< My Little Pony and Friends

My Little Pony and Friends/Heartwarming

My Little Pony

  • The Crab Nasties fixing Posey's garden after saving the day at the end of "Fugitive Flowers".

Crab Captain: There you go ma'am, ready for replanting.
Posey: Thank you, thank you! You-you know what? I-I think you're all beautiful! *smooch*

Crab Captain: Anything you say ma'am, and uh... gee-weeze, thanks!

  • "The End of Flutter Valley":
    • Morning Glory teaches Sting the bee how to fly, prompting an eventual Heel Face Turn.
    • The Furbobs healing Baby Cuddles's leg counts.
  • In "The Golden Horseshoes" the young elf princess who had the last shoe immediately gives it up upon seeing Mimic's condition.

Glo Friends


=== Potato Head Kids

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