Majesty features, besides the Sovereign and his advisor, 7 deities, 14 heroes, 5 henchmen, over 60 monsters and 10 bosses. These are detailed below, some of them individually and some of them collectively.
The Sovereign
The player character, a noble of Sydrian descent who dwells within the palace, never appearing in the game itself save through a brief shot in the opening cutscene, above his castle.
- Non-Entity General: Partially subverted. The Sovereign is detailed to be a descendant of the great king Sydrian, and one quest involves taking Sydrian's crowns back from the descendants of Gorsha Blackhoof, the minotaur that took the crown, centuries after Sydrian's death. The Sovereign may have fallen victim to the magical affliction in Quest for the Magic Ring, seeing as it affected his advisor. The Sovereign falls explicitly and deadly ill in the Quest for the Holy Chalice, which must be recovered in 30 days to save the Sovereign from death. Also, the Sovereign's mother aspired to build a great settlement in the marshes of Valmorgen, which the Sovereign fulfills in The Barren Waste, and made a deal with a demon worth 33,000 gold, which the Sovereign pays off with 200% interest in Deal With The Demon.
The Advisor
A No Celebrities Were Harmed medieval version of Sean Connery who assists the Sovereign and briefs him in his quests.
The Gods
The eldest of the gods and creator of the world. His sole followers are the barbarians, who live naturalistic and wild lifestyles outside of civilization. About 4000 years ago, Krolm slew the last Dragon King Andraxal-Kerlazor, though his lone son, Vendral, lived on. After this great battle, the wounded Krolm divided part of his essence to create Lunord and Helia. Krolm's followers distrust all other religions, due to being used as disposable mercenaries by the followers of Lunord and Helia in the Six Winters War. He has no official colour.
The son of Krolm, and the god of the moon. The adepts follow and worship him, and he has long feuded with his sister Helia. He also seems to possess some healing powers, judging by the fact the Holy Chalice was of his making. He and Helia, despite their rivalry, came together to sire seven children. The eldest, who would become Grum-Gog, the Lord of Pestilence, rallied trolls and goblins into battle with little success. The second child, Url Shekk, was cast into the netherworld by Helia due to his hatred for light. The third child, Rrongol, was mentally deficient and followed Lunord's every step until the frustrated god cast Rrongol into the mortal world. The final four children were quadruplets, and would become Agrela, Krypta, Dauros and Fervus, the goddesses and gods of life, death, order and chaos, respectively. His official colour is white.
The daughter of Krolm, and the goddess of the sun. The solarii follow and worship her, and she has potent fire magics that can devastate her followers foes. Intriguingly, the mainstay of her militant followers seem to be female. Her official colour is dark yellow.
The goddess of life, who wields potent magics capable of healing, providing stat bonuses and even resurrecting fallen creatures. Her followers are the female healers. Agrela's official colour is blue.
- Closer to Earth
- Lawful Neutral
- Soul Power / Light'Em Up
The goddess of death, who, despite her description, does not actively seek to cause death and seeks to treat all of her charges fairly. Her followers are the gothic priestesses, and her official colour is red.
The god of order, whose followers are stalwartly lawful. They are the righteous paladins and the quiet, Stone Wall monks. His official colour is grey.
- Crystal Dragon Jesus
- Lawful Neutral
- Taken for Granite: His Petrify spell can do this to enemies.
The god of chaos, whose followers are nature based, chaotic and Crazy Awesome. He wields significient influence over the creatures of the wilderness, and his official colour is green.
- Chaotic Neutral (And how)
- Chaos Is Not Evil
- Green Thumb
Quick footed followers of Lunord, who brandish staffs and wear light leather armour. They have a tendency to patrol the city and while fragile, can come to the aid of the player on very short notice.
- Blow You Away
- Fragile Speedster: While they're actually very strong, they'll flee a fight upon breaking a fingernail.
- Lightning Bruiser: See above; you'll only get to see them fight to the full extent of their prowess when they're defending their temple or the realm.
- Simple Staff: Subverted in that it's an actual effective weapon, not a throwaway one you give to the spellcaster that never uses it.
The current and largely only followers of Krolm. They are one of the oldest groups in Ardania, dating back to before the defeat of Andraxal-Kerlazor. They are tough, can dish out absolutely devastating amounts of damage and are quite fast to boot. They gain extra bonuses from the sole Krolm spell, the Rage of Krolm, and have the strongest tendency to charge into and stay in battle of all the heroes in the game. While the barbarians were responsible for setting back magic around 2500 years by killing the first human wizard, Brashnard, they and the wizards have had a bond of brotherhood ever since the great wizard Tholar IV saved their hides during the dark wizard Andravus's minotaur-driven siege of Lormidia. They also share an affinity with rangers, both preferring the wilderness to civilization and both having somewhat of a bond with nature. Due to being used as disposable mercenary troops by the warring city states in the Six Winters War, they distrust all other religious adherents.
- An Axe to Grind
- Badass Beard
- Barbarian Hero
- Blood Knight
- Dual-Wielding: They dual wield an axe and a club.
- Large Ham
- Nature Hero
- Nubile Savage: They wear nothing but rags, boots and animal skins.
- Suicidal Overconfidence: Almost all heroes are guilty of this, but they are particularly egregious examples.
The ministers of Fervus, who wear spirit masks and have a deep connection to the creatures of Ardania's wilderness, even having the ability to charm and transform into them, and blend into the natural environment as though they were invisible.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cool Mask
- Crazy Awesome
- Ensemble Darkhorse: They are one of the most popular heroes.
- Fragile Speedster: Their attack speed is quite fast, but their defense stats are...lacking.
- Green Thumb
- Knife Nut: They wield throwing daggers, and do so quite well.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall / The Cuckoolander Was Right: Whenever they level up, they say "Ooh! Pretty star!". Every time any hero levels up, a star appears above their head...
- Nature Hero
- Nubile Savage: They are even less dressed than the barbarians, wearing only a mask and loincloth.
- Set a Mook to Kill a Mook: They can, at varying levels, charm wild beasts.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: They can transform into hellbears at later levels, vastly increasing their fighting prowess.
No introduction needed. They are mechanical geniuses and master craftsmen who are slow but heavy hitting and heavily armoured.
- Artificial Stupidity: Like the gnomes, they can build and repair buildings very quickly. However, unlike gnomes, they will try to defend buildings that are under attack even when they're outnumbered and repairing the building would be a much smarter option.
- Badass Beard
- Drop the Hammer: They wield huge hammers as weapons.
- Mighty Glacier
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same
- Stone Wall: They're even more durable than monks, and have by far the highest natural magic resistance.
- The Engineer
Dainty, pointy eared humanoids and archers, who are known for their aversion to the sea, their propensity for gambling, links to the rogues and their hedonistic lifestyles.
- The Archer
- Atlantis: There are slight clues as to this being their unknown area of origin, due to their aversion to water, ancient nature, mysterious past and arrival on boats from the east. Also, some Fridge Brilliance is invoked when you consider suspicions fell upon them for the unknown sailor who shot Dirgo through the eye.
- Our Elves Are Different
A race even more diminuitive than dwarves, a weak, nimble and humble folk who have an incredible knack for construction and repair work.
- Artificial Stupidity: An aversion for once. Unlike dwarves, they will repair buildings that are under attack instead of trying to defend them.
- Lethal Joke Character: Sort of. While they suck at combat, they are the best builders in the game, plus you can have up to nine of them at time. They'll also actually try to repair buildings instead of defending them like the dwarves do.
- Our Gnomes Are Weirder
- Magikarp Power: If you manage to (somehow) get them up to level 8, they will transform into gnome champions, who have stats on par with paladins.
- The Woobie: "But I'm just...a gnome..."
The priestesses of Agrela, who dispense healing to those in need and use their powers to regenerate what most other deities and their followers destroy.
- Back from the Dead: They can resurrect themselves once for every Character Level as long as their temple is still intact.
- Bald of Awesome
- Bald Women
- The Medic
- Narm: An aversion for once. A lot of their lines are actually very serious. This can make for some rather disturbing Mood Whiplash after hearing the other heroes' ridiculous voice clips.
- Nigh Invulnerable: While they keel over if poked, they can keep a safe distance from fights and rack up experience points by healing others. Combine this with Back from the Dead, above, and any healer above level ten or so (and they'll get there pretty quickly) will likely not be able to actually die unless their temple is destroyed.
- Squishy Wizard
- White Magician Girl
A quiet, stone faced group of stalwart worshippers of Dauros, who possess magicks capable of temporarily turning creatures to living stone and having potent hand to hand skills to boot.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- For Massive Damage: Every once in a while, Monks with the Hands of Steel spell currently cast on them will let out a loud kiai and make a killing strike on the enemy they're fighting. It's one of the best ways to handle high-defense monsters like golems, yeti and wendigos.
- Ki Attacks: Can learn the Energy Blast spell from the library, though whether they ever will do this is completely up to the AI.
- The Quiet One
- The Stoic
- Stone Wall
The more militant and, intriguingly, female followers of Dauros, who wield longswords with incredible skill and precision while wearing heavy plate armour outmatching even that of the warriors.
- Action Girl: And how. Only barbarians, solarii and warriors of discord can match their fighting prowess in hand-to-hand combat.
- BFS: The sword they wield may be somewhat thin, but it's about half their height.
- Chainmail Bikini: Averted.
- Helmets Are Hardly Heroic: Also averted.
- It should be noted that their helmet leaves an opening for the face, which sidesteps the biggest reason why developers use this trope in the first place.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Lady of War
- Large Ham: At times.
- Lightning Bruiser: They're as fast as rangers despite being decked out in full plate mail.
The red robed, pale skinned, gothic priestesses of Krypta, who wield magical staffs allowing them to project powerful spells against their enemies.
- Action Girl: Their magic can be very potent, especially their main spell, which vampirically drains the enemies life and gives it to the priestess.
- Dark Is Edgy
- Dem Bones: They can summon skeletons to aid them in combat.
- Set a Mook to Kill a Mook: Much like the cultists, but with the undead.
- Squishy Wizard: Subverted. They have low defense and health, but regularly create skeletons to fight for them, which distract monsters from the priestesses themselves. They are also have a life drain spell, which can keep them alive if they manage to survive a hit or two.
Natural explorers and frontiersmen who live for the natural world and are just as skilled at shooting it down from a distance using their powerful bows.
Wily, greedy characters with a lot of guile and moxie. They wear light leather armour and wield crossbows, which they often choose to poison for an extra touch.
- Automatic Crossbows: Averted. They can be seen reloading their crossbows, even if only briefly.
- Cloak and Dagger
Mace wielding women warriors capable of potent fire magics and possessing strong resilience and moderate speed.
- Action Girl: See the paladin's entry.
- Bald of Awesome: They possess ponytails, but otherwise fit the trope.
- Lady of War
- Lightning Bruiser: While they aren't as fast as adepts, they are significantly faster than warriors.
- Playing with Fire
Sword and shield wielding men who move somewhat slowly but are capable of putting up a good defense and can also dish it out.
- Boring but Practical
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Helmets Are Hardly Heroic: Averted.
- Mighty Glacier
- Narm: Oh so much of it.
Warriors of Discord
Strange leather and iron clad creatures summoned by cultists of Fervus to fight. They appear to be creatures of pure chaos, wielding giant pickaxes to great effect and having a strong thirst for combat.
- Blood Knight
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Large Ham
- Mighty Glacier
- Psychopathic Manchild: They seem to be quite childish and naive, despite their bloodlust.
- Sinister Scythe
- Suicidal Overconfidence: Almost every hero is guilty of this, but they are a rather egregious example.
Hooded and bearded elderly fellows who project magic from their staffs and, while being extremely weak themselves, are capable of magical attacks beyond the ability of even the most powerful temple heroes.
- Badass Beard
- Magikarp Power: They start with such a pathetic amount of hit points that a single bite from a giant rat can kill them, but get them to a level where they can actually survive a few hits from the average monster and they'll take out almost anything in a few shots (and actually be able to stay alive while doing so).
- Narm: "I'm MELT''ING!"
- Playing with Fire: Though their basic spell is Pure Energy, the spells they can learn from libraries are this.
- Simple Staff
- Squishy Wizard / Glass Cannon
The various creatures that skulk, walk, slither, run and fly through the realm of Ardania. They originate both from off the map and from their numerous on-map lairs.
- A Load of Bull: Minotaurs, naturally.
- Big Badass Wolf: Werewolves, of course.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Yetis and wendigo are an enemy in the expansion.
- Boss in Mook Clothing: Vampires, who can suck the life out of their enemies to regenerate themselves and cast a magic mirror spell, which can easily kill your wizards by rebounding their powerful incantations back at them.
- Daemonwoods also count; they have an incredibly large pool of hit points, and hit hard. Woe betide any low-level hero who stumbles across one.
- Greater gorgons can petrify heroes, spawn medusae, and execute powerful ranged attacks. If you see one, hope your heroes can gang up on it in time before it becomes a problem. And if you have a whole swarm on them on your doorstep...good luck.
- Yetis are daemonwoods taken Up to Eleven. 250 HP and capable of dishing out upwards of 40 damage per attack? Have a Nice Death, heroes.
- Call a Rabbit a Smeerp: Vargs = wolves.
- Dem Bones: Skeletons.
- Demonic Spiders: Dragons, who fly fast, attack buildings, and hit hard from a distance. Minotaurs possess all of these attributes save speed and ranged attacks, but they come in greater numbers.
- Extra Eyes, Eyes Do Not Belong There: Evil oculi.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Hellbears. However, this is inverted for cultists.
- Gaia's Vengeance: Daemonwoods despise humans for despoiling their lands and cutting them down.
- Goddamned Bats: Trolls, who can regenerate, spawn from nowhere and have a tendency to attack your most valuable and fragile buildings, stealing your gold, wiping out your guards and hitting heavy with high resistance to boot.
- Medusae are this for wizards, as they have the highest magical resistance of normal monsters (90%), making them Nigh Invulnerable to any spells. Incidentally, this means you can't use direct damage spells against them, either.
- Giant Spider: There's an enemy named exactly that.
- Golem: The rock golem is Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- Mook Maker: Greater gorgons in the expansion can spawn medusae.
- Nature Spirit: Dryads and, to a lesser extent, daemonwoods.
- Night of the Living Mooks / The Undead: Skeletons and zombies, which can spawn from graveyards, as well as vampires.
- Rodents of Unusual Size: Giant rats, ratmen, ratmen champions and ratmen shamanesses.
- Smash Mook: Trolls and minotaurs.
- Taken for Granite: Greater gorgons are capable of doing this to your heroes; this is the main reason why they're Demonic Spiders and Bosses In Mook Clothing.
- Time Abyss: Daemonwoods predate humanity.
- Wendigo: The wendigo enemy is Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- When Trees Attack: Daemonwoods. They are invisible on the minimap, as well, to reflect the difficulty of distinguishing them from regular trees.
- Winged Humanoid: Harpies.
Url Shekk
A three headed creature that goes around enslaving the local inhabitants to help satiate his hatred for light.
- Abusive Parents
- Emotion Eater: He apparently feeds on pain and suffering, hence his cruel treatment of his slaves.
- Greek Mythology: Three-headed, fire-breathing dog creature associated with darkness and the underworld? Hm...
- Multiple Head Case
- Rule of Three
Black Phantoms
Eldritch creatures of apparently sorcerous origin who guard a magic healing ring.
- Black Cloak
- Captain Ersatz: Guess.
- Dual Boss, Rule of Three: They appear in groups of three.
- Glass Cannon: Individually, they have relatively low HP totals—around the same amount as a daemonwood tree—though they are immune to magic. However...
- Those Three Bosses: Ugh. All three can cast Magma Bomb and paralysis. While they aren't too much of a problem in the quest they appear, since they'll only attack heroes that have the MacGuffin, in The Day of Reckoning, they'll massacre everyone indiscriminately. A single one can kill a level 50 warrior, but that's not enough, all three will gang up on your heroes. They're also Nigh Invulnerable to magic (they have the highest resistance stat in the game), which is annoying because wizards are the only normal heroes that have enough magic resistance to stand a chance against them.
- Demonic Spiders Up to Eleven: They actually manage to become this in The Day of Reckoning, as they continually spawn throughout the quest, sometimes along with another boss. The common response to this happening is an audible groan.
A giant cyclops who lived off the east coast of Ardania before an unknown sailor shot him through his eye, blinding him. He has since gone on a ramapage across Ardania until he finds the sailor responsible.
- Damage Sponge Boss
- Eyepatch of Power
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge
- Say My Name: "DI-RGO!"
- Shout-Out: Most likely to The Odyssey.
Rrongol the Hunter
A reptilian creature, deemed by his estranged father, Lunord, to be too dimwitted to be considered among the pantheon. He relentlessly hunts any hero who comes across his path and jealously guards a holy chalice created by his father.
- Abusive Parents
- Hero-Killer
- Lizard Folk
- Poisoned Weapon: He's the only monster to have one.
The Liche Queen
A former high priestess of Krypta, whose mind snapped during a ritual attempting to boost Krypta's power, turning her into a lunatic with a desire to destroy all life.
- The Dark Chick
- Dark Is Edgy
- Dem Bones: Being a priestess of Krypta, she can cast the same skeleton creation spell.
- Evil Old Folks
- Large Ham
- Omnicidal Maniac
The Witch King
A creature of unknown origin with great sorcerous powers, including control over spiders and potent poisons. He has long been a thorn in the side of the Sydrian line, and seems to bounce back from many deadly conflicts.
- Get Back Here Boss: In The Day of Reckoning. He appears on the other side of the map and stays around the edges, sending swarms of Giant Spiders at you.
- Large Ham / Incoming Ham: "THIS is MY realm!"
- No Indoor Voice: Ye gods. His opening line is bad enough, but his death clip is so loud it made this troper cringe -- "MIIIIINE!!"
The two headed heir of the last dragon king, Andraxl-Kerlazor.
- Large Ham
- Multiple Head Case
- Our Dragons Are Different: A purple, two-headed dragon?
- That One Boss: He is a dragon turned Up to Eleven in power and ability. He can't even be defeated for the first two of his attacks in his quest. Gold Edition makes his quest even harder by changing his second attack from 7.5 to 5 days in.
- Time Abyss: "I have lived thousands of years, and shall live thousands more."
- Voice of the Legion: Justified since he has two heads.
King Rhoden I
The new and rising king of the Ratmen, who organises a massive assault on a northern settlement.
- Boss Banter: He taunts you throughout the map before revealing himself.
- Fantastic Racism: Judging by his quotes, he really hates humans.
- King Mook: Literally.
- Poisonous Person
- Rodents of Unusual Size
Styx and Stones
Two warriors as linked in death as they were in life.
- Back from the Dead: If you don't kill both within a day, the other is revived.
- Dual Boss
- Punny Name
- Spikes of Villainy
The Abomination
The term used for the creature that killed the renowned paladin Glohrea Oathtaker. None have seen it and lived to tell the tale. Pyrog the Shadowed died while creating a creature far stronger than even the oculi, which are one of the most powerful and mysterious creatures in Ardania. This may be the creature in question.
- Body Horror: Look at it. Just look at it.
- Eldritch Abomination: Albeit one that is likely to be artificially created.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: In addition to being a rather disturbing Body Horror, it can literally be this for your heroes; two of the spells it casts make heroes flee in terror, and in the ending blurb, your advisor says that the heroes who fought it suffer from nightmares and hallucinations.
- Mind Rape: All of its spells. Two are so horrific that they make heroes flee in terror, and the third appears to be a form of Mind Control, as it makes the target attack a nearby ally.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast