< Killer7


  • Mask De Smith headbutting a bullet out of the air.
  • Dan effortlessly dodging the Eye Beam of and subsequently dispatching Handsome Black.
  • The end of Chapter 1: Angel is what sticks in the minds of most people, where Kun Lan effortlessly grabs and then rides the momentum of a bullet from Harman's BFG.
  • Mask getting killed, the action stopping... and Mask coming back with the ability to unleash a storm of missiles at the enemy.
    • From the same sequence: Every other one of the Handsome Men who is defeated simply falls over the same way one of the Smiths would if they die. Harman, however, hits his opponent so hard he explodes like a Heaven's Smile.
    • Dan also shines in his segment, killing his opponent in a single shot.
  • Mask having the ability to insta-kill several types of Smiles that otherwise require precise shooting to take down. His missiles in his final forms take this to a new level, being able to instantly kill Duplicators.
  • Garcian: "This gun holds seven bullets."
  • Dan: "Trying to die with dignity? Give me a break, you sick old man!"

Dan: The bastards are breeding.

      • Can we just say almost every cutscene with Dan in it is a CMOA?
  • Any time Harman is in the field, what he says could be a crowning moment on its own, but major points go towards dodging bullets in his wheelchair.
    • Hell, the first line we hear him speak is one of the coolest things ever.

Harman: Good night, child. It's past your bedtime.

  • MASK de Smith gets one when he headbutts a bullet.
  • This Little Number. Mask isn't even the most badass character of the sydicate even. It somehow even makes the final line in this scene badass purely through association.
    • "Yeah. I'm here to kill Mr. Fukushima."
  • The single most awesome scene is this exchange between Kun Lan and Harman:

Harman: No matter how many times you try, the result will be the same.
Kun Lan: Ah yes. Like our chess games... you always seem to win.
Harman: Do you know why?
Kun Lan: You tell me.
Harman: (leans in) Because you're a bad player.

    • This is immediately followed by Kun Lan grabbing a bullet fired at him, and riding it up to the top of the Space Needle.

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