< Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/YMMV

Regarding the Original Series

  • Accidental Innuendo: "I want my mommy." "Yeah, I want your mommy."
    • "Oh, don't leave! You'll miss my coming-out party!"
    • In the first season Halloween episode, Rita: "I love to get nasty, it's so nice!"
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Zordon, a wise sage or using teenagers to fight his battles for his own possibly shady means, likely breaking intergalactic law. As for the Rangers themselves, goody-good role models for the youth of the nineties, or Jerkasses to two (possibly mentally retarded) people perceived to be bullies but only needed friends/find out the rangers' identities.
    • Tommy, Zordon's paladin, or someone who just wants revenge, and doesn't mind throwing his friends under the bus to do it? Does he divorce himself from the Green Ranger?
  • Artistic License History: Er, guys? 18th century Britain colonized the east coast. Like New York, New Jersey and the Carolinas. Not the west coast, like California. Real life wrote this plot, though. They were stuck in Australia because of script and scheduling problems with the movie. But the TV episode schedule caught up to them. So the solution? Film a couple of episodes where the Rangers as students holiday in Australia. While the production crew was in Australia as well, they filmed a couple of episodes in a historical village just outside of Sydney, which gave us colonial Angel Grove. Power Rangers has never attempted to be accurate in anything, science, history, physics, etc.
  • Awesome Music: "I Will Win", "We Need A Hero", and of course, "Go Go Power Rangers" (and the extended version)... Ron Wasserman, we love you.
  • Badass Decay/Villain Decay: Name a villain who wasn't subject to this. Lord Zedd gets special mention, as he had to be toned down after the Moral Guardians deemed him too scary.
    • Tommy. He started out as a villain and only got cooler when he became a good guy.
    • Don't forget Goldar, although his was more of a freefall than a decay. After "Green No More" when Tommy beat him while unmorphed, he went from The Dragon who was more than a match for the entire team, to someone who could get knocked flat on his back by an unmorphed Billy.
    • Scorpina avoided this fate by going the way of Chuck Cunningham Syndrome.
    • Linkara argues that Zedd was actually more effective after his marriage with Rita. Citing that pre-marriage Zedd merely destroyed the Green Ranger powers, while post-marriage Zedd destroyed the Thunderzords, captured the Rangers ally Ninjor (briefly), captured the Falconzord (briefly), eventually destroyed the Ninja coins and blew up the Command Center.
      • And don't forget that the first and only time he fights, he kicks Tommy's ass.
  • Complete Monster: Lord Zedd was built up as this. Then came his Villain Decay.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Rita is notoriously difficult to shop for, as Rito can attest to:

Rito: Y'know, picking out a present for you has never been easy. Remember when Mom and Dad got you that little fire-breathing dragon, but you really wanted that cute little planet, so you used the dragon to burn the house down?

  • Damsel Scrappy: The Pink Rangers somewhat, in retrospect.
    • Ignoring the fact that in season one the Pink Ranger single-handedly destroyed two seperate monsters on her own. Snizzard and Terror Toad
    • And ignoring the fact that Kim was one of the most loved characters (though Kat I can't attest for).
  • Die for Our Ship: Tommy/Kim vs Tommy/Kat.
    • Poor Kat gets it the worse. Tommy/Kim shippers keep on bringing up how they hated Kat for trying to steal Tommy from Kim, ignoring the fact that Kat was under an evil spell, and once she was free from it she stopped. Hell, she even tried to hook Tommy up with a completely different girl, after Kim had dumped Tommy. And it was Tommy who finally pursued Kat.
  • Ear Worm: Go Go Power Rangers!
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Bulk and Skull are easily the most popular characters among aged fans, as well as the longest running (MMPR to PRiS, with cameos in Lost Galaxy & Wild Force's Forever Red).
    • Also, some of the more memorable monsters, including Pudgy Pig, King Sphinx, and Dark Warrior.
    • Scorpina having a huge fanbase is pretty logical considering that she's the show's embodiment of Evil Is Sexy, at least in her regular form.
    • Tommy. Kids actually wrote letters to bring him back the first time he left the show. In fact thats the whole reason he did come back as he was originally suppose to not come back after Green Candle, save a cameo in Doomsday.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Scorpina in her regular form. This is completely averted when she transforms however.
    • Rita Repulsa, from the second season onwards after applying special makeup to make herself look a helluva lot more younger and beautiful.
  • Fan Yay: Jason. He hangs around a gym, tends toward fanservice as much as any other male ranger, is always hanging around Tommy...The false gay porn rumors only made it worse. Also, Zedd for that metal codpiece.
  • First Installment Wins: This is likely the only series the general population thinks about in regards to the the 18-year-old franchise.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Billy getting the most love interests out of the entire cast might seem Hilarious in Hindsight when you learn that actor David Yost is gay...until you also learn that some of the staff gay-bashing him behind the scenes (and nobody actually doing anything about it) was the reason he left the series. Not to mention that him having that many girlfriends may have been a desperate attempt by the producers to have him NOT seem gay (even though he didn't).
    • Lord Zedd once sarcastically asked, "What is it this time, Finster? A monster that blows itself up?" At the time, simply a humorous jab at the show's Once an Episode fantasy conventions. Nowadays, people are more aware that "a monster that blows itself up" has a very realistic context. And even putting the real world out of it, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy takes the concept and plays it for serious drama.
    • There was an episode in which a time capsule is involved. The rangers then talk to each other about how they hope the future will be like. The Following: No Hatred, No Crimes, No Wars. You know, The usual peaceful future we all dream of.
    • "Too much Pink Energy could be dangerous."
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Not sure if this was intentional so can't really call it a Shout-Out, but the goofy ineffective bullies are Bulk and Skull...
    • From "Mighty Morphin' Mutants": Dragonzord, use your tail whip, now!
    • Watch Rita's reaction to Zedd's suggestion they have a child in "Return of the Green Ranger" and then go watch "Once a Ranger".
    • After David Yost coming out as gay, the parade of female love interests for Billy can feel like this.
    • Michael R. Gotto (Young Tommy) grew up to be a high school teacher. Heh...
    • In an episode, to avoid drawing suspicion to themselves, Jason tells Ernie that he thinks the Power Rangers are aliens from a distant planet. A few seasons later...
  • Ho Yay: Tommy and Jason, who even had several "breakup" episodes; Rocky and Adam, who were best friends; Kim and Aisha, who were also best friends, briefly lived together, and there's a cute scene where Kim kisses Aisha on the cheek to cheer her up after a local sorority-ish thing rejects her.
    • Plus Jason and Zack before and after Tommy shows up.
    • Rocky/Adam to a much lesser extent.
    • Bulk and Skull. Not as much as some of the Rangers had with each other, but it was there)
  • Internet Backdraft: Tommy. Perhaps the exposure to Gary Stu in fanfic really made him look bad.
  • Macekre: Par for the course for the franchise, but Season 3 is a notable case. The entire Kakuranger series was reversed; the Shogunzords actually came first in Japan, followed by the Ninjazords. (To say nothing of the Battle Borgs and Alien Rangers.) For example, Vampirus was the first Season 3 MOTW. The Japanese equivalent was in episode 36.
    • Alternatively, you can marvel at how the writers managed to get around the footage, and the fact that they were only five Kakurangers (and no pink), using Tsubasamaru to complete the set, taking advantage of Amy Jo Johnson leaving the series by creating this whole stolen Power Coin plot, which explained the lack of Pink Shogunzord, all the while being the first season with an actual plot which culminated with Rita's own father showing up and the ranger having to look for the Zeo Crystal, tying the story to the next season (almost) seamlessly.
  • Marty Stu: By Zeo, everything was about Tommy. Kimberly also suffered Chickification as soon as Tommy joined the team.
  • Memetic Badass: Adam
  • Memetic Sex Goddess: Kimberly and Scorpina.
    • Aisha and Kat also.
  • Moe: Trini
  • Motive Decay: Over the course of the three seasons, Zedd and Rita's focus seems to be less on conquering the Earth and more on being Jerkasses to the Rangers. Their plans turn from "This plan will provide us with an unending power source or ultimate weapon that will allow us to take over the Earth" to "This plan will totally ruin Kimberly's chance at joining the Pan Global Games."
    • To be fair, they weren't so much interested in ruining Kimberly's Pan Global Games dreams. Instead, they wanted to tire her out to the point that she would suffer a horrible injury training. Still a step down from seeking ultimate power or weaponry, but there's something to be said for striking a morale blow against the Rangers.
      • Plus, by this time, they had taken her Power Coin, which she bonded her life force to, thus slowly killing her. They wanted to wear her out to the point where one good blow would take her out.
  • MST3K Mantra: It's a show about teenagers in spandex fighting rubber monsters with transforming dinosaur robots while the school bullies get hit by flying cakes. Don't think too hard about it.
  • Narm: Every single line delivered when the Rangers are morphed.
  • Narm Charm: Yes, this show is Narm all the way, but that doesn't keep you from enjoying it.
  • One True Threesome: Rocky/Aisha/Adam. Also there are hints of Kim/Trini/any of the male rangers and Jason/Kim/Tommy.
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: Averted. The 16-bit games were surprisingly good.
  • Retroactive Recognition: In two flavors:
  • The Scrappy: All of the Aquitan Rangers. Rocky for some. Adam and Aisha fare better.
  • So Bad It's Good
  • Somewhere a Palaeontologist Is Crying: So much.
  • Special Effect Failure: For some reason still unknown to this day, Saban apparently couldn't get their hands on the actual Zyuranger Dragon Armor and tried to make their own. The problem is, Saban's piece is made of of shiny gold fabric, which looks completely different from the matte gold FRP original.
  • Tear Jerker: A real life example. The news of Trini's actress Thuy Trang getting killed in a car accident devastated many fans and staff members alike. Many fans to this day still have and make memorials and tributes dedicated to her out of respect for her passing.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Many times in the show, they could have Tommy confronting his fear of turning evil again, but they don't. Also, they could've had Tommy make a Faustian bargain with Rita.
  • Unfortunate Implications: The original Black Ranger is a black guy and the original Yellow Ranger is an Asian girl. When both left the show, their replacements gave the roles a Race Lift to fix the problem.
    • Word of God says that this was unintentional, with the staff honestly not realizing the implications until after three or four episodes were in the can. Walter Jones (Zach) has said he never really had a problem with it and that the actual reasons were more along the lines of working with the Zyuranger source material. Jones originally wanted to be the Blue Ranger, but since the suit actor footage portrayed the Red and Black Rangers as close friends, Zach was made the Black Ranger to line up with his being Jason's Black Best Friend.
    • The show itself never really addressed each member by any handle other than "[color] Ranger". But on the official Disney site of the franchise, each member of the original team is given the handle of "[color] Power Ranger" to distinguish them from later incarnations of the team, leading to such unintentionally racist codenames like "White Power Ranger," "Black Power Ranger," and "Yellow Power Ranger."
    • The season 3 finale had a focus on each Ranger's heritage, except for Kat, which was focused on herself in the future as an old maid. Tommy's ancestors were California Indians living in tipis.
  • The Woobie: Ladies and gentlemen, David Yost.

With regards to the Reversioning

With regards to the 1995 movie

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