Lackadaisy Employees
Roark 'Rocky' Rickaby
"Always be prepared to improvise, Freckle. That's rule number one for jazz players and vigilantes alike."
Ladies and gentlemen, our hero! After a youth of drifting and doing odd jobs, he's found his place at the Lackadaisy speakeasy, where he plays the violin in the band, as well as being the person in charge of acquiring alcohol. Cousin of Freckle. Harbours a slight (??) crush on Mitzi.
- Alliterative Name
- Anti-Hero
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: People identify him by his brows.
- Blue Eyes: Of the naive and inexperienced variety.
- Butt Monkey: So much, it borders on chew toy territory.
- Crazy Awesome: A Rocky Rickaby specialty.
- Cultured Badass
- The Dandy: Talks like one.
- Ear Notch
- Guile Hero
- Indy Ploy: See the above quote.
- Iron Butt Monkey: For as many times as he gets hit, he heals quite quickly.
- Keet
- Large Ham
- Lovable Rogue
- Missing Mom: Tracy has confirmed that his mom is unfortunately deceased.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: About the only person who calls him Roark is his aunt.
- The Pollyanna: No matter how bad things get, he always has that smile on.
- Word of God says it's a combination of this and a Stepford Smiler fifth question down.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Every now and then, especially when reciting poetry.
- Warrior Poet: Well, he thinks he is. Especially with the "Poet" part.
Calvin 'Freckle' McMurray
"Wait! No! I haven't been in any trouble since-- I mean, I'm a good-- I'm supposed to be a-HAHAHAHAHAHAHeep--!"
Rocky's younger cousin and Nina's son. His dream is to become a police officer, but that appears to have been squashed as he's been thrown out of the academy. Normally extremely shy and subdued, but shows a different side when faced with violence and chaos.
- Adorkable: Except when he isn't.
- Axe Crazy: The boy really likes firearms.
- Badass Adorable
- The Berserker
- Beware the Nice Ones: Oh, wow. You don't even know how accurate this is.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Granted, he's eighteen, but who could resist those ginormous kitty-cat eyes?
- Disappeared Dad: Tracy has confirmed that his dad is unfortunately deceased.
- Evil Me Scares Me
- Fish Out of Water: He is not in his element in the smooth world of speakeasies—but he's also starting to wonder if even could fit in anywhere else.
- Jekyll and Hyde
- Momma's Boy
- Naive Newcomer
- Older Than He Looks: You would swear he was just a child by his appearance in the comic, but according to Tracy, he's eighteen.
- Only Sane Man: Whenever he's away from firearms at least. Otherwise....
- Post Dramatic Stress Disorder
- Redheaded Hero: Well, as a cat he's orange-colored—close as you can get.
- Reluctant Psycho: He's clearly disturbed by the fact that something's not quite right under his unassuming surface, and would like nothing more than to just "be a good boy."
- Shadow Archetype: To Mordecai. Both the most effective fighters in their organizations, but Freckle is an essentially decent person who can't conrol himself from berserker raging in combat, while Mordecai is a sociopath who holds himself in check by an obsessive commitment to order.
Mary-Ellen "Mitzi" May ('nee Montgomery)
Rocky: Miss M's done a lot for me, y'know? I just get a little, uh, sentimental with her being in a vulnerable spot these days...
Viktor: Vulnerable as like bear trap.
The proprietress of Lackadaisy since the death of her husband, Atlas May. Used to be a ukulele player and showgirl, which is how she came to meet her husband. Looks fragile, but is a shrewd and steely businesswoman, who refuses to abandon or give up on her speakeasy. In a tentative flirtation with Wick. The rumours of her involvement in her husband's death may be greatly exaggerated.
- Alliterative Name
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Sweet, sexy young woman who just wants to keep her business going, or manipulative seductress who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants?
- Berserk Button: Do not touch her pearl necklace.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bottle Fairy: Was otherwise known as "Martini Mitzi" in her early days.
- Broken Bird
- Femme Fatale: See Alternate Character Interpretation above.
- Femme Fatalons: Granted she is a cat, but she's the first character to claw someone to date.
- Green Eyes: The sexy, mysterious type.
- Hartman Hips
- May–December Romance: Though the art makes it hard to determine anyone's age, it's clear that Atlas was significantly older than her.
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- The Vamp: See Alternate Character Interpretation above.
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: Not a queen, but very similar.
Viktor Vasko
"One af them bends somevhat. And is after seven years at this vork."
A Slovak immigrant with a violent past, he now works for Mitzi as an odd jobs man and occasional bartender. Is extremely protective towards Ivy, who is just about the only person he doesn't show barely-suppressed murderous rage. Used to be Mordecai's partner in contract killing, but their relationship has soured since.
- Alliterative Name
- Badass: Hell, yes!
- Handicapped Badass: His leg hasn't been the same since Mordecai kneecapped him. Don't think that makes him harmless.
- The Big Guy
- Death Glare: Amplified by his...
- Eyepatch of Power
- Green Eyes
- Grumpy Bear: Especially evident when he's with Ivy. And he's also a friendly neighbor to Mrs. Bapka, an elderly Slovak woman.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath
- Husky Russkie: Well, he's not actually Russian, he's Slovakian (Strapping Slav?) but the accent is similar enough when rendered in text.
- Mighty Glacier
- Morality Pet: Ivy.
- Papa Wolf: A surrogate one to Ivy.
- Perpetual Frowner: Even on a good day.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: Not a defining trait, but its in his background.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Stairs, on account of his bad knees.
Ivy Pepper
"You will read these magazines and you will like them. And so help me, you'll learn to enjoy the banjo hour. There's not gonna be any moping, Viktor. There just isn't."
A cheerful and hyperactive college student and the only person Viktor treats with anything resembling affection. She has a big crush on Freckle.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bob Haircut: As befitting of any flapper girl.
- Chekhov's Skill: Her profile mentions her skill with a rifle. She shows it off by nabbing a handgun from some moonshiners who tried to run down her and Rocky and firing a warning shot at them.
- The Cutie
- The Ditz: For the record, Ivy, the telling people that have you cornered that you're there to steal their booze? Not the brightest move.
- Though to be fair, she didn't say that they were there to steal the booze... only that they needed it. She even tells them that they planned to buy it.
- The Flapper
- Genki Girl
- Morality Pet: To Viktor.
- Really Gets Around: She's had several boyfriends, which nothing to do with Ivy and everything to do with Viktor. Every break-up is a direct consequence of Viktor literally breaking their limbs so that they are 1. in a wheelchair and 2. petrified of even saying hello to her. Ivy is not happy when she figures this out.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Tsundere: Mostly dere, but her tsun side is definitely there.
Dorian 'Zib' Zibowski
"Couldn't sleep after last night's fireworks... so I figured I'd practice sitting around looking troubled and pensive."
The band's cynical saxophonist. Was in a relationship with Mitzi at some point before she married Atlas.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defector From Decadence: Is starting to think like one, becoming disillusioned with some of the things Mitzy is doing in order to keep the club running
- Erudite Stoner: Tracy has noticed how some fans wonder if is Zib "is a viper", having a "Texas tea party", doing the "golden strut", "kicking the gong around", "copping a deuceways", "courting the white lady", and having a "whizbang good time".
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: Whether he be a cat or canonically re-imagined as a human.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Everyone forgets that Zib's first name is actually Dorian.
- Only Sane Man: Not that it amounts to much in the long run.
- Smoking Is Cool
The Marigold Gang
Asa Sweet
"The longest death rattle I think I've ever witnessed... I don't have time for this. But that's what I get for betting on a bunch of pig rastlers to know how to deal with a lame horse."
Formerly a business associate of Atlas May; now makes no secret of the fact that he's just waiting for Lackadaisy to die for good. A pleasant, cheery tycoon with no scruples.
- Affably Evil
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Corrupt Hick
- Fat Bastard
- Meaningful Name: Inverted, as this guy is anything but sweet.
- Word of God says that he does love to eat sweet stuff though.
Mordecai Heller
"It was nothing so indulgent as a grand time. It's merely work ethic."
Previously a member of Lackadaisy and Viktor's partner-in-crime, but left the gang on pretty bad terms after Atlas was killed (which he seems to know some truth about). He now works as a bootlegger for former rival Marigold, though he doesn't look too happy to be there either.
- Ambiguously Jewish: Tracy actually confirmed him to be Jewish when fans kept asking if it was true or not.
- Axe Crazy
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Very much so.
- Badass Longcoat: Wears one on occasion.
- The Comically Serious: He's a tuxedo cat because, as Tracy puts it, "I never met a tuxedo cat that didn't take himself entirely too seriously."
- Deadpan Snarker: A subtle one.
- Face Heel Turn: Before the comic began he was a member of Lackadaisy. He kneecaped Viktor as part of his resignation.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- Green Eyes: The untrustworthy type.
- Married to the Job: The reason why Mordecai has never shown any signs of having a love life.
- Neat Freak: Partly due to being raised in slum housing.
- Professional Killer
- Shiny Midnight Black: His main fur color.
- The Stoic: Mordecai's the rare example whose limited emotional range seems downright pathological. The Defiance morticians tell rumors that he might have suffered some sort of brain damage from a headshot wound.
Serafine Savoy
Serafine: De hatchet, cher. It was a joke.
Nico: We didn' tink you was really gone to use it.
Serafine: ...till you stripped down to you drawz.
Part of a Brother-Sister Team of assassins from the Bayou. Serafine dabbles in voodoo and dresses to the nines; she's just as beautiful as she is deadly. Appears to be the leader of the team.
- Ax Crazy: She and her brother are just as cutthroat at Mordecai, and seem to have a lot more fun with it, too.
- Brother-Sister Team: With Nico, below.
- Everything Sounds Sexier in 'Cajun French
- Femme Fatale
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
- Hollywood Voodoo: What do St. Louisans know about voodoo, anyway?
- I Call It Boudreaux
- Eerie Pale-Furred Brunette: As a cat, her hair is black while her fur is a cream color, making her one of the lightest colored cats.
- Professional Killer
- Ragin Cajun
- The Vamp: As Vampy as you can get.
Nicodeme "Nico" Savoy
"Mais, you looked pretty fixed on finishin' what you started."
Part of a Brother-Sister Team from the bayou with his sister, Serafine, and a one-time (at least) career boxer, "The Cajun Gator." A strapping fellow, who appears to let others - namely his sister or Mordecai—do the thinking.
- Animal Motifs: He’s compared to an Alligator in his bio, and as stated above The Cajun Gator was his boxing title.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: Being a boxer and all. He still bandages his hands.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Especially prevalent in his human counterpart.
- Brother-Sister Team: With Serafine.
- Chick Magnet: In-canon, at least, he enjoys "an effortless popularity with the lady types".
- Dumb Muscle
- Professional Killer
- Ragin Cajun
Sedgewick "Wick" Sable
"I just don't know how to entertain a lady who doesn't want to hear about rocks or bugs."
Old money, a quarry and mining magnate, and sweetly naive about the world. He's loyal to the Lackadaisy through thick and thin (and Mitzi may have more than a little something to do with that). Pleasant, amiable, hardworking, bit of a tippler, and rather idealist too.
- Adorkable: To paraphrase Tracy, he's just a geek for collectible relics, rocks, and bugs. (And liquor.)
- The Alcoholic: Can hold his alcohol like a champ, apparently. He also constantly adds liquor to his drinks and food, much to Lacy's dismay.
- Blue Eyes: Of the innocent and pure variety.
- Hair of Gold: In both cat and human form.
- Nice Guy
Mitzi: Wick? Don't worry. He's too nice to go seeking reprisals.
- Non-Action Guy: Drawn from time to time with a snazzy revolver, even though he'd have no idea what to do with one.
- Romantic False Lead: Rocky sure thinks he is.
- Rule of Cool: Why he's brandishing those snazzy revolvers in the first place.
- Uncle Pennybags
- The Workaholic
Lacy Hardt
Wick: (sigh) Why does blasting giant holes in the earth require so much paperwork?
Lacy: Um... no rest for the wicked, I suppose.
Wick's mild-mannered secretary and coffee girl, who often works at his home to ensure that he gets finished with unfinished paperwork (which is a rather common occurence). Though she isn't one to butt into personal affairs, she is getting a bit suspicious of her boss's personal life, specifically his drinking and his "new paramour."
- Hair of Gold
- Only Sane Woman: At least when Wick is drunk or not thinking straight.
- Plucky Office Girl: Combined with Sassy Secretary.
- Servile Snarker
- The Straight Will and Grace: With Wick, it seems. She tends to him at his home and in the office, but it's shown to be no more than a work/colleague relationship.
- More than a few fans have compared them to Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.
Nina McMurray
Rocky's aunt and Freckle's mother. Extremely religious, and protective of her son. She also genuinely loves her nephew, despite all of the trouble he gets himself into. She's probably the closest thing to a parent in Rocky's life right now.
Dom Drago
"Tell you what -- we can pretend for now you're a good little tax payer, not a sax player. Trust me. I've got much bigger fish to fry. See you around."
A sharp-eyed, suave member of the Treasury Department, Dom seems to be up on his history, at least when it comes to speakeasys.
- Alliterative Name
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: In his first appearance, has a pipe hanging out of his mouth the whole time, and chastizes the Dirty Cops openly bragging about the money they stole.
- If you look at the pipe, he seems to just chew on it and not smoke anything. Although, it might just not be lit yet.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
The Arbogasts
The residents and owners of a funeral home in Independence. The family consist of Bobby Bastian, British born war vet of portly build, his lovely ex-nurse wife Elsa, and her brother Reverend Abelard Arbogast whom has yet to realize that he’s a little late to the Great Awaking. They aid the Lackadaisy gang by using their unassuming hearse as a means for booze transport.
- Alliterative Name: Bobby Bastian and Abelard Arbogast
- Back-Alley Doctor: Elsa seems to unwittingly share this duty with Dr Quackenbush
- Badass Preacher: The first time we see Abelard, he’s chasing kids down with a hearse and carrying a pistil
- Funetik Aksent: Surprisingly averted with Bobby, as there was no sign of his British background until his bio came out.
- Fat and Skinny: The aesthetic is found between Bobby and Abelard.
- Hello, Nurse!: the fandoms reaction to Elsa, Bobby agrees.
- Noodle People: Abelard could hide behind a post is so inclined
- The Stoic: Elsa
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Juries out on whether Bobby counts as ugly, but Elsa is by far easier on the eyes