< NepetaQuest 2011

NepetaQuest 2011/Characters

This is the page for tropes unique to Nepeta Quest 2011. For the canon version, see Homestuck/Characters.

Homestuck Cast Members

Nepeta Leijon

Aradia Megido

Sollux Captor

Terezi Pyrope

  • Ace Pilot: In the Colony Raiders game, she seemed to be the most effective member of her team when Vriska is not cheating.

Vriska Serket

Eridan Ampora

  • Butt Monkey: His only appearance so far has been being shot down by Tavros in Colony Raiders and earns a "Shameful" ranking.

Original Characters

Nezumi Asuras

  • Foe Yay: With Scoria.
  • Meaningful Name: "Nezumi" means "rat" in Japanese. Nezumi's Animal Motif is... well, take a guess.
  • Ninja Maid: One of her personality settings.
  • Odango Hair: Odango horns.
  • Restraining Bolt: The loyalty chip.
  • Super Soldier: And Expendable Clone.
  • Tyke Bomb
  • Yandere: She attempts to pull a Dualscar and Murder the Hypotenuse in her kismesis' red quadrant. Though at first it seems like Nezumi's black for Scoria and Scoria's flipping between red and black for her (when she doesn't just want to get away from her), the infodump at the cutoff about what the series would have been like in the future has Nepeta figure out that Nezumi's not black for Scoria -- she's yandere for her, and acting like she's black for her because that's the closest socially acceptable equivalent that she can work her head around.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: In both real world outfits.

Joster Brobag

Decima Logari

Logrin Nacre

Vokken Nereus

Scoria Tallus

"Wear your glasses. You look like a fucking alien."

Zander Tarsif

  • Ace Pilot: He earns an "exemplary" rank in Colony Raiders.
  • Chick Magnet
  • Purple Blood
  • Foil: Arguably one for Eridan: Sea dweller who doesn't care for the blood caste system, flirts better, suave and affable, performs best on Colony Raiders compared too Eridan's "shameful" ranking, etc.
  • Ship Tease: With Scoria, especially after the second Colony Raiders match, and also with Decima on occasion.


Barely Alive Troll

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