< Manly Guys Doing Manly Things
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things/YMMV
- Anvilicious: the Nomura Syndrome arc, on the issue forcing people/characters to be something they're not (or portraying them as being a way they aren't). In other words, Be Yourself and, more importantly, let others be themselves rather than caricatures or distortions. Notably it only became such when we at TV Tropes failed to grasp such.
- Draco in Leather Pants: Ganondorf in a three-piece business suit has quite a few admirers in the readership.
- Foe Yay: The Punisher and the Russian. They're shown in bed together. And the Russian is in drag.
- Fridge Brilliance / Meaningful Name: What's a common nickname for people named Jared? Red.
- Jerkass Woobie: Duke Nukem.
- Kratos when his gay chicken match with Leonidas ends.
- Nightmare Fuel: ... Good call, Jonesy.
- She Also Did: Coelasquid works as an animator on Ugly Americans.
- Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: Regarding Poison and Transsexualism people here.
- Squick: Pyramid Head flirting. It consists of air humping and attempts to molest when the target isn't looking. Yeah, don't make eye contact.
- Tear Jerker: The Commander's kids' reaction to their father being bishified. Coupled with the ex-wife not letting him have the kids due to their reactions. *sniff*.
- The Woobie: Believe it or not, Jared. That super annoying personality is just a facade to cover his deep insecurity and parent issues, and when they break through ...
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