< Marvel vs. Capcom

Marvel vs. Capcom/WMG

Guesses on the MvC3 roster.

  • From sillouettes from the trailer and promotional materials (bolded means confirmed):
  • Daredevil, Emma Frost, Gene, Ghost Rider, The Punisher, and Phoenix Wright have officially been jossed. But hey, it's still possible that we'll get DLC, right?
  • I'm gonna say Hawkeye. The four other characters appearing in the films (Iron man, Hulk, Thor, Captain Amaerica) are confirmed, so why not him too?
  • Green Biker Dude, Zero, and Iris. I wonder what Deadpool would say if I Iris died on Zero's team...
  • Viewtiful Joe is pretty much confirmed, he's on the bottom right in the newest silhouette picture. Personally this troper is hoping that Marvel includes Howard the Duck.
  • What? no mention of The Anti-Life?, her ability to beat up everyone already fits in with a fighting game.
  • Mega Man Volnutt will probably return because there is a Legends stage.The fact that we only have around 10 stages, means this will be the only stage representing the Mega Man series. The only Logical reason for that is that the Mega Man in the game is the Legends one.
    • Tron Bonne is back and playable, so Volnutt is probably not going to be in. Let's hope that Zero makes the jump from Tatsunoko vs Capcom to 3.
      • Yes, but Mega Man Legends 3 is in development. Which makes this EXTREMELY likely.
  • Strider Hiryu will be confirmed absent. They are quite serious about avoiding repetition (Dormammu > Ghost Rider) so Dante will fulfill the spirit of Strider Hiryu.
    • Actually, there is actually a good chance of Strider Hiryu coming back and he plays differently from Dante anyway.
      • Dante gets another special that involves a giant ball of energy circling him. Hmm, sounds similar.
      • Not really and they're still different enough to co exist.
  • A new silhouette seems to indicate Crimson Viper might make the cut.
  • I'm seeing a distinct lack of Capcom villains. I'm gonna put a vote in for Bass and M. Bison. Bonus points if he says OF COURSE!!
    • Bass is more of a Anti-Hero. If you want a Mega Man villain, there's always Dr. Wily, Splash Woman, Sigma, Vile, Omega or Dr. Weil.
    • Bringing up Capcom villains and not mentioning Wesker? For shame.
      • Albert Wesker is in, baby. And he's awesome.
  • These two are never going to happen, but having The Smith Syndicate from Killer7 and Scrooge McDuck would be amazing.
  • Scrooge? For Disney? Nah, get someone cooler like Stitch!
    • There won't be any Disney character though. That said, they can always use Marvel's own Howard The Duck or Even Slapstick of the New Warriors.
  • The Episode 3 Trailer might introduce returning "Gods" Magneto and Storm. As well as Mega Man (and Roll, possibly).
    • Doubt Roll will be back if Mega Man classic returns. If anything, it might be Mega Man classic and Zero. I'm also thinking it might be Storm with Black Panther.
      • I was actually being general on which Mega Man it'll be. We know it isn't X, I don't think it'll be Volnutt/Trigger due to Tron's return. I was thinking Zero and Roll being the coverage finish. Roll's managed an underdog status getting into the last Vs. title. As for Black Panther... who knows, I just figured Magneto would be a solid un-reveal for a return.
  • Unfortunate that Phoenix is unlikely to be in the game (he could be a good counterpart to Daredevil who isn't in either), but what about Franziska von Karma? Didn't Tatsunoko vs. Capcom have some data on her moves but dropped her entirely since Phoenix couldn't be added? I mean, with her whip and skill, she definitely can be in a fighting game? And on a lesser note: Godot, he had a cool pose with the Sword Cane in the last case of the 3rd game.
    • Heck, Franziska could be paired up with She Hulk, their interactions would be comedy gold.
  • Come on, people! Moon Knight! I'd also wager on Mega Man classic (Pre-X), Zero, either Akuma or M. Bison, and maybe Brock, the military guy from Dead Rising. At least one psychopath should make it in... In fact, I doubt it, but how cool would it be if Adam the Clown made it in?!
    • Akuma is unlikely since they are avoiding characters with similar moves. Bison is a possibility or maybe Urien from Street Fighter III.
  • Unfortunately, Phoenix is out. But what about his rival, Miles Edgeworth, who was popular enough to get his own game, which was different from the main games? Or what about Apollo Justice, if they're trying to bring in the new story that has started in the Ace Attorney universe?
    • How about Steel Samurai? Sure he's pretty obscure, but how about him squaring off with Silver Samurai?
      • Steel Samurai is a fictional character of a show in the Ace Attorney series, not really a candidate for the game. Silver Samurai won't be coming back anyway. If there's an AA character, it would be one of the other Attorneys or Maybe even Gumshoe. Or none at all for that matter.
  • Before anyone asks, yes, the Breath of Fire franchise wasn't included--this time, though, we actually got a reason from Capcom for it via a tweet from the development staff (Japanese). Specifically, there were initial plans to include Fou-lu from Breath of Fire IV but these were cut due to the Marvel vs. Capcom series being geared towards Western audiences; the developers would still like to include a certain draconic God-Emperor Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds in a future Capcom vs. Whatever.
    • The interesting note here--that the planned cameo was from Breath of Fire IV (which is literally a ten-year-old game) and not Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter--whilst the latter game was most definitely a cause of a Broken Base outside of Japan (and has even been accused of being a Franchise Killer), it did do reasonably well in Japan and has a popular fandom. Capcom actually does seem to have been taking the semi-official view of disowning Dragon Quarter since about 2007 due to the poor reaction outside of the US.
    • At any rate, any appearances of Breath of Fire chars are very likely to be with Capcom vs. Whatever games not geared primarily for Western audiences and probably featuring chars from Breath of Fire IV or one of the earlier games in the franchise (barring mass fandom demand).
  • DLC has been confirmed, with Jill Valentine and Shuma-Gorath as the first two available characters. The hopes and dreams of many a fan now run high.
  • It was recently shown that a stage will be set in The Hand's lair, probably hinting that Elektra will make it in. Since all the Stages belong to a character.
  • I'm not guessing here, just giving a new info: Akuma is quite likely confirmed, though not officially yet.
  • So Seth Killian said there was a character who made his mind melt, and that their inclusion wasn't a surprise, but their implementation was, and they had a problems balancing the character. I'm going to wager a guess that it's Chuck Greene, and that he's difficult to balance because he makes combo weapons on the go to provide a large variety of possibilities.
  • Unfortunately, Frank West was confirmed not to be in. [dead link] However, Niitsuma stated that he was very far along in development before being scrapped (to the point of even being in an early, unreleased version of one of the trailers), so it's quite possible that he'll be DLC.
    • There's a rumor floating around the net that Frank and Elektra may be released as free DLC. Only time will tell if this is true.
  • Dust will be DLC. She shows up in Deadpools ending, But what's intersting is that everyone else in Pool's ending is a playable charecter. So why is she the odd woman out? And she has a unique apperence, and could have an interesting moveset with her powers.
  • Tessa from Red Earth, making for her third appearance outside her original 1996 game. Mainly because her appearance would work well in HD, because she'd be the only witch-like character in the game and because she's something of a fan-favorite from that series (that and because her gameplay-style looks really freakin' fun. Really).
  • Samanosuke Akechi or Jubei Yagyu from the Onimusha series. Soki appeared in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom so there's hope.
  • Am I the only one that wants to see Venom replaced by Anti-Venom? He basically has all of Venom's abilities but with a few new ones as well.

The Bone Claw Wolverine was a Skrull

That, or an LMD.

Stan Lee and/or Yipes will be the announcer(s) for Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

It would be the ultimate form of Fan Service. Imagine the (co-)progenitor of many of Marvel's most recognizable faces actually commenting on the ultimate battle and shouting out most of his most famous lines.

"EXCELSIOR!!!" "Face front, true believers!" "'Nuff said!"

Do not deny it. You want this to happen.

As for Yipes, IT'S MAHVEL, BAYBEE!!! Of course, his inclusion would jack the rating up to AO at the very least, but the perpetual Crowning Moment of Funny will be worth it.

Or... they could have a dual-audio track, allowing you to choose between Stan Lee and Yipes. Face it; the fandom would probably do a collective squee.

    • New footage has reviled that there is more than one announcer in the game. They must be next.

Who will be the Final boss for Marvel vs Capcom 3?

  • This tropers guess is Sentry/The Void. He could easily make a great 3 stage boss.
  • What if the final boss was a Capcom character? Dr.Wily would make a great 3 form boss, with forms taken from random Mega Nan games.
    • It was implied that the boss would a Marvel boss. Though it's possible there would be a Marvel boss and a Capcom boss (like Capcom vs. SNK.).
    • WHAT IF IT'S RUGAL? Just kidding.
  • Annihilus would also be a great choice.
  • Mikaboshi from the Marvel Chaos War story would make a good final boss.
  • It would be interesting to see Sigma as the final boss, considering his loathing of organics and fascination for gigantic battle bodies.
    • However, it seems Doom and Wesker release some kind of Sealed Evil in a can.
  • Yami, please! Just to hear Amaterasu snarl like the devil and proceed to go supernova on that fishie.
  • White Fatalis... Just throwing it out there...

What do you think the story for Marvel vs Capcom 3 will be about?

  • Call me crazy, but I guess it'll be about the fate of two worlds. Just a guess on my part.
    • Ah, but what causes it? Maybe, Sentry becomes The Void and causes both words to meet.
  • Going by the recent trailer, it seems like the villains are are united. Maybe it's a new Lethal Legion Made of both Marvel and Capcom villains?
    • But there's only (to date) 4 villains on the roster (5 depending on how Deadpool's feeling). That must be some alliance. Personally, I'd like to see something like the Dark Phoenix saga, however unlikely it may be.
      • Actually, the above post guessed correctly. It's been revealed that the story does indeed involve a Villain Team up. The story revolves around Doom and Wesker forming a team with villains from both sides. Also, the villain count is now up to six, now that MODOK and Magneto have been confirmed. We will probably get more villains soon.
        • Hopefully some Capcom villains, because so far it seems like Wesker and Doom are just gathering Marvel villains as their underlings or something.
    • It's posible that some of the other villains show up in the story.
  • I'm just hoping it'll offer some explanation for how Wesker can get someone like Captain America or Amaterasu to fight alongside him.
    • Probably not, since they never bothered before. It doesn't really matter in gameplay anyway.
      • Gameplay and Storyline Segregation.

The reason Spider-Man and Mega Man haven't shown up yet is because they're being saved for the last trailer.

They're Marvel and Capcom's most iconic characters, respectively. They're saving the best for last, so to speak.

  • Actually, the reason Spider-Man hasn't been revealed yet is because they were waiting until after Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions to come out.Now that it's out, he'll probably be revealed soon.
    • And Spidey was revealed. But it was with Wesker and not Mega Man.

There will be a shout-out to Marvel being owned by Disney

In the form of a very Disney-esque character that was owned by Marvel prior to the sale being made one of the fighters... Howard the Duck!

  • Here's a Youtube video that has all of the characters slots on the selection screen (with the unrevealed characters labeled since there's no stills of them yet), and two of the slot labels are She-Hulk and Zero, who were recently revealed. One of the Marvel slots has Howard the Duck on it, so I'm hoping this one's true!
    • That one was jossed though, even then Howard wouldn't be a Shout out to Disney, since he's been in marvel for years and they already said Disney had nothing to do with the game.
      • The "shoutout to Disney" portion is jossed, but I still have high hopes that Howard will be in. Considering some of the other character choices, it's not that far a stretch. Besides, Marvel needs a short character to counter Amaterasu and Viewtiful Joe.

Doom is teaming up with Wesker to save Latveria.

For anyone who's played Resident Evil 5, Wesker is a complete Nietzsche Wannabe who wants to kill off most of the world's population so that the few remaining can become uuber humans. So, why is Doom allying with him? So he can stop Wesker from virus bombing Latveria at a crucial moment! Of course, he might let Wesker first annihilate a few other countries...

Abyss from Marvel vs Capcom is the one responsible for the crossover/devastation going on in the games.

He's the only boss who's an original character.

The game takes place after Phoenix Wright was disbarred.

One of She-Hulk's win quotes says she was compared to him and then she called an ambulance. I guess she took it as an insult, given Wright was an impressive lawyer until that incident with the evidence forging, and now he's reduced to hobo in appearance.

Guesses on cameos and shout outs.

If they can't get Phoenix Wright as a fighter, at least have him in a cutscene with other lawyer characters like Daredevil and such with She-Hulk.

  • She-Hulk quotes Phoenix Wright in one of her victory quotes, saying that someone called her Phoenix Wright with muscles, and that she called an ambulance after that.
    • Confirmed on Phoenix Wright. He and Miles Edgeworth are both seen in She-Hulk's ending.
  • I'm guessing Daredevil could appear in Ultimate as an alternate costume for Iron Fist.

Keiji Inafune is the reason why Mega Man (Any of them) isn't in MvC3

Notice that none of the Mega Mans are in the final roster but Zero is there. Then Word of God said that Zero is supposed to represent the Mega Man in the game. This is Inafune's Writer Revolt upped to eleven, as Zero was supposed to be Mega Man X before Executive Meddling stepped in and he wanted to make a point.

== Heimdall will appear in a future Capcom game ==. His ending: Thor tells Heimdall, his friend, to look after the world. When Heimdall asked it, Thor means "The other world". This "world" must be Capcom's.

Galactus, storywise, is the reason why the Fantastic Four aren't in this game.

As he said: "Much like the Fantastic Four, you are nothing to me." So he must have beaten the four before.

Dormammu will be the Big Bad of the next MVC game.

That, or he'll be the Big Bad of a Capcom game, either Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Ghosts N Goblins or Resident Evil. His ending: He creates a dimension hole and recruits Lord Raptor, Wesker, Akuma & Red Arremer to help him conquer the Capcom world.

Thor's second alternate costume is supposed to make him look somewhat like Superman.

The two have clashed in the past, and Superman did wield Mjolnir in JLA-Avengers, so this could be a subtle Shout-Out.

Bruce Banner really hates fighting games

This would explain why he was perpetually hulked: he's mad about being forced into one. He can't have a beef with any of the Capcom characters or their universe, as he gets mad even during fights in the Marvel universe and roster--even the good guys

Squirrel Girl was purposefully excluded from the series.

Her Memetic Badass status would make her too powerful. And the series already has Deadpool for all its fourth-wall breaking needs.

Gene and Daredevil will be added in a future update

And a team of Ammy, Joe and Gene will give the "Lucky Clover" achievement/trophy, while a team of She-Hulk, Daredevil and Wright will get the "Army of Lawyers" achievement/trophy.

Doctor Randall Pierce will appear as the next The Unexpected

He will be assist character based.

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