Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep/Funny

  • When you get to Castle of Dreams in Ven's story, the poor kid gets stuck in the mouse trap that captured Gus in the movie!
    • Much to Ven's annoyance.

Ven: "Somebody tell me how I got so SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!"

  • Pretty much any scene involving Zack.

Zack: "Hey, how about one date?"
Aqua: "Oh! You mean?... No."

    • Also, this:

Ven (to Hercules): I'll come back when you're a hero.
Zack: Don't you mean when we'll both be heroes?
Ven: So you mean never come back?

  • "He said I should bring two grownups with me..."
    • Even funnier in the Japanese version, where Ven says he was told to bring his parents.
  • In Deep Space:

Stitch: *indecipherable gibberish*
Gantu: "I'm just big boned!"

  • Braig seems to be composed entirely of these.
  • Another one from early on:

Terra: "Oy, sometimes you are such a girl."
Aqua: "Hey, what do you mean, 'sometimes'?"

  • Vanitas's awesomeness rating just went up a notch.

Ven: "All right! What did you mean about Terra being a different person?"
Vanitas: "Exactly what I said, idiot."

  • Phil messing up his numbers yet again ("I got two words for ya: Student. Teacher. Ratio."), followed by Ventus confusedly counting off the words on his fingers, just like the audience is probably doing.
    • Goofy does the same thing in KH 1 and 2, during similar scenes.
    • Doubles as a Shout-Out to the original movie.
  • The Break Time deck command. It involves you timing button pressing to heal continuously, but the Funny Moment is what the trio does for it. Breakdancing, baton-twirling, and vertical push-ups.
  • In Ven's story, Isa berating Lea after his fight with Ven. It's mainly the way he says it!

Isa: From where I stood, the only thing you drew was a big "L" on your forehead for 'Loser', 'Lame', 'Laughable'...

    • Lea and Isa's scene, period.
  • You can invoke one if you beat someone in silly ways. For example; beating That One Boss when you get them to charge into mines.
  • Somewhere in the world, where humor lies extinct, one cat will supply moments of funny with his existence alone. That cat... is Captain Justice. "And that's 'justice' with a J."
  • This is probably more Refuge in Audacity, but did anyone else get that feeling of "Wow, did I really just do that?" on Ventus's story in Birth by Sleep when you beat the crap out of the Seven Dwarves?
    • You are not the only one. It's awful... and kinda funny at the same time.
  • Ven's look when Peter Pan says that gold and doubloons are worthless.
  • In Aqua's part of the story at Castle of Dreamms After helping Jaq get the key to Cinderella, she watches Lady Tremaine from a distance. Just as the duke is leaving, she suddenly grows right back to normal size and falls down the stairs. She also tries to stall for time by offering to try the slipper herself. It's pretty funny. Especially that Tremaine lampshades how awkward it is that Aqua BROKE INTO THEIR HOUSE

Anastasia: She's probably here to rob us!

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