< Loveless
(Names displayed in Western order.)
Ritsuka Aoyagi
- Abusive Parents
- Big Brother Worship: Played completely straight.
- Can't Stand Him, Can't Live Without Him: His relationship with Soubi.
- Catboy
- Defrosting Ice Queen: He warms up to Soubi a lot compared to how he was when the two met.
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Junko Minagawa
- The Messiah
- New Transfer Student: At the beginning of the story.
- One Head Taller: The reverse and exception, played straight (without the humor).
- Pointless Band-Aid: Frequently has a bandaid on his face, and though it looks like this trope at first, it's not.
- Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids: Implied upon with his "missing" personality and his current one.
- Tell Me About My Brother: Subverted and played straight. He does have his memories of Seimei, but he is constantly asking about him for one reason or another.
- Troubled but Cute: And his counterpart is indeed Soubi.
- Tsundere: Especially around Soubi.
- The Unchosen One
- Wise Beyond Their Years
Seimei Aoyagi
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Heavily implied.
- The Bad Guy Wins: In volume eight.
- Beauty Is Bad: Very bad. He has even been described as having beautiful ears and a beautiful tail.
- Beware the Superman
- The Cowl
- Hero-Killer So very much.
- Manipulative Bastard: Lampshaded a few times, most notably by Youji, during the attack on the school.
- Faking the Dead
- Identification by Dental Records: How his body was ID'd. Subverted, like whoa.
- Ken Narita
- Posthumous Character: Subverted big time.
- Purity Sue: He's described as perfect and loving in all the flashbacks seen of him. Thoroughly subverted once he shows up again in the story.
- Shrouded in Myth
- Slasher Smile
- Yandere
Misaki Aoyagi
- Abusive Parents: She was more or less normal until Seimei's death. Then, It Got Worse.
- Freudian Excuse: It's implied that she was abused herself, not that it excuses her behavior.
- The Ophelia: A very unstable and violent version.
- Wakana Yamazaki
- You Should Have Died Instead: To Ritsuka, among the many other abuses she heaps on him.
Soubi Agatsuma
- Broken Bird
- Defiled Forever: Thanks a lot, Ritsu.
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Extreme Doormat: Not surprising, given his background.
- Friendless Background: Kio notices.
- The Glasses Come Off: Whenever he starts a battle.
- Handsome Devil
- I Will Definitely Protect You: To Ritsuka. Even when he doesn't say it, he still acts on it.
- Katsuyuki Konishi
- Not So Stoic: Shown with a few examples, but most notably when he meets Seimei again for the first time during the present storyline.
- One Head Taller: Though certainly more than a head taller than Ritsuka, he often gives him comforting hugs. Sometimes inverted with Ritsuka, though not for humor.
- Parental Abandonment: His parents died when he was only six years old in an accident.
- Rape as Backstory Though not his entire background, it's still a rather important part of it.
- Sins of Our Fathers: Ritsu abused him because his mother married another man. Yeah, Ritsu's a jerk.
- Stepford Smiler: Extreme Type B.
- Unstoppable Rage: Even if Ritsuka hadn't ordered him to fight Nisei, he probably would have found an excuse to fight him anyway.
- The Woobie
Yuiko Hawatari
- Big Breasts, Big Deal
- Extreme Doormat
- Huge Schoolgirl: And how!
- Kana Ueda
- Love You and Everybody
- Plucky Girl
- Shipper on Deck: For Ritsuka and Soubi. (Though a good number of the fans hate her regardless, simply because of her Matchmaker Crush on Ritsuka.)
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Noticeably averted. She is the only 12 year old of the main cast who actually acts like a 12 year old, with the naiveté and innocence of one. This tends to clash a little with the Zeroes (male) and Ritsuka, who all act far more mature, and adds to her Ron the Death Eater treatment and the label "stupid" (There's never evidence that she is, she's just the only one who acts their age!). Ritsuka himself later admits that she's not actually stupid, and in fact he seems to envy her.
- The Woobie: She tries so hard to get close to Ritsuka, but she never really seems to make her feelings clear. And let's not get started on how the fandom treats her.
Yayoi Shioiri
Zero (male) Natsuo Sagan (fighter) and Youji Sagan (sacrifice.)
- Artificial Human
- CatBoys
- Creepy Twins: By their actions. They aren't actual twins.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Something of Natsuo's initial reaction to Soubi's kindness before Soubi outright asked Natsuo (and Youji) to live with him.
- Eye Scream: When Natsuo was little, he accidentally put his right eye out.
- Feel No Pain: Or temperature, as Soubi realizes...
- New Transfer Students: In chapter 85.
- Hiroyuki Yoshino: Youji.
- Jerks With Hearts Of Gold: They really can be the nicest people one could ever meet - especially Natsuo. Not that this stops them from being blunt, rude, or sarcastic when they feel like being such.
- Mitsuki Saiga: Natsuo.
- Never Tell Me the Odds: When they head out to confront Seimei, Nagisa tells them they'll be murdered because they aren't strong enough. They go anyway (and with Ritsu's approval), and not only do they come back alive, but if Ritsuka hadn't burst into the library when he did, they probably would have gotten somewhere, considering Seimei reacted to Natsuo saying he would control his name.
- Replacement Goldfish: Youji, for Nagisa's sister.
- Took a Level in Badass: Natsuo.
- Turncoat
Zero (female) Kouya Sakagami (fighter) and Yamato Nakano (sacrifice.)
- Artificial Human
- Catgirls: Before they lose their ears to each other.
- Feel No Pain: Initially for Yamato.
- Friendly Enemy: Yamato meets Ritsuka for lunch and inadvertently reveals that she can feel pain.
- Rie Kugimiya: Kouya
- Schoolgirl Lesbians
- Screw Destiny: Their ultimate decision.
- Yumi Kakazu: Yamato
Kio Kaidou
- Big Screwed-Up Family: He comes from one.
- Blind Without'Em: Implied. He looks really good in them though so it works out.
- Erotic Eating: He's almost always eating a lollipop.
- Hot Dad
- Ken Takeuchi
- The Nicknamer
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Again, his lollipops.
- You Can't Go Home Again
Hitomi Shinonome (Shinonome-sensei)
- Christmas Cake: Deconstructed. Not only is she unmarried, but also a virgin... and it shows since she still has her cat ears. Her self-esteem takes a nosedive because of this. Though technically she's not Christmas Cake, since she's only 23.
- Mamiko Noto
- Meganekko
- Psychologist Teacher: She tries.
- Shrinking Violet
Nisei Akame
- Beauty Is Bad
- Blessed with Suck: Namely when your destined partner doesn't really give a crap about you unless it's convenient for him.
- Break the Cutie: He tries. Though he doesn't get one hundred percent of the wanted results, he's at least somewhat successful.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Inverted. He wants to be pitied. He would probably think a get-out-of-jail-free card would have been nice, too. He was quite upset to not having been shown any sympathy.
- Enigmatic Minion
- Evil Counterpart: He's similar to one for Soubi, as they are both Seimei's Fighters.
- For the Evulz: It's just another way of having fun.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Nothing Can Stop Us Now: Until he realizes he actually can't win in his fight against Soubi and Ritsuka.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Love could go die in a ditch and he'd still be happy.
- Slasher Smile
- This Means War: He is certainly not on good terms with Soubi.
Nagisa Sagan
- Adult Child: Lampshaded by Youji, who says that you'd never guess she's over 30.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Sanae Kobayashi
- Tsundere
Ritsu Minami
- Bespectacled Bastard Boyfriend: To Soubi
- Depraved Bisexual: Debatable. He loved Soubi's mother and was furious when she married another man, and seemed to have no problem sexually abusing Soubi in her place. Like many real life child sexual abusers, his abuse of Soubi had more to do with control than actual physical attraction, since he says "Be dominated" to Soubi, before his usual routine of hitting Soubi with a whip under the guise of "training." While it seems while he wanted control and power over Soubi, there are hints lying around that he does genuinely care for him. That training may have been both to protect him and to have power over him.
- Eye Scream
- Manipulative Bastard: Soubi at least seems to believe he's this.
- Nice Hat: His character in Wisdom Resurrection wears one, then a new one later on.
- Noble Demon: He's done horrible things. That isn't going to stop him from trying to pick a fight with someone who has done worse horrible things. He also can't stand Seimei for having wronged Soubi. In fact, it comes out as more of a personal grudge, but he can't stand the fact that Seimei "completely ruined Soubi". Not to say this excuses his past behavior nor some of his present behavior, but he's not entirely all that bad.
Ritsu: You can't get angry if you don't care deeply.
- A-Cup Angst
- Aya Hisakawa
- Hikikomori
- Otaku Surrogate
- Seven Is Nana
- Ten-Minute Retirement: Turns into her taking a level in badass.
- Took a Level in Badass
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