Memoria (2010 webcomic)

"Memoria is an adventure comic that takes place in a world similar to our own, and follows four friends as they try to both protect and learn the truth about it, all while going after a loved one." - Memoria website
An undisclosed amount of time after Mother 3's rather ambiguous ending, we have Memoria.
Memoria has a new chosen four go on a grand adventure, intially starting as a Brother-Sister Team that leave their hometown to look for their missing brother, meeting familiar and unfamiliar characters to the Mother fandom as their quest progresses; discovering new truths about the mysterious world they live in.
As the name suggests, this comic has a strong link to memories.
"There is power in your memories. Look deeply through your past, but reserve recalling your best times for moments when you really need to. Every time you relive a memory, the chemicals in your brain change how your mind perceives it. Eventually, your most precious moments may become a blur of truth and falsehoods. Memoria is a story about memory. There are few things more important."—Gekko, the series' writer.
The ultimate truth, according the the creators, will be difficult to comprehend but will explain why it is the way it is and promises to bring together the elements of all three Mother games.
Previous webcomics by the same creators, Gekko and Meedee, include Harmony, The White Ship, and the side comic, SMOTHER.
Starts here. Updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
If you were looking for the MSPA Forum Adventure, go here.
- Adorkable: Matty. Very, very much so Matty.
- Adults Are Useless: Oh, Uncle Shigo. He tries, though.
- Animals Hate Them: The current party is often attacked by various animals. This includes ravens, a rhino, kitties, pigs, deer, and a attack snail.
- Animal Motifs: So far, songbirds.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Winston in the first chapter.
- Arc Number: 1023, a Running Gag since the beginning of M2:Harmony.
- Ascended Fanboy: Matty is a fan of fantasy adventures, and now he's in one himself.
- Author Avatar: Played for Laughs; the Crazy Ewe enemy in the beginning of Chapter 6 is the same pink sheep Meedee uses as her avatar character in her blog.
- Badass Boast
Cazula: And what do you know 'bout the Dark Dragon?
Lucas: ...I awakened it. The real one. Not this thing you're worshipping. I was the one that brought it into this world.
- Beehive Barrier: Like the graphics of its predecessors, the PSI shields are this way.
- Bonus Material: Gekko and Meedee put bonus incentives up with each update.
- There are also informational cards on some of the characters, locations, items, and enemies, as well as newspaper clippings on each town replicating the effect of the EarthBound guide.
- Incentives can also be references to other series. They already did Pokémon, Rugrats, etc.
- Bound and Gagged: Matty after being kidnapped by Cazula.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: Harriet comes off as this but really does cares about her family.
- The Bully: Will "Jerkface" at the beginning of the comic.
- Car Fu: the Starman boss fight at the Azura Mall ends like this, courtesy of Clad In Rad.
- Cast of Snowflakes: Every character, even those in the background are different.
- Cheerful Child: Winston
- Creepy Child: Cazula
- Continuity Nod: To previous comics (Harmony, The White Ship) and the Mother games.
- Notably, the New Tazmily Village, with most of its old inhabitants for Mother 3.
- In Chapter 6, we see Marvin, the bunny salesman/former Pigmask after the party crashed in the middle of a field.
- Cool Mask: Cazula has one.
- Cool Old Guy: Mapson is now an old biker guy.
- Cool Shades: Fuel has these.
- Cult: The Dragonists.
- Deliberately Monochrome: Starlight Valley; color returns to the town after Cazula is defeated.
- Disappeared Dad: Cazula's back story. Her father died of illness shortly after visiting the Tower of Land
- Dude in Distress: Matty during the Starlight Valley arc.
- Hair Decorations: Harriet's ribbon and Delphia's headband.
- Everything Trying to Kill You: The wildlife, as mentioned. Now it also includes a lamp and Matty's sleeping bag
- The Faceless: Hinawa and Claus in Lucas's nightmare.
- Fan Girls: Angie and Richie to a rather awkward-responding Lucas.
- Fire, Ice, Lightning: According to a poll, Delphia, like previous girls in the Mother series, will wield elemental PSI.
- First-Name Basis: It's just Lucas not Mr. Lucas.
- The same goes for Fuel
- Girlish Pigtails: Angie still has these.
- Healing Hands: Healing PSI, which is known so far by both Lucas and Matty.
- Hypocritical Humor: Harriet says how disgusting she finds woman gushing over men older than them after seeing Angie and Richie fighting over Lucas... A few pages after she was gushing over Fuel, who's probably even older than her than Lucas is to Angie and Richie. Matty takes notice of this.
- Improbable Weapon User: Matty's Basic Monopod.
- The Little Cabin In The Woods That Wasn't There Yesterday: Kumatora's cabin.
- The Lost Woods: Burgundy Park, particularly after the sun goes down in winter.
- Lover Tug of War: Lucas is subject to one of these from Angie and Richie.
- Made of Iron: Thanks to Lucas's defense up the children's injuries weren't as bad as they should have been.
- Mind Over Matter: Matty's PK Hold
- Misplaced Wildlife: Bullish Rhino's on farms? Yeah that's normal.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Poor Mr. Boogle; the neighbor kids can't ever seem to get his name right.
- Mysterious Watcher: Starface and Giygas' race
- Nerd Glasses: Matty, of the Adorkable variety.
- Also Nichol
- Noodle Incident: Elton of Clad in Rad's reaction to running over the Neo-Starman Deluxe?
"I hope it's not some guy in a costume..."
- Older and Wiser: Lucas.
- Painting the Fourth Wall: Every character has a different-colored speech bubble.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Harriet's and Matty's speech bubbles.
- Power Glows: PSI
- The Power of Love: PK Love, of course.
- Power Trio: Starting at the end of Chapter 2- Harriet, Matty, and Lucas.
- The Promise: Lucas's promise to retrieve a kidnapped Matty.
- Psychic Powers: Of course, it is Earthbound/Mother series based comic
- Ravens and Crows: Ravenous Ravens attack Harriet and Matty in Burgundy Park.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: The eyes of some of animals that attack the party.
- Super Soldier: The Neo Starman Infantry Unit can have both physical and psychic shields up, fire powerful lasers and can summon a black hoe-esque portal.
- Troubled but Cute: Lucas has grown up to be wise, handsome young man but it seems some physiological damage from his past traumas still linger.
- Town with a Dark Secret: Starlight Valley
- Trademark Favorite Food: Strawberry Quiche for Harriet, Caramelized Octopus for Matty, and Omelets for Lucas. The third page also mentions Curry Burritos for Delphia and Milk for Sylvester, and the blankets Duster sent Kumatora smell like cheese.