< LazyTown


  • Accidental Innuendo: In the You are a Pirate song Stephanie says "if you like to sail the sea" but it sounds like "if you like to sell pussies" Ahem.
    • Not to mention the line about "precious booty" within the song.
      • And the fact that near the beginning it sounds like the captain brings a kid aboard with the phrase "Come aboard, you little faggotteer!"
      • And somewhere in there, they say 'Hang the black flag at the end of the mast!' but it sounds like 'Hang the black FAG at the end of the mast!'. Oops!
    • Then there's the scene during "Master of Disguise" where Robbie sneaks up on Stingy, a 6 year old boy, while singing "You walk right by me, not knowing that I'm slimy!" complete with a creepy predator-esque expression on his face.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: According to this thread, Robbie Rotten is a Tragic Hero, as the series actually takes place After the End and his goal to keep the kids inside is actually to protect them from radiation.
    • Sort of Jossed in "Sportacus Save The Toys" when Sportacus visits France and China. Both countries seem to be fine.
    • The fandom is known for its interpretations of character backstories. Fanfiction writers often give Robbie Rotten a tragic past. A few diehards have created interpretations of the mythical "Number Nine", mentioned only in one episode. A lot of fan theories revolve around Nine being Sportacus' father.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: New episodes are being filmed in 2012. Cue the sound of the Lazytown Periphery Demographic exploding.
  • Critical Research Failure: In "You Are A Pirate", Stephanie sings that "if you love to sail the sea, you are a pirate!" Eh, Stephanie? Ever heard of this thing called a sailor?
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Let's go.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming : We will be friends.
    • There is always a way. You gotta believe in yourself.
    • From the original play, Ég á Góðan Vin (I Have A Good Friend) was very heartwarming.
    • In the episode "LazyTown's Surprise Santa" Robbie Rotten snuck into the kids' houses to steal their presents and sabotage Christmas dinner because he thought he wasn't invited to their Christmas party, only to discover a present under the Christmas tree with his name on it and an extra seat at the dinner table for him. Daaaaw!
    • There's also the episode "Dear Diary", where Robbie stole Stephanie's diary with the intention of writing nasty things about Stephanie's friends in there and leaving it somewhere for her friends to find. But as he was flicking through the pages, he noticed all the nice things Stephanie had written about him. He then changed his mind and gave her diary back, intact.
    • This troper found Woof woof woof quite heartwarming.
    • In "The Lazy Genie", the genie accidentally makes Robbie disappear. Sportacus saves the genie's lamp, so he is given one wish. he gives the wish stingy. and what does he do? he wishes robbie back.

Genie: He's a pain in the neck!
Stingy: But he's our pain in the neck!

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