MS Paint Masterpieces/Characters
Robots - Major Characters
Mega Man/Rock
"I am Mega Man! I fight for everlasting peace!"
The Hero of the story. Initially created by Doctor Light to function as his lab assistant, but then Doctor Wily happened and he was forced to take up arms. A complete dork when not in battle, and a bit of an Idiot Hero.
- Arm Cannon
- Back from the Dead
- Badass Adorable: Mega Man has the appearance and mentality of a 10 year-old child.
- Determinator: The later parts of the second episode seriously show this off, as both of his bodies are consistently under threat of total destruction. He's lost an arm, been killed, is suckered by Quint into having one of his bodies explode, and still returns to battle Wily. By punching his ship with a Shoryuken!
Quintet: Don't you know when to give up?
Mega Man: Don't ask me questions with answers that don't exist.
- Future Me Scares Me: In an alternate timeline Rock "grows up" into a soccer-loving, somewhat responsible house robot... who later becomes the Well-Intentioned Extremist Quintet.
- In the Name of the Moon: "I am Mega Man! I fight for everlasting peace!"
- Indy Ploy: Mega Man's standard operating procedure.
- Irony: He accuses Quintet of always using someone or something else to fight. Umm...
- Lawful Good
- Mega Manning: Naturally.
- One-Man Army: In the first arc. Things get MUCH tougher the second go around, but he still amounts to this.
- Shout-Out: Occasionally refers to himself as a "super fighting robot."
Mega Man: I'm a super fighting robot, I'm here to super fight!
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Quick Man's Not So Different speech is interrupted simply and awesomely with "Shut up, stupid!" and explosions.
Reset Man
The first of the humanoid robots. Has become frightened of many things as a result of his terrible life.
- Butt Monkey: Ever since his activation, he fell to the roof of Light Labs, was left barely operable with a badly damaged, poorly-repaired body, and nearly destroyed by many things.
- Deadpan Snarker: Both Reset Man and his separate AI do this.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: His retractable arms.
- Split Personality: 'Reset Mode'.
- The Woobie: It's very hard not to pity
PolkaReset Man.
"Rock... please don't do anything stupid."
"...well... Don't DIE, anyway..."
Mega Man's "sister". Created by Doctor Light for more domestic purposes than Rock. In contrast to Rock's inquisitive and occasionally fiery nature, Roll is more gently inclined and dislikes the idea of fighting. Not counting that one time she decapitated Ice Man.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Arguably. There have been moments of plot importance where Roll has gone berserk. Subverted in that her only weapon is a vaccum cleaner.
- Closer to Earth
- Deadpan Snarker
- Never Live It Down: Rock teases her about the incident with Ice Man a few times, to Roll's increasing annoyance.
- Robot Girl
- Shout-Out: Perhaps to her cartoon self, whose weapon was, among other household appliances, a vacuum cleaner.
- Super Powered Robot House Maid: This is essentially Roll's job description.
- Technical Pacifist: Unlike Rock, Roll doesn't approve of combat. While she's far from meek - and quite cantakerous at times - she just doesn't like the prospect of fighting. This actually helps sidestep the unfortunate implication present in most other depictions of the character (i.e.: she cannot fight because of her status as a female).
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Her Robot Master ability is apparently a rather harmless vacuum.
"Being invulnerable makes for such fun."
Enker, the "Mega Man Hunter", was Wily's dragon for the first major arc (basically, Mega Man 1). Following his initial defeat by Mega Man, he was revived for Wily's second attack, only to be shunted under Quintet's command.
- Achilles' Heel: His Mirror Buster.
- Armor Is Useless: Thoroughly subverted. Getting hit by attacks is key to his fighting style.
- Back from the Dead
- Failure Knight: Enker is remarkably devoted to Doctor Wily, despite the contempt he tends to receive.
- Forever War: A particularly heartbreaking, one-robot instance. In the Bad Future arc "Too Serious", both Doctor Light and Wily are dead, and constant robot warfare has torn the world apart.
Enker (to Mega Man): You... I... You... My enemy! You.. Tell me, who is my enemy! Dr. Wily.. Please, tell me who my enemy is! Where is my enemy!? Where.. Please, someone.. tell me who my enemy is.. please.. someone.. please..."
- Mythology Gag: Fans have mused for the longest time on why Dr. Wily doesn't just make a Robot Master out of the same material as Metools (enemies who can reflect all attacks). Ferret answers that through Enker, whose armour is made from Metool-type metal and it works quite well...right up until it doesn't. There's a proper explanation for it, too.
- Nigh Invulnerability
- The Rival: Enker is Mega Man's first true robot-based rival in the series.
Quintet/ Rock/Mega Man V
"I've got myself a plan. I'm going to break the endless cycle of war once and for all. Under my rule, no one's going to have to be miserable or suffer anymore."
Wily's second-in-command in the second episode, No Future, replacing Enker. He is in fact a time-displaced copy of Rock, designated Mega Man V, from an alternate future timeline that was introduced in the filler arc "Greatest Killer", and has his origins in the second Rockman World on the Gameboy.
- Affably Evil: Shown most in his interactions with Mega Man, Wily, and Enker.
- Asskicking Pose: Done when mode changing into Mega Man V.
- Bad Future: Quintet comes from one of these. The details are unknown, but it's implied everyone is dead except for him.
- Dragon with an Agenda: And how!
- Face Heel Turn
- Failure Knight
"Yeah... I'm only strong when I borrow the power of others. I'm just another failure.[1]"
- Fallen Hero
- Improbable Weapon User: he uses Sakugarne, a modified
Quintet: "Beware my power, Rock! I am Quintet! And this is my nuclear powered pogo stick!"
Mega Man: "Your what?"
- Lawful Evil
- Laser Blade: Acquired by Mega Manning Allegro in Greatest Killer.
- Large Ham: Granted, an evil one, but he has his moments.
- Meaningful Name: Possibly. It's been noted on the forums that V is half of X.
- Also, a quintet is a group of five. Guess which number V is the roman numeral for.
- Sinister Shades: His first appearances have him completely in silhouette... except for his gleaming visor.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: During the latter half of "Water Hazard", he floods an entire building just to kill Mega Man.
- Took a Level in Badass: Quint from the games? An absolute joke. Quintet from the comic? Hyper competent, super powerful, and the biggest threat in the series.
- Twin Telepathy: He has this with Future!Roll. It also seems that all robots built with a twin unit (like Rock and Roll) have a version of this.
- Villainous Breakdown: Briefly loses his cool when Megaman says that Dr. Light wouldn't approve of what he (Quintet) is doing.
Quintet: "WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW?! You're just a stupid little robot that's barely a year old! If you saw what I saw, and you knew what I know, then you'd do what I'm doing!"
- We Can Rule Together: A slight variation.
"The ultimate goal I have is peace. Everlasting peace. Let's work together."
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Quintet's attempts to bring "everlasting peace" involve bloodshed. Lots of it.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Between flashbacks and the aforementioned Berserk Button, it's heavily implied that in his timeline, Doctor Light died of an unnamed illness, robbing Quintet of his moral compass.
Quick Man
Supposedly the strongest of Wily's 8 Robot Masters in the second episode. As his name would imply, he's the quickest. He's also huge.
- Badass
- Blood Knight: "You're like me, living for a strong enemy to match. But in this era, how many will you find?"
- Kick the Dog: A couple, but his introductory scene in particular stands out. Squishy humans do not do well against Quick Man.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Inertia Is a Cruel Mistress
- Worthy Opponent: To the point that he lays off destroying Mega Man completely the first time they meet, considering him insignificant. Later, he stands by and watches Enker fight Mega Man, on the grounds that he would fight him if Enker was defeated.
Electric Man
One of the original Robot Masters, Electric Man is considered one of the strongest of the first eight, though this comes with a superiority complex. He gets a Heel Face Turn after his initial defeat by Mega Man.
- Big Damn Heroes: Twice in the first episode, against the Yellow Devil, and then later saving Mega Man from Copy Rock.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Not particularly embarassing, but Electric Man doesn't like it when Mega Man calls him "Elecky".
- Heel Face Turn: Interesting in that Mega Man blew him up before this happened, and Doctor Light was able to repair him and remove Wily's Hate Plague programming, making this a post-mortem heel face turn.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Used to destroy the Yellow Devil. It doesn't quite stick.
- Psycho Electro: For a good guy, he sometimes seems a little... unhinged.
Electric Man: "Could you put lightning in a jar? Could you put a thunderstorm under lock and key, Writer?
Writer: "Yes I could!"
Electric Man: "Haha... spunky. If I could see your eyes I'd know if you mean that. My electrical current will run through your little body like a beautiful river of death."
- Offhand Backhand: Electric Man beats Metal Man this way during their brief fight.
- Only a Flesh Wound: When Enker kidnaps Roll during "Lightning Strike", he pins Elec Man to a wall with his Mirror Buster. He then volunteers to handle the Yellow Devil. The following exchange results.
Mega Man: "W.. wait, you? But you're already hurt, Elecky!"
Electric Man: "Don't call me Elecky. And it's not as bad as it looks."
Mega Man: "That's good... Because it looks incredibly bad to me."
- Shock and Awe: Emphasis on "awe".
- Smug Super: Justified, as he's apparently the most powerful of the first 8 Robot Masters (besides Mega Man), and unlike poor Cut Man, can actually hold his own against the second generation Robot Masters.
- It does, however, come back to bite him. Hilariously.
- Would Hit a Girl: Electric Man has no problems with the notion of frying Writer, but is prevented from doing so first by his own overconfidence, and later by Enker coming in at the last minute, allowing Writer to use her powers on Electric Man (again).
Crash Man
Crash Man is another of Wily's 8 Robot Masters in episode II. He likes blowing things up. Like a lot.
- Implacable Man: Takes Mega Man's whole arsenal, is torn apart by a military robot, is repeatedly attacked by Cut Man, and just pieces himself together and keeps destroying stuff.
- Mythology Gag: Being as he is from the future, he's made of a Titanium-V alloy. This references the Titanium-X alloy Mega Man X is built of.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: "Crash Man" may not sound too intimidating, but he's called "The Destroyer" for a very good reason.
- One-Man Army: By the time of "Mega Man Hunter", Crash Man has destroyed over a hundred military bases, killing and wounding an unknown number of military personnel.
- Taking You with Me: Upon being defeated, he gives all of his energy into one final attack meant to destroy Aeropolis' engines and bring it crashing to the ground.
- Why Won't You Die?: Said to him by Cut Man during "Live and Learn".
Factor G's pioneer combat robot. Unlike the E1's, who are essentially mass production versions of the Mega Man chassis, ATLAS is unique, valuable, and extremely strong. However, he was apparently left unfinished, which is why he speaks in points of ellipsis.
- Arch Enemy: To Crash Man, although he loses in their second fight and Mega Man beats Crash Man instead.
- Badass Longcoat: As a rather transparent disguise.
- The Big Guy
- Cyber Cyclops: Although unlike most of the examples on that page, he's a good guy.
- Implacable Man: ATLAS lacks the agility to dodge enemy attacks. He makes up for it by not needing to.
- The Reveal: Spoofed in "Heavy Metal". Atlas is in disguise for the whole fight with Fire Man, until told to remove it by the Factor G-men.
Mega Man: "Omigosh! He's a robot!"
Robots - Minor Characters
The antagonist of the Alternate Future arc "Greatest Killer". Allegro was created by a rival of Dr. Light for the sole purpose of destroying all that he had built. His body was based off a wandering robot that may or may not have been Proto Man.
- Affably Evil: To the max.
- Alternate Continuity: Not actually created by Ferret. He was originally a character from a different comic called The Primer Chronicles in which he was the Big Bad. Ferret used him with the author, Esper's, permission.
- Axe Crazy
- Blood Knight
- Cast from Hit Points: He uses his 'Life Energy' to try and call his laser sword back to him during his fight with Rock.
- Complete Monster: He refers to himself as "Greatest Killer" with pride.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: In the face, no less.
- Jet Pack: His primary method of transportation, given that he does not teleport.
- Karmic Death: The aforementioned impalement happened with his own sword.
- Laser Blade
- Mythology Gag: Future!Rock using his copy ability on Allegro is used to explain Quint's green colourscheme. It's somewhat fitting that Allegro himself also superficially resembles Quint.
Metal Man
Metal Man is another of Wily's 8 Robot Masters in episode II. Based off of Cut Man's blueprints, he's the weakest out of the second generation. He's also a douchebag.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Almost all fanart of Metal Man depicts him as a badass, intimidating Robot Master. This is largely due to his appearance being one of the more dynamic MM2 designs (it probably doesn't hurt that he shares a game with the likes of Air Man, Bubble Man and Wood Man). In the game, however, he's easily the most pathetic boss. The comic reflects this by having him be absurdly weak, even by present-era 20XX standards.
- Ironically, this "alternate" depiction is more in-line with the official information regarding Metal Man.
- Cluster F-Bomb: His standard mode of dialogue.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Thanks to his transformation to Blade Man.
- Hot-Blooded: After becoming BLADE MAN!
- The Chew Toy: And he thoroughly deserves it.
- Ineffectual Death Threats: While he would like to carry them out, he most certainly can't.
- Jerkass: So much.
- Took a Level in Badass: Thanks to Quintet's support units, he is now BLAAAAAADE MAAAAAAAN!
Reader & Writer
A pair of female robots, referred to collectively as "Harmony", who work for Quintet.
- Back Stab: Sort of. While Mega Man is trying to get Bubble Man to come out and fight, Reader sneaks up behind him and shoves him into the water, destroying his Mega Man body.
- Deadpan Snarker: Both of them at different times.
- Enemy Scan: This appears to be part of Reader's main job description.
- Not So Harmless: Reader killed Mega Man. Sorta.
- Reality Warper: Writer's 'Data Writer' attack appears to be something like this, except she has to make direct contact with the person she's trying to affect.
- Robe and Wizard Hat: Writer is "dressed" in black, with what appears to be a pointy witch hat.
- The Reveal: Reader is Future Roll.
- Robot Girl
- Sinister Shades: Both of them, a trait they share with Quintet.
Cut Man
The weakest of the first generation robots, despite his heroic spirit.
- Back from the Dead
- Big Damn Hero: He gets his chance when Mega Man is controlled by Harmony units. It turns out the Rolling Cutter is the one weapon that one-shots the Harmony Units without destroying the host body.
- Calling Your Attacks: "ROLLING CUTTER!"
- Curb Stomp Battle: Between him and Wood Man. He loses.
- Defiant to the End: When cornered by Wood Man, he's given one last chance to attack. He impales Wood Man on his scissors and declares that he is never, ever pointless before throwing the both of them off into a pit of spikes.
- Good Is Dumb
- Heroic Wannabe: It gets him killed. Again.
- Tear Jerker: His struggle with Wily's programming, his journal entries, and his initial Face Heel Turn is absolutely heartbreaking to read.
- What the Hell, Hero?: He gets this from Wood Man with regards to his previous actions under Wily's control.
Cut Man: "Gh-n-newbie heroes have it rough..."
Wood Man: "You've chopped down trees, and you've chopped down humans. You're no hero."
Fire Man
One of the original Robot Masters used by Doctor Wily in his first attack. After being killed by Mega Man and repaired by Doctor Light, he was stolen (again). It appears that Quintet used him as a test subject for the Harmony Support units - which would later lead to his unfortunate death.
- Killed Off for Real: Falling into the ocean fried his data chip, meaning that while Doctor Light could build another robot with that body, it wouldn't be him.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: During Wily's initial attack, then later on when he is stolen and augmented with Quintet's wormlike Support Units.
- Limit Break: Ultimate Fire Storm. Interrupted when Mega Man tells him not to save his best attack for last and hits him with Ice Slasher, promptly cutting it off.
- Playing with Fire
Air Man
The Robot Master Doctor Wily tasked with attacking Monsteropolis from atop Aeropolis. With his output increased to ridiculous levels by the Weather Amplifier, he inflicted great damage on the city, only to be interrupted by Electric Man, then exploded by Mega Man.
- Berserk Button: Being looked down upon; being called weak.
- Blow You Away
- Hot-Blooded
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Intentionally invoked. When he gets angry, his vocabulary... slips.
Air Man: I hate you. Die forever.
Ice Man
Heat Man
Crash Man's partner and one of the next-gen Robot Masters. It's unknown how powerful he is, because he spends most of his time sitting on his rear.
- Brilliant but Lazy: There's a reason Heat Man's usually so incompetent. He might even be the strongest of the eight.
- Die Laughing: At the center of an atomic explosion.
- Fridge Brilliance: His being powered by an unstable nuclear bomb makes perfect sense when you remember that his weapon is called the "Atomic Fire"
- Lazy Bum: He abandons his partner, Crash Man, in the first fight with ATLAS - not out of fear, but because he can't be bothered to actually fight.
- Playing with Fire
- Personality Powers: Averted. Heat Man may be the single least fiery cast member in the entire strip.
- Although, judging from strip #1003, he may start to play this straight.
- Spanner in the Works: Quintet either thought that Heat Man wouldn't be a threat, or that he had been mind controlled with Flash Man and Wood Man. Either way, he was dangerously wrong.
- Turns out that he's powered by a nuclear bomb, and using mind control would be rather risky.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Once Heat Man actually gets off his duff, his power source goes critical pretty swiftly, resulting in a maniacal shift in personality right up until his death.
Spike Man
One of Wily's Robot Masters. He was initially incomplete, but was stolen along with Guts Man, Electric Man, and Fire Man when Dr. Wily made his second attempt at world conquest. Spike Man was also the first of the Robot Masters to be deployed during the second episode.
- Smug Super: Much like Electric Man, only without the power to back it up.
- Unusual Euphemism: Spike Man uses the word "spike" a lot.
- Spikes of Villainy: A variant, seeing as he fires said spikes rather than wearing them.
Flash Man
Created to be Enker's partner. Flash Man's Robot Master ability - the ability to stop time for a short while - would be very useful if he were only more creative with it.
- Crippling Overspecialization: Flash Man's signature attack only works once on Mega Man, and it's also apparently the only attack he knows.
- Dirty Coward: "I'm not fighting someone who can fight back! #%&@ this!"
- Flash Step
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Flash Man is a Jerkass, but watching him toss Metal Man into a spike pit mitigates that.
Guts Man
One of the six Robot Masters who were originally stolen by Dr. Wily. He, along with Fire Man and Electric Man, is said to have power output levels higher than Rock's. He was stolen again, and brainwashed by Quintet, reappearing to attempt to keep Heat Man from wrecking Quintet's plans.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Although technically, he just throws giant boulders.
- Giant Mook: the clone Guts Men.
- Plus, the Harmonies have transformed him into Guts Dozer.
- Punched Across the Room: Super Arm.
- Super Strength
- Even more so as Guts Dozer.
Humans - Major Characters
Major Characters
Thomas Light
"Fighting to protect what's good... that's a worthy cause! If that's what you choose, then I'll stand behind you one hundred percent. But, I want you to promise me something. "Right" and "wrong" are not the same as "good" and "evil". Sometimes what's right is not always the same as what is good. It's usually wise to do what's right. But, please keep in mind what the "good" thing is... and always shoot for that goal, with all your heart and spirit!"
One of the world's most renowned robotics experts, and co-creator along with Dr. Wily of the original Sinister Six, Mega Man, Roll, Proto Man, and Reset Man, as well as countless others. May or may not have participated in large fighting tournaments to earn money for his initial robot projects. A Chessmaster in his own right.
- Badass Grandpa
- Cool Old Guy
- Chekhov's Gun: His Shoryuken.
- Hot-Blooded: Particularly when he gets out his Humongous Mecha!
- Neutral Good
- This Is a Drill: Drill-Grapple! A whole lot of it!
- The Kid with the Remote Control: What he was in his youth, if 'Daidigger D' is any indication.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: He gives an absolutely amazing one to Dr. Wily. It starts here.
Dr.Light: ...Finally. I see you're already turning tail, Wily. You're a smart man... That's what I'd like to say. HOWEVER! You've sown the seed for your own end. The robots you sent to capture my factory not only provided a chance for Mega Man to hone his most basic combat skills, but also their technological secrets! You failed to remove the hidden failsafe I added in Electric Man six months ago... And you failed to understand the thought I put into one robot... With just a few parts from the technology of the future Sniper Joe, he became capable of overcoming your army! He was even able to replicate the ability of Flash Man for me. Having any trouble seeing into the future lately, Wily?
Dr.Wily: "--Wait, you...!? YOU SON OF A WHORE I'LL"
Dr.Light: SILENCE! I am not finished. I was already wary when you entered that infamous laboratory, Chronos Institute! I knew of the Time Vision project, and the Time Skimmer... And with the blueprints of Time Stopper, there are many things which were now possible. Open your eyes Dr. Albert Wily! Haven't you had enough delusions of world domination!? You lost because you don't understand the true potential science has for this world. Watch and learn.
- Shoryuken: Practices it to keep his health up, which is later copied by the Mega Man's non-combat frame to crack open the Wily Machine.
Albert Wily
"I could care less. I'm just here to humiliate you, Light! Maybe I can stop it! Beg me and I might. Beg me for forgiveness!"
The Big Bad who wants to Take Over the World. Had creative differences with Dr. Light, leading him to betray him early on. The recurring Evil Genius.
- Berserk Button: He appears to have two: being second-guessed by his minions, and a certain blue robot...
- Crazy Prepared: Dr. Wily apparently prepared the Wily Machine II for any eventuality.
- Evil Gloating: He tends to do this a lot. Most conspicuously, midway through "Mega Man Hunter".
- Just a Machine: His ethos regarding the Robot Masters.
- Kick the Dog: Among many other things, he treats the Robot Masters like nothing more than tools and has Dr. Rely executed.
- Mad Scientist
- Manipulative Bastard: He engages in this in order to get Mason to build him the time machine.
John Fodder
Fodder: "We only have one type of gun that consistently blows up the Wily bots, so I got a big pile of them heaped up for you. Also I got a pile of heat shields, a pile of super batteries, and a pile of expendable lackeys all up and ready to be blown apart. And as far as robots go, ATLAS and most of the E1 series that hasn't been destroyed are stationed near Monsteropolis. So you'll organize into a single united front, ready to sacrifice your lives whenever necessary or amusing to me."
Gunnady: "May I speak freely, sir?"
Fodder: "Nah."
Initially the head of the elite US military unit, Fodder Force, where he became famous for putting the mission over the lives of his men. Following the Dr. Wily debacle, he was promoted to Colonel and approached by General Bauter of Factor G, to oversee the CY project. Since then he's been steadily devolving into a Complete Monster. He never fights unless the odds are in his favor.
- Beard of Evil
- General Ripper
- Gunboat Diplomacy: How Fodder enlists Dr. Kinto's help.
- Lawful Evil: Initially, more of "Lawful Asshole". The more we see of him, the worse he gets.
- Moral Event Horizon: During the fight with Quick Man, he vetoes Lt. Gunnady's request to retrieve wounded in favor of collecting corpses for CY processing.
- The Right Hand of Doom: Actually, The Left Arm of Doom. He lost it to radiation burns while firing an experimental weapon (at Mega Man), and it was replaced with robotic parts.
- Scary Black Man: In fact, in personality and behavior he closely resembles
Samuel L. JacksonUltimate Nick Fury. - We Have Reserves: His attitude towards his men, to the extent that he relieved Lt. Gunnady of command after she insisted on retrieving the wounded.
Humans - Minor Characters
Fodder Force Uber Team
Captain John Fodder's squad in the Mega Man 1 storyline. Of which, all have died. Except for the redheaded soldier, who was brought back from the dead after Light's Time Gambit.
- Five-Man Band
- Mauve Shirt
Roberta Gunnady
Colonel Fodder's direct subordinate in Factor G, replacing his original, unseen assistant, Leon Diedde, after his unfortunate death. She initially considers it an honor to be working under someone as famous as him, but later appears to realize that "notorious" would probably be a better word.
- Closer to Earth
- Good Is Old-Fashioned: Trying to be a decent person gets her canned by Fodder.
- Quickly-Demoted Woman: Unfortunate, especially considering that she's one of the strip's five female characters. Three are robots and one is rather minor, not to mention quite dead.
Jeff Mason
- An Offer You Can't Refuse: Doctor Wily's offer is, in short: "Build me the Time Skimmer or I'll kill you". Interestingly, Mason actually does refuse for a while, until Dr. Otto convinces him otherwise.
- Human Popsicle: Happens to him near the end of "Not Just Yet".
Doctor Lowe
- Recurring Character
- Running Gag: His fish-based robots.
Doctor Rely
- Brainy Brunette: Brainy enough to be building a time machine. Unfortunately, she's a terrible judge of character.
- Disposable Woman: While Wily kept Dr. Otto and Dr. Mason alive (albeit in suspended animation), he does no such thing for Doctor Rely.
- ↑ A failure riding an atomic fire breathing dragon!!