Night of the Demons
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An invitation you can't refuse.
The Night of the Demons franchise is series of four horror movies originating from The Eighties.
Released in 1987, the original movie features a group of teens having a halloween party in the abandoned funeral parlor. Soon enough, demons within the house are awakened after a séance gone horribly wrong and they start possessing the party-goers one by one.
The film got two sequels in the nineties, latter being a Direct to Video release. A remake was completed in 2009 and was released in September 2010.
Not to be confused with the 1957 Jacques Tourneur film, Night of the Demon, or the 1980 Video Nasty of the same name.
Still here? Great, the party has just started!
- All Hallow's Eve: The events in all four films happen during Halloween.
- Alpha Bitch: Shirley in the first sequel.
- ...And Show It to You
- Animated Credits Opening: In the first film.
- Asshole Victim
- Attempted Rape
- Auto Erotica: Kurt likes to show his van to the ladies in the first sequel.
- Axe Before Entering
- Backstory
- Badass: Sister Gloria in the first sequel.
- Ballroom Blitz
- Batter Up: Z-Boy in the first sequel carries around a spiked bat.
- Beat Still My Heart: Dewhurst's death in Night of the Demons 3.
- Black Dude Dies First: Averted with Roger, who survives the entire first film.
- Becoming the Mask: Angela fuses Orson with his devil mask in the second sequel.
- Black Eyes of Evil: Angela has them on the first sequel's opening.
- Black Magic: Perry in the first sequel is studying it.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Vince in the second sequel.
- Blood Bath: One of the possessed turns out to be hiding in a seemingly bottomless bathtub of blood in the remake.
- Blood From the Mouth
- Body Horror: Suzanne inserts her entire tube of lipstick into her nipple in the first movie. Spoilered for the feint of heart.
- Breast Attack: A skin ripping variation in the remake.
- Car Fu: Possessed Orson kills Reggie with it in the second sequel.
- Catgirl: Abby in the third movie is dressed as one. Later on, Angela turns her into a literal one.
- Suzanne and Lily in the remake.
- Catholic School Girls Rule: First sequel.
- Closed Circle
- Clothing Damage: Maddie in the remake. In the end, she's left with a white tank top, a tattered jacket and equally ruined tight jeans and fishnets.
- Conspicuous CG: The lipstick snake at the end of the second movie.
- The opening of the third. Goes from sorta cool to full blown Narm due how they just keep showing the same footage over and over again as the opening credits are going.
- Coitus Ensues: The demon orgy in the remake.
- Coitus Uninterruptus: In the remake, Colin's "boss" is getting head during the entirety of their meeting.
- Creepy Basement
- Cue the Sun: Evils of the Hull House stop at the break of dawn.
- Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: In the remake, Angela, like Sergeant Hartman, enjoys threatening gouged out eye socket fucking.
- Death by Sex
- Decoy Protagonist: Abby in the third movie.
- Colin in the remake.
- Demonic Possession
- Depraved Bisexual: Angela, oh so much.
- Developing Doomed Characters
- Distracted by the Sexy: Angela and Suzanne steal goodies from a grocery store by distracting the clerks with the bended over Suzanne's arse in the original film.
- Dramatic Gun Cock
- Dramatic Thunder: Used in the first film's opening.
- Driven to Suicide: Melissa's and Angela's parents before the events of the first sequel.
- Unintentional demon summoner Evangeline Broussard in the remake.
- Evil Costume Switch: Abby, after being possessed, in the third film.
- Evil Hand
- Evil Laugh
- Evil Is Deathly Cold
- Evil Sounds Deep
- The Eyes Have It: Living statues are also present in the Hull House.
- Eyes of Gold
- Eye Scream: Possessed people sport these on their Game Faces.
- Fan Service
- Femme Fatalons: Possessed Abby in the third movie has them.
- Fight Scene: Brief fight breaks out between Vince and Nick in the third movie.
- Fingerless Gloves: Z-Boy in the first sequel has them.
- Flipping the Bird
- Glasses Girl: Abby in the third movie.
- Groin Attack
- Grumpy Old Man: The nameless old man in the original film.
- Guns Do Not Work That Way: When Angela is seducing Orson in the third movie, he asks her if she could suck a golfball through a garden hose. She then takes his revolver and sucks the bullets out of it.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In the remake, Evangeline Broussard hung herself to stop the demons from possessing her, both as a way to atone for the fact that she fell for their lies and because they needed to possess seven people on Halloween to be let free and create havoc.
- Holy Hand Grenade: Waterpistols and balloons filled with holy water are put to good use in the first sequel.
- Horny Devils: Angela possesses Z-Boy in the first sequel by raping him.
- Horror Doesn't Settle for Simple Tuesday
- Human Sacrifice: Angel attempts to use her sister Melissa as one in the first sequel.
- Immune to Bullets
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Impending Doom POV
- Karmic Death
- Kiss of Death: Angela impales Orson through the mouth with her tongue during a kiss in the third film.
- Knife Nut
- Les Yay: Angela really likes to possess women by kissing them.
- Let's Split Up, Gang!
- Lingerie Scene
- Lock and Load Montage
- Lockdown
- Losing Your Head: Terry finds a talking severed head inside a toilet seat in the first sequel. Later the decapitated Kurt appears to play basketball with his head.
- Male Gaze
- Man On Fire
- Mirror Scare
- Modesty Bedsheet
- Moe Greene Special: Vince's death in III.
- Neck Snap
- Nerd Glasses: Perry in the first sequel wears them.
- Never Recycle a Building
- Nightmare Dreams
- Now or Never Kiss
- Numbered Sequels
- Of Corsets Sexy: Part of Lily and Suzanne's Catgirl costumes in the remake.
- Off with His Head
- Orifice Invasion
- Perky Goth: Angela.
- Pig Man: Stooge in the first movie is dressed as one.
- Pirate: Rodger is dressed as one in the original film.
- Pistol-Whipping
- Protective Charm: In the remake, when the demons were released in 1925, a maid managed to protect herself by painting runes and such on the walls of her room, repelling the demons. Decades later, the spells are still active, so the demons are forced to use Loophole Abuse and tricks (screw with all the timepieces in the house and make it look like its daylight out, for example) to try and get to the protagonists.
- Pungeon Master: Angela.
- Reading Your Rights
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: On the demons.
- Retirony: Lieutenant Dewhurst in the third film.
- Scaled Up: Angela turns herself into a giant snake in the climax of first sequel.
- Screaming Woman
- Shirtless Scene
- Shrinking Violet: Melissa in the first sequel.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Maddie to Angela in the remake, right before slamming a door in her face.
- Slashed Throat
- Soundtrack Dissonance: Angela doing a sexy dance to the soothing tunes of Death Metal in the second movie.
- Stocking Filler: Worn by pretty much every female character in the remake. It even turns out Maddie has them on when her pants get ripped.
- Stock Footage
- Super Window Jump
- Tears of Blood
- Tear Your Face Off: Angela rips a girl's face off with her bare teeth in the remake. When the victim returns as a demon, she's still faceless.
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch
- Urban Legends: The unnamed old man attempts to kill trick or treating kids with razorblades inside apples.
- Vertigo Effect
- Villain Based Franchise
- Virgin Power: Virgins provide excellent sacrifices.
- The Virus: The possessed can turn other people into such by kissing them and using other personal space invading techniques.
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot
- Window Pain: Sal gets punched through a window in the original film.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Rusty iron in the remake.
- The X of Y
- Yo Momma: Reggie cracks couple of these jokes in the early moments of the third movie.
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