Kininaru Kimochi

A 2004 Hentai that is about elevator stories, which is based on an erotic manga by Yukio Yukimino.

In the first episode, a girl named Rikako Sawada is trying to get a job as elevator girl. What she don't knows is that her employers actually seek to unwillingly prostitute her.

In the second episode, a married woman is molested inside a elevator.

In the third episode, a bra seems to attract molesters towards women who wear it. The protagonist Yuko gets it from its supposed last victim and is molested inside an elevator.

In the fourth episode, an company goes bankrupt, and a female employee is raped by several of her co-workers.

Tropes used in Kininaru Kimochi include:
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: Yuko's Meganekko friend does it...while watching her friend being raped, being envious of it.
  • All Men Are Perverts: In the episode 4, The "last memory" that all male workers wanted to have before losing their jobs, was fuck to Nishizuku. (Their secret idol)
  • All Women Are Prudes: Nishizuku, when she hear that the company going bankrupt, as a "last memory" was only wanted a simple kiss of her crush Shunin.(downplayed due to the fact the kiss was very erotic).
  • Butt Monkey: The female protagonists of episodes 1, 3 and 4.
  • Chick Magnet: Or Dude Magnet in the case of Nishizuku.
  • Dull Surprise: In the episode 4, The reaction of all workers to discover that they will lose their jobs due to bankruptcy seems very tenuous.
  • Elevator Going Down: This anime is entirely about this trope. (Except episode 4).
  • Here We Go Again: At the end of the first episode, when it seems that Sawada can rest, a second client appears and it is implicit that there are still 47 waiting.
  • Informed Attractiveness: Downplayed with Nishizuku. She is genuinely attractive, but it is curious that all her male co-workers wanted to have sex her as "Last Memory", when there were other female workers to choose from.
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: There's nothing outright proving the bra of the third episode causes molesters to appear in the path of women who wear it.
  • Naked Apron: In the credits of Episode 2, we see a still shot of the housewife the episode is about wearing one of these.
  • Now or Never Kiss: A variation that does not include danger of death, the company in which Nishizuku works fell into bankruptcy, for which she must must confess her feelings for her co-worker Shunin, before the time runs out.
  • Sliding Scale of Beauty:
    • Rikako Sawada of the first episode would be world class, because several potential clients agreed to hire "her services" at the same time.
    • The bra of the third episode causes the woman who uses it to be on divine level in the eyes of men. (Yuko in this case).
    • Nishizuku is World Class (or even Divine level), has the same level of attraction or even greater than the previous protagonist, without the need to use a magic bra.
  • Traveling At the Speed of Plot: Unlike the first two elevators, the third elevator apparently was working perfectly, but the elevator ride took 10 minutes of real time.
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