< Megatokyo


Fridge Brilliance

  • One night, I was having trouble sleeping, and decided to browse through some back comics of Megatokyo. While doing this, I had the following revelation: during the Anna Millers incident, Kimiko becomes extremely disillusioned with her fans, realizing that they actually only love her celebrity persona, and not her true self. She proceeds to angst about whether it is possible to truly love someone for who they are, and not for who they appear to be. Around the same time, she gets in a massive fight with Piro, whom she is coming to realize is not the idealized Knight in Shining Armor she had imagined him as; however, they soon make up and cement their status as the comic's Official Couple. And that is the answer to her previous angstings: she was able to find it within herself to love Piro for who he is, despite his flaws, so it is only logical to assume that others are capable of the same. Fred is a genius. -- Taelor
  • It wasn't until I actually tried playing a Dating Sim that I realized that Piro's actions make a lot more sense than they did before. Notice how he repeatedly assures himself that Ping is just a robot, Yuki is too young, Miho is evil and that he doesn't like Erika in that way, often when directly asked about it by others. And remember that he thinks he's in a Dating Sim scenario (to be fair, he kinda is). These actions imply that he's actively trying to get Kimiko's route and not someone else's, and it may also mean that he doesn't really think this way: he could believe Ping is much more human than she should be, but is afraid of what would happen if he says it. Hell, this means he may think the world is a game more than Largo does! And yes, this train of thought scares me a little... -- Shotgun Ninja
  • I was looking over the last few strips, and saw this one. Now, at first, I thought Erika talking to Boo was just showing Erika "seeing things Largo's way" with a gag about Boo being The Unintelligible. Then I actually thought about the subject of their conversation, of Largo's recent actions, and of Boo's gradual loss of screen time, and it hit me: Erika, in a more mundane sense, is also Largo's conscience. Fred, you're a genius. -- Callix
  • Largo shouting, "Go for the beer, Boo! Go for the beer!" at his hamster Boo in an early strip: it took me a year before I realized that this is a reference to the hamster Boo in Baldurs Gate, whose owner Minsc often shouts in combat, "Go for the eyes, Boo, go for the eyes!" -- Vendel
  • An entry in Values Dissonance says how people from Japan are generally more shy when it comes to romance and physical contact, so something like two people hugging would be considered a much more romantic act to someone from Japan. -- Shotgun Ninja
    • In fact Yanagisawa-Sama refers to that as "makin' out" a few pages later.
  • When I first read this strip, I didn't think anything of it outside of "Largo being oblivious/repeating what he said before". The second time wasn't much different. A few days/weeks/months/god knows how long I decided to go back through the archives after reading the strip where Erika came onto Largo, stopping for bed at the aforementioned page. I hadn't yet hit the mattress when I realized something: Largo (said) he "doesn't play games that aren't worth playing;" yet, he "played" Erika's "game" (twice, first after the fanboy attack, and coming back after he'd marked her off as "a boring game"). Largo's telling Erika that "he doesn't play games that aren't worth playing", combined with the previously mentioned incidents and Largo's average displayed social ineptitude, meant that, for Largo, it was the best way to tell Erika he liked her. Well-played, for a Cloudcuckoolander. -- Bladist
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