< LazyTown


There are nine recurrent characters in LazyTown, all but three of them played by puppets.


  • Sportacus is the hero, in the Superhero sense. He self-describes as merely 'above-average', but is several times seen performing heroic stunts that aren't so much above-average as superhuman, if less spectacularly so than most superheroes. This may or may not be the result of being an elf, elves being a much bigger part of Icelandic culture than English-speaking, but this is ambiguous in the English dub. He has an unambiguously magical crystal that beeps and flashes to warn him somebody is in trouble or about to be. His Kryptonite Factor is sugar; eating any sugary food renders him immediately comatose, and fresh fruit or vegetables are required to restore him. He appears to be tenth in a line of heroes that stretch back at least as far as the age of sail. Possibly a Marty Stu (not only near-perfect, but played by his creator).
  • Stephanie is the heroine, in the 'female lead' sense. She is eight, with a pink bob and a tendency to wear almost nothing but pink, with the occasional bit of red, purple or aqua. Bright, bouncy, cheerful, and a frequent dispenser of the episode's Aesop, she is closer to a realistic role-model to the intended audience than Sportacus, who despite condoning the occasional eating of cake and other sweetened foods, can't do so himself. Officially, her character weakness is looking for the easy way out occasionally (ie when the plot demands). She is played as the Naive Newcomer in the Welcome Episode, and although the role was only needed that one episode because of the simple premise, she is pitched as such in the Expository Theme Tune.
  • Robbie Rotten is the villain, in the Dr Drakken sense of the word. As such, despite being the only villain is more-or-less an Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain. He lives underground on the edge of town, and is lazy, finds vegetables disgusting, and finds the noise of the children playing disturbing. Most episodes centre on a plot to get rid of Sportacus and/or get the town to return to its former laziness, which near-inevitably require costumes. They are also so convoluted that he may be one of the most active people in LazyTown (Lampshaded once).


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