Neko Sugar Girls
This has transcended being terrible to the point where it's become intensely fascinating and engrossing.
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls is a YouTube-hosted Fanime series, which has gained a certain amount of infamy in some circles just for existing. The show chronicles the lives of Catgirl Raku-chan, her best friend Koneko-chan, and the object of her desire, the blue-haired Hitoshi-san. Animated in MS Paint and supposedly voice acted by Japanese forum members, it's a confusing mishmash of Japanese Media Tropes and Gratuitous Japanese. Most episodes are but a few minutes long (including the theme songs), leaving little room for Plot or Character Development.
By around the third episode it becomes apparent that Neko Sugar Girls is probably a Stealth Parody of Western Otaku culture, and many viewers consider the creators to be Trolls of Tara Gilesbie proportions. However, the creators do have a trove of concept art and character designs that implies that this was a sincere project.
You can watch the entire series to date on this playlist, and several episodes have also been uploaded to Nico Nico Douga for added MSTing fun. If you don't feel like you can face it alone, there is a "Let's Watch!" of the series here. The creator has a Deviant ART here.
- All There in the Manual: Hitoshi's would-be rapist goes by Kidnapper-kun, if the youtube tags are to be taken seriously.
- Ambiguously Gay: Hitoshi-san (possibly Ambiguously Bi). He flirts openly with both Raku-chan and Koneko-chan, yet fantasizes about his almost-rapist.
- Angrish: Raku-chan, when she is bitten by the squirrel.
- Animation Bump: The sixth episode.
- Animesque: Very much so. Also notable for using many, many Anime Tropes and Japanese Honorifics to go along with it.
- Anime Theme Song: The intro theme is the bubbly J Pop variety, being ripped straight from Dance Dance Revolution.
- Art Evolution: It's hard to tell due to the constant Off-Model nature of everything, but the art has changed in the time from the first episode to the most recent, episode 9.
- Art Shift: The intro theme uses the older Deviant ART concept art of the characters when giving their names. They actually look decent, compared to how they look animated.
- Attempted Rape: Hitoshi-san in the 2nd and 3rd episodes.
- Beach Episode: Episode 8.
- Big Damn Heroes: Raku-chan and Koneko-chan saving Hitoshi-san from the rapist.
- Big No: "NOOOOOOOOO! Don't take me away to your secret place."
- Bishie Sparkle: Hitoshi-san.
- Bishonen and Bishoujo: The main characters, supposedly.
- It's easier to accept if you consider the character art in the opening.
- Blatant Lies: The characters and the creators insist that they are actually Japanese.
- Blinding Bangs: Hitoshi-san's assailant.
- Blush Sticker: Used liberally.
- Body Horror: The constant Off-Model nature of everything invokes this.
- Book Ends: After the first episode, every episode starts with someone waking up, and most end with someone going to bed.
- Break the Cutie: The series seems to be doing this to Raku-chan. Her love interest is falling for someone else, and now it turns out she has rabies.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: In the opening credits, when the song speeds up, the intro comments "Oh, that's too fast", a shout out to its DDR origins.
- Breast Expansion: Raku-chan's ever-changing breast size.
- Vet-san, too.
- Camp Gay: Hitoshi-san's attempted rapist.
- Captain Obvious: Episode 5's first line of dialog: "Oh, my phone is ringing nyan, desu!"
- Catch Phrase: Hitoshi-san's "nya... rowr" seems to be one.
- Catgirl: Raku-chan and Koneko-chan are the eponymous "Neko Sugar Girls", though they're never referred to as such, and the fact that they're catgirls is never actually mentioned until Raku-chan turns into a cat.
- Cerebus Syndrome: At first the show begins as some sort of Romantic Comedy style anime, but starting with the fourth episode it soon becomes dark once Raku-chan becomes infected with rabies. With no Snap Back or Status Quo to rely on, Raku-chan soon becomes weaker, before eventually running away due to feeling like a burden to her friends. Eventually, after what appears to be a message from some sort of divine entity, Raku-chan transforms into a full cat. Eventually she is returned to her former self, however it appears she is still suffering from the effects of the rabies. Meanwhile, Hitoshi-san beings to see his captor everywhere. Episode 9 reveals that Raku-chan had a bakeneko (or neko demon) inside of her, though it was taken out of her by Vet-sama. Of course to the audience, most of this will be hilarious.
- Cheeky Mouth
- Christmas Episode: Or, rather, a "Kurisumasu" Episode.
- Character Song: Histoshi's is apparently Hips Don't Lie.
- Cliff Hanger: Many of the episodes end this way.
- Continuity Nod: In episode 4 Raku is wearing the white underwear she bought in episode 1.
- Corpsing: Hitoshi several times in his rendition of Hips Don't Lie.
- Deliberately Monochrome: Used in episode 7 to flashback to the Squirrel Biting incident.
- Demonic Possession: In episode 9, it is revealed that rather than actually having rabies, Raku-chan is has instead been possessed by a bakeneko
- Department of Redundancy Department: Episode 5.
Hitoshi-san: Don't worry Raku-chan, you're not alone and you'll never be alone. We're always here for you.
- And now Episode 9.
Hitoshi-san: I'm sorry Koneko-chan. I just wanted something to take my mind off of Raku-chan's pain. Her pain... It pains me to think about that pain.
- Draco in Leather Pants: In-universe example; Hitoshi-san begins fantasizing about his attempted rapist after the attack. Bonus points in that the rapist is wearing leather pants in the daydreams.
- Dull Surprise: Koneko-chan isn't the most emotive of characters.
- Hitoshi-san has a really blatant one in episode 6.
- Dumb Blonde / The Ditz: Raku-chan, when she isn't acting like a child.
- Erotic Eating: The nurse/Vet-san in episode 5.
- Everythings Nuttier With Squirrels: Squirrel-chan/Squeeker-chan/Skweekasquirr-chan in episode 4. He brings both comedy and annoyance with one move.
- Eyes of Gold: Koneko-Chan's gold eyes are a counter-example.
- Eye Pop: Hitoshi-san in the credits.
- Happens in episode 9 to Hitoshi (again), though it's less exaggerated.
- Flat Character: Everyone, although Koneko-chan has the worst of it. At least Raku-chan has her whininess and Hitoshi-san seems like a smug Jerkass (even if it's unintentional).
- Flat What: This exchange:
Koneko-chan: Hitoshi-san, what are we gonna do with her?
Hitoshi-san: I don't know, Koneko-chan. What are we going to do with her?
Koneko-chan: Hitoshi-san, now's not the time for jokes.
Hitoshi-san: Hahaha... Wait, what?
- Foot Focus: Hitoshi's web-footed walking animation from episode 2 returns in episode 4 and goes on for 12 whole seconds.
- Foreshadowing: Hitoshi-san's repeated daydreams about his attempted rapist indicate that he may choose the kidnapper over Raku-chan, creating Drama.
- Flash Back: Used in episode 7 after Raku is changed into a full cat, recalling the squirrel bite of episode 4.
Koneko-chan: "Do you think it might have been the rabies?"
- Furry Confusion: When Raku-chan goes to the vet in episode five, there are a cat and a dog on a chair next to her.
- Gainaxing: Yes. Notable in that the animators are two girls.
- Gag Boobs: Raku-chan's. Combining the Off-Model nature of everything with constant Gainaxing is absolutely hilarious.
- Vet-sama too, particularly in episode 9.
- Gratuitous Japanese: Emphasis on "gratuitous".
- The "Kawaii Underwear-chan Store" that the girls visit in one of the earlier episodes is a good example of this.
- Gratuitous Spanish: Surprisingly, in episode 7...
Koneko-chan: Hitoshi-san! Vente aqui!
- ...and in Episode 8:
Koneko-chan: You can just sit in this mochilla for awhile.
- In episode three when Hitoshi thanks Raku for saving him from the rapist, she says 'de nada.'
- Halloween Cosplay: In the Kurisumasu Supesharu, Squeaker-chan is Cosplaying Miku Hatsune.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Koneko-chan and Raku-chan.
- Hong Kong Dub
- Hypocrite: Quoth a comment on Episode Nine:
"I need complete silence." *commences ear rape*
- If It's You It's Okay: Apparently Hitoshi-san's thoughts on his attempted rapist, post-rape.
- Ill Girl: As of Episode 5, Raku-chan has contracted rabies.
- Imagine Spot: Hitoshi has one in the fourth episode, of his attempted rapist in leather pants with a clear, large bulge, while *NSYNC's "I Want You Back" plays in the background.
- He has another in the fifth, still about his rapist.
- Impairment Shot: Raku-chan in episode 6.
- I Remember It Like It Was Yesterday: Used in episode 5.
- It's Not Attempted Rape If You Enjoyed it: Apparently.
- Japanese Honorifics: Applied liberally, painfully, and incorrectly.
- If You Know What I Mean: Hitoshi-san's assailant from episode 2:
"Oh calm down, hun. I'm just going to take you to my Secret Lair and we're going to have some... fun, if you know what I mean."
- Large Ham: Hitoshi-san. He constantly sounds like a Smug Snake, despite that type of voice sounding inappropriate for a sugoi Bishonen like he supposedly is.
- Limited Wardrobe
- Luminescent Blush: Also used liberally.
- Miko: Vet-san turns out to be one.
- Minor Injury Overreaction: Raku-chan in the fourth episode, upon being bitten by a squirrel. She screams for 40 seconds.
- Male Gaze: When Raku-chan and Hitoshi-san first meet, it looks like Hitoshi-san is looking down at her breasts.
- Marshmallow Hell: Raku-chan to her squirrel friend in episode 4. Also what prompts it to bite her.
- Moment Killer: In episode 5 Raku seems about to tell Hitoshi her feelings, but then Koneko interrupts with Mochi Icecream and Green Tea.
- MST: The Let's Watch! series by Failsafe Productions.
- Naughty Nurse Outfit: Vet-san.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Vet-san being a Miko comes completely out of left field, and conveniently allows her to help cure Raku-chan.
- No Name Given: The kidnapper, so the MST series decided to call him Geoff.
- Nosebleed: Raku-chan's reaction upon meeting Hitoshi-san.
- Ocular Gushers: Whenever Raku-chan cries.
- Off-Model: DAMN.
- The worst parts are when Koneko-chan's tail starts to look like a certain male body part.
- Raku-chan's constantly growing and shrinking breasts are pretty bad. At least Koneko-chan's are more consistent.
- This is a particularly good example.
- Derp.
- One-Woman Wail: The "spell" Vet-sama performs. And it is hilarious.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: The voice actors try to use these weird, faux Japanese accents. And fail at them.
- Overly Long Gag: Raku-chan being bitten by the squirrel in the fourth episode.
- Panty Shot: Used throughout the episodes and in the picture for the ending credits.
- Petting Zoo People: Raku-chan and Koneko-chan.
- Plot: Thoroughly averted.
- Poe's Law
- Puni Plush: The intended art style.
- Purple Eyes: Raku-chan has them.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Hitoshi-san's pink swimming trunks in episode 6.
- Rape as Drama: The second and third episodes.
- Rape Is Love: Hitoshi-san begins fantasizing about his assailant after the attempted rape.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Hitoshi-san is a counter-example.
- Series Continuity Error: In episode 5, Raku-chan is clearly wearing just a bra when she begins talking to Koneko-chan on the phone, but after the shot switches to Koneko-chan, she is immediately in her blue shirt.
- Shallow Love Interest: Hitoshi-san with Raku-chan and his attempted rapist.
- Shopping Montage: "Oh you have such kawaii underwear, nyan!"
- Shout-Out: Both Clerks and Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series seems to get an inexplicable one in Episode 3.
- In Episode 6:
Koneko-chan: She (Raku-chan) is gone. Gone with the Wind.
- Dancing sushi?
- Hitoshi outright mentions The Nanny, of all things, in episode 9.
- Shrinking Violet: Raku-chan is so terribly shy that when she first meets Hitoshi-san she gets a brain aneurysm that results in a massive fountain of blood gushing from her nose.
- Slasher Smile: Hitoshi-san's attempted rapist in episode 3.
- Sexy Santa Dress: Raku wears one in the Kurisumasu Supesharu. And so does Vet-sama. Of course, Vet-sama's outfit might not count as clothes.
- Slice of Life: Supposedly.
- So Beautiful It's a Curse: Hitoshi-san apparently, considering random rapists are willing to break into his house in broad daylight to try and kidnap him for some fun.
- Soap Opera Disease: Raku-chan gets rabies from her squirrel bite.
- Stealth Parody: Hopefully.
- All but confirmed in Episode 9.
- Stealth Pun: "Raku"-chan has rather large breasts. Pronounce it how the voice actors do, but without the "u"...
- Stockholm Syndrome: Hitoshi seems to have become enamored with his would-be rapist...
- Stylistic Suck: If it's a parody.
- Surreal Humor: Yyyyyyyyeah.
- Sweat Drop: Also used liberally.
- Transformation Sequence: Several - both Raku turning into a real neko and back to human again and Vet-san turning into a Miko.
- That Makes Me Feel Angry: Constantly.
- The Stoic: Koneko-chan.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Mochi Icecream and Green Tea is pretty much the only thing they're shown consuming, other than the punch in the Christmas Special.
- Troperiffic: As of April 2011, there are 7 episodes (not counting specials) comprising approximately 36 minutes of material. However, the intro and ending themes shave about 2 minutes off of each episode, giving us around of 22 minutes of actual storytelling, over 100 tropes and almost no actual plot. There has never been a show that did so much, and yet so little.
- At its current 22-minute length, Neko Sugar Girls comes in at a trope every 13 seconds, which rivals Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog in trope density.
- Troubled Fetal Position: Raku-chan in episode 6.
- Useless Protagonist: Hitoshi. He looks to made out to be the Papa Wolf to Koneko and Raku, But as soon as episode two starts he is kidnapped without any trouble and has to be saved by Koneko and Raku in episode 3.
- Verbal Tic: "Nyaa~" and "Desuuuu".
- The Woobie: In-universe; in the fourth episode, Raku-chan intentionally tries to pass herself off as one to Hitoshi-san and Koneko-chan, in order to win even more affection from them both.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Hitoshi-san, who literally has blue hair. Raku-chan's hair is bright green in the opening and vomit green in the series itself.
- You Meddling Kids: The rapist says a variation of this after Koneko-chan and Raku-chan save Hitoshi-san from him.
Kidnapper: "I would have had my way with him if not for those meddling kodomos!"