Trope Name Injokes
"Quote from a particularly noteworthy example of the trope."—Attribution
"One more quote than is allowed"—Someone who doesn't know about Category:Quotes or italics.
Elaborate introductory example or reasoning behind the trope, ending in Trope Name.
Plain, simple, and brief explanation of the trope. Common features of said trope.
Pros, cons, and/or implications of the trope.
Discussion of how the trope relates to anime or manga, even if it doesn't.
How old the trope is. How seriously or not the trope is taken nowadays.
Shoehorned reminder that Tropes Are Tools, so no Justifying Edits or Square Peg Round Tropery please.
Origin of Trope Name. References to other, relevant tropes. Justification of reason trope was split from older, less well-written trope.
See also related tropes. Compare similar tropes. Contrast conflicting tropes.
Mild warning that this trope is not to be confused with similarly named trope.
Mild warning that this trope is not to be confused with some trope with similar words in the title, Just for Pun.
Suggestion to post complaints on the Dethroning Moment of Suck page.
Now-obsolete mention of a Troper Tales page.
Reminder to keep Natter off the main page with obligatory link to the Discussion page.
- Example at the top by a new troper who doesn't know to always put new examples at the bottom.
- Example at the very top because someone is a Parabomber...I mean, example at the top because it's the Trope Namer.
- Example at the top because it's the Trope Namer. No other explanation.
- Example near the top that used to be the Trope Namer, but now is just confusing because the trope name was changed.
- Example. Full Stop.
- Example. (And how!)
- But it actually isn't!
- Utterly unironic sub-bulleted condemnation of Justifying Edits. Hypocritical reminder to Repair, Don't Respond.
- But it actually isn't!
- Example from an obscure work at or near the top only because it was a favorite of the Trope Launcher.
- Equally obscure example at or near the top because the three-hundredth edit was made by someone who either doesn't know the rules or feels that this example is way better than the ones below.
- Chronologically-confusing entry that refers to entries further down the page but got moved to the top thanks to someone alphabetizing all the entries but not re-writing them to fit.
- Example from a classic which allows an editor to declare it one of The Oldest Ones in the Book.
- Surprise trope example from mythology, indicating that this trope is Older Than Dirt.
- Example declared to be the Ur Example, even though likely not one.
- Example from a Shakespeare play which prompts The Zeroth Law of Trope Examples to be mentioned.
- Mention of said law. Accidently Redlinked By Mispelling.
- Shoehorned reference to Trope Overdosed: The Series.
- Example without any explanation.
- Example that has nothing to do with the trope, but is related to the title of the trope; which the original Troper chose to be clever.
- Example.
- Example that was closer to the top due to an overeager Entry Pimper, but was pushed downward by more of the same.
- Example after example about Obscure Anime That Was Never Released Outside Japan.
- Example that will be repeated further down the page by an overeager fan of the series.
- Two words: Incomprehensible example.
- Three and a half pages of Anime examples that you just scroll right on by because you've never heard of any of them.
- Example. Just...Example.
- Example from a work of which you've never heard, three-quarters of which is shrouded in spoilers that everyone will just look at anyway, because they either have already seen it or aren't ever going to see it, making the spoilers useless, but which, since you don't understand the character relationships, will be meaningless to you anyway.
- Example of an aversion that seems completely unnecessary and adds nothing of substance to the entry.
- Expect the aversion to be an awkward attempt to work in a reference to Overdosed: The Series
- Example from Redlinked Show Of Which You Have Heard.
- Example of Lampshade Hanging, subversion, and/or Deconstruction from a Discworld book.
- Example from another Discworld book that has more to actually do with this trope than above example does.
- Example from yet another Discworld book that has more to do with one of the previous Discworld examples than it actually does this trope.
- Example of Lampshade Hanging, subversion, and/or Deconstruction from Order of the Stick.
- A lone Real Life example erroneously declared as Truth in Television which we are not making up.
- Example that this editor is shocked, surprised, or astounded hasn't been mentioned yet. You've probably never heard of it.
- Example from a recent arc of a webcomic that's been around for 8 years doing five updates a week, so the archive is huge, and since the example is so far up the page it's long ago fallen off the edit page, so there's no way to tell when "recent" was.
- Example that begins with "This is not actually an example, but..."
- Examples from four more Trope Overdosed series.
- Professional Wrestling example.
- Repeated example from earlier on the list.
- Example from Trope Overdosed: The Series.
- Comment that the series in question does not exist, despite the fact that no one cares what the writer thinks.
- Example from Avatar: The Last Airbender, with mention of how it happened in a manner that was awesome.
- Another example from Trope Overdosed: The Series, indented, and perhaps directly addressing the last one, but separated from it because some other Troper added an example in between for whatever reason.
- Example from Avatar: The Last Airbender, with mention of how the ending was an Ass Pull.
- Example that dates back before what was originally thought to be the Ur Example, making this trope Older Than They Think.
- Example from a Sci-Fi series/film in which the trope is part of an especially creepy case of Human Resources.
- Example from Neon Genesis Evangelion or Metal Gear Solid 2 with an obligatory Pot Holed reference to either Gainax Ending or Mind Screw.
- Angry addition pointing out that it was either Justified or Deconstructed in this instance, added by an angry Fan Boy who does not realize that Tropes Are Not Bad.
- Poorly marked spoiler, which you will assume is for MGS2's ending, but in fact spoils MGS4.
- Unmarked spoiler for End Of Evangelion or Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
- Example from an Evangelion / Metal Gear Solid Crossover Slash Fic that you would much rather have not known about.
- Example involving character you would never suspect, the Big Bad in a particular Story Arc of a very popular show.
- Example that doesn't belong on this page at all but has avoided deletion for a few months because the editor buried it in the middle of the article.
- Actually, that's a case of Some Other Trope, since That Character is actually The Dragon and not just another Elite Mook.
- Actually is an example of the first line because an above line remembered or interpreted something wrong (maybe even this line).
- Actually, that's a case of Some Other Trope, since That Character is actually The Dragon and not just another Elite Mook.
- Obscure example from an editor with a photographic memory.
- Pot Hole'd Take That.
- Three sips! Pot Hole'd Take That optional.
- Example festooned with seemingly random and unnecessary pot holes, just because the troper is trying to be cute.
- Example, followed by several
- Example that once contained natter and gratuitous justification, but which a troper has refactored to flow more smoothly.
- A single remaining bullet of natter that ends up having been condensed from three or more bullets.
- This trope is somebody's sexual fetish. The troper cataloging this fact will probably reveal more about themself than you needed to know.
- Reminder that not everyone agrees with the previous troper. Squick.
- Four more examples from a single Trope Overdosed series.
- Four more examples from a single Trope Overdosed series.
- Four more examples from a single Trope Overdosed series.
- Four more examples from a single Trope Overdosed series.
- One more example from the same Trope Overdosed series that's not bulleted correctly.
- Example from Super Robot Wars
- Yet another example from the Trope Overdosed series that's here because the person who added the above example wasn't really paying attention to what he was doing.
- Strange example from a well-known and highly-praised series that is a triple... no, quadruple... wait, no. A quintuple subversion.
- An obscure example from a series that is either aimed at a very young demographic, or is so bad that it's either good or horrible, and may be a guilty pleasure of many people.
- Example that is fairly straightforward yet contains a gratuitous This Troper.
- An example in which the trope is subverted, played straight, averted and inverted in the span of a single episode. No further details are given.
Bad example that should have been removed, but was struck out instead. Looks silly since strike was removed.- Example that probably uses [[[Idiot Ball]] bad coding]] by accident.'
- ...which will prompt a perfectionist troper to edit the page just to fix the coding error.
- Horrifying example from a piece of Fan Fiction.
- Example from Redlinked Show You Have Never Heard Of, but the title of which prompts you to look it up on Google or The Other Wiki.
- Example that is a repeat of a previous example.
- Example written with enough excessive detail to render it unintelligible to anyone who has not actually seen the show.
- Example of mocking the trope in a Series: The Abridged Series.
- Example that just creeps you the fudge out.
- Example of Nightmare Fuel, but mislabeled as the other one.
- Real Life example: This Troper's personal testimony. (it will later be deleted, restored with a Justifying Edit, and it's a good thing we dumped Troper Tales because it would have wound up there.)
- Inevitable music example from an artist you either hate or have never heard of.
- Rather spurious example from Real Life, revealing the editor's ideological bias and bordering on Troll material.
- Attempt to delete/rectify above, which gets restored multiple times as ideological bias matches community preferences.
- Above example deleted.
- Attempt to delete/rectify above, which gets restored multiple times as ideological bias matches community preferences.
- example that has no capitalization or punctuation because the person who wrote it didnt realize that tv tropes isnt a chatroom
- Example that steps on a fanboys' toes.
- Justified because.
- Obligatory statement of Your Mileage May Vary.
- Justified because.
- Example from earlier on the page that I'm repeating because I'm an overeager fan.
- Repeated example from earlier on the list.
- Example from some redlinked anime called Nipponisu no Serizu Neemu Disupeto Puresenssu wa Taituru no Ingurisu, the title of which you can't make heads or tails of because you don't know Japanese, peppered with mentions of seemingly every single Anime Fan Speak trope for added confusion.
- Complaint that you can't make head or tails of the above because you don't know Japanese.
- Natter about how it's Romaji, not actual Japanese.
- Complaint that you can't make head or tails of the above because you don't know Japanese.
- An example from a series with an Entry Pimp, allowing you to know who added it without even looking at the history.
- Perfectly normal example with a random word potholed for some reason.
- Example that leaves out article but has otherwise perfect grammar.
- An example that is already on the page but uses somewhat different writing.
- Spoiler covered example from a series you've been following that lacks the volume or episode it appears in, leading you to believe that you've passed this spoiler and that you should know this already. You haven't, and so you've been spoiled! Curse you, TV Tropes!
- 陰茎の例日本語。(see The First Law of Trope Examples).
- Translation of the above from a bilingual troper who thinks too highly of himself.
- A guess from an English-speaker who thinks that his idea makes more sense, especially since "Insert Japanese text here" is probably what that says. That makes sense.
- An alternate translation from someone who thinks that his idea makes more sense than either of the other two.
- Several lines of argument over which theory is best.
- Suggestion to use Babelfish.
- "In the case of Japan is written."
- Complaint about lack of common sense in interpreting translations.
- "Example written in Japanese"
- Example from Paul Robinson claiming that the trope is represented in his non-existent novel Instrument of God.
Two-kilobyte block of text alleged to be a quote from Instrument of God which doesn't really seem to have any particular relevance to the trope, or, really, anything else for that matter.
- Far-reaching example from This Troper's favorite Trope Overdosed series. It's not really relevant but you'll leave it because someone else will just add it again.
- A particularly Egregious example.
- Redirect to All the Tropes Wiki Drinking Game.
- Rare example from a particular medium, not to be confused with the dozen other examples from that medium.
- An example which bugs you because you wanted to be the one to add it.
- Not really relevant run-on sentence added after the original example so that you can still claim you helped put up the example.
- You're not kidding.
- Example of this trope being used to allegedly bad effect in Series.
- Reminder that Your Mileage May Vary from fan of Series. Inappropriate use of first person insisting that I thought it was used pretty well.
- Slightly reworded repetition of an example that already appears earlier in the page.
- Vague example that doesn't mention the show it came from or what happened due to something about a poor memory or something.
- Example on the same series, on the other hand...
- Example with only one word spoilered out, making it glaringly obvious even without highlighting that character in question dies.
- Robin Williams example, probably added by Lurkerbunny.
- Example with such bizarre spoiler tags that you have to reveal, just because you can't figure out what's going on.
- Example being edited twenty times in the history, because the editor couldn't remember the correct potholing method, and couldn't preview it before sending. Obviously said example is from before the update that added a preview function.
- Example with no space between the source text and the asterisk, which tends to look really weird when editing the page.
- Fan Fiction example of this trope, supposedly not one written by the editor writing this example.
- Incomplete example that was
- Example that was repeatedly deleted and then re-added, with whole paragraph arguments in the reasons for editing.
accidentally split in half by another editor.
- An example that already appears earlier in the page, but with slightly different words.
- Until the earlier example is deleted because the two versions were added by the same troper.
- Completely mundane example, but the person who added it insists that he isn't making it up.
- Example that was sorted into the wrong medium.
- Example from Warhammer 40,000, with shoehorned reminder of that game's Black and Grey Morality and/or World Half Empty, probably describing the Imperium at length, and ending with "And they're the good guys."
- Example, combining this with Rape The Dog, Nightmare Fuel, or some other trope whose name we had to change.
make matters worse, a third editor went on to delete the first half, leaving you with no clue what it's about unless by some chance it happens to look familiar to you.
- Example that is used in the picture above and will be given noted as being pictued above with parantheses. (pictured above)
- Example that used to be pictured above and is noted as such, but the picture is no longer present, so now everyone is confused.
- Example from the show that gives the page quote.
- Example that cryptically references the previous page quote that nobody bothered to fix.
- Example of a subversion. Really, it's a subversion, I swear. They made this one little change so OHMIGOD SUBVERTED.
- Example of an aversion that's actually an inversion.
- Example of an inversion that's actually a double subversion.
- Argument pointing out that previous example is a double subversion and not an inversion.
- Statement expounding on the notion that inversions are a type of subversion.
- Example of a double subversion that doesn't even belong on this page.
- Example of an aversion that's actually a totally straight example of the trope.
- Example of a subversion that actually is a subversion. Probably the first you've seen all day.
- Not exactly an example of Trope Name Injokes, but it's so funny I have to tell you all about the time in Trope Overdosed where (insert description of either A} the trope being played perfectly straight or B} something completely unrelated) and it was so funny that I forgot we had Examples Searching for a Trope where these things really ought to go.
- Repeated example from earlier on the list.
- Example from a show you don't watch and may have never heard of, written so worshipfully that you get Hype Aversion from a single sentence fragment.
- Example that really should be spoilered, and in fact is spoilered on other pages of the wiki, just not here. Really, You Should Know This Already.
- Reference to a Trope Overdosed work, with notation that the reference is obligatory.
- Despite a previous reference to the same work.
- Example that this editor is shocked, surprised, or astounded hasn't been mentioned yet, even though it has.
- Example added by a [completely clueless dork|new contributor] who doesn't understand that PMWiki doesn't use [ThatOtherWiki|MediaWiki] markup coding, thinks double curly brackets or asterisks code for italics, and doesn't bother to look at any adjacent examples to see how they're coded.
- Example which, by some fluke of nature, and bizarre linguistic ability/inability by That Troper which leads to an example which goes into unnecessary and intricate details as to just how the example is indeed example, and details everything in such great volume that they might just as well quoted the actual trope example from the series in question leading to entire lengths of the page taken up with just one very long example, an example that usually so long because it's only vaguely related to the trope that it's reputedly about, and the length of the example is a roundabout way of justifying it as an example.
- Snarky example from Snark Bait: The Series that would be heavily edited if it weren't for the fact that most tropers agree.
- Finally, example which does not fit in at all!
- Unnecessary explanation explaining why.
- Natter making fun of the above for Completely Missing the Point.
- An actual example from the same work.
- Example added after an example marked as "Finally" (but that wasn't edited to take the word "finally" out), thus making the finally a lie.
- The obligatory, out of place, Portal reference, due to the previous post mentioning either cake or lie.
- Example that features a spoiler for some irrelevant detail that everyone... EVERYONE... knows about because Entertainment Tonight, People, Variety, and the six o'clock evening news have been blaring about for months.
- Example that features entire lines of spoiler-covered text, despite the fact that the media being "spoiled" are decades if not centuries old, and thus qualify as things that you already knew.
- Example involving Alice Q. Girl with only her name and the gendered pronouns spoilered out so you already know that whoever this is about, she is female.
- Similar example from the same show, this time involving Bob X. Guy, with only his name spoilered out and none of the pronouns.
- Similar example from same show, this time involving Alice Q. Girl, with gender-neutral use of pronouns to obscure what they did.
- Declaration that Character You've Never Heard Of, from Series, is the absolute embodiment of this trope. In fact, they're the Ur Example, even though the series is only a year old.
- Example stated to be the Ur Example of this trope by someone who only knows what an ur Example is by reading other examples that used the phrase instead of reading the actual page on Ur Example, and hence used it for a series that is only a year old.
- Old example for a show which has since added context and backstory which render the example hopelessly outdated.
- Explanatory addendum which brings things back up to date, instead of just editing or removing the original example.
- Example containing a superfluous redlink because it contains a name like Mc Troper which hasn't been formatted correctly.
- Example in which troper [[spoiler:forgot to add an ending "]" leading to various tropers reading said spoiler by mistake.]
- Example in which troper failed to realize that improper capitalization screws up the markup leading to various tropers reading said spoiler.
- Example covered in spoiler tags from a series that you're not up to date yet, yet you read the spoilers anyway because you just...can' yourself...dangit!
- If Example is Anime, Manga, or other non-English media, you read even more spoilers because you are up to date... on the English releases. The next spoilers are from not-yet-officially-translated-but-available-online-anyways sections of the series. You kick yourself for forgetting those and rant to yourself about people breaking the law and ruining the surprise as a result even though you probably did that at one point yourself. ...dangit more!!
- If Example is Anime, Manga, or other non-English media, you read even more spoilers because you are up to date... on the Fan Subbed Anime. The next spoilers are from Manga Fan Translations. You kick yourself for forgetting those and rant to yourself about people breaking the law and ruining the surprise as a result even though you probably did that at one point yourself. ...dangit yet again!!!
- If Example is Anime, Manga, or other non-English media, you read even more spoilers because you are up to date... on the English releases. The next spoilers are from not-yet-officially-translated-but-available-online-anyways sections of the series. You kick yourself for forgetting those and rant to yourself about people breaking the law and ruining the surprise as a result even though you probably did that at one point yourself. ...dangit more!!
- An entry that is entirely spoiler tagged, presumably because even knowing the series is an example of this trope is a spoiler, but making it so that anybody has to highlight it just to see what series they're talking about, ruining any use of the spoiler tag in the first place.
- Perfectly sensible example that helps the reader understand the trope better and is enlightened for it.
- And usually much less verbose than that.
- Meta-example that needs a Wikipedia-URL to explain in full.
- Example that doesn't need one, but gets one anyway.
- Example that contains the words "also" or "similar to the above/below" despite the referred-to examples being deleted or moved, making it look very weird.
- Example that looks weird because someone with a vendetta against removed the Pothole or Wiki Word without bothering to fix the rest of the sentence.
- Poorly explained pothole to a Youtube video which no longer exists.
- Link to a picture or comic page which illustrates the trope.
- Link to a picture or comic page which supposedly illustrates the trope perfectly, except that the link leads to an error page since the image has long since been removed.
- Example that's clearly trying to promote something the troper made with no explanation.
- Also, the troper loves replying to this sort of example, but usually forgets where it was on the page because he's so busy reading the other examples. So he puts it on the bottom, including an explanation of why it's there and rarely even remembering what he was going to reply about.
- A paragraph that starts with "YMMV".
- Example that gets no particularly strong emotional reaction from you, the reader, but is nonetheless Pot Holed to one of the various Subjective Tropes. Maybe you had to be there.
- Example that potholes the series name in the character name so it can't be searched for on the page and will be repeated further down at some point.
- Example that is already somewhere on this page, but put here anyway.
- Two Words: Next Trope
- Natter about how this trope needs to be explained.
- Example Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch.
- Example marking the point where editors just stopped sorting their examples in alphabetical order, resulting in alphabetized examples above, and a random mess of repeated examples below.
- Suzumiya Haruhi example.
- Not to mention another example in that series.
- Example involving a Monty Python's Flying Circus sketch.
- Natter referential joke!
- Obscure joke reference!
- More joke references.
- Natter referential joke!
- Example saying Character Name embodies this trope, without any mention of what work provides us with Character Name. Not even a pot hole.
- Obligatory Firefly reference.
- Obligatory example from a Star Trek series/movie/book/videogame.
- Ten
- more
- examples
- from
- totally
- different
- Star Trek
- series/movies/books/videogames
- Obligatory Doctor Who example.
- Example that is pot holed right back the this page.
- Trope Name Injokes is a pretty good description of the plot to Series.
- One word: Example. Many, many more words. In fact, an entire paragraph of words describing that example, but still incomprehensible unless you're familiar with the source, probably describing how cool This Troper thinks the source is and how great an example it allegedly is.
- Example from something with a Broken Base, written in a highly diplomatic and value-neutral way, using phrases like "this upset some of the fans". This example probably replaced several paragraphs worth of argument from opposite sides of the schism, possibly between the same two people.
- Follow up post by someone who didn't get the memo, continuing the argument by saying how much that usage of the trope sucked.
- Rebuttal from someone else who didn't get the memo, responding to the above, which eventually gets the page locked.
- Follow up post by someone who didn't get the memo, continuing the argument by saying how much that usage of the trope sucked.
- Example from the original version of a classic horror film, written in such a way as to instantly differentiate itself from the poorly-received Remake or myriad disappointing sequels.
- Example from a series you don't watch and has never particularly interested you, but - from this example, at least - actually sounds kind of clever. Perhaps the series is worth checking out?
- In Series, this trope is used in such a spoileriffic fashion that only the show name has escaped spoiler tags. Despite this caution, the show's mere presence on this page is enough to clue people in.
- An example which goes on for ten lines of text completely hidden, including the title, just talking about how much Series is an example, exactly what happened, with ALSO randomly popping up in all caps, no periods (linked to the wrong page) Tons Of Red Text and links that, when you highlight the "example," you accidentally get sent to some random page. At the very end, there are only two words to clue you in on how an entire paragraph could somehow be an extremely long winded example.
- ExamplesWithoutSpaces because someone tried to link them using both the brackets and a Wiki Word.
- Obligatory Twilight example, noting how it was either 'done badly', or 'particularly glaring'.
- Remark that it becomes even worse if you consider the Unfortunate Implications this carries.
- [[ Bizarre and inexplicable case of empty double brackets ]], caused by the deletion of the article I Am Not Making This Up which led to the phrase just outright being deleted in every instance that it appeared in the wiki, leading to a lot of broken pot holes. Seriously.
- Example that causes you to lose The Game.
- Example with no explanation.
- Elaboration that should have been edited to the original example.
- Example of a trope usage which is somewhat subverted, in a way.
- Example that is actually wrong.
- Response explaining that the example is wrong without actually bothering to correct the example itself.
- Misguided effort to justify the wrong example.
- Response explaining that the example is wrong without actually bothering to correct the example itself.
- Repeated example from earlier on the list.
- Don't forget to edit the comments from the YKTTW into a reasonable example format instead of just blindly copying and pasting them.
- Repeated example from earlier on the list.
- Questionable example from This Troper's life which really should be on the Troper Tales page.
- Example that has no relation to the example on the page for the work.
- Example with an explanation that contradicts the explanation on the page for the work.
- and you cantf ogret the axmaples that seekm tp have been typed wotja bliandfold on> [1]
- Very long example that goes on for a long, long, long time, with only two sentence breaks, setting up essentially the entire plot of a long-running series, for no apparent reason, becoming redundant at some point, but also just rambling on and on. It gives you the impression that somebody is just talking and talking in one long, incredibly unbroken sentence, moving from topic to topic, so that nobody has a chance to interrupt, working in at least one (overused and not all that funny) meme along the way which you wish the writer would of left out, drawing gradually closer to having something resembling a point, perhaps with something in spoiler tags, perhaps not, becoming redundant at some point, but also just rambling on and on, and finally actually describing how this is an example, which is kind of a letdown. Then there's a followup about This Troper's very strong feelings on the matter which you don't really care about, and something about Ho Yay or Crowning Moment of Awesome, and because this ridiculous example is so long, everyone just kind of skims it and never notices the grammatical error in the middle.
- Obligatory Johan reference.
- Firm assertion that Johan is this trope.
- Example that Candle Jack kidna
- An argument about the propriety of using a meme on a trope page.
- Light-hearted self-deprecating meta example.
- Reference to a show (i.e. Firefly) entered at the bottom because the editor has only read the page description, and not bothered to look to see if an entry of that show is already there. 87% chance of being the exact same example just worded differently.
Example that the contributor forgot to bullet
- Normal example.
- Example the contributor stuck between another example and its elaboration.
- Elaboration of normal example.
- Another example written as if it were a further elaboration.
- A further indent that probably exceeds the limit of indention.
- Another example written as if it were a further elaboration.
- Elaboration of normal example.
- Example that you won't even read because by this point the entry has gotten too long and boring, and the initial appeal has become overplayed.
- Poorly explained example that really doesn't make too much sense, but refers to something that is technically an example but has probably been mentioned before, and should probably be deleted.
- "Obligatory" example from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
- Example from a popular Web Comic you should read but don't because it is absurdly long and you don't want to go on an Archive Binge, including several references to how amazing the web comic is.
- Otherwise unremarkable example with incredibly rude edit reason.
- Example that is not an example.
- Response that points out that the above example is not an example.
- Further response that suggests it may be an example of Next Trope.
- Response that points out that the above example is not an example.
- Example that, for some reason, potholes back to this same page.
- Example that, for some reason, italicizes a Wiki Word that isn't a title.
- Example that, for some reason, put a Wiki Word in brackets, resulting in a bracketed number instead of the simple link the editor intended.
- Particularly well-written and informative example that will never be read because it's too far down on the page.
- Example that's irrelevant, yet witty.
Random Character: Witty remark.
- Example from a show with a relevant quote:
Character: Quote which makes total sense.
- Second example from same show that's in small type because of erroneous formatting.
- Example that's so bland it hardly needs supporting explanation.
- An aversion so indistinct from a long list of examples that it would get overlooked even if said examples were on the contrasting trope's page where they belong, and probably are.
- Bonus Points for an example that awards points to itself for being relevant.
- Example. Just example.
- Example about a work that doesn't have a page and potholes to a relevant trope instead. You will middle-click the work name and, when you get to the trope page, wonder where it came from.
- Example from an episode of a TV show which just aired, even though there is already an entry for the same series up above.
- Example from a Web Comic so obscure that you get the feeling that it was added by the comic's author.
- (Example put in parentheses for no real reason other than that's just how the particular troper makes all of their entries, even if no one else on the page is doing it.)
- Reproach by a troper who would rather argue than fix the formatting of said example.
- Example, natch.
- Example: duh
- Example of the time Family Guy, South Park or The Simpsons parodied the trope.
- Example from My Immortal with Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way that mocks the author's Rouge Angles of Satin.
- The same example from an episode of a TV show which just ared, even though there are already an entry for the same seres up above AND the new exmaple already exits if the editor were to move his eyeballs by three inches. Usually full of spoiler tags and spelling erors because the editor was trying to be the first person to post the example.
- Example which states that Character 1 is an example, but Character 2 and Character 3 also qualify.
- Example that is also an example of Next Trope and also appears on that page, copied word-for-word.
- Example that looks weird because someone changed I to I without fixing the sentence's voice, which I thinks is not only lazy but Completely Missing the Point.
- Example that is well thought out, entirely valid, and correctly cites evidence supporting it from both the episode in question and Word of God, that will be deleted outright with a snarky comment in the edit reasons because This Troper appears somewhere in it rather than simply being edited to fix.
- Example that is unnecessary, but just had to be included by one particular troper because they figured out how to work IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS! into it, which apparently justifies it being irrelevant.
- I'm not sure if this really counts, but something that may or may not be an example of the trope.
- An example of a rare, unusual variation of this trope that fits.
- Example made by a contributor that doesn't know how to properly pothole single-word articles and uses the external link markup instead.
- Example made by a contributor similar to the above that also doesn't understand single-word links and threw in a random capital letter instead.
- Example made by a completely clueless contributor that uses the external link markup for a simple pothole despite proper examples of said formatting being all over the source code, easily visible to any editor.
- WHAT? How the heck did we get this far without citing example?! Example practically IS this trope.
- Example that is repeating a previous example, but deleted the first one.
- Arguably, an arguable example.
- My Favorite Show is the undisputed king of having this trope in spades, 'nuff said, full stop.
- Example that deliberately does things that make you drink and ends with "Now drink up!".
- Example with minor historical inaccuracies.
- A scathing explanation of why this is wrong!
- condesending blather about how this topic isn't morally or philosophically important enough to deserve accuracy, implying that the above editor is a bad person for correcting someone
- Comment from person who corrected other person's spelling but left the origional mistake in place
- Reply to the effect that "original" isn't spelled like that either.
- Sarcastic reply that is potholed to Completely Missing the Point.
- A scathing explanation of why this is wrong!
- Non-example added by someone who clearly didn't read the trope description and is just guessing based on the name.
- Example from The Simpsons pointing out that they did it, unaware of the actual purpose of that trope.
- Example awkwardly referencing a Renamed Tropes because someone was too lazy to reword it.
- I can't believe nobody's mentioned the example from earlier on the page!
- Long Runner, referenced by name only with absolutely no context.
- Example from a webcomic that was updated earlier today or an episode that just aired which you wanted to add as well. Making you wonder what other people do with their lives.
- Obligatory reference that Tropes Will Ruin Your Life.
- Trope Name is a Time Lord, and TV Tropes is its TARDIS.
- An example where the editor, instead of using a Wiki Word, just put the words in curly brackets for some reason.
- An example where a Wiki Word is potholed to itself.
- An otherwise-unnoteworthy example.[2]
- An example With random Capital letterS.
- An example that is more Wild Mass Guessing than anything else.
- An example that was previously listed, but which someone added to the end because they were too lazy to check the list of examples.
- "This example is a quote which doesn't mention the series it comes from and just Pot Holes it instead."
- My Favorite Show has this. It really has this. I'm going to waste so much text telling you that it has this before getting to the example. (it has this.)
- Example, of course.
- My Favorite Show has a lot of examples of this:
- Example.
- Example.
- Subversion.
- Subversion.
- Aversion. (then why mention it?)
- Inversion.
- Example that is still part of the above list, but is a single-level bullet for some reason.
- Example.
- Example from My Favorite Show that mentions the show's title despite being in a list of examples from that show.
- Really weird example that nobody is quite sure whether it's a subversion, an inversion, or a legacy version.
- With an example, it's pretty much given.
- And then there's this example. Dear god, this example.
- Example which is is built onto this trope.
- porly spelled exaple that is alredy on the page
- Example with
AliciaAlice and Bob, from Television Show, which wascanceledun-canceled after this example was written, but this is the next editor's favorite show, so everything must be crossed out instead of just corrected. This of course looks incredibly silly since strikethrough doesn't even exist anymore.
Alice: Quote that is formatted
- Example with an extra blank line after it.
- Example with a quote, followed by some more elaboration.
Alice: The quote.
Bob: Yes, this is the quote.
The elaboration, which is still in quote-format because of bad formatting.
- Example that mentions the "current" page picture or quote, which is completely different from both the actual current picture or quote and several other examples that also mention outdated pictures or quotes.
- Example that contains minor factual errors.
- Did Not Do the Research! Did Not Do the Research! (i'm helping!)
- Another example calling the original poster of that example an idiot.
- Ridiculously nitpicky reply quoting facts that only someone who works in the field mentioned/lives in the area mentioned/is God would know.
- Ridiculously nitpicky reply that focuses on one inconsistency that can be easily edited out.
- Example ending in the clause "Making this...", which is potholed to OlderThan{{[[[Older Than Dirt]] Dirt}}/Feudalism/Print/Steam/Radio/Television/TheNES]
- Example that potholes a character name to its parent work trope page, making it only immediately understandable to someone who knows the work well.
- Spoiler-tagged character name potholed to its parent work trope page followed by a long-winded and detailed elaboration that usually gives away the spoiler-tagged character name, which completely voids the usefulness of the spoiler tag.
- An example that isn't really much of an example of the trope.
- A better example would be this example from the same work that actually is an example.
- An example that isn't an example of the trope but is an example of the same kind of thing as is shown in the slightly inappropriate image at the top of the page.
- Example labeled "Obligatory," due to Fan Myopia.
- Alice of course is the best example!
- Irrelevant example included so the author can complain about Alien 3 and Resurrection.
- An example from a work with negative reaction with an obligatory telling that the work is mind-crushingly awful.
- Example using deprecated mark-up
in a lame attempt at sarcasm.
- An example from Mass Effect.
- An example of how it was subverted in Mass Effect 2 that really should be a different trope altogether, with bad Example Indentation on top.
- Example from Paranoia, described in a perfectly normal manner from the perspective of the real world.
- In-character complaint about security levels, happiness, and treason. Request that the above person report to an execution chamber.
- Example that was originally typed with no space after the bullet, but was automatically rectified by the wiki.
- exmplew ith Relly bad spelleng or Lost of tyops sgiend egogy.
- Obligatory example with My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
- An example without the name of the work because this troper forgot.
- Example discussing how Show/Person X with a large Periphery Hatedom does this trope badly. Probably already on the page, but the troper that puts it really hates this thing.
- Example that never actually happened, possibly due to the troper confusing Word of Dante with Word of God.
- Actually that didn't happen, because long-winded explanation of what actually happened (which is pointless because someone will just delete the example, because of the explanation).
- Example from Super Mario 64 using a quote specific to the DS remake with a link to Updated Rerelease or Super Title 64 Advance.
- Link to a sbemail which makes fun of this trope.
- Example from an obscure fetish-based independent work with a link to said work's trope page, not pointing out that said work is fetish-based.
- Example described as "an interesting use of this trope" or "an odd example" despite being unremarkable.
- An example from a work.
There was a need for paragraphs.
- Example that's played straight and subverted, somehow.
- Vague non-example pointing out this trope always occurs in this medium.
- Example from a series.
- Example from an unrelated series, but that is similar in that they both employ this trope.
- A quote or mention from an Abridged Series here, since they seem to be all the rage these days.
- An Example from an anime, which, given the nature of the series, makes sense.
- An example noted as being "played straight," as opposed to, say, almost everything else on this page.
- An example that references "a recent episode of My Favorite Show" without any further elaboration to help identify the episode months or years down the road.
- An example that blatantly insults a particular Guilty Pleasure series that is not deleted because a lot of tropers agree with it.
- An example that's already been brought up twice, potholed to How Did We Miss This One?.
- Example containing a pothole broken into multiple links to the same article by italicized words. Alternatively, example containing 'improper formatting of italics.
- Example that is duplicated on Another Related Trope Page. It really fits on that page better, but it hasn't been removed because that page is newer, and no one made the connection between the two tropes until after the newer one was launched.
- Example of an inversion that technically doesn't belong here, since the inverted trope has its own page.
- Decently written example.
- Reply talking about how the trope is justified because of contrived reasons that this editor plucked from nowhere. Assertion that the troper who wrote the previous example was mistaken.
- Valid example that happens to get all the context wrong, from the name of the main character to where he was when it happened.
- Correction by fan of above series, who didn't change the actual entry because then other tropers wouldn't see how wrong it is.
- Example which spoiler-tags the fact the trope happens.
- Example in which the contributor pluralised a Wiki Word when the actual link is singular, thereby creating a redlink.
- Example in which the contributor wrote "Title Of Book" rather than "Title Of Book (Literature)", thereby either creating a redlink or a link to a similarly titled work in a different medium.
- Example that assures us is a positive example of a negative trope, so we can be reminded Tropes Are Not Bad.
- As well as a theory of that troper on why that makes sense, with the unavoidable Pothole to Fridge Brilliance.
- Obligatory example about how evil Disney/[insert corporation here] is.
- Example that uses spoilers to hide a real-life, well-known death.
- Don't forget this poorly formatted example! This Troper can't believe nobody mentioned this one before.
- Example that attempts to justify Complaining About Shows You Don't Like by quoting a snarky internet critic.
- Example. I Am Not Making This Up.
Unnecessary Truth in Television Section
- Several
- Examples
- That
- Should
- Be
- In
- Troper Tales
- Snide Natter pointing out the removal of Troper Tales.
- Example involving Hitler, thus invoking Godwin's Law.
- Example involving Stalin, thus invoking Godwin's Law Response.
- Controversial example that is bound to be deleted at some point for fear that it might result in Internet Backdraft.
- Counterpoint to controversial example, which might even get the entire Real Life section taken off the page, despite the fact that the rest of the Real Life examples were perfectly uncontroversial, albeit better placed in Troper Tales.
- Blatant, badly spelled Flame Bait to above, asserting that all who stand on one particular side of the discussion are baby munching Nazis.
- Counterpoint to controversial example, which might even get the entire Real Life section taken off the page, despite the fact that the rest of the Real Life examples were perfectly uncontroversial, albeit better placed in Troper Tales.
- Historical example that is now found not to be true.
- Example that doesn't quite fit the trope.
- That would be more an example of some other trope, then.
- Example that doesn't actually belong in the Truth in Television section.
- Comment indicating that this example should be moved up into the main section, by someone who didn't bother to do that.
- Non-example stating that this sometimes occurs in real life.
- Example from earlier on the page! Again!
- Urban Legend that totally happened to this troper's sister's ex-boyfriend's 2nd cousin's niece's math teacher's internet chat friend.
Joke that didn't fit anywhere else, usually about the page itself, referencing the topic at hand.
Extra stinger, because someone thinks that it's better to exercise their wit than to have a compact page.
Finally, another example from earlier on the page.
Either Statler or Waldorf: Snarky comment about the subject at hand.
Waldorf (if Statler made the original comment) or Statler (if Waldorf made the original comment): Sarcastic reply to the previous comment.
Both: Do-ho-ho-ho-hoh!