Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic/Characters
The characters of Magi Labyrinth of Magic:
Main Characters
Protagonist of the series. Currently traveling around in search of a Djinn container along with his djinn Uugo. He is one the Magi chosen to select king candidates. He knows very little about himself beyond that.
- Badass Adorable: With or without Uugo.
- Bare Your Midriff: Wears nothing more than a Sarashi and a vest on his upper body.
- Big Damn Heroes: Pulls one of these right after waking up from a coma, to the immense relief of Alibaba and the others in the vicinity of Jamil's djin.
- Braids of Action: Has one single, long braid.
- Cheerful Child
- The Chosen One: He is a Magi whose duty is to select a king candidate.
- Children Are Innocent
- Cute Shotaro Boy / Moe: One look at Aladdin and this will definitely come to mind. Word of Goddess is that Aladdin was originally going to be female. The Sarashi he wears is a remnant of the early character designs.
- Covert Pervert: Despite being a child.
- Actually more like Lovable Sex Maniac, there's nothing "covert" about his pervertedness.
- Deflector Shield: His Bolg.
- Elemental Powers: Heat magic. Application so far is by using it for really big fireball, a lot of small fireball that can chase the target, and strengthening Alibaba's djinn equipment.
- Flying Carpet: His turban can turn into this.
- Heroic BSOD: Has one after getting defeated by Judal and having Uugo go on a berserk rampage.
- Kid Hero
- Naive Newcomer: Shows shades of this at times. Justified in that he spent a good chunk of his childhood locked up so he wouldn't know much about the outside world.
- Shout-Out: The original Aladdin had a djin in a lamp, not a flute.
- Staff Guy: His main weapon choice, suiting his pacifistic personality. Though considering his height, it may be more like a Magic Wand to taller people.
- Status Buff: Sometimes. His magic is Playing with Fire, Alibaba's magic sword has Feed It with Fire properties. Do the math.
- Summon Magic
- Sword and Sorcerer: The Sorcerer to Alibaba's Sword.
- What Could Have Been: Was originally supposed to be a girl.
- Wise Beyond Their Years
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Alibaba Saluja
The Deuteragonist of the series. He meets Aladdin while in charge of a caravan and decides to go traveling with him. He is also The third prince of Balbadd and the king's illegitimate son, and fled the city after a major disaster at the castle that he was responsible for.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Justified, because his sword Amon is a metal vessel with magic powers.
- Ahoge
- Awesome but Impractical: Amon's sword at first, since it's large size makes wielding cumbersome and inefficient in magoi consumption. He wins most of his fight by abusing Absurdly Sharp Blade properties to its conclusion. Later he manages to compress Amon's sword to the size of his normal sword, which makes it Awesome Yet Practical.
- Bishonen
- Cain and Abel: Though the two aren't actually blood related, he is the Abel to Kashim's Cain.
- Hair of Gold
- Heroes Prefer Redheads: Both of his possible romantic interests, Morgianna and Kougyoku, have red hair.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Though he was a Knife Nut at first.
- Heroic Bastard
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: He's a bit low on self-confidence. When Sinbad tells him that he's going to be king, he immediately backs off saying that "he's not meant for something like that". Although at one point Aladdin manages to encourage him, he still feels doubtful sometimes later on.
Aladdin: "I don't think so... You're brave! I've known that from the day I met you. [...] Despite your reasons, you still believed in yourself. As long as you do that, you're fine! That's not something a coward could do. So I know you're really brave. Really brave! I respect that about you... my best friend!"
- Hidden Badass: Shows he has actual fighting skill when dueling with Jamil.
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Has some serious skill with a knife.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Initially comes off as being smug but soon proves his kindness choosing to save a little girl over protecting the goods in his caravan.
- Now though, after he's debt-free, he's full blown The Messiah.
"No matter what you did wrong... it is impossible for a person to become trash while he lives. If there people like that around the world, I want to try to stop them."
- La Résistance: Temporarily leads one against the king of Balbadd during the six month time skip.
- Man On Fire: Alibaba has to deal with this at first with his djinn equip.
- Magic Knight: After getting Amon's sword, which he combines with fire magic.
- Playing with Fire: Obtains a Fire Dijin named Amon during the six months he is seperated from Aladdin and leading the Fog Troupe
- Absurdly Sharp BFS: When Amon is properly equipped. The blade an cut through steel and monsters with ease.
- Rags to Royalty: And to rags again. It's complicated.
- Shout-Out: The original Alibaba did have a brother named Cassim, who had a slave called Morgiana.
- Son of a Whore: Of a Hooker with a Heart of Gold to be exact.
- Sword and Sorcerer: The Sword to Aladdin's Sorcerer.
A former slave of Jamil who is originally from the Dark Continent, and is a member of the Fanalis Tribe. Aladdin and Alibaba help to free her from captivity and she eventually reunites with them after a six month time skip.
- Action Girl
- Badass Abnormal
- Berserk Button: Slavery. It's a delayed fuse with her, but when it goes off, you better be on another continent...
- Another one is people refusing help and stubbornly doing everything alone. Probably because it reminds her of her old self.
- Breaking the Bonds: Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome after she finally accepts that she is free.
- Bridal Carry: Her favourite method for carrying people. Needless to say, first-time male carry-ees were feeling a bit awkward.
- Broken Bird: Was broken into being something of an Emotionless Girl due to years of being beaten by Jamil while under captivity. She eventually starts to show signs of recovery.
- Character Development: Eventually moves past the years of fear slavery brought her in order to help a girl being made into one. This starts her Defrosting Ice Queen status.
- Character Tics: She usually puffs her chicks or stomps her feet on the ground (and breaks it, by the way) when mad.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Determinator: What Morgianna becomes. It culminates in her breaking out of her supposedly unbreakable cuffs through sheer strength to save a little girl.
- Emotionless Girl: She comes off this way, due to being broken by Jamil. She has feelings, they're just buried. She's gradually loosened up and lost her emotional distance thanks to Character Development and The Power of Friendship.
- Fan Nickname: Moegianna. Here well-hidden cute side is that much more adorable when it does surface.
- Foot Focus
- Happiness in Slavery: Morgianna who willingly goes along with Jamil requests. Subverted in that she just been broken so badly she afraid of being killed.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Despite having saved Aladdin and Alibaba in millions other desperate situations, she seems to genuinely feel useless whenever she's unable to do something with the situation, even though it might not be her fault at all.
- Kick Chick: Powerful limbs are a specialty of her race.
- Kuudere: Morgianna is pretty stoic, but after some character development (or perhaps revelations is the better word), she’s a truly sweet and kind person at heart.
- Redheaded Hero
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Alibaba couldn't even recognize her.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Is it Morgiana, Morgianna, Moljiana or "Foot Fetish Fuel"?
- Super Strength
- Stay in the Kitchen: Tried on her a couple of times, but it never sticks.
- Variable-Length Chain: Her household vessel.
Ren Hakuryuu
Fourth prince of Kou Empire, he is the younger brother of Hakuei. He meets Aladdin and co. later during his stay on Sindria.
- Beneath the Mask/ Hidden Depths: Guys have really serious problem under his calm, Nice Guy exterior, as shown in his Pay Evil Unto Evil tendencies in later chapters.
- Blade on a Stick: Wields a guan dao in battle.
- Defector From Decadence: While most of the Kou Empire is war-mongering, Hakuryuu wants to destroy it.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Ends up developing feelings for Morgianna, who is hinted to have feelings for Alibaba. Ouch.
- To be fair, they do get their own share of Ship Tease though.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has burn marks around his left eye.
- Green Thumb: His djinn, Zagan's power.
- Inelegant Blubbering/ Cry Cute: When Zagan calls him out for being "weak".
- Mismatched Eyes: Somehow justified in Real Life, trauma on eyes can cause them to change colors.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Team Chef: Somewhat.
- Wise Prince
Alibaba's old friend who was raised alongside him by Alibaba's mother. After years of living in the slums and the death of his little sister, he becomes fed up with the government and persuades Alibaba to team up with him against the king when the two reunite during the six month time skip.
- Abusive Dad: He and his sister lived with one before Alibaba's mother took them in.
- Cain and Abel: Though not blood related he is the Cain to Alibaba's Abel.
- Dead Little Sister: Part of his motivation in his crusade against Balbadd's monarchy.
- Dreadlock Rasta: Fits the personality and character type, but not the religion.
- Driven by Envy: He admits that Alibaba is great person, but because of it he always feels suffocated around him.
- Killed Off for Real
- One-Winged Angel
- Revenge Before Reason: Despite Alibaba is succesfully changing the country, he still incites rebelion, to avenge them who wouldn't back. Or he just want to be king himself.
- Self-Made Orphan: It is later revealed that he killed his father on a chance encounter.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Cassim/Kashim/Kasmir.
Ahbmad Saluja
The ex-king of Balbadd and Alibaba's half brother.
- The Atoner: According to Sahbmad, he's been doing quite of a bit of self-reflection after being deposed. Whether it's a true Heel Face Turn remains to be seen.
- Fat Bastard
- Gonk
- Horrible Judge of Character: Easily fell prey to Banker's manipulations and allowed the Kou Empire to control the economy.
- Kick the Dog: Makes fun of Sahbmad's Shrinking Violet status while trying to get him to call off the rebellion by showing him the pressures is being a ruler.
- Took a Level In Kindness And Intellegence: Learning an enigmatic languange, Toran, during his stay in the nation for research, and use it to help Aladdin and Hakuryuu from being mobbed with children tried to conning them. He still says that he done it strictly to get along with locals, though.
Sahbmad Saluja
The Ex-deputy king of Balbadd and Alibaba's half brother.
- The Mole: Was secretly helping the Fog Troupe against Ahbmad.
- Shrinking Violet: A surprisingly serious example of this to the point where he feels he could never be king because of it.
- The So-Called Coward/ Cowardly Lion : Eventually stands up to Ahbmad and helps the resistance in overthrowing him.
Kou Empire
Ren Hakuei
Third princess of Kou Empire. She is a dungeon capturer like Alibaba and Sinbad.
- Badass Princess: Not only is she a princess, but she's a General in the army.
- Beauty Mark
- Blow You Away: Specialty of her Djinn Paimon.
- Harmless Freezing: That's her djin equip.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Her introduction is leading her men in a conquest of a warrior village.
- Summon Magic
- Technical Pacifist: Originally tries to persuade Baba's village to peacefully surrender to the empire before her men backstab her.
Ren Hakuryuu
See the "Main Characters" folder
Ren Kougyoku
The eighth princess of the Kou Empire.
- Badass Princess
- Hey, You: Even after they become friends, she never calls Alibaba by name.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: Given that her older brothers are all busy with their own matters, and she's too timid to start a conversation with the more approachable Hakuryuu and his sister, she's a lonely princess most of the time. Not to mention there's her status as a bastard child, which makes some people keep their distance with her. Her wish is granted, however, when she visits Sindria and somehow manages to befriend her former enemy Alibaba.
- Making a Splash: Her Djinn's powers.
- Not So Different: With Alibaba, which prompts her to ask him to be her friend.
- Daughter of a Whore
- Tsundere: Type A towards Sinbad. Initially.
- Yandere: Then becomes this for a short while, but it's played for laughs.
Ka Koubun
Ren Kougyoku's attendant.
- Enigmatic Minion: Tried to manipulate Kougyoku into marrying first Abhmad, but when that failed he tried to get her to marry Sinbad, all so he could be an attendant to their child and rule Balbadd or Sindria, respectively. His plan failed.
- Manipulative Bastard: Tries to be one, but failed. He has heart-reading power, he knows that Every Man Has His Price, but what he didn't get is Everyone Has Standards, especially if they're more loyal to your supposed target than you.
- The Medic: He's the one who tends Judal's wounds after he got roughed up by Uugo.
- Only Sane Man: He's the one who keeps reasons around Kyougoku. While secretly plottining to control a region through her child.
Magi of the Kou Empire and an old friend of Sinbad.
- Ax Crazy
- Bare Your Midriff
- Braids of Action: Like Aladdin, he has a single, long braid - which very much resembles Princess Jasmine's.
- Bishounen
- Blood Knight: Shows shades of this.
- Deflector Shield: His Bolg.
- Elemental Powers: Part of being trained Magi.
- Evil Counterpart: To Aladdin.
- Psychopathic Manchild
- War for Fun and Profit: He REALLY loves war.
Also known as "the Organization." Their plan is to spread poverty, war, and discrimination throughout the world, slipping into positions of power within various countries as merchants, political advisors, or court ladies.
- In the Hood: Sometimes.
- Malevolent Masked Men
- The Man Behind the Man: How they operate.
- Nebulous Evil Organization
- Secret Circle of Secrets
The head of finances for the Kou Empire.
A member of Al-Sarmen working with Princess Dunya to help conquer Zagan's dungeon.
- Elemental Powers
- Simple Staff
- Status Buff: By using his lightning magic on Dunya and Isaac, enhancing their magnetism powers.
Sindria Kingdom
The king of Sindria and the leader of the Seven Seas Alliance. He captured the first dungeon, and went on to capture six more after that.
- The Alcoholic: Ja'far notes that they have gone through many troubles thanks to Sinbad's mismanagement of alcohol. During the Balbadd arc, after consuming so much alcohol, Sinbad falls asleep on street, cue the Nando brothers stealing his things including his metal vessels which gets him into troubles later on. There's also one time, although it's Played for Laughs, when Ren Kougyoku accuses him of having violated her after she finds herself on bed with his naked, reeked-of-alcohol body. It turns out to be a misunderstanding, however.
Sinbad: "I cannot believe it... Why? Are you saying that our trust all of this time has been a lie?"
Eight Generals: "Like we would believe the words of a drunkard!"
- Anti-Magic: Has ability to cancel magoi using technique. The same technique also enables him to support other Magoi users.
- Bishonen
- Celibate Hero: Although he has been shown to be fooling around with women in many occasions, he has said that he does not really consider marrying.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Elemental Powers: Comes with his metal vessels. And with the equipment from seven different djinn, he has quite a few.
- Foil: To Alibaba.
- Guile Hero: It probably comes with being a king.
- Naked First Impression: Has this with Aladdin and Morgianna.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Though the extent of what can be done varies, since he does have other duties to attend to.
- Self-Made Man: He was a nobody boy. Then he captures the first dungeon. The rest is history.
- Sexy Man, Instant Harem: You don't have to be a king and one of the biggest badasses in the world to have girls with no underwear piling onto you, but it helps.
- Technically a Smile: Is Sinbad a happy man?
- Tempting Fate: "Don't worry, I did nothing on [Kyougoku]" Cue Kyougoku, equipping her Djinn and seriously pissed off, ready for blood. Yes, it's actually a misunderstanding, but still....
One of Sindria's eight generals. He is immensely loyal towards Sinbad.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Relatively nice guy, but cross Sinbad, and...
- Dark and Troubled Past: Was an assassin.
- Improbable Weapon User
- Hypercompetent Sidekick
- The Good Chancellor: Unsurprisingly, Ja'far also the name of The Good Chancellor in Arabian Nights.
- Limited Wardrobe: Behold, Ja'far's only casual clothing.
- Only Sane Man: The one who keeps reason around Sinbad, especially because of his kindness, and his drinking problem.
- Yandere: His Undying Loyalty to Sinbad could be seen this way.
One of Sindria's eight generals. Like Morgianna, he is also a descendant of the Fanalis Tribe.
- The Big Guy: Until you compare him to Hinahoho, who comes from a different race of people...
- Like Brother and Sister: With Morgianna, kind of. Since they both come from the same tribe, they're often mistaken for real siblings.
- Made a Slave: Was a gladiator before he met Sinbad.
- The Stoic
One of Sindria's eight generals. Regarded as the best swordsman in Sindria. Later during the Sindria arc, he is assigned by Sinbad to train Alibaba's swordsmanship. Often gets into fight with a fellow general, Yamlaykha. Came from Heliohapt.
- Ambiguously Brown: Well, they ARE in (an alternate fantasy version of) Arab, though.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Yamlaykha. Notably, when she admits that Sinbad tried to grope her while drunk in the past, Sharrkan has an immediate dismayed reaction, even though the generals are all used to Sinbad's behavior.
- Bishounen
- Implausible Fencing Powers: From monster to feast.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Work Hard, Play Hard: Very serious when it comes to swordplay, but refuse to do practice when the allocated time is over.
One of Sindria's eight generals. She is a sorcerer that specializes in water magic. Later during the Sindria arc, she is assigned by Sinbad to train Aladdin's magic abilities. Often gets into fight with a fellow general, Sharrkan. Came from Magnoshutatt.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Sharrkan.
- Chronoscope/ Instant Oracle, Just Add Water: Can track person's Rukh to see what happened in the past.
- Invisibility: Can manipulate water to reflecting lights in the way that makes her looks invisible.
- Magic Wand
- Ms. Fanservice
- Red Mage: She states that magician should be able to assist household and metal vessel users using their diverse power.
- Seashell Bra: And you're left wondering how the heck does she keep them intact.
- Sexy Mentor: To Aladdin.
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Also a bit Tsundere.
One of Sindria's eight generals. Come from Imuchak tribe from far north.
- The Big Guy: This man is HUGE.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Likes kids, parent of several children.
One of Sindria's eight generals. Came from Artemyura.
- A-Cup Angst: Because of her looks, she has complicated feelings towards sexy girls.
- Badass Adorable: She won't be a general if she's not one.
- The Beast Master: Using her flute and her voice, she can match the wavelength of animals' Rukh and become friends with them. She does best with birds, but doesn't really good with sea creatures, especially the larger ones.
- Older Than She Looks: She is 18.
One of Sindria's eight generals. Came from Sasan.
One of Sindria's eight generals. Once a soldier of Partevia Empire. Stated by Sinbad as "a sincere man".
- Happily Married: To the most supportive and understanding wife in the world, one assumes.
- Lizard Folk: Has a draconian body.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Though maybe he didn't used to be.
- Was Once a Man: It's not yet known whether he was a victim of a Baleful Polymorph or voluntarily chose it.
Staying in a dungeon until that particular dungeon is captured, they bestow their great power toward their capturer. Usually have Elemental Powers of some sort.
Tropes associated with them:
- Bond Creatures: The right way to utilize their power is to incorporate them into your body, called "Djinn Equip".
- Creating Life: Made from Rukh by Magi. Dark Djinn is made from Black Rukh containing people's negative emotion about their destinies.
- Dungeon Master: Each djinn has control of it's dungeon and builds it to test the worthiness of challengers. They can also redesign it on the fly for Dynamic Difficulty.
- Elemental Powers: Usually.
- Genie In A Metal Vessel
- Our Genies Are Different: They're Bond Creatures and Guardian Entities.
- Theme Naming: named after the demons in the Ars Goetia.
Aladdin's djinn, stored in a flute. Aladdin's first friend.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Ugh, damn, that Judal is too strong, how could--HOLY CRAP did he just bust Judal's Bolg using raw physical power?!
- Bishonen
- But Now I Must Go: Saves Aladdin from Judal by using all stored Magoi within him, but not before he takes Aladdin to Solomon's Holy Palace.
- Hates Being Touched: Very shy with women.
- Losing Your Head: Aladdin's quest is to find it.
- Playing with Fire: When he use magic, he used heat magic.
- Super Strength
A fire Djinn, unintentionally captured by Alibaba.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade
- Clingy Jealous Guy: Dislikes the fact that Alibaba going to conquer another dungeon. Probably justified since it is revealed that Alibaba only had strength to support one djinn.
- Cool Old Guy
- Playing with Fire
Hakuei's Djinn.
Kougyoku's Djinn.
- Making a Splash]]
- Scaled Up: Has the appearance of a snake.
Hakuryuu's Djinn
- Avatar: That Zagan we meet before? That's not the true Djinn, although he had his power.
- Bishonen
- Combat Tentacles: At equipping, it can be used as arrows.
- Cool Mask
- Green Thumb]]
- Our Dragons Are Different: After being conquered by Hakuryuu, shows himself in form of wood dragon.
- Puny Earthling: Refuse to choose king candidate at first, because he saw humanity as inferior being.
- Trickster Archetype
Leila and Sahsa
Two merchant girls Aladdin meets at the start of his journey.
- Be All My Sins Remembered: When it's revealed Leila used to be a bandit the caravan loses trust in her, even when she warns them about an actual ambush.
- Becoming the Mask: Leila was originally part of a band of thieves and was sent to lure out Sahsa's caravan but ended up becoming actual friends with her.
- Marshmallow Hell: Invoked with Sahsa frequently courtesy of Aladdin.
- Those Two Girls
- Spell My Name with an "S": Sahsa is usually translated as "Salsa," while Leila sometimes gets translated as both "Lyra" and "Lila."
A wealthy merchant who works under Jamil.
- Fat Bastard
- Entitled Bastard: Believes his wares are more important than the lives of peasants
- Jerkass: Tries to have Alibaba enslaved when he choose to save a little girl over protecting Budel's wares.
Chief of the Oasis Capital Qishan.
- Bad Boss: Jamil seems friendly enough, but this only reveals him to be more of a psychopath in that he keeps up the friendliness while beating his slaves.
- Break the Cutie: Spent YEARS physically and mentally breaking Morganna into an obedient and near emotionless slave
- Complete Monster: One of few to exist in this series.
- Dirty Coward
- Establishing Character Moment: Jamil is introduced as talking rather amicably with his slave, Morgianna, who returned to him after even after being freed. His next scene is off him casually beating up his slaves without changing his happy expression and ranting about how he deserves to be King. This dichotomy becomes the focus of his arc.
- Greed: Pretty much Jamil's character, even as chief of a city hes not satisfied with what he has now.
- Jerkass
- Kick the Dog: Openly mocks Morganna on how she will never be able to truly break free from being a slave after all the years of abuse he's given her
- Villainous Breakdown: Has one after Morganna is beaten and he's told by Aladdin that he isn't worthy of being considered a king candidate
A slave serving under Jamil.
- The Faceless
- The Voiceless
- Heroic Sacrifice: Forces Jamil to stay behind with him while the dungeon collapses so that Morganna can escape with Aladdin and Alibaba
- Taking You with Me
- We Hardly Knew Ye
Chagan Shaman
The Elder of the Kouga Clan, an old woman with the power to see the mysterious force known as "Rukh" and tells Aladdin that he is a Magi.
- Cool Old Lady
- Gonk
- Killed Off for Real
- Miniature Senior Citizens
- Never Mess with Granny
- Shipper on Deck: Ships Dolge and Toya, and gives them a Cat Smile when they are together.
- Simple Staff: Eventually gives it to Aladdin.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill
Dolge and Toya
Members of the Kouga Clan who befriend Aladdin.
- Damsel in Distress: Toya, for all of one chapter.
- Implied Love Interest: To each other.
Princess Dunya Mustashim
Princess of the Mustashim Kingdom, a destroyed country.
- Affably Evil
- Battle Ballgown
- Blade on a Stick: Which transforms into Prongs of Poseidon.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dishing Out Dirt: Can create rock dragons, and later...
- Extra Ore Dinary: Specifically, magnetized iron sand that she manipulates into different weapons.
- Fallen Princess
- Lady of War
- Magic Wand
- One-Winged Angel: She turns into another Black Rukh Djinn.
- Bishonen Line: After she masters Dark Djinn Equip.
- Proper Lady
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Storm of Blades: Her "extreme magic" which creates hundreds of them out of iron sand.
Dunya's knight.
- Black Knight
- Half the Man He Used To Be
- Implausible Fencing Powers
- Nigh Invulnerable
- Pulling Themselves Together
- The Stoic
- Super Speed: As a result of his household vessel, which repels the strong magnetic forces between the earth and his armor, giving him superhuman acceleration and lets him hover in midair.
- Back to Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic