< Knights of the Old Republic (video game)

Knights of the Old Republic (video game)/Trivia

Trivia for the video game Knights of the Old Republic:

  • Fan Nickname:
    • "Jedi Jesus" - The male Exile, named from a Let's Play because of the Jesus-like head model they chose (white, short beard--think Qui-Gon or well, Jesus). This has gained some popularity in the fandom.
    • Captain Paranoid (self explanatory)/Flyboy - Carth Onasi.
    • Big Z - Zaalbar's in-game nickname.
    • Mish - Mission Vao.
    • Candalore/Manderous - Canderous Ordo, following his promotion to leader of the Mandalorians in Knights Of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords.
    • Bald Old Coot/Grandpa - Jolee Bindo.
    • T3, Tin Can, Mobile Trashcan - T3-M4.
    • Tall,Pale and Jawless - Darth Malak.
    • Reverend Mother - Kreia.
    • Wacky Wookiee - Hanharr.
    • Di/Mike/Mikey - The Disciple (from the name he only reveals if you don't recruit him into the party).
    • Pazaak Fiend/Captain Pazaak - Atton Rand (as he's somewhat obsessed. It turned out counting cards keeps people from reading your mind).
    • Sleeps-with-vibroblades - Darth Sion.
    • Darth Mumbles - Darth Nihilus.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
  • Jossed: Theories about the comic that have been Jossed by the creator and Lucasfilm include: Lucien Draay is Darth Sion and/or Darth Nihilus, Zayne Carrick is the Jedi Exile, and Krynda Draay is Kreia.
  • Missing Trailer Scene: One early trailer showed a shuttle with two Sith troopers coming out and standing guard. Then, Malak comes out of the shuttle and pull out his lightsaber.
  • No Export for You: Never released in Japan.
    • Also no official release in Russia and other post-Soviet countries. All translations are fan- or pirate-made, but the game nevertheless became a popular part of geek culture in said countries.
  • Throw It In: HK-47 was initially supposed to speak in a Machine Monotone, but Kristopher Tabori found the whole thing unworkable, and decided to have a few takes where he recorded his lines for Black Comedy instead. As they were getting close to deadline, they threw up their hands and let him have a go. By the time the deadline passed, Tabori's "cross the line a dozen times" comedic take had won out, and a Breakout Character was born.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • They recorded the "tell me about this planet" conversations for Juhani, the same kind that you get for other party members, but they were cut from the final game. You can restore them with Game Mods.
    • Though it is not nearly as obvious as the sequel, there is actually a fair deal of cut content. Believe it or not, an entire planet (Sleheyron) and its Star Map was cut from the game early in development. As with the sequel, there is a general restoration mod undergoing development and a Sleheyron Restoration Mod.
    • The Tatooine Star Map was originally housed in a Sarlacc pit.
      • Adding on to the Tatooine thing: there was even supposed to be an alternate plot resolution to the planet in which the sandpeople would declare you their messiah, and Czerka would be driven off the planet. Unfortunately, the necessary lines for HK-47 were never recorded, so it is impossible to restore this.
      • Another piece of content cut on Tatooine: it was originally possible to fight the Krayt Dragon, as the mines would only weaken it enough to be made vulnerable, but the idea was scrapped, and it is just killed by the mines.
    • Among the content that was still Dummied Out in the files though that have since been restored with mods are Deadeye Duncan from the Taris Dueling Ring appearing on Manaan asking to be able to use the name of the 'Mysterious Stranger,' the title used by Revan in the Ring, and an alternate ending for female Revan to be able to kill Bastila and remain on the Star Forge with Carth as it is destroyed.
    • Swoop racing was originally meant to be much more than a story element on Taris and two optional courses on Tatooine and Manaan. The only hint of what could have been was mention of swoop upgrades. Indeed there was much more planned, including customizing your own personal bike, but it was not to be.
    • Very early in development Bastila's role was planned to be filled by Vima Sunrider, a character from the Expanded Universe, but this had to be changed due to trademark issues. This also lead to Juhani having her name changed, as originally she was going to be named Bastila.
    • The game was originally planned to take place in the Clone Wars during the prequel trilogy, which could've led to the player characters interacting with people like Obi-Wan, Yoda or Anakin. However, it was decided to move the story several thousand years earlier to give the team creative freedom.
  • Word of God: John Jackson Miller's blog contains a lot of explanations that confirm or have Jossed fan speculation.

Trivia for the sequel:

  • Christmas Rushed: Actually a Double Subverted example. Originally, the game was to be published around Christmas 2004 and have a relatively short development cycle, but mid-way into development, LucasArts announced to Obsidian that, due to their impressive results, they were delaying the game's release so they could expand the game's scope. Obsidian took this chance happily, only for LucasArts to suddenly hit a financial rough patch and revert back to a Christmas 2004 release. Unfortunately for Obsidian, the agreement about the delay had been a spoken agreement and not a signed one, leaving them no choice but to comply. A great deal of the game's content was thus cut, unfinished, or riddled with bugs, resulting in a lot of the tropes on this page.
  • Cowboy Bebop at His Computer: An article about the game in a Spanish magazine showed an image of Darth Nihilus labeled as "Darth Revan", which caused plenty of confusion. Sumed to the fact that Nihilus appears multiple times in the game without being called by his name and Revan gets mentioned a lot without appearing physically (except a living flashback in Korriban where he shows silent and masked... just like Nihilus), many players in Spain who had not played the first game reached the battle of Telos without fully understanding the background and genuinely believing they were going to face Revan.
  • Development Gag: "I'm Atton. I actually wasn't supposed to make it into the final game, but I was created at the last minute. Blame my agent. I was actually slated for a spin-off to Jedi Knight, but I don't want to talk about what happened there."
  • Executive Meddling: Knights of the Old Republic II is one of the poster children for this trope. You wondered why the last act felt so rushed and the ending so inconclusive? That's why. Not only did they insist that the game be released by an unrealistic deadline, they even went so far as refusing to let Obsidian release a patch later to restore the missing content!
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Second game. Knights of the Old Republic is available on Steam and Direct 2 Drive. Good luck finding The Sith Lord anywhere except Ebay and possibly Amazon.
  • Screwed by the Network: Twice even. LucasArts, the publisher, wanted to ensure that the game would be ready for a Christmas release. This lead to a unrealisticly short development schedule of 13 months, which ultimately left the game incomplete in many respects. Obsidian, the developers, were so annoyed about having to release an incomplete game that they offered to make a mass-content patch which would have restored it to its planned glory. LucasArts, for reasons unfathomable to fans, denied this request. Modders have done their best to compensate, though.
  • What Could Have Been: A massive amount of content was left by the wayside in Obsidian's rush to get the game out for its original scheduled release. Most of the removed content (like the ending) would have been restored by a patch if LucasArts had not prevented them from releasing it. What is known about the planned ending would have been legendary if completed.
    • At some point, Atris would have been able to join the party and in an alternative ending she, not Kreia, faces you as Darth Traya and the final boss.
    • Lonna Vash was originally supposed to be encountered on the Droid Planet M4-78, where she would have revealed more about the Exile and Kreia's Force Bond. When M4-78 was cut early in development, she was moved to Korriban where she gets killed before the Exile gets the chance to meet her.

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