< Noob (TV series)

Noob (TV series)/Characters


Noob Guild


Class : Summoner
Guild position : Nuker
Real life name : Gabrielle Jolivet

Played by : Gabrielle Jolivet (Stage Name)

Latest addition to the guild for the two first seasons, she joined only because Horizon cannot be played solo. She's set on cumulating as many credits (game currency) as she can, to the point that looting dead enemies behind her guildmate's backs, charming her way out contributing to guild's common funds, refusing to engage in a battle under the pretext that expensive repairs are sure to be needed, scamming and blackmailing are not beyond her.Also check Walking Spoiler in Gaea worshipper's guild section.

  • The Beast Master: In the books and comic. Two creatures have been seen : a giant pig-like creature and a bird that she acutally stole.
  • Dirty Coward: One of the few female cases. Reaching level 100, however, stimulates her to willingly challenge Omega Zell to a duel
  • Dream Sequence: Of Fantöm and Omega Zell having a romantic moment. The way it's depicted is quite unrealistic since Omega Zell tends to go almost mute in the presence of Fantöm who either ignores him or looks at him as if he's crazy. The dream ended up being semi- accurate : it had Omega Zell promise to still love Fantöm despite the aftermath of the Wham Episode, help him clear his name, and assist him in getting back to level 100. Omega Zell turned out to be so superficial that he only gets in "mute mode" in front of a level 100 and part of a Prestige Class Fantöm, making him perfectly capable of talking normally to Elementalist!Fantöm while he was getting levelled up by the Noob guild.
  • Face Heel Turn:Either that or TheMole since the beginng of the series.
  • Genre Savvy: When she has to fight against Master Zen in the Season 3 finale, she refuses Couette and Ivy's help on the grounds that It's Personal since he broke into her appartement and framed her by posting the video tha caused the Wham! Episode from her computer. She however doesn't let them leave the scene because she's aware she may need help later.
  • Gold Fever
  • Karma Houdini
  • Kill Steal: She's not above it if it can help her win credits or experience.
  • Lady of Black Magic
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Money Fetish: Greed is with no doubt her deadly sin.
  • Not Me This Time:With all the scams that she's orchestrated, everybody, Arthéon included, first had no doubt that she's the one who posted the video that caused the Wham Episode to happen, fact that it ended on her blog not really helping. Lucky for her, she had a solid alibi and the player who actually did it insisted on gloating about it despite knowing she frequently records things happening in-game.
  • Puppy Dog Eyes
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful: Her Puppy Dog Eyes are basically that.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: Tenshirock was great help the two times Games Masters got on her case.
  • The Smurfette Principle: before Golgotha's and Couette's arrival.
    • Later, Ivy changes it in Two Girls to a Team.
    • With Couette's official membership, the guild is technically a Gender Equal Ensemble in later episodes ... before everyone starts leaving in Season 4, at least.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Sure, she struggles to reach the 100th level, but once she does, she instantly equips tons of stuff she has been saving for the occasion, putting her on par with Omega Zell.
  • Trash of the Titans: Her flat is very messy in the comic book.
  • Unspoken Plan: In Season 3 :

Gaea: "Everyone, do what I just wrote on the discussion board."


Class : Warrior
Guild position : Tank / Guild Master
Real life name : Stanislas 'Stan' Châtelain

Played by : Jonathan Fourcade

After getting his account reset as punishment for Real Money Trade and finding no other guild that would accept him at level 1, he was chosen as successor to Master Zen when he ended up in jail. Team parent without completley falling into Team Mom or Team Dad, he's both the glue holding the guild together and its mentor. As a level 100 character, he was part of Justice guild, the top guild of Horizon.

Arthéon: I already tried. But Fantöm isn't answering.

  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He refuses, even if it's a matter of life or death, to ask Game Masters anything. He has a phobia of them since they erased his level 100 character.

Omega Zell

Class : Assassin
Guild position : DPS
Real life name : Morgan Lavande

Played by : Julien Guellerin

Reporter for a Girl Show Ghetto channel by day, Olydri's most sexist and egocentric assassin by night, his dream is to join Justice guild and be good enough to beat Fantöm. The main obstacles on his way ? The presence of a n00b and a girl (later three of them) that drags his guild's level down and his tendency to get in embarassing situations while trying to be well seen by his ideal colleagues... or just because Tenshirock needs a lab rat.

  • Ambiguously Gay: There's his job, his name, but also his real life behavior, especially his food choices (biologic salads according to the first book). Add Tenshirock who likes punishing him by blocking his avatar in dancing mode and Gaea's insinuations that his admiration of Fantöm is acutally a celebrity crush. He also sides whith Sparadrap when he gives liking the way his clothes look as a reason for not changing them (to something with better stats) in a long time. His sister added an extra layer by mentionning he took classical dancing when he was nine.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: At the beginning of the series.
  • Cassandra Truth: Arthéon interprets quite a few of his "Gaea is tricking you again" warnings as part of his sexism in the early part of the series.
  • Catch Phrase: "Girls can't play MMORPG!", "Arthéon will never believe me..." and "Girls aren't gentically programmed for X".
  • Curb Stomp Battle: He got on the losing side of one when wanted to have a fight with Saphir to prove he was worthy of the Justice guild.
  • Dream Sequence: The first has him winning a duel against Fantöm... using powers an assassin can't possibly have. The second one has him confronting Tenshirock after being given the combined powers of Fantöm and Judge Dead and asking him to put an end to what he assumes to be his current "getting people off MMORPG" plan : having girls start playing them.
  • Effeminate Misogynistic Guy
  • Funetik Aksent: Or at last has a thick southern France accent.
  • Gender Blender Name
  • He-Man Woman Hater: The reason may be that girls make him suffer a lot at his job.
  • Highly-Visible Ninja: During her brief time at his avatar's control in Season 1, Gaea notices he only has 3 points in stealth at level 10 and points out that white is a lousy color for an assassin (he's hinted to have chosen the color only so his clothes would match the Justice Guild tabard he wearing during the first episodes). In the second book, he fails to take his cursor in consderation while following a group of people.
  • Irritation Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery: Fantöm was an assassin before the first time he became a Twilight warrrior according to the books. It's implied to be the only reason he choose that that class.
  • Man in White: His first outfit.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Gaea seems to believe it, but a discussion with Saphir in Season 4 revealed that in addition to the mentionned above He-Man Woman Hater issue, he may be not having a gilfriend to be able to focus on the game ; whether it started before or after he knew of her criteria is unknown.
    • Some fans like to think he actually has a Celeb Crush on Fantöm.
  • Neat Freak : His flat looks like a model one.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero
  • Pride: His deadly sin without hesitation.
  • The Scream: Upon finding out about the enhancements made on Fantöm's avatar.
  • Straw Misogynist
  • The Team Wannabe: For Fantöm's team, when he's not picturing himself as his successor. Moves to Ascended Fanboy in Season 4.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Once he reaches the 100th level. Also, his time with the Justice guild allowed him to improve himself, and to get pretty good stuff.
  • Wham! Line : In Season 4 premiere :

Omega Zell: Before logging off, [Arthéon] made me Guild Master.

    • It turns out he just gave him a second in command rank ("Main Officer" would be the literal translation) that enables him to manage the guild in his absence, but some Master-only actions are not allowed, such us kicking people out. And he did it mostly because Omega Zell hand been pestering him about it for a while.


Class : Priest
Guild position : Healer
Real life name : Kevin Lepape

Played by : Frédéric Zonafelli

Both a n00b and a Man Child, with a lousy memory to top it off. Despite being as eager as anyone else to reach a higher level (when not convinced he's already at the top), his main focus in Horizon is his pet collection and trying to get players to join the guild, regardless of the faction to which they belong. In battle, his aiming trouble frequently makes him heal enemies instead of his teammates.

  • A-Team Firing: He always hits the wrong targets with his healing spells as well as his attack ones. As a result, Revive Kills Zombie is the only way he ever kills anything.
  • Catch Phrase: "Do you want to join my guild ?", "It's ____ (insert adjective) of the dead!". "Of the dead" is Gratuitous English.
  • Dream Sequence: He dreams to have fond every variation possible of Horizon's basic pet while Gaea reminds Arthéon that he forgot to ask her for her weekly contribution to the guild and Omega Zell focuses on his training instead of fighting with her. Everyone then actually asks Arthéon (usually the only one intested in the subject) for a background-related story, unites to kill Kary when she shows up, then decide they want to hunt for pets.
  • Coincidental Dodge: Almsot mandatory if Dark Avenger is around.
  • The Fool
  • Idiot Hero
  • No Hero to His Valet: In Season 3, he turns out to be a semi-professional tennisman known to be immune to pressure. However, in Season 2, he stated that his father and his grandmother would better have him be in front of the computer than doing anything else when he's at home because it means he's not doing anything foolish (in the real world, at least).
  • Noob: Duh. Even after he reached level 100
  • Raised by Grandparents: He often mentions his grandmother and his dad (who dosen't live with them according to the second book), but never his mother, it's assumed she's missing.
  • Reality Subtext: Frédéric Zonafelli is one of the actors that doesn't play MMORPG and hence is frenquently genuinely ignorant of all the terms and facts he asks about.
  • Smart Ball: He gets it on two noticeable occasions. In Season 1, when Arthéon and Omega Zell have to explain him how the Galamadriabuyak tower works, he asks why it has ten floors when nine should be enough for it to fill its role of unlocking 10 new levels per floor if 100 is the maximum and players who have never entered it are stuck at level 10. In Season 3, in retaliation to Omega Zell's insults, he theatens to tell Ystos, points out that it would make Fantöm know about it before long, and even lets Omega Zell think that Ystos can hear him... when he's actually asleep on the couch right behind him. The second one alone can give the impression that Dark Avenger actually figured him out quite well.
  • Stupid Good: Offers players from other factions to join the guild and tried to adopt an enemy monster as a pet at least once.
  • Super-Powered Alter Ego: The avatar being taken over by his younger brother, who's much better at the game than him, tends to play out like that trope.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: His grandma's pudding. It often works as a Delicious Distraction.
  • White Mage: Literal with his first outfit.
  • With Friends Like These...: He considers all his guildmates to be his friends. While it may be understandable for Arthéon, Omega Zell frequently insults him and Gaea isn't that nice to him either.


Class : Elementalist (affliated to water)
Guild position : Second healer
Real life name : Angélique Fleur

Played by : Manon Morand

A teenage beauty queen who pretty much fufills Omega Zell's idea of female video game players. The second n00b of the guild while not having it as bad as Sparadrap, her main flaw is a mild case of Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny that accompanies her frequent girl talk. Combat wise, she's much better at aiming than Sparadrap, but also shows up much less often than him.

  • Distaff Counterpart: It's hard not to think of her as one for Sparadrap between her role in the guild and the personality traits she shares with him. The blue outfit she gets in Season 4 makes matters even worse.
  • Girlish Pigtails: "Couette" is the french word for said pigtails. And of course, she wears them.
  • Making a Splash: Her attack spells in the comic.
  • White Mage: Even started out wearing white before moving to blue in Season 4.


Class : Neogician
Guild position : Second nuker

Played by : Johanna Fournier

Sleepyhead by excellence, she frenquently looses track of what happens in the game. Very laid back when awake, she puts both her gunslinger and bomb builder features in good use. She's frequently the one who fills in the rest of the guild on game features and facts that they encounter for the first time, making her the Horizon expert in Arthéon's absence.

  • Bio Augmentation: A perk her class gets from being part of the Empire that possesses the secret of technology. The second book however states it keeps her from using magic (implictly to keep the class from becomming a Game Breaker).
  • The Engineer
  • Informed Attribute: Happened twice. Upon her introduction, Arthéon mentionned she didn't show up much. However, aside from the three first episodes of Season 3 during which only book readers would know she's supposed to be part of the guild, she ended being present so often that she functionnally became a full-time member of the guild while Couette and Golgotha remained sixth rangers. In Season 4, Gaea mentions that she's sleeping even more than before because she stopped taking her narcolepsy medication ; she's not seen falling asleep much more on screen, but it happenning off screen is supposed to be the reason the guild breakes its record of failed quests.
  • Gadgeteer Genius
  • The Gunslinger
  • Sleepyhead: Season 4 reveals that she actually has narcolepsy.
  • Super Speed

Former / Short Lived members of Noob Guild

Master Zen

Class : Mage
Guild position : Former nuker / Guild Master
Real life name: Robert Dumoulin

Played by : Lionel Tagliavini

The Hair Trigger Tempered Noob guild founder and former master who ended up in jail after an appliance defenestration gone horribly wrong. He eventually escapes only to get the guild back, then to make its members life hell when it fails.

  • Black Mage
  • Hair-Trigger Temper
  • Hoist by His Own Petard:In the Season 2 finale, he asks for a Game Master right when Sparadrap and Arthéon reach the place that could get them rid of the Tenshirock-enhanced staff and decides to keep them busy until he shows up, expecting the possession of the staff to get them kicked out of Horizon. When Judge Dead finally arrives, he's quick to reveal that possession of enhanced equipement is no longer punished since it has been figured out that Tenshirock was the actual guilty party. Master Zen's first reaction to that news is to try using the staff to destroy his former colleague's avatars, causing him to get banned by someone he had summoned in the first place.


Class : Berserker
Guild position : Second tank

Played by : Floria Noel

Hired to replace Arthéon in Season 3, she disappears after events of the Wham episode. She eventually reappears as an Order cartomancer, which was her real character all along ; check second Walking Spoiler of Relic Tracker's guild for her permanent incarnation.

Grobin des Bois

Class : Archer

Played by : Marcus

The character created by a video game tester trying out Horizon 2.0, that Arthéon accepts into the guild due to the lack of new Empire players at the time. He runs into Ash little time after that, buys credits from him witout realising that real money trade isn't allowed in the game and gets kicked out by a Game Master.


Class : Elementalist

First meant to do the game solo all over again, but ended up having to join the Noob guild when faced with the lack of low level Empire players that made forming a temporary party impossible when it was needed. Has left by the time Season 4 starts, presumably because the guild's help was no longer needed.

  • Broken Pedestal:Later subverted.
  • Clear My Name:The reason he didn't want any help from his former teammates, even after being assured he had become number one on his own the first time.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute:During that period, his situation was strangely close to Arthéon's : Tank, former level 100 Justice guild member, back to level 1 because of cheating, most experienced player of the guild, joined due to a lack of options. To top it off, he showed up right when Arthéon was having exams and was temporarly going from playing an hour per day to not playing at all. Even the "replacing a character whose actor isn't available" aspect is present, given that the "Arthéon in boarding school" plotline exists beacause the actor playing him moved far away enough to be less available than in the two first seasons. The only difference is that Fantöm didn't appear just to replace him.

Justice Guild


Class : Twilight Warrior
Guild position : Tank / Ace
Real life name : Max Middle

Played by: Fabien Fournier

Top player of Horizon and Ace of Justice guild, notably famous for beating the top boss Horizon 1.0 by himself. Admired by many players including Omega Zell, who becomes completly startled when he's around. While perfectly capable of being a One-Man Army, he frequently does dungeons and quests with three other players of his guild.

  • The Ace
  • Locked Out of the Loop: When it comes to the enhancements given to his avatar each time he got close to loosing to Amaras.
  • Mistaken for Gay: He crossed the line between being the love interest in Gaea's personnal "Omega Zell is gay" scenario and that trope when she decided Omega Zell must have pulled the casting couch on him to get into the Justice guild.
  • Ret-Gone / Unperson: How Judge Dead deals with the public discovery of the enhancements given to him behind his back. He not only actually erases his avatar (the biggest punishment is usally permanent ban that keeps the avatar from being used but still in existence), but also erases any trace of what he ever accomplished. In a nutshell, players will remember he existed, but from the game's point of view, Judge Dead puts it quite well : "The famous Fantöm no longer exists. He has never existed.".
  • Ultimate Gamer 386: With a few twists due to the fact that he's meant to last longer than a single episode.
  • Verbal Tic: "I see". That tic poped up when Sparadrap wanted to impersonate him and a piece of paper with these words written on it became part of the mannequin Omega Zell maked to prepare for an interview with him.
  • Wham! Line: In Season 4:

Fantöm: Saphir, give [Omega Zell] a chance.


Class: Paladin
Guild position : Preemtive healer / Admissions
Real life name : Penelope

Played by : Amandine Train

In charge of the Justice guild's admissions, she will only let the very best join, going up to bashing anyone who dares to apply without fitting her criteria. She has a general disdain for low-level players and considers Arthéon starting again from level 1 as a cruel punishment. Her helpful side tends to show up only when her teammates are in danger.

  • Barrier Warrior
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Omega Zell once offered to have a fight with her to prove that he was worthy of joining the Justice guild. She shot him with an energy projectile before he could even pull his sword out.
  • The Perfectionist
  • The Smurfette Principle: Even in the six-person configuration of the team shown in Season 4, she's the only female member.


Class: Druid
Guild position : Healer (Classic)
Real life name : Thomas Lepape

Played by : Matthieu Zecchini

Team Fantöm's level-headed and stoic healer. Much less snobbish than his guild mates, he has no problem speaking to Arthéon on a casual basis and helps out the Noob guild sevral times both via control of his older bother's avatar and his own character. Sparadrap is convinced to be the one who taught him to be such a good healer, making him treat Ystos like an inexperienced disciple.

  • Big Brother Mentor: He's half-way between that role and Sixth Ranger for the Noob guild and an example of mental age counting more than physical age, especially when it comes to Sparadrap.
  • Big Little Brother: In the comic, all level 100 avatars have human proportions while lower level characters are super-deformed and shorter. One of the consequences of the convention is that he's almost twice as tall as Sparadrap. Also downplayed in the series, as he's much older than what the audience would expect the first time he's mentionned (the literal translation of "school" is assumed to mean primary school in French, as the word "Lycée" exists for High School, which he was probably already attending in Season 1) .
  • Combat Medic
  • Crazy Prepared: In Season 2 finale, he had a second laptop next to him just in case he needed to take control of Sparadrap.
  • Not So Stoic
  • Raised by Grandparents:Implied by the fact that he's Sparadrap's younger brother, but he never mentions the fact himself. Any part played by Sparadrap in his upbringing may be closer to Children Raise You due to their respective personalities.
  • White Mage
  • Work Hard, Play Hard: Sneaking up behind Ivy is the first thing he does after creating his assassin alt. An even better example of that side of him is how crazy he went in real life along with Sparadrap when he reached level 100. Once the celebration is over, Sparadrap seems to have trouble believing it actually happened and Ystos hints he'd better have it not leave their house.


Class: Mage
Guild position : Nuker / Guild Master

Played by : Benjamin Masnières

Master of Horizon's top guild and team Fantöm's strategist, who's distinctive sign is a white mask covering his face. If provoked, he will usually be the first of the team to loose his temper, Saphir being the one calms him down just as easily.


Leader of Empire's troops in Season 3 finale and acting as a sixth ranger to team Fantöm in Season 4.

Omega Zell

Class :Assassin
Guild position :DPS

Played by :Julien Guellerin

Pretty much a self-fufilled Walking Spoiler.Joined the guild thanks to Fantöm who also signed him up in the main roster. Much weaker than the rest of the group and with no experience of high-level playing, he quickly starts feeling like "the goup's Sparadrap" by his own words. While he's tolerated by most of the team, Saphir does'nt plan to leave him in peace.

  • Ascended Fanboy
  • Katanas Are Just Better: The first loot he gets from fighting a boss at the guild's side.
  • The Load: Saphir's words right after relunctantly letting him into the guild set the early pace : "You know having him with us will lower our statistics, right?". Gets subverted a few episodes later.

Other Empire Players


Class : Warrior
Real life name : Catherine Mourru

Played by : Amandine Tagliavini

A mercenary and Gaea's childhood friend who's mainly interested in the game's killing enemies aspect. Fifth (up to eigth with Ivy, Couette and non-overlapping temporary members) member of the Noob guild at heart, she frequently joins the party for free, sometimes without being asked, to be able to spend time with Gaea and other members to whom she's warmed up.

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: A rough equivalent of the trope name even happens to be her Catch Phrase.
  • An Axe to Grind
  • Blood Knight: She considers any non-battle quests, or even too short battles to be boring. In Season 3 premiere, she even chooses to wait for an enemy to respawn over collecting the reward for killing it.
  • Leeroy Jenkins
  • Morality Pet: She's Gaea's only actual friend. Since that Gaea is a Dirty Coward, Golgotha is the one that goes Mama Bear when needed.
  • The Nicknamer
  • Psycho for Hire: In theory, at least. She only mentions money during her introduction, on an occasion during which she says she'll join for free if she gets to kill something and when Couette asks her why she doesn't replace Arthéon in Season 3. It comes back on the table in Season 4, when she becomes a the much-needed fourth member of the group after both Omega Zell and Gaea have left the guild.
  • Secret Keeper: She was the only member of the main cast to know about the video Gaea used to blackmail the game creators to get her banned avatar back for quite a while.

Omega Zellette

Class : Assassin
Real life name : Camille Lavande

Played by : Audrey Garotte

Omega Zell's sister who took over one of his old Cross Playing attempts and seems to get along with Gaea quite well. Has so far only appeared in Season 3's triple length finale and the episode right before it.

  • Continuity Nod: To the fact that Omega Zell had a female avatar lying around.


Roxxor Guild


Class : Twilight Warrior
Guild position : Tank / Guild Master

Played by : Mikael Berthet

Coalition top player, and his faction's best hope of beating Fantöm some day. He inherited the Roxxor guild from his master Spectre, who was number one before Fantöm. Since then, he has annexed most the top guilds of the Coalition and made his party out of the masters of three of them.

  • The Ace: For the Coalition.
  • Always Second Best: Subverted in Season 3 three when both the revelation that Fantöm's avatar was secretely enhanced and its disappearance make him number one. Double subverted when it turns out that the enhacements only started after the first duel Fantöm won against Amaras. As for actual positions, Season 4 has dropped no hints on whether Fantöm's second incarnation becoming number one again is a work in progress or already done and needs work to be maintained.
  • The Rival: To Fantöm.


Class : Assassin
Guild position : DPS (team Amaras) / Guild Master (unseen guild)

Played by : Jacky Fasel

A member of team Amaras who's been mostly seen in combat and accompanying Roxana so far.

  • Dual-Wielding: Uses a pair of katars in battle at the end of Season 2 two and in the second book.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: He upgraded to one during the time skip between Seasons 2 and 3.


Class : Priest
Guild position : Healer (team Amaras) / Guild Master (unseen guild)

Played by : Florian Beaume

A member of team Amaras who's been mostly seen in combat and accompanying Roxana so far.


Played by : Guillaume Durand

A Coalition player the Noob guild frequently runs into during the course of the series, alone or as part of random groups of Coalition players. Who beats who tends to depend on plot necessities and the numbers either side has at the time.

  • Double Play : Also has character in the Empire, but apparently stopped using it after it was refused entry in the Justice guild.
  • Recurring Extra

PK (Player Killer) Guild


Class : Elementalist (affiliated to fire)
Guild position : Nuker (team Amaras) / Guild Master (PK Guild)

Played by : Laure Mattei

Spokesperson for Roxxor guild and second in command in team Amaras.

Dark Avenger

Played by : Rodolphe Toucas

The most feared Player Killer of all Horizon. After getting accidently beaten by Sparadrap or having someone else keep him for doing him any harm sevral times, he has gotten convinvinced that his one-sided Friendly Enemy attitude is part of subtle strategy meant to destabalise his oppenents. As a consequence, he's half-way between fearing Sparadrap and considering him a Worthy Opponent.


Class : Mage

Played by : Xavier Picchi

Dark Avenger's student who stays loyal to him despite his cumulating mishaps and is frequently seen acting as an assisstant to other Coalition players. He has broken his microphone by the time Season 2 starts and uses the text chat fucntion to speak.

Gaea Worshipper's guild


Played by : Serwan Melk

Part of Gaea Worshipper's guild, who frequently shows up to protect her in early Season 4 after the introduction of a handful of members in late Season 3. Like the rest of the rest of his guild, he got convinced that Gaea was actually a spy for the Coalition after Season 3's events.


Class :Summoner
Guild position : Short-lived Guild Master

Played by : Gabrielle Jolivet

After a too big reputation deficit made her loose her Empire affiliation, she decided to join the guild and made the Coalition her new faction in the process. She however leaves soon after joining, upon discovering that Amaras has 100 000 credit tax on Coalition guilds and that her new subordinates aren't even capable of credit farming without her direct supervision.

  • Adrenaline Makeover: At the end of season 4 she get a dark armour complete with a scepter.Until that time she didn't have weapons and her early clothes were modest.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Sparadrap's brains, Golgotha's dedidcation to protect her, the early Noob guild's team spirit and little to non-existent sense of initiative sum up the bunch quite well.
  • Take a Third Option:Deconstructed. When given the choice between paying the tax Amaras has on Coalition guilds out of her own pocket as a Guild Master duty, having her incompetent suborbdinates come up with the money, or having her avatar locked up in a cell for not paying, she decides to leave the guild. It however soon turns out that leaving her guild just to escape her duties keeps her from ever joining another Coalition guild.

Other Coalition Players


Real life name : Definitely not something Chinese

Played by : Phanat Pak

The clearly asian gold famer from whom Level100!Arthéon bought credits before being banned and an old friend of Tenshirock, whose plans he somethimes has trouble understanding. When called a "chinese farmer" (litteral meaning of the French equivalent to "gold farmer"), he takes offense to the "chinese" part, because he isn't actually chinese.

  • Bare-Fisted Monk: With no weapon of his own, it's all he has if he actually needs to to fight.
  • Catch Phrase: "I am not chinese".
  • Dragon with an Agenda: "Closest thing Tenshirock has to a Dragon" would be more appropriate. His customer pool would be dratically reduced if any of Tenshirock's plans ever worked (while, in turn, the banishment of his customers by Game Masters serve Tenshirock's cause) and the fact that they're old friends seems to be the only reason they don't get in each other's way.
  • Real Money Trade


Relic Tracker's Guild

Master Zen

Class : Mage
Guild position : Nuker / Guild Master

Played by : Lionel Tagliavini

His part in Season 3's Wham! Episode events permitted him to be guaranteed that the Coalition would never bother his guild, permitting him to fully focus on his main objective : dragging the Noob guild down.

  • Black Mage
  • Caught on Tape: Gloating about his part in the Wham Episode events in front of Gaea isn't a good idea.
  • Circular Reasoning: Omega Zell once suggested he should have something better to do than bothering the Noob guild. His response was to point out that he was an escaped convinct, couldn't leave his (actually Nazetrimé's) place without risking being caught and hence needed something to keep him busy during the day. Trying to get the guild back was the reason he escaped from jail in the first place.
  • Hazy Feel Turn:Given that he was already plotting against the Noob guild in Season 2 (during which he was part of the Empire), the switch to the Order didn't change a single thing when it came to his intentions towards them. All it really did was give him the liberty to implement a plan that had an impact the whole Empire without being part of the collateral damage.


Class : Cartomancer

Played by : Floria Noel

A young woman who considers her Guild Master to be a genius. She owns the house in which Master Zen is currently hiding and seems to be helping out the guild because Stockholm syndrome.


Class : Druid
Guild position : Healer

Played by : Alexia Sireuille

A woman Master Zen met during his jail time, who escaped as the same time as him and knows a few tricks to keep his hair-trigger temper under control.

  • Only Sane Man: Backstory set aside, she seems to be the best adjusted member of the group.


Class : Warrior

Played by : Nicolas Curty

A Casanova Wannabe and Master Zen's former cellmate who took advantage of his escape tunnel to get out of jail himself who took a certain interest in Ivy. Has so far only appeared during the guild's introduction and in the third book.

  • Be Careful What You Say: Trying to pick up the series Gadgeteer Genius by telling her she must be a bomb in real life : Bad idea.
  • Casanova Wannabe: He goes up to asking Ivy if she has a webcam despite the fact that she's clearly not interested.

Other Order Players


Class : Necromancer of the Eternal

Played by : Patrice Blanc

Amaras's master who got in the mood to start playing again with the Order's introduction. Is currently letting his former student and Fantöm prepare for a battle during which he expects to fight and beat them both at the same time to show the world that he's still the best Horizon player.

  • Bald of Awesome
  • Enemy Mine : When Fantöm signlehandedly beat the Source of Chaos for the second time, he owed his survival to a recently added explosion only to Spectre's help. The explantation given was that he couldn't stand to se him fail so close to his goal. The third book reveals he was secretly filming Fantöm's progression to be able to show the public that he really is a good player and make his future victory agaisnt him even more spectacular.


Class : Druid

Played by : Laura Fondacci

Arthéon's girlfriend in Season 4. Little is known of her aside from the fact that she shares his interest in the game's background and his dream to discover a unique object. Sparadrap hates her for keeping Arthéon away from the guild.


Judge Dead

Real life name : Théodore

The Game Master who banned Arthéon's level 100 character and shows up whenever a Game Master request is made. Strictly by the book, he enjoys banning avatars that break the rules.

  • Black Cloak: The Grim Reaper style.
  • By-The-Book Cop: His judgement of player's actions is based on a simple dichotomy : whether they respect the game chart or not. It leads to hilarious situations such as letting Golgotha insult Master Zen because the name she calls him isn't a chart-recognized insult.


Played by : Pierre-André Grasseler

A hacker who wants to get people to stop playing MMORPG and go back to real life via multiple forms of in-game reality warping, but none of his plans have worked so far. The fact that Gaea would do anything for credits, the fact that Sparadrap gave him the idea for one of his plans and his frequent urge to punish Omega Zell for playing too long make him almost Friendly Enemies with the Noob guild. He's also an old friend of Ash's.

Charles-Antoine Donteuil

Played by : Fabien Pérès

Horizon's creator who's appeared a couple of times via an avatar not belonging to any faction.

  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: A downplayed version, given that he's hinted to have had people enhance Fantöm's avatar behind his back just to make Horizon sell better. Even subverted when it comes to covering up his part in it, as Judge Dead is the one to make the harsh decision of blaming everything on the Locked Out Of the Loop Fantöm.
  • Minor Major Character: The whole whole story is possible because of him. However, he only gets a couple of short (but important) scenes.


Note : This is still a page about the series. Book-only NPCs and those whose role in the story can not be known by people only watching the series have no reason to be mentionned here.


Played by : Stéphane Beretti

The guy who runs the shop, the tarvern, the trainning grounds and basically any business one can expect to find in a MMORPG.

Bartémulius and Nostariat

Played by : Philippe Cardona (Batémulius) and Florence Torta (Nostariat)

A pair of arrogant alchemists that frequently need ingredients for whatever they're preparing to be found for them or protection from some kind of danger.


Played by : Carmen N'Guyen

The Phoenix of fire who is looking for the escaped Source of Chaos and the Quest Giver that the Noob guild helps out during the first part of Season 4.


A technology-created experiment who escaped Centralis during the energy strain caused by the Empire-Coalition war of Season 3 finale. He now seems to be pursuing an obscure plan, that is known to involve killing off a quite powerful NPC and setting the being that was the Horizon 1.0 ultimate boss free.

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