Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep/Heartwarming

  • In part one of the secret ending, little Ienzo and Ansem the Wise are seen walking down a hall, eating ice-cream while holding hands. D'awwwwww... Especially when considered that, according to Even, Ienzo lost his parents and Ansem the Wise and the others at the castle adopted him. Thus, Ansem is pretty much his surrogate father now. It's also a Retroactive Tear Jerker/Player Punch; cute little Ienzo was one of the six apprentices who ended up betraying Ansem, and his (thankfully grown-up) nobody ended up getting killed at Castle Oblivion.
  • In the final credits, Mickey renounces the Star Shard and his Keyblade in shame over not being able to stop what happened. Yen Sid kindly gives the Keyblade back to him, exonerating him of any wrongdoing.
  • Aqua being snapped out of her suicidal depression by Terra and Ven's keyblades appearing to save her and doing a fly by before vanishing as if to tell her "We'll always be with you so you need to live on for us." After this Aqua is able to smile again, after what is implied to be TEN YEARS wandering the Realm of Darkness.

Aqua: There's always a way.

  • Both Terra's and Aqua's scenes in Destiny Islands. Considering both scenes involve a 4-year-old Sora and a 5-year-old Riku, both cute kids in their own right, this is to be expected. Also Aqua's scene with Kairi and Kairi's grandmother in Radiant Garden.
    • The scene with little Kairi and her grandmother, with the grandmother telling her the story from the original KH. Very nostalgic.
  • ALL of Aqua and Zack's interactions. Zack just introduces himself to her very eagerly, they talk, and he is just very friendly with her. Hades shows up to fight, and he offers to defend her. (And respects her when she turns the offer down) Finally ending with him asking for a date. While she turns him down she is VERY flustered and even holds her hand over her heart. Zack respects that too, makes a deal, and runs off. Herc runs up and asks why Aqua is so red. Zack Fair, everyone. The only person who can make Aqua blush.
  • Does anyone other than me think that the scene in Radiant Garden where Ventus runs off after the Trinity Armour is one of these? This is shortly after he meets Dilan and Aeleus, the guards of the castle. When Ventus sees the Trinity Armour, Dilan and Aeleus prepare to go fight it, but Ventus runs ahead of them and says "Leave it to me", prompting Aeleus and Dilan to both shout "Stop!" and "But you're just a child!" in concern. Now, considering that this is a kid they just met, and knowing how evil these two will eventually become, it kind of warms a player's heart knowing that before they became monsters, they were good people.
    • Simultaneously a Tear Jerker.
    • Similarly, in Xehanort's Report 10, Master Xehanort describes taking Ven to Destiny Islands when his heart began slipping away. His motive? "The boy deserved a place to spend his final moments peacefully. And what should come to mind but my own boyhood home." The idea that even though he caused Ven's condition to begin with, he still seems to care about his former apprentice enough to want him to rest in a proper place.
  • Ven's stay in Olympus Coliseum is really heartwarming; especially the end, when he, Zack and Herc are "confirmed" good friends and goof off a little. It's interesting because, if you're one of the people who see Ven, Terra and Aqua as a family, these are som of his first friends. And since this follows a small depression-moment in which he lost his trust in Terra and Aqua, seeing him upbeat again is all sorts of endearing.
  • "I'll see ya when I see ya. After all, we're friends now. Get it memorized." There are many, many ways to interpret what this line will come to mean, but all of them are completely heartwarming.
  • Ven finding a frightened Snow White in the woods and comforting her. Boy knows what to say to make you feel okay.
  • Ventus' true ending in Birth by Sleep, in which the four-year-old Sora calls out to his heart, and accepts him within his own heart despite Ventus being a complete stranger. This Troper feels that Sora's status as The Messiah is 100% justified.
    • Also in a similar vein, Ventus describing Sora's heart as "so warm". It really tugged This Troper's heart, since that sums up Sora perfectly - throughout the games, he's always been such a cheerful beacon of hope, ready to help anyone out, even letting others into his body, and never giving up on those he calls friends -- or even those he really doesn't.
  • In Terra's story, when Terra goes to Destiny Islands and meets Riku. This Troper was warmed by the conversation between the two, and was surprised from the fact that Riku kept his promise not to tell anyone, eleven years later.
    • Aqua's visit was pretty heartwarming too.

Aqua: So then, if something happens, and Riku's about to get lost... or say... he starts wandering down a dark path alone -- you make sure to stay with him, and keep him safe. That's your job, Sora, and I'm counting on you to do it, okay?

  • The very end of Terra's story has Terra being reduced to nothing more than willpower lingering within his suit of armor. As he kneels, he has but one thought remaining.
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