Love Hina Double Trouble

"Good grief! Is everyone in your family a Kamen Rider? What's next? Haruka brings out a belt and starts kicking butt?"
Naru Narusegawa

Love Hina Double Trouble is a crossover story written by Kamen Rider Chrome and Ten-Faced Paladin between 2009 and 2016. It combines the worlds of Kamen Rider Double and Love Hina. Joined by his adoptive brother, Philip, recent Tokyo University graduate Keitaro Urashima is called in by their grandmother to look after the Hinata-Sou. Some of the craziness from the anime is still there, but the Dopants are still a problem, attacking people whenever they can. The half-and-half detectives must soon work with their female tenants to solve the mystery behind the crimes in their city, and find the organization responsible.

This story is one of the most popular works done by Kamen Rider Chrome. The original Dopants are interesting and imaginative. Characters from Love Hina and Kamen Rider Double, as well as the other anime 'verses that are featured, interact well with each other as well as their reactions come out naturally. This story also deconstructs the popular issue of Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male, where two well known Tsunderes, Naru and Motoko, find out that their attacks against men do indeed come with consequences, regardless of whether or not their target was being perverted. As Ten-Faced Paladin put it, it was vexing for him to see Keitaro always getting beaten up for accidents and no one getting dealt consequences for it when they were proven wrong.

They have also written other Kamen Rider fanfics, entitled Kamen Rider OOO: The Metals of Ikki Tousen, Showa X Vampire and Rosario to Kiva.

Tropes used in Love Hina Double Trouble include:
  • Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: Averted with a vengeance. One of the chapters has a bona-fide pervert found brutally murdered near the Hinata-Sou. The police immediately suspect Naru and Motoko. Thanks to that incident, the Pervert Police gained better control over their tempers much sooner than they would in canon.
    • Kirihiko has apparently become Naru's new punching bag, and while it may be due to anti-pervert reflex, it could also be to punish him for selling Gaia Memories in the first place.
  • Accidental Pervert: Averted and played straight. Keitaro isn't the same clumsy man we knew him to be. But it looks like Keitaro's bad luck has now passed on to Kirihiko.
  • Accidental Kiss: Happens to Keitaro and Motoko. She pretty much stole his first kiss, much to the vexation of Kanako and Kitsune.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Chapters 34 and 35. A homage to Motoko's retelling of Peach Boy.
  • Agent Scully: Philip Ironically.

Keitaro: "So, your new house is haunted and you want us to investigate?"
Client: "That's right. I bought it a week ago and haven't gotten any sleep with all the strange sounds."
Philip: "Rats. Maybe you have an infestation of rats.
Client: "Do rats make moaning sounds?"
Philip: "The wind."
Client: "How about when blood came out from my sink?"
Philip: "Plumbing problems. Must be rust and not blood."

  • All Men Are Perverts: Averted. Naru and Motoko get very frustrated when they fail to prove Keitaro and Philip are perverts.
    • Also played with in one of the chapters. When a perverted Dopant appears and attacks young women, Naru and Motoko naturally assume that it is male. Kanako immediately points out that woman can be just as perverted as men... and she's right. Boy, Motoko sure was embarrassed to find that out.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Tatsuma's lack of interest in women leads Naru to wonder if he is this.
  • Artifact of Death: The Skull Memory, as far as Keitaro is concerned. Kanako now uses it and he fears that his sister's life will end just as badly as Sokichi's did.
  • Badass Family: Lampshaded by Naru.
  • Battle Couple: The Magnet Plus and Minus Dopants who are wealthy thugs who were kicked out of a rich family. They try to go through an infant boy to get more money.
  • Beach Episode
  • Big Badass Wolf: Ryuji's Wolf Dopant form.
  • Brick Joke: When Motoko's fangirls see her ride off with Keitaro, they assume that they were seeing each other. Nine chapters later, a flashback is shown on how this comes back to bite them in the butt.
  • Buddy Cop Fanfic
  • Butt Monkey: Subverted and played straight. Keitaro doesn't suffer from this as much here, but Kirihiko does.
  • But for Me It Was Tuesday: '"Could you remind me who you're talking about? I've killed plenty of people. It's so hard to keep track of them all."
  • Cats Are Mean: "…a cat? One of the top assassins of Museum and all-around pain in my ass is a cat?"
  • The Cameo: There's Shinji Ikari, Rei Ayanami, and Asuka Langley Soryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon. On a separate note, Kotonoha Katsura from that freaky H-Game School Days is made a regular character. Otome Katou and her gang were mentioned. Heck, half if not more of the School Days cast appear here. And if you look closely you may recognize other names; Kagomo Higurashi, Nodoka Miyazaki, Ryoko Mitsurugi, Yakumo Tsukamoto, Ino Yamanaka and Kurumu Kurono.
  • Call Back: In Chapter 11:

Motoko: "I couldn't help but overhear…"
Kanako: "You were eavesdropping."
Motoko: "...That you all are dealing with something supernatural."

    • Then in Chapter 23:

Tsuruko: "Urashima-dono, I couldn't help but overhear you."
Keitaro: "You mean eavesdropping."
Tsuruko: "Well, I wish to assist you in your investigation."

  • Character Development: Perhaps even more so than the anime.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Tsuruko is shown to be strong enough to match Double in his Cyclone-Metal, Luna-Metal and Heat-Metal forms.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Kanako to Keitaro of course, though she seems to be toned down a bit. And due to their infatuations with Philip, Sarah isn't too fond of Wakana. Then there's the Phantom Dopant, who takes this Trope Up to Eleven.
  • Comes Great Responsibility: Not counting the Shout-Out below, Ryuji is a believer of this.
  • Cute but Cacophonic: Guess who.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Motoko vs. any Dopant. Sure, Motoko is a powerful demon slayer and all, but the Dopants are anything but demons. Adverted in two of the chapters. First one where Motoko acts as a diversion to get Double to deal the finishing blow, and later where she's aided by Kanako to help Double deal with the Wolf and Claydoll Dopants.
  • Cyberpunk
  • Deconstruction: Chapter 6 is this for All Men Are Perverts, Karma Houdini and Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male
  • Determinator: This is what allows Keitaro to prove Shroud wrong and activate the Cyclone-Joker-Xtreme.
  • Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: Upon awakening from her bizarre dream, Motoko loudly announces her feelings for Takayuki... only to see that Sarah was sitting right next to her.
  • Doomed Hometown: Hinamizawa, the ancestral home of the Sonozaki Clan. This story takes place in the timeline where the village was poisoned by swamp gas and Rena Ryuugu was one of the few survivors. Maybe that's why the family is so screwed up.
  • Dramatic Irony: In one of the chapters, Philip states he doesn't believe in ghosts. That's a pretty awkward statement since Philip himself is a ghost.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The reason why Kirihiko is kept alive in this reality.
  • Exact Words: "Double-sempai just split open!"
  • Extreme Doormat: Averted. Keitaro is much more confident here.
  • Foreshadowing: In chapter 16, Motoko noticed that Tatsuma, Kamen Rider Accel, used a stance and kata that seemed vaguely familiar to her. Later on, it turns out that her sister, Tsuruko, is his sensei.
    • Speaking of Tatsuma, Mutsumi was the first person that that he met in the Hinata-Sou. Three guess on who becomes his first girlfriend.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Chapter 6: Cause and Effect. For every action, there's a reaction.
  • Fridge Horror: All of the Hinamizawa Gaming Club, minus Rena and possibly Hanyuu, are dead.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: When Saeko reveals that Ryubee was somehow involved in the death of his parents, Ryuji yells at her in denial, not believing a word of it. However, the seeds of doubt have already been planted.
  • Halloween Episode
  • He-Man Woman Hater: The Blade Dopant, who strictly believes that women should remain as the weaker sex. He loses to Motoko in a Kendo Tournament and...doesn't take it too well.
  • Heroic Bystander: In a later chapter, Isaka ambushes Keitaro and Kitsune during their date. Kitsune smashes a beer bottle on the back of the Weather Dopants's head, distracting him long enough for Kanako to appear and help. In the next chapter, Naru calls Kitsune out for doing something reckless and reminds her that she could have been killed in a number of ways, but is glad that she's unharmed and understands why she did it.
  • Hero Worshipper: According to Haruka, some people tried to make Granny Hina sign over the Hinata-Sou to them so they kidnapped Keitaro to use as leverage some years ago. Sokichi was the one who rescued him. Every since then, Keitaro dreamed of becoming a detective like Sokichi.
    • Sharah to Philip, full stop.
    • All the Hinata-Sou girls to Double.
  • Hidden Depths: It's repeatedly hinted that both Haruka and Granny Hina have faced several people from the organization. Whether or not this is true remains to be seen.
  • Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Although Kitsune's foxy nature is intact, she is much more honest and does nothing to cause trouble for Keitaro.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Played straight in Ryuji's second chapter during his omai, later subverted as he wishes to defeat Double and surpass Kirihiko. It turns more into I Want To Seem Normal mixed with I Want My Beloved to Be Happy.
  • It Runs in The Family: See Call Back above, the Aoyamas sure a snoopy bunch.
  • Karma Houdini: Averted once again. The men that Naru and Motoko had attacked in the past tried to sue them. Knowing Granny Hina, she either explained the duo's problem if the victim was an Accidental Pervert, or made a threat if the victim was a pervert. Regardless, that was all the evidence the police needed to keep tabs on them.
  • Knight Templar Parent: The Punishment Dopant.
  • Naughty Tentacles: The Tentacle Dopant.
  • Fanfic Noir
  • Noble Demon: Chrome's Author Avatar Ryuji Hasuma. Keeping his father's surname, he is legally known as Ryuji Sonozaki and Ryubee's nephew. His fiancé, Kotonoha (Yes, that Kotonoha), represents his noble side, where as his family heritage represents his demon side.
    • His bodyguard, Takayuki Hirakawa, is this as well.
    • And let's not forget Kirihiko.
  • Not What It Looks Like: What Ryuji tries to say when Wakana walked in him while Kotonoha tried to clean his pants that was soiled with tea. Add Kotohoha's back turned and bent over with her head at his crotch and Ryuji making suggestive moaning sounds, and it's not too convincing.
  • Now You Tell Us: When Philip receives the Denden Sensor, Naru lampshades that it would have been useful when the Phantom Dopant was terrorizing them.
  • Mind Control Device: With some adjustments, Gaia Memories can be used to control their users against their will, such as the Sleep and Injury Memories.
  • Mix and Match: The new Heat-Joker-Xtreme, which has the same capabilities as Cyclone-Joker-Xtreme. It makes a lot of people wonder how many powers and forms are available because "Xtreme should be compatible with any of (their) Memories."
  • Mood Whiplash: In Chapter 30, the Hinata-Sou residents celebrate the recent victory and the appearance of the Extreme Memory. And then the Nazca Dopant appears from the entry hall, who Keitaro immediately identifies as Kirihiko Sonozaki.
  • Moral Myopia: The Samurai Dopant, who shamelessly gropes women, both female employees and schoolgirls alike, hides behind his father's money when things go bad, and even kills a guy for means of instrumentality. And he had the audacity to call out Naru and Motoko for their extreme boy complex, even if he did have a point.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: What Saeko and Dr. Isaka tried to do to Kirihiko after he tried to dissuade her from selling the Memories to children. This time around, it didn't work.
  • Oh Crap: The Hinata-Sou girls' reaction upon seeing Dr. Isaka turn into the Weather Dopant.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: See Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male above.
    • Ends up hitting Kirihiko dead on. He used to be a salesman from a high class lifestyle, and now he's a janitor and handyman for an all-girls dorm, that and being Naru and Motoko's new Chew Toy. As Haruka fittingly put it, it was "karmic payback".
  • Love Triangle: At least it used to be. Things might get out of control for Keitaro now that Naru has finally fallen for him.
  • Official Couple: Keitaro and Kitsune seem to be headed in this direction, though there is still that promise he made to a girl...
  • Older Sister Nemesis
  • Parental Betrayal: Well, Saeko's not exactly a parent but she does help her father raise and educate Ryuji, her younger cousin. When she attacks Wakana in front of him and then kidnaps him, well he definitely feels betrayed, especially when he finds out she was trying to launch a coup with Isaka.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: The Samurai Dopant gives a rather brutal one to Naru and Motoko, saying how they always attack and send people to the hospital everyday because of wrong gestures. Cue Keitaro giving his "The Reason You Suck" Speech, saying that its people like him who deserve to face Naru and Motoko's wrath.
  • Relax-O-Vision:

The Oni Leader was drinking tea when the fortress suddenly rumbled and shook with enough force to spill her drink. The scalding water dropped into her lap with unnatural precision. Cursing loudly, she leaped from her chair and began dancing about to get the tea off of her. Worst of all, she only wore a standard issue Oni skirt which meant most of her thighs were bare and thus got the worst of it.
What a rotten day to be evil.

  • Shout-Out: "With great power comes great responsibility..."
    • Kagurazaka Street.
    • In chapter 32, Kanako suggested that she disguise herself as a maid to the Sonozaki household to search for clues, just as Akiko did in #9. Keitaro was quickly against that idea.
  • Tempting Fate: "Well, at least I'm not going to get killed."
  • The End - or Is It?: Kirihiko "death". And it wasn't.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Guess who.
  • Tragic Monster: Subverted in the case of Mutsumi, who was under the Sleep Memory's influence.
  • Tsundere Realization: As soon as Naru and Motoko realize that their attacks on perverts were not as justified as they thought they were, they immediately apologized to the Accidental Perverts that they wronged and stopped hating on men so much.
  • Wham! Episode: Chapter 31
  • Wham! Line: "WAAAAAAAAAH! Tatsuma-kun hates me! WAAAAAAAAAHHH!"
    • "I don't believe it. I'm in love with him. I'm in love with Keitaro…"
  • What an Idiot!: In an effort to stop the Weather Dopant, and ignoring Philip's warnings, Keitaro attempted to use the infamous Twin Maximum Drive which, of course, fails and puts both of them under a week long comma. Haruka wasn't all too happy about it.
  • Would Hurt a Child: If Philip hadn't arrived on time, the Axe Dopant would have sliced Shinobu in two.
  • You Should Have Died Instead: Another flashback shows that Kanako was not always fond of Philip. She blamed him for Sokichi's death and hated the fact that he needs Keitaro's help to become Double. As such, she threw herself into her training, going for every opportunity she could to prove she could be Keitaro's partner instead of Philip. But when Philip risked his life (so to speak) to protect her from a Dopant, she realized how stupid it was to hate him his role in her mentor's final case. The pair have been close ever since.
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