beyond the Impossible: Apparently, this guy is stronger than all the previous opponents met by the Strawhats so far. Including Rob Lucci, Eneru and Crocodile.
- Big Bad
- Shrouded in Myth: So far not very much is known about him.
OVA and TV Special Characters
Voiced by: Norio Wakamoto (JP)
The antagonist for the Defeat the Pirate Ganzack! OVA. Ganzack had taken over a resident island on East Blue and force the inhabitants to build him a ship and a new weapon with intent to take over East Blue and the Grand Line. Luffy, Zoro and Nami however wind up shipwrecked on said islands and eventually leads into a confrontation with the rookie crew.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: He has a pet sea king
- Animal Motif: A crab
- Berserk Button: Being called a crab
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Punched into his own missile weapon which he himself launched.
- Kick the Dog: Stomping on Luffy's hat and laughing after he "killed" Medeka in front of Luffy
- Insistent Terminology: Its Ganzak-sama
- Powered Armor: He can sorta be seen as a prototype for Krieg as he was created long before Oda reached that point. Includes the following:
- More Dakka: Has machine guns build into it
- Sinister Scythe: The two knives comprised of the "claws"
- Sticky Situation: Can fire a pink gooey substance to restrain opponents
- Variable-Length Chain: Uses one in the final battle against Luffy
Voiced by: Jun Tanaka (JP)
Also from the OVA. A little girl whose a resident on the island Ganzack has taken over. She tries to make a rather futile attempt at protecting the island with nothing more then a small suit of armor and a naginata. But its obvious she doesn't have the strength to do much good. However when the Straw Hats arrive at the island, she sees her chance to liberate the island by coaxing them into fighting Ganzack.
- Bratty Half-Pint: She gets better though.
- Fiery Redhead
- Leeroy Jenkins: Charges head first into a lot of battles.
- Off with His Head / Infant Immortality: A good thing she could duck her head in that armor.
Captain Joke
Voiced by: Akio Ohtsuka (JP)
The antagonist of the first special who was after a treasure that allowed the holder any wish. However just as he was within reach of it, his crew mutinied and killed him. His spirit, for some reason, was turned into a bat and he watched over his remains in the mountain. Waiting for the day someone would defeat the guardians he angered in pursuit of the treasure so he could get his body back.
- Dem Bones: When the guardians are defeated, he manages to resurrect himself a living skeleton. Unlike Brook, this is more magical related.
- Hand Cannon: He carries around a massive gun with a gatling gun barrel and explosive ammo.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: His final words upon defeat.
- In the Back: Literally stabbed in the back by his crew, not once but multiple times.
- Psychic Powers: He can somehow project images into people's minds.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
Voiced by: Minami Takayama (JP)
A resident in a village surrounded by waterfalls. He also happens to be the son of the village elder who was killed when he was little. He wishes to avenge her death and sends out notes in bottles in hopes of attracting someone strong to help him. Naturally this bring the Straw Hats into the area.
- Revenge: His motive but really its mostly his not coming to terms with his mother's death since Joke is long since dead. Ironically when he finally does face down a revived Captain Joke. He realizes his motives were wrong and that he should do as his mother did and protect the village.
- Tagalong Kid: Follows after Luffy for the whole special as he makes his way to the Mountain of the Gods.
- You Killed My Mother: To Joke who indeed was responsible for her death.
Voiced by: Issei Futamata (JP)
The antagonist of the second special. A pirate who has the power to control people by making his crew sing (once again, this isn't explained). He goes after a girl named Amanda who has a map on her back to a great treasure.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Once his singers are knocked out, he finds himself on the business end of a Straw Hat group attack. Ouch.
- Musical Assassin
- Oh Crap: I'd panic too if I saw seven very angry Straw Hats about to unleash fury my way.
- People Puppets: Makes Amanda reveal her map like this and then uses Luffy to attack his own crew.
A girl on the run from Bayan along with her younger siblings, Milia and Holy, aided by two of deserters of Bayan's crew Maccus and Bonney (Not that Bonney). Amanda is the daughter of a adventurer who had made a great discovery, but died before he could show anyone though managed to leave a map on Amanda's back. Amanda hates him for this however since she and her siblings are being targeted. Lucky for her, her group managed to run into the Straw Hats while resting on a deserted island
- Action Girl: Not a major butt kicker but she's certainly capable.
- Girlish Pigtails
- MacGuffin Girl: The map on her back leads to a great treasure.
- Parental Abandonment: Her dad died right on the doorstep of their home and she isn't happy about being a living treasure map. This changes when she finds out what said treasure is, a gigantic pearl which her father left for her and her siblings.
- Rose-Haired Girl
The antagonist of the third TV series and a dirty Marine Lieutenant. He was once the subordinate of the retired marine Lieutenant, Randolph, who suspected him of selling illegal weapons and killing one of his shipmates in the process (both of which were true). But due to lack of evidence, he was cleared of all charges though it set him back on his rise to power. He still held a grudge against Randolph for this and seeked to frame him and throw him in jail as revenge. Too bad the Straw Hats happened to be in the area.
- Bad Boss: Always threatening his troops with court martial if they don't meet his demands.
- Corrupt Bureaucrat
- Dirty Coward: Talks a big game if he has the advantage but when face to face against someone who isn't in cuffs, he's start panicking.
- Evil Is Petty: He already achieved a higher Marine rank despite the set back and Randolph has no concern for him. He just couldn't let the slight go.
- Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: His own troops pull a Screw This, I'm Outta Here on him after a combination a of a Straw Hat beating and his whining for someone to help him.
- Orcus on His Throne
- Villainous Breakdown
A former Marine captain turned actor. As a child he lost his parents to pirates and joined the Marines to take bring those responsible to justice. Once accomplished, he returned to acting to help those who equally lost loved ones to pirates. However he has a scar across his chest from his days in the service that will cause him to lose his voice over time. Thus when the Straw Hats arrive to see his play, its his last performance before he retires for good. However Governer shows up with other plans.
- Cool Old Guy
- Retired Badass: Picks a fight with Luffy once he finds out he's a pirate and manages to hold his own despite his age.
- Scars Are Forever: And taking away his voice in the process
- The Last Dance: Not death related but his final performance has shades of it
Crescent-Moon Galley
Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama (JP)
The main antagonist from both the first One Piece pilot and the Romance Dawn Story OVA special. Just a typical bad pirate who was terrorizing Silk's home and had the misfortune to run into Luffy who was passing by. As the manga pilot isn't considered canon (it was the first of three), Galley will go here.
- Defeat Means Friendship: According to the manga pilot's Distant Finale, he joins up with Luffy at some point.
- Development Gag: A somewhat older version of him appears in a filler of the Loguetown arc where he's quickly taken down by Smoker.
- Dirty Coward: Only threatening if he has the advantage (like having Luffy tied up which was due more to the townspeople mistaking Luffy for him). In a real fight he's pretty pathetic. His crew quickly begged for their lives once they realized who Luffy was.
Voiced by: Kaya Matsutani (JP)
A resident of the island Gallery attacking. She tries to rally the people of the village to fight back and is the only one willing to fight in the meantime.. She's hostile to Luffy at first but soon becomes a friends of his during Galley's attack. She was the first in many prototype designs of who would eventually become Nami. When story was being remade for the OVA, she had a radically different design.
- Action Girl
- Early Installment Weirdness: Ever seen "Nami" wield a sword?
- Hair of Gold / Tomboyish Ponytail: In her redesign
Anime Only Characters
Daddy Masterson
Voiced by: Tohru Furuya (JP), Travis Willingham (EN, Funi)
A former Marine and master sniper, was a rival of Usopp's father Yasopp.
- Badass
- The Gunslinger
- Nice Hat
- Papa Wolf
- What Could Have Been: He was originally going to appear in the manga, but Oda nixed the story so that the Straw Hats would leave for the Grand Line in the 100th chapter. Instead, Usopp just buys his goggles off-page.
Voiced by: Masami Suzuki (JP), Brittney Karbowski (EN, Funi)
A little and clumsy girl rescued by the Straw Hats, she travels with Ryuu, a Sennen Ryuu (Thousand Years Dragon) and seeks its native Island so that he can rest there. She ate the Whisper-Whisper Fruit (Hiso Hiso no Mi) and can speak to the animals.
- Cordon Bleugh Chef: Everyone turned green/blue after eating the food prepared by her except Luffy. And note that said cooking melted the pans.
- Damsel in Distress
- Friend to All Living Things: She can understand any animal, but she can't make them do what she wants.
- Nice Hat
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Her devil fruit appears to be the least useful of all the fruits out there. But it does prove useful as talking to animals helps them locate the lost isle and avoid incoming dangers. Yes even a filler character can make seemingly useless fruits work to their advantage.
Commodore Nelson Royal
Voiced by: Junpei Takiguchi (JP), Ray Gestaut (EN, Funi)
An incredibly obese and corrupted Marine officer commanding a small fleet. He heard of the legendary Thousand Years Dragon, and wishes to capture him and eat his bones to become immortal.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: No No NO!
- Bad Boss: When he realized Eric was going to betray him, he ordered to sink his ship... with two of his men still on it.
- Big Eater: He's probably going to eat that poor dragon whole...
- Cool Ship: His main ship has a huge figurehead looking like a huge gargoyle of sorts.
- Fat Bastard: So much that his henchmen have to carry him around.
- Large and In Charge: Hell Yeah...
- Gonk
- Verbal Tic: Says "Ode-jaru" at the end of any sentence.
Eric the Whirlwind
Voiced by: Ryusei Nakao (JP), Kenny Green (EN, Funi)
A ruthless mercenary and killer working for Nelson, but has his own goals. He ate the Sickle-Sickle Fruit (Kama Kama no Mi), allowing him to cast blades of air from his extremely sharp nails.
- Ambiguously Gay: A Running Gag about the name of his fruit being mistaken for Okama Okama (Gay Gay fruit), making him annoyed. The joke was carried over in the Funimation dub with "Sickle Sickle" being mistaken for "Sicko Sicko" fruit.
- Cool Shades
- The Dragon: To Nelson.
- Dragon with an Agenda: He actually plans to take the Dragon Bones for himself.
- Killed Off for Real: He reappers during the travel up the Reverse Mountain, but gets knocked by Nami and falls in the sea where, considering that he can't swim, he probably drowned.
- Razor Wind: The core of the powers granted by the Kama Kama fruit. They're not very sharp however, as Luffy managed to endure several of these at point blank during the final battle.
- The Dog Bites Back: When Nelson on the sinking ship blames him for the blunder, he simply kills him.
- Wolverine Claws: His nails are very sharp. It's implied that he have to sharpen them each day in order to keep the edge.
Zenny the Moneylender
Voiced by: Osamu Saka (JP), Charlie Campbell (EN, Funi)
A very old goat shepherd living on a remote island with his goats. He always wanted to be a pirate.
- The Beast Master: He trained his goats well.
- Catch Phrase: "How's tricks with you?"
- Cool Old Guy
- Improbable Weapon User: He has "Class 10 Abacus Skills," which apparently includes using them as roller skate sandals to jump kick people in the face.
- Your Days Are Numbered: According to Chopper, he only has three days to live
Child Voice: Masumi Kageyama (JP), Unknown (EN, 4Kids), Luci Christian (EN, Funi)
Adult Voice: Yuichi Nagashima (JP), Eric Stuart (EN, 4Kids), R Bruce Elliot (EN, Funi)
- Cool Old Guy
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Yuichi Nagashima later went on to voice Brook.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Or rather try to get back into Rainbow Mist to save his friends.
Rapa Nui Pasqua
Child Voice: Yukiko Hirotsu (JP), Unknown (EN, 4Kids), Chris Patton (EN, Funi)
Adult Voice: Keiichi Sonobe (JP), Unknown (EN, 4Kids), Chris Patton (EN, Funi)
A high ranking Marine officer appearing in the Rainbow Mist arc. His "Younger Self " is imprisoned inside said Mist.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: See below.
- Cherry Tapping: He can sink pirate ships... by flicking coins at them!!
- Cool Old Guy: Seriously, the guy destroys ships just by flicking coins at 'em!
- Future Badass
- Gratuitous Italian: Pasqua means Easter.
- Improbable Weapon User: COINS!
Mayor Wetton
Voiced by: Joji Nakata (JP), Mike Pollock (EN, 4Kids), Vic Mignogna (EN, Funi)
A former pirate turned mayor of a small village, he seeks the mysterious Rainbow Mist.
- An Axe to Grind: His weapon of choice during his youth.
- Evil Old Folks
- Evil Redhead
- Identical Grandson: His grandson Lake looks a lot like how Wetton did in his youth.
- Playing with Fire: His Powered Armor has built in flamethrowers.
- Powered Armor: Because of his age he must fight in one. His grandson Lake uses an electric-charged suit as well.
- Retired Badass
Voiced by: Nobuo Tanaka (JP), Mark Stoddard (EN, Funi)
The commander of the G8 base as well could be considered the Big Bad of the filler arc even though he has no ill-intent. Said to be a protoge of Akainu, though they're as far apart when it comes to their actions.
- Ascended Extra: Sorta, he got a cameo when it was shown all of the marines gathering at Marineford in the anime.
- Badass Mustache
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Cool Old Guy: Oh yeah
- Dramatic Irony: He's a protege of freaking Admiral "I KILLED ACE" Akainu. Hard to believe when you compare the two.
- The Chessmaster: He even uses a chess board when planning his moves
- Happily Married: To Jessica, the head chef of G8.
- Manipulative Bastard: Most of his interaction with Inspector Shepherd was provoking (or misguiding) the latter into to screwing up several of their traps so that he could hold it against Shepherd who was trying to shut down G8 and give himself a scapegoat should the Straw Hats manage to escape.
- Magnificent Bastard: He never underestimates the Straw Hats, when one plan fails, it's just a setup for another one and nearly caught them if it weren't for Shepherd's interference.
- Picky Eater: Not a big fan of vegetables.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Very well-respected at his base and looks out for the welfare of his troops.
- Dramatic Irony: His mentor is the living Complete Monster incarnation of justice.
- The Unfought: Luffy does meet with him face to face a few times but never trades blows with him.
- The reason he didn't fight with Luffy was because Sanji realized that no one would act that relaxed when challenged to a fight unless they had something up their sleeve and dragged away Luffy who was itching to punch Jonathan. Much later in it is revealed that possessing Haki is required for one to become a Vice Admiral.
- Worthy Opponent: Proclaims this to Luffy
Commander Shepherd
Voiced by: Keiichi Nanba (JP), Duncan Brannan (EN, Funi)
An inspector of the base who views himself in high regard. He has disdain for the G8 viewing it as weak and looks to get it shut down for any infraction he can find. Too bad for him he had to visit on the day the Straw Hats accidentally splashed down on the base.
- BFG: The Eagle Launcher. In fact its too big a BFG.
- Butt Monkey
- Humiliation Conga: First gets knocked out by Robin, has his clothes taken from him, mistaken as one of the Straw Hat, thrown into jail with them. When the misunderstanding was finally cleared up he took it upon himself to capture the Straw Hat personally but only ended aiding their escape due to his bumbling. And when his last gambit ultimately fails and the SH get away. He's knocked out senseless by Jonathan's wife, Jessica, when she hears him threatening to court martial her hubbie.
- Glory Hound
- Looks Like Cesare
- Name's the Same: No relation to that Commander Shepard.
- Never My Fault: Never admits to his own blunders.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Seriously if he had kept his ego in check and just let G8 continue with their operations, the Straw Hats would've been easily defeated by Johnathan's strategies.
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Smug Snake
Don Accino
Voiced by: Tomomichi Nishimura (JP)
The Boss of the Accino Family, a clan of Bounty Hunters residing in a glacial island. He collect pirate flags and ate the Hot-Hot Fruit (Atsu Atsu no Mi) which allows him to raise his body temperature up to 10,000 degrees, especially when he gets mad.
- Affably Evil: He even chats with Zoro and offers him some sake while waiting for the others.
- Beam Spam: His Hot Hot Gatling Gun attack, seems to be a clumsy imitation of the much deadlier Gum Gum Gatling Gun.... but is actually a cover for a large volley of Tamago Yaki orbs.
- Collector of the Strange: Pirate Flags if you're curious.
- Convection, Schmonvection: Played with: His heat is indeed extremely dangerous and Luffy avoided to touch him as much as possible using first Gear Second, then slabs of ice. Eventually, he becomes so hot he can surf on Magma. However, Luffy manages to repel his heat somehow for the final blow. Maybe using unconsciously Armaments Haki.
- Energy Ball: One of his attacks is to throw balls of heat at his enemy.
- Fat Bastard: Even more so than Gecko and Wapol.
- Gonk: And gets around naked thanks to his fruit's powers. Luffy even calls him on that.
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: He smokes cigars.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: He's not very patient and is easy to anger.
- Hurricane of Puns: The names of his attacks.
- Large and In Charge: The Father and Boss of the Accino Family.
- Lightning Bruiser: despite his mass he can use his high body heat to slip around the icy land with ease.
- Turns Red: As he gets hotter and hotter his body turns red and steams a lot. At his maximum he becomes golden in color.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: He manages to do marvels with his power, including flying around at great speed using his steaming nose as a Jet Pack.
Campacino and Brindo
Campacino Voiced by: Taiki Matsuno (JP)
Brindo Voiced by: Kouichi Toochika (JP)
Don Accino's eldest twin sons. Campacino is essentially Acchino's Dragon. they can use an ability called Combination Play that involves them magnetically attracting and repelling each other.
- Ambiguously Gay/Camp Straight: They're both quite flamboyant. It borders on Twincest Ho Yay.
- Badass Beard and Mustache
- Big Brother Instinct: Campacino to Brindo.
- Lightning Bruiser: Despite their large builds they're both quite fast and agile.
- Power Glows: When one glows red and the other blue, they attract. If they both glow the same color (blue or red), they repel. Just like a real magnet.
- Power of Love: They take this very seriously.
- Trickster Twins: A villainous example.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni:To each other, Campacino is the blue, Brindo is the red. They're even color coordinated.
- Running Gag: Luffy mistaking them for clones.
- Selective Magnetism: They can magnetically attract and repel one another which they can use for locomotive purposes or to kick ass.
- Wonder Twin Powers: They claim that their magnetic ability comes from the fact that they're twins.
Puzzle the Phoenix
Voiced by: Kisho Taniyama (JP)
A famous pirate captain with a bounty of 100.000.000 Berry, is a powerful fighter and known for being able to raise back even when seriously injured. However, after his defeat in the New World he almost died and his crew is forced to work for the Accino Family. He eventually heals thanks to Chopper and get back his Jolly Roger.
- Badass Normal: Hell yeah! He has no Devil Fruit abilities and no special weapons, and he still got a Supernova level bounty.
- Big Damn Heroes: During the end of the arc, he comes back and defeats The Dragon alone.
- Bolivian Army Ending: The last we see of him and his crew are facing down the remainder of the Accio Family forces.
- Expy: Some people thinks that his fighting style and nickname links him to Ikky and Shun from Saint Seiya.
- Fiery Redhead: L=Fiery as in phoenix.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a phoenix-shaped scar on his body.
- Heroic BSOD: After his second mate Vigaro put an Heroic Sacrifice against an unknown Pirate Crew in the New World.
- Hollywood Healing: Averted, Chopper states that the bandages used to heal him weren't enough.
- Nickname's The Same: Has the same epithet as Whitebeard's Marco. Though in Marco's case it's more literal.
- Made of Iron: He's called the Phoenix because he always manage to get back on his feet after an attack, no matter how hard.
- Variable-Length Chain: Golden.
- Whip It Good: With a chain though.
Voiced by: N/A
A large Flame Beetle (Kaen Kabuto) created by the SIQ. He escaped from The Golden Lion Pirates and ended up on a small island known as Little East Blue where he made friends with a little girl called Yoko.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: A rare case where one is the good guy.
- Gentle Giant
- Metamorphosis Monster: He gets bigger and stronger every time he sheds his skin (once a month) and his appearence changes along with it.
- Playing with Fire: He is able to emit fire from his horns.
- Power Glows: He glows bright red when he's about to fire.
- Team Pet: For Little East Blue.
Voiced by: Hiroshi Iwasaki (JP)
The Substitute Queen of Kamabakka Kingdom, is a huge crossdresser who rules the island during Emporio's absence. Later confirmed to be one of the 99 masters of Nekwama Kenpo guarding the recipies for the Attack Cuisine.
- Ascended Extra: Sort of: He's confirmed to be one of those Newkama Kenpo masters mentioned by Ivankoff.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Can easly fight Sanji on a equal ground.
- Creepy Crossdresser: But only because he's ugly and antagonistic towards Sanji.
- Drag Queen: Not as pretty as Ivankoff.
- Fake Boobs of Steel: The only crossdresser so far seen wearing these. Furthermore he's also the strongest on the island after Ivankoff.
- Fan Disservice: Seriously!
- Gonk: Like many Okamas.
- Large and In Charge: Only Ivankoff's probably larger
- Lightning Bruiser: He may looke huge and be in a dress, but he can still move around surprisingly quick.
- Perma-Stubble
- Pimped-Out Dress: He also has a lighter one for fighting, along with Pimped Out Glasses.
- Rapunzel Hair: Though most likely it's a wig.
- Wolfpack Boss: During Episode 514 he fights Sanji along with the other transvestite present at that time.
Voiced by: Minoru Inaba (JP)
A really old man living in the Grey Terminal met by Luffy-Ace-Sabo. He was a famous pirate once, and even fought against Gold Roger himself.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Once Black, now grey.
- Cool Old Guy: Hell yeah!
- Cool Hat: not cool in and of itself, but...
- Cool Shades: has a pair which he wears ON HIS HAT
- Death Glare: When using the Supreme King Haki to chase away a bear.
- Drop the Hammer: Wields a hammer seemingly made from scrap materials, and it's also the general motifs of his pirate crew, as seen with his own Jolly Roger and ship.
- Retired Badass: After some time during the 20 year span of Gold Roger's death, he retired.
- Badass Grandpa: Can still kick some ass.