< My Little Pony and Friends

My Little Pony and Friends/Funny

My Little Pony

  • From "The End of Flutter Valley":

Reeka: Boy, you really are dumb, Draggle. There are too many ponies just to grab! We gotta be clever! We gotta...outsmart 'em!
Draggle: You mean we have to get help?

    • Later, as Queen Bumble prepares to steal the Sunstone:

Bumble: They but await my special signal!
Draggle: A special signal?
Bumble: Proceed after me, swarm!
Draggle: That's the worst special signal I've ever heard!

    • The Furbobs never agree on anything, even directions, leading to two of them bonking heads.
    • Morning Glory and Sting are trying to find Megan in the hopes she can help them and the Little Ponies.

Sting: I've never seen a Megan before. What's she look like?
Morning Glory: Well, she's kinda big and has long hair, but only on her head! Well, you'll know her when you see her...
[Morning Glory opens a door and finds an angry bull]
Morning Glory: Uh oh...
Sting: Is that Megan?

    • Bumble gets another pretty good comeback at the end:

Sting: You're fat and greedy and selfish, Bumble! You only think of yourself!
Bumble: (indignant) I am NOT fat!

  • From "Through The Door", as three of the pegasi fly over a barren mountainscape:

North Star: I say, it's a lovely day for exploring, eh Lofty?
Lofty: If you happen to like exploring solid rock.

    • Robin Hood introducing his "not-so-merry men".

Glo Friends


=== Potato Head Kids

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