Krypto the Superdog (animation)

Krypto the Superdog received his own animated series in 2005 titled Krypto the Superdog. In this series, Krypto was allowed by Superman to live with a suburban Metropolis boy and his family, and had adventures alongside other characters such as Ace the Bat-Hound (Batman's dog) and Streaky the Supercat (in the comics, Supergirl's pet cat, but in this series, Streaky belongs to the girl next door to the family Krypto lives with).
- Animal Talk
- Animated Series
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Mechanikat builds a robot to help him with the various things he needs to do in order to take over the universe. The robot decides that taking over Mechanikat's organization is a better idea.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Stretch-O-Mutt changes genders twice in the show and both times he/she is very arrtactive to the people who see him/her. One time he changes into a rather sexy and curvy female bunny to distract a magical rabbit in order for Ace to get the rabbits wand. And the second time he disguises himself as a mermaid in order to get the rats away from blackbeak to save Streaky.
- Badass Normal: Ace the Bat-Hound.
- Baleful Polymorph: Krypto and Streaky are turned into non-superpowered fish because of some red Kryptonite.
- Big Bad: Mechanikat
- Butt Monkey: Ace tne Bat-Hound, Krypto himself falls into this when situation calls
- Cameo: Lois Lane.
- Canon Foreigner: Brainy Barker.
- Cats Are Mean:
- Mechanikat, the series' main villain, along with Mechanikat's sidekick Snooky Wookums and Catwoman's cat, Isis, and Delilah.
- Averted with Streaky.
- Also averted with Streaky's nephew and his Supercat Fan Club.
- Captain Ersatz: The videogame Veg Out is pretty clearly Pac-Man with the Serial Numbers Filed Off.
- Carnivore Confusion: Sharks are considered mean because they eat fish and cats are feared because they like to eat fish as well. Too bad a dolphin is the first to react to Streaky being a cat because 1) dolphins aren't fish and 2) dolphins *also* eat fish. Not good when this show was also rated E/I, meaning it's supposed to be educational.
- Unless this dolphin is fish-friendly. Also, dolphins do accidentally get caught on fishnets.
- The Chew Toy: Streaky. Rather unfortunate since the show is filled with dogs. Lampshaded in one episode.
Streaky: That could've happened to anybody...
(one of Robbie's devices falls and splatters Streaky with goop)
Streaky: But this could only happen to me.
- City of Adventure: Metropolis
- Clark Kenting: Nobody recognizes Krypto as Superdog as long as he's wearing his cape! (Same for Streaky.)
- Composite Character: Mammoth Mutt (Mammoth Mutt and his girlfriend, Mammoth Miss)
- Criminal Amnesiac: Krypto in one episode when exposed to red kryptonite, causing him to forget who he is.
- Cyborg: Mechanicat
- Dogs Are Dumb:
- Expy: Most characters bear a striking similarity to the human characters they hang out with.
- Evil Redhead: Kevin's cousin Bailey
- Eviler Than Thou: Mechanicat builds a robot to help him out with his take over the world plans. Said robot says he is "50% Naughtier" than the original.
- Exactly What I Aimed At: While battling a vulture in a museum, Krypto shoots at the vulture with his heat vision and seemingly misses, only to hit a sprinkler system that soaks the bird making it difficult to fly.
- Femme Fatale: Delilah
- Five-Man Band: The Dog Star Patrol
- The Hero: Tusky Husky
- The Lancer: Hot Dog
- Mission Control: Brainy Barker
- The Big Guy/The Chick: Mammoth Mutt
- Genius Bruiser: Bull Dog
- The Smart Guy: Paw Pooch
- Plucky Comic Relief: Tail Terrier
- The Sixth Ranger: Drooly
- Freaky Friday Flip: Some Red Kryptonite causes Krypto and Kevin to change bodies.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: In "Funny Business", Bud and Lou greet Ace the Bat-Hound (whom they believe to be incapacitated by their 'giggle bubbles') with "You're outta luck, Batty-boy".
- Heavy Voice: Mammoth Mutt has one whenever she inflates herself.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Scott McNeil voices Ace and Ignatius.
- Informed Judaism: Andrea and her parents
- Incredible Shrinking Man: The aliens from planet Teeniton do this to Kevin and Krypto. Krypto is understandably not threatened by the environment. Kevin... not so much.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Most of the dialogue contains at least one, there's an in-universe example
Bull Dog: (To a de-powered and barely concious Hot Dog) It's looks that we shall call you "Chill Dog" (chuckles, Krypto and Ace stares at him akwardly and Snooky Face Palms
- Insistent Terminology: Ace prefers to be called Batman's partner, not "pet".
- Ironic Echo: In "My Pet Boy"
- Kids Are Cruel: Some kids who almost got Kevin hurt before Krypto saved him in "Krypto's Scrypto". And Bailey too.
- Kid with the Leash: Kevin and Andrea
- Knowledge Broker: Jimmy the Rat
- Last-Second Word Swap
Krypto: Oh! Sure! Batman! Your own--
(Ace looks at Krypto and begins to growl)
Krypto: own... uh... partner! 'Cause he's not your own*er*! Nope! Just your own partner!
Ace: Nice Recovery. Very smooth.
- Me's a Crowd: An invention allows Ignatius to duplicate himself, but because the second duplication was used on a duplicate, the machine goes nuts and produces non-stop Ignatiuses... Ignatii... iguanas.
- Musical Assassin: Streaky is such a Dreadful Musician that his singing can cause hull breaches on Mechanikat's ship. He later uses this ability to shut down an entire security system.
- Mythology Gag:
- The Villains Club's headquarters looks like the Hall of Doom.
- In "K-9 Crusader" Thundermutt, a dog actor, wants to emulate Ace for a movie. While Ace's costume resembles the Batman:TAS costume Thundermutt's costume looks more like the one Adam West used to wear.
- Pardon My Klingon: "Oh, Flapnar!"
- Planimal: In one episode, Krypto and the Bathound face off against a half-dog/half-plant villain named Dogwood who tries to bring the trees to life so they can rebel against humanity.
- Poisonous Friend: Dogbot is like this in his first appearance
- Power Incontinence: Streaky gains invisibility powers, but as he uses them they become harder to control. It reaches a point where only his face can be seen only if he concentrates really hard.
- Power Loss Makes You Strong: Red Kryptonite causes Krypto to lose his powers. He learns to make do with equipment that he borrows from Bathound
- Punny Name: Snooky Wookums
- Reed Richards Is Useless: Kevin and Krypto routinely stumble across technology that does things like stop time or reverse the aging process and never think that there might be a wider use for them.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Ignatius is Lex Luthor's iguana.
- Rhyming with Itself: The themesong. "He's Krypto! The super dog! Krypto the super dog! He's got super powers! And his name is Krypto! Krypto! The super dog!"
- Rogues Gallery: Mostly the animals associated with other DC characters' Rogues' Galleries, such as Catwoman's cat, the Joker's hyenas, the Penguin's birds, and Lex Luthor's iguana, though there are new ones as well.
- Robo Cam: Dogbot uses this to obtain a Target Lock on Kevin.
- Rubber Man: Stretcho
- Secret Keeper: Kevin Whitney, and later Andrea.
- Shout-Out:
- Dog Star Patrol's doorbell
- The news reporter in "Dem Bones" resembles the newscaster from A Pup Named Scooby Doo.
- Single-Minded Twins: Peek and Pleek
- Snowlems: Iguanukkah
- Speech-Impaired Animal: Played with, as all animals can talk to each other but humans can't understand them without a Universal Translator.
- The Stoic: Ace (by virtue of having a personality similar to Batman's).
- Stock Sound Effects: Viewers who have watched entirely too many cartoons will be able to recognize a lot of the sound effects in this show as coming from Hanna-Barbera's extensive sound library. Given that the cartoon seems to be evoking the look and feel of '60s Hanna-Barbera shows, this is probably deliberate.
- Super Team: The Dog Star Patrol, based on the Space Canine Patrol Agency.
- Superhuman Transfusion
- Tempting Fate: Lex "This building is here to stay" Luthor
- Terrible Trio: The Junkyard Dogs
- Title Theme Tune: If you didn't know who the main character is when you first see the show, you soon will.
- Viewers Are Goldfish: The theme song. "He's a Superdog, he's a superhero..."
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Stretcho the elastic dog.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: When Supercat's fan club turns up in a later episode, it has a completely different set of members. Presumably a different club, but still, why not re-use the existing characters?
- What Measure Is a Non Super: In "Bat-Hound Meets The Dog Stars," Ace meets the Dog Stars, but gets razzed by Bull Dog and the others when it's seen he has no obvious super powers. It's when Hot Dog vanishes that Ace gets to show his detective abilities, finding out he was kidnapped (by Snooky) and is able to locate where a power-drained Hot Dog is being held in time for Krypto to help in the rescue. Afterwards, Hot Dog vouches for Ace as well as the convinced Bull Dog, saying "'E's got powers of the mind, 'e 'as!"
- Who's on First?: Gets a Shout-Out when Stretcho pretends to be a radio set. "Who's on first, What's on second, and Rodriguez is on third..."