Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep/Trivia

  • Casting Gag: The voice actress for young Kairi in both Japanese and English (Sumire Morohoshi and Ariel Winter, respectively) shares the voice for characters in other Square Enix works: Marlene Wallace and Mog, who are also cute, small characters.
  • Fan Nickname:
    • Terranort and Venitas.
    • Before names were released, Master Xehanort was referred to as OBM (Old Bald Man; in the vein of BHK/Blond-Haired Kid for Roxas). When his name was released, we got affectionate nicknames such as Baldinort, Baldsem, Geezernort, Oldynort, and Grampinort.
    • There's the Captain Obvious-styled Evil!Sora for Vanitas. The epilogue also gave birth to (as seen below) KH!Jesus for Sora.
      • As well as Jesusora.
    • A less common one for Vanitas: Soranitas.
    • Red Eye for the unnamed Heartless that serves as the boss of the Secret Episode.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
  • I Knew It!:
    • Terra turns into Xehanort!
    • Ven becomes a part of Sora.
    • Sora's gonna save Terra, Aqua, and Ven from their fates.
    • February 2009, a troper speculates on the possible connection between the armor Xemnas wears in Kingdom Hearts II and the armor the protagonists wear. Two years later we got Final Mix, aaaaand...
  • Mythology Gag: Zack asks Aqua on a date, like he did when he first met Aerith in Final Fantasy VII.
    • Also, whenever Zack gets excited or pumped up about something, he starts doing squats, a reference to his habit of doing so in Crisis Core which was in itself a reference to his characterization in Final Fantasy VII, as seen in the Nibelheim flashback.
    • Zack appearing in a prequel is one in and of itself, as he was dead by the time of FFVII and had a starring role in the prequel Crisis Core.
    • Xehanort's speech when he first appears is the same speech Ansem gives at the end of the first game.
  • Shout-Out: Upon accessing the Trinity Archives after unlocking the Dairy Devotee trophy[1], the game proudly proclaims "You are a WINNER!"
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Nomura considered showing Leon and Cloud's past in the game, but decided against it because the Radiant Garden would have been overloaded with characters. And because, in his words, this game is complicated enough as it is.
    • Also, a Jungle Book world was going to be featured, but was pulled out. As one of the cut rooms was Louie's throne room, it may have been axed because of Disney's Louie embargo (See the Screwed by the Lawyers page's entry on Tale Spin.)
    • Laguna from Final Fantasy VIII was also meant to appear as the head of the Mirage Arena, but was kept out due to his appearance in Dissidia 012.
    • Pleakley would've made an appearance in Deep Space.
  1. by entering the Frozen Fortune command style 30 times, which happens randomly when eating ice cream
  2. The album some of his music is on (according to the files) is called "Weave and Wish". Most likely an Epileptic Tree, but given that the guy was contracted by Disney at some point and that he does a lot of Disney stuff, it's not all that unlikely. Move/Delete as you see fit, higher Tropers.)
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