< Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter/Characters

Here is the long list of monsters from Monster Hunter. They are arranged from the which games they were first introduced. Subspecies are listed along with their original counterparts.

1st Generation


The bottoms of the food chains, except for plants. They are Aptonoth, Apceros, Kelbi, and Mosswine.

The Felynes

Small but intelligent cat-people commonly seen as assistants and companions to Hunters. Starting with the second generation, Felynes can be hired as chefs and battle comrades.

The Melynxes

The Evil Counterpart to the Felynes, recognizable by their black fur. While majority of Melynxes are petty thugs and pickpockets who will happily mug any Hunter that crosses their path, a few are willing to hire themselves out as chefs and mercenaries.

Preys and Dromes

Velociprey, Genprey, Ioprey, and later, Giaprey. The first major monsters a Hunter is likely to face, these reptilian beasts resemble raptors. Preys are the lesser and numerable ones, while the Dromes are pack leaders recognizable by their distinct crests. Giapreys and Giadromes live in cold or high places such as mountains or the Tower, Velocipreys and Velocidromes on jungles and forests (or just about anywhere), Genpreys and Gendromes on deserts, and Iopreys and Iodromes near volcanoes. All can be found in the great forest.


Khezus are blind, suspiciously phallic-looking wyrms that make up for their blindness with a keen sense of smell. They are masters of lightning.


Plesioths are a type of Piscine Wyvern (wyverns that "swim" through various substances) commonly found in large lakes and oceans. They are most at home in the water, but a Blademaster can lure them out onto land by either using bombs or fishing them out with frogs. They are one of the most notorious monsters do to their infamous hip smack attack.


The mascot of the first game. Comes in three colors: red, blue, and silver. They prefer aerial combat.


The female version of Rathalos. Despite coming of as weaker, they are more proficient in using fire and poison, and use ground tactics more. Comes in four colors: green, pink, gold, and the Ancient black subspecies.


Hard-shelled Wyverns that live in the desert. As their names suggest, Monoblos has one horn, while Diablos has two.


The original Final Boss, the Fatalis is actually very similar to your standard wyvern. In future games, new types of Fatalis, such as Crimson and White, were introduced, and are far more powerful than the original.

Lao-Shan Lung

2nd Generation


Small masked humanoid creatures that, like the Melynxes, tend to attack and harass Hunters. Tri introduces Cha-Cha, who helps the Hunter out in the single-player mode. 3G introduces a second friendly Shakalaka named Kayanba.


The unofficial mascot of the second generation, the Tigrex is a powerful wyvern that is commonly found in the Snowy Mountains.


The unofficial mascot of Freedom Unite, the Nargacuga is a panther-like wyvern commonly found in jungle areas.


Carapaceons that resemble hermit crabs. They come in small juvenile versions, and the massive Daimyo Hermitaur and Shogun Ceanataur.

  • Desert Skull: A cutscene shows Feylnes coming across a Monoblos skull, only to find that a Hermitaur has already claimed it
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: In the lore, Daimyo Hermitaurs are described as being all but oblivious to the world around them, only turning hostile when attacked first. In actual gameplay, the moment they detect you, they are just as aggressive as any other large monster.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: Giant flailing water-shooting enemy crabs that can cut rock


Giant ape monsters that are easily provoked and are quite agile despite their immense girth. Likes mushrooms.

Yama Tsukami

One of the largest monsters currently in the verse, and definitely one of the oldest. The Yama Tsukami resembles a giant stingray with grass and earth growing on it.


The Final Boss of the second PSP generation before Ukanlos came around, the Akantor is a giant, armored wyrm that is most at home in volcanic areas.


The ultimate hunter's test of the second generation, the Ukanlos is a giant Elder Dragon that breathes blizzards and freezes all but the most skilled of monster hunters.

3rd Generation


Tri adds two new species to the menu- er, count: The aquatic Epioth and the armored Rhenoplos Portable 3rd adds two more, the Zuwaroposu and the bird-like Gagua.


Raptor-like bird Wyverns that travel in packs. Led by the Alphas Great Jaggi and Great Baggi. Portable 3rd adds the Furogi, which are led by a Great Furogi.

  • Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism: Great Jaggis are always male. The female of the species, the Jaggia, is barely twice the size of a Jaggi (and thus a fifth of the Great Jaggi's).
  • Breath Weapon: Baggis have a nasty narcotic spit. The Baggis' spit are sleep-inducing, while the Furogis' are poisonous.
  • Expy: Of the -Preys and -Dromes of the first two games.
  • King Mook: Great Jaggi and Baggi


A brightly-colored Bird Wyvern with a bright red throat sac that it uses to imitate the calls of other monsters.

Ludroth/Royal Ludroth

The Ludroth is the first of a new type of monster known as a Leviathan. It's kind of a cross between a sea snake and a crocodilian, and can swim and fight underwater. Males grow into Royal Ludroths, identifiable by their massive size and large sponge-like mane. A Cherry Blossom-themed subspecies also exists, whose spit is poisonous.


Another new type of monster known as a Brute Wyvern. Barroths live in the Sandy Plains and roll around in mud to keep cool.

  • Bullfight Boss
  • Covered in Mud
  • Hard Head
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex: Has the body shape of a theropod, but is an insectivore
  • "Wake-Up Call" Boss: With a tough hide that can only be reliably damaged by weapons with at least green sharpness (which most players will be unlikely to have at this point in the game without some pretty extensive farming), an attack that can cover you in mud (rendering you unable to attack and use items while slowing you down), and a much more aggressive combat style than previous large monsters, Barroth comes as a big shock to anyone who's been breezing through the game thus far. Oh, and you're required to take him down before you can unlock the four-star quests.


A fish-like Leviathan that hides in the silt at the bottom of lakes and rivers, where it waits to ambush prey using either a glowing lure or plant-like whiskers. Is capable of moving on land as well as underwater.


The Flagship monster of Monster Hunter Tri. In the story mode, the Lagiacrus is blamed for causing earthquakes around Moga Village. 3G introduces both a White Subspecies that fights primarily on land, and a bio-luminescent Rare Species that lives in the same area as Ceadeus.


A rather disturbing pale-skinned blind wyvern that lives in the Tundra. Spits poison and lays eggs that hatch into bloodsucking larva. Portable 3rd introduces a gold-skinned version that fights with electrical attacks.


A Sabre-toothed catlike Pseudowyvern that hunts in the Tundra. Portable 3rd introduced a yellow subspecies that prowls the deserts.


A Leviathan that lives in the Volcano area. Usually covered in a layer of lava which cools over time, forming a hard shell of armor. Portable 3rd/3G introduce a subspecies that lives in the Frozen Tundra instead and is covered in ice.

  • Breath Weapon: A laser-like Heat beam. The subspecies prefers a blast of ice shards and extremely cold water.
  • Fast Tunnelling: Used by both the regular and subspecies variant, but while the magma version's lava cools over time, granting beter armor, the artic subspecies is the opposite, as the armor it has is made of frozen earth, which thaws instead.
  • Magma Man: the regular Agnaktor.


Another volcano dweller. The Uragaan is a Brute Wyvern coverd in ores extracted from the rocks it eats.


A massive whale-like Elder Dragon. It is the true cause of the Moga earthquakes, banging its head on the rocks to alleviate the discomfort of one of it's horns growing over it's eye. A subspecies is introduced in 3G, with both eyes covered by overgrown horns. As you might expect, it's not exactly happy about that.

  • Badass Beard
  • Colossus Climb: While it's certainly big enough, the entire fight is spent underwater, so you're swimming around it instead of climbing it.
  • Cowardly Boss: You don't have to kill it when you finally face it, and chances are you won't. You just have to hurt it enough to convince it to go elsewhere for a while.
  • Final Boss: Of the singleplayer mode. You even get an ending cinematic when you beat it.
  • Making a Splash

Jhen Mohran

A colossal Elder Dragon, the Jhen Mohran swims through the sands of the Great Desert like a whale travels through the ocean. It's massive size requires the use of sand-ships armed with cannons and ballista to bring it down. It first shows up in a high-ranking Event Quest.

  • Colossus Climb: You can jump on it's back to attack it, or to mine minnerals off of it.
  • Fangs Are Evil: And boy, are they big.
  • Flunky Boss: Delex follow it and will attack the player if they get the chance.


A large Godzilla-like monster that can only appear in High-Rank quests. Infamously strong and fast.



First appeared in Portable 3rd, this is a bear-like creature that lumbers around and loves to eat Honey, even attacking and stealing it from hunters that wander close enough.

  • Acrofatic: While not turly fat, it is seemingly too large to attack as fast as it does. That said, it doesn't attack constantly, and is a relatively easy monster to defeat.
  • Berzerk Button: Don't try to steal it's honey.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: Check


Introduced in Portible 3rd/3G, the Urcusis is a member of the Pelagus family of monsters. It makes it's home in the Tundra, where it rapidly moves about by sliding around on it's belly and attacks hunters with a combination of body slams and ice attacks.



  • Expy: Of Gobul, since Portable 3rd doesn't have underwater combat



Mascot of Portable 3rd, a blue lupine monstrosity which can generate electricity.



Mascot of 3G, a Brute Wyvern with long arms whose forearms and horn are covered in an explosive slime



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