< Killer7


Need a hand working out the story? We can't exactly blame you, so this character guide should prove useful:

The Smith Syndicate

Harman Smith

"Good night, child. It is past your bedtime."

The commander of the killer7. An elderly old man in a wheelchair who spends most of his time in a comatose state getting abused by his maid Samantha. When he's awake though, he wields a high-velocity sniper rifle and plays a mean game of chess. In gameplay, he has the highest stamina of all the Smiths, but he is only useable in particular scenes. According to the expanded documentation, Harman manifests as three separate entities: Harman Smith, the headmaster of a Seattle school who took Emir Parkreiner under his wing; Master Harman, the previous Harman's persona who manifests to Garcian; and Hasidic Harman, a godlike entity with the power of death, who uses Master Harman as his avatar. A younger version of Harman is also playable after beating the game and choosing killer8 mode, where Harman carries a highly dangerous tommygun and can take more damage than any other persona.

Garcian Smith

"Don't make me say it again. I'm a cleaner."

The second-in-command. The only member of the killer7 who directly reports to Harman. A suave, detached man whose job as a "cleaner" leaves him without remorse for the dead. He can resurrect any of the Smiths who are killed in action by venturing out into the field and collecting their head. He uses a silenced pistol, but isn't very effective in combat. In life, Garcian was known as Emir Parkreiner (a.k.a. The Bloody Heartland), a ruthless assassin whom Harman took under his wing at the age of 13, training him to kill those who would later become the killer7 and absorbing them as personae (including Harman himself, whose body he stuffed into a safe at the school he attended). He wields the Vision ring, which allows him to see remnant psyches and change personae at will, and a large suitcase containing all his alternate personae's weapons.

Dan Smith

"I went to see the devil. Now it's your turn!"

The Lancer. Heroic Sociopath extraordinaire. He wields a powerful revolver which can unleash a massive blast of energy called the Collateral Shot. Somewhat of a Spotlight Stealer. He later revives his ultimate weapon: the Demon Gun.

Dan: I feel my blood rushing through my body once more. Yes, this is it. This feeling is coming back to me! The sensation of killing. The doom and darkness. The dark streets, they're calling me... calling me to the ultimate ring!

  • Even Evil Has Standards: REALLY despises Curtis for that harvesting of organs thing.
  • Jerkass: In life, he could talk but couldn't back it up. In death, he gains the power to back it up.
  • The Red Baron: He's known as 'The Hellion'.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: Especially if they're a 12-shot gun called "The Demon Gun".
  • Slasher Smile: To compliment him fighting off the Heavenly Smiles.
  • You Bastard: In-universe. He says this whenever he does a counter to one of the Heavenly Smiles.


"Hurts, doesn't it?"

The Chick. The only girl. A sarcastic yet downtrodden woman with a permanent bloodstain on her dress and no shoes, giving her the nickname "Barefoot". She can slit her wrists and use the ensuing Rain of Blood to destroy hidden barriers. She has also equipped her pistol with a very handy scope. Her first name is capitalized to stress that it is written in romaji, which hints at her non-Japanese origins.

Con Smith

"Laaaater! Peace!"

The kid. Blind. Cocky. Wields two rapid-fire pistols and is the fastest of the Smiths. His special power gives a massive boost to his running speed. Being a kid, he can also fit through spaces that are too small for the others. His blindness also allows him to hear weakened walls and hidden passages.

Coyote Smith

"...you're fucked!"

The punk. A small-time thief with a penchant for loud Hawaiian shirts. Wields his revolver Gangsta Style to look cool and has a foul mouth. Despite everyone putting him down, he's the only Smith who can remove padlocks from doors and can make incredible vertical jumps to reach otherwise inaccessible places.

MASK de Smith

"Children are pure. They know who's the strongest."

The Big Guy. Professional lucha libre wrestler. A generally nice guy who draws his strength from Mask Power, Heroic Willpower and two Grenade Launchers. Has the greatest vitality of all the Smiths save for Harman himself. You need him to blow holes through cracked walls and move heavy objects. Like KAEDE, his first name is written in romaji. He is implied to have been highly popular and successful as a wrestler, until his sudden disappearance from the wrestling circuit.

  • Author Appeal: Suda51 likes his luchadors.
  • Game Breaker: He's the most powerful of the Smiths and gets upgrades, though to balance his kills get little to no Blood.
  • Gentle Giant: He likes kids, but has an exasperatde tone about people thinking he was a monster instead of him just wearing a mask.
  • Kill It with Fire: One of his character selection quotes states this.
  • Magikarp Power: If you take the time to find all of his masks, he'll become super powerful and he won't have to reload every time he fires.
  • Masked Luchador
  • Mighty Glacier: Got the best vitality, strength and fights with grenade launchers, but he's also the slowest out of the 7.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: He suplexes rubble.
    • And headbutts a bullet at one point.

Kevin Smith

". . ."

The unknown. A mysterious, silent albino with Sinister Shades, no shirt and an unlimited supply of throwing knives. A Master of Disguise with the power to literally turn invisible just by taking his shades off, letting him waltz through enemies and security systems with ease. Not actually named after that Kevin Smith.

Samantha Sitbon

"I don't have time for this shit, you know I'm busy with my classes!"
"The Master is awake."

Harman's caretaker. When the lights are on, she's a moody, foul-mouthed Alpha Bitch who thinks nothing of physically abusing the comatose Harman and even raping him at one point. When the lights are off, she's a perfect and loyal Meido servant to Harman. She saves your game for you, but only when "on the clock" as the Save Maid. When Harman awakens in the final chapter, he takes revenge by raping and killing Samantha, harvesting her soul to transform her completely into his obedient servant; at which point, she becomes "Samantha Smith" (although the Japanese version of the game refers to her consistently as Samantha Smith through the whole game).

Assassination targets / Antagonists

Kun Lan

"The world won't change. All it does is turn. Now, let's dance."

Harman's rival and friend, and leader of the Heaven Smiles. A godlike figure with the power of life in his hand, able to grant immortality to whoever he chooses. Despite being set up as an antagonist for the killer7, he and Harman remain civil towards one another, and the two are often seen playing chess together.

Heaven Smile

"At heaven's command, we will kill the unwanted. We must get rid of bad trees from their roots. I hope that you are not one of them."

A terrorist organization hell-bent on causing terror for its own sake, headed by Kun Lan. Heaven Smiles are ordinary people infected by a virus that turns them into strangely coloured, ever-smirking, ever-cackling zombies, whose only means of attack is suicide-bombing their target. They are still easily dispatched by shooting their weak points, turning them into clouds of blood.

The U.N. Party

A Japanese political party that seeks to restore Japan to its former glory and control the world using the Yakumo Policy, a document created by a group known as the Union7 that contains instructions on how to create the perfect society. The group's members include:

  • Toru Fukushima
  • Kenjiro Matsuoka
  • Shinya Akiba
  • Hiroyasu Kurahashi

Andrei Ulmeyda

"We're talkin' guys who beat off four times a day! This is an epicenter of energy, man."

A cult leader with a bright yellow Texas Broncos T-shirt and glorious afro. Once an average mailman, Ulmeyda found a portion of the Yakumo Policy and used the instructions contained within it to establish a powerful cult devoted to him and become the head of a multi-million dollar corporation. It's all smoke-and-mirrors, as his "corporation" runs commercials, but doesn't actually exist; his headquarters is nothing more than a cardboard cutout of a skyscraper. Never the less, he was able to use the illusion of status to acquire a large number of dedicated followers, who regularly drink his blood to acquire Ulmeyda's immunities to diseases, which he develops one-by-one. In the Cloudman chapter, Ulmeyda challenges the killer7 to come to his city and track him down because he's injected himself with the Heaven Smile virus and wants them to kill him before it takes complete control of him.

Curtis Blackburn

"Doesn't hurt to have a hobby after retirement. What do you think?"

An assassin currently in the business of abducting orphans and harvesting their organs to sell on the black market. He was once the mentor of Dan Smith, and was also the one to kill him. He seems to have a supernatural control over light and darkness, and has an adopted daughter-Ayame Blackburn-who he has raised in his footsteps.

Ayame Blackburn

"Like a flower that blooms in the soil of our carnal and corrupt society, I shall administer retribution to stray vermin that graze this land. For I am the Chairman of the Education Guidance Council! Ayame Blackburn, survive!"

Curtis Blackburn's adopted daughter. Her weapon of choice is a machine gun and as Curtis' protégé, she possesses the same powers over light and shadow as he does. She is a Cosplay Otaku Girl who wears an animegao kigurumi mask and fashions herself as a Magical Girl. After she is killed, her mask falls off to reveal her identity as one of the orphans abducted by the Immigration Society, a front for the organ-harvesting ring.

The Handsome Men

"We are the punishing rangers!"

A set of nine multicoloured Sentai superheroes who act as a counterpart to the killer7. Originally designed by the military to fight the Heaven Smile, they defected and began committing terrorism instead. Their actions and targets would be predicted in advance by the artist of the Handsome Men comic, Trevor Pearlharbour. In fact, he had no control over them at all: it was the PR company, Electro Inline Inc. who was controlling them, and set Trevor up as a scapegoat by making him believe that he had power over their actions.


"A blood-red flower's gonna go up like a firework. And it's up to the owner Fukushima to prevent it from hitting and killing everybody. So, Chief, which side are you on? The homeland? Or Japan?"

A minor Remnant Psyche that follows the killer7 around wherever they go, commenting on the situation and providing often confusing exposition. Wears a pink shirt with large text that changes every time you see him. Not to be confused with that other Travis.


A minor remnant psyche that follows the killer7 around, and a complete lunatic. She likes to play Peek-a-Boo Corpse with her severed head (if she still has a body we never see it) and then offer the syndicate an elemental ring for solving puzzles after regalling tales of her bloody life.

  • Ax Crazy
  • Blood Knight
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Her boyfriend hit her by accident when he used a rock that was too big for the "window call" trick, she took her dad's hunting rifle and blew his brains out. She also blew up her school facility (during school hours) because she just hated school that much.
  • Emoticon: Speaks with Kanji-based emoticons that some western audiences may be unfamilair with (she often uses (`曲´) when flustered, for example).
  • Even Evil Has Standards: When she tried to contact the killer7 to hire them, they were so disgusted by what a psychopath she was, they killed her out of principle.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: She was originally a slightly frustrated high school student, but after accidentally killing her mom, she got the taste for killing and embarked on a bloody murder streak that didn't end until she went after the killer7.
  • Leitmotif: A ghostly, buzzing theme plays to let you know rooms where Suzie is present.
  • Peek-a-Boo Corpse: Invoked, Being that she's just a ghostly head she likes to manifest herself in cramped spaces like dryers and floor cabinets.

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