< MS Paint Masterpieces

MS Paint Masterpieces/YMMV

Metal Man: Believe! You have to believe, mango! Here is a poem! "I really like justice,/I really like peace,/A female nephew is/Called a niece.

Mega Man: Aggk... I don't think I can win anymore...

  • Flashback to Mega Man's awakening, and his speech to him at the beginning of No Future.*

Dr. Light: I want you to promise me something... Please keep in mind what the good thing to do is... and always shoot for that goal, with all your heart and spirit!
Mega Man: .....I'll win anyway! CHARGE!!

Mega Man: "Thanks, Elecky. I trust you. Don't die, okay?"
Electric Man: "I told you not to call me that. And stop hugging me, I can't look cool if you're hugging me, Rock."

  • Fridge Brilliance: The explanation for why a robot covered completely in Metool-type armour is not a viable idea.
  • Growing the Beard: It started off as a stereotypical sprite comic, and it wasn't until Wily's first attack that it started taking itself seriously. Then the Art Evolution happened...
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Dr. Wily trick Dr. Light into designing his floating 'Wilymachine' mech by saying the design is to be used for "mining". Later, in the prelude to the Mega Man 2 story arc, Wily states that one of his new (unseen) robots is for "mining", and that the world will be "Mined. All mined". The plot of Mega Man 3 is about Wily and Light working together on some mining robots, who then go beserk...
    • Metal Man's upgraded form is named Blade Man. Then Mega Man 10 came along and introduced an actual Blade Man.
      • Even funnier if a viewer knows some rather obscure Mega Man history. The poorly done and poorly received Mega Man 3 for PC, unrelated to the NES title of the same name, repainted and edited several of the the NES sprite portraits to represent their Robot Masters. The PC version of Blade Man not only predates Mega Man 10's Blade Man by 18 years, but his artwork used, you guessed it, Metal Man's portraits and sprites as a basis. Ferret knows his in jokes.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Mega Man's smile here is... unsettling, to say the least.
  • The Woobie: Reset Man.
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