Kaze no Stigma/Characters
A character sheet for the manga/anime Kaze no Stigma.
Kannagi Family
Kazuma Yagami
Voiced by: Daisuke Ono (JP), Robert McCollum (EN)
A former member of the Kannagi household. He was banished from the family by his father and changed his name to Kazuma Yagami after being defeated by Ayano during the successor ceremony for "Enraiha", his family's sacred sword, due to his inability to use Enjutsu. Four years later, he returns to Japan as a skilled master of Fūjutsu.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV-V
- Badass
- Battle Couple: With Ayano.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: The reason Kazuma saves Misao: She saved him from bullies when he was younger.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Again, with Ayano.
- Berserk Button: It's recommended that you don't perform Human Sacrifice, especially with his little brother Ren. It reminds him of his greatest failure.
- Bishonen
- Blow You Away: He couldn't master Fire Magic, so he mastered Wind Magic instead. He has a pact/contract with the spirit king of air, so he has a few more feats and tricks up his sleeve than other Wind Mages.
- Dead Little Sister: His failure to protect Cui-Ling motivates him to awaken his true powers to protect those around him.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Everyone Can See It: The attraction between him and Ayano.
- Face Heel Turn: For a few episodes near the end.
- Flight: Can use his wind powers as transportation.
- The Gadfly: Loves causing Ayano trouble.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: When he reaches his full power, his eyes become "blue as the azure sky".
- Heroes Want Redheads
- Intimate Healing: Early on, he gives Ayano medicine via a kiss.
- Jerkass/Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Goes back and forth.
- Kids Are Cruel: He was regularly beaten up as a child due to his lack of fire magic.
- Kissing Cousins: Him and Ayano are second cousins.
- Love Makes You Crazy And Evil: In the last arc of the anime. He gets better.
- Love Triangle: Him, Ayano, and Katherine
- Manipulative Bastard: Especially in regard to Ayano.
- Mind Probe: Used by his evil side.
- Mistaken for Murderer: He's lured back to Japan to set one of these up. A powerful Wind Mage is killing Kunnagis, and he's a powerful Wind Mage with a motive to do just that.
- My Greatest Failure: Being unable to stop Cui-Ling's sacrifice.
- Noble Demon: He plays the part of mercenary, extorts gold out of fairies, and likes to mess with Ayano, but beneath it all, Kazuma's a good guy.
- Only in It For the Money
- Parental Abandonment: A subversion. He was disinherited and cast away by his parents, but that was to make him able pave a way for himself and succeed at life. Had he stayed a Kunnagi, he wouldn't have been in a very good position at all.
- Pet the Dog: He visits his father at the hospital and tells him to take care of himself.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When he turns evil.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni to Ayano's Red Oni.
- Shoot the Dog: More so in the novels of course, but it still stands.
- The Spock
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: Whenever the Cui-Ling issue comes out.
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Take a Third Option: His guiding philosophy, it would seem.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome AND Snarky
- The Tease: In a rare male example.
- Took a Level in Badass
- Training from Hell: After Cui Ling's death.
- Troubled but Cute
- You Taste Delicious: While Kazuma was pouring some fine wine, some of it splashed onto Ayano's face. The powerful wind mage decides not to let it go to waste and licks it off his partner's face.
Ayano Kannagi
Voiced by: Ayumi Fujimura (JP), Cherami Leigh (EN)
The successor to the Kannagi family's head. She holds Enraiha, the Kannagi's sacred sword, which she won by defeating Kazuma at the successor ceremony four years before the start of the story.
- Action Girl
- Ancestral Weapon: Enraiha has been passed down to members of the Kannagis' for generations.
- Badass Adorable
- Battle Couple: With Kazuma.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Kazuma.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Ayano claims she doesn't like Kazuma, but she sure seems a bit too interested anytime he's hanging out with another woman.
- Clothing Damage: Twice: In the fight with the first Big Bad, and again in the first fight against Katherine.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cute Little Fangs
- Everyone Can See It: Except herself, of course.
- Fiery Redhead: Literally.
- Flaming Sword: Enraiha.
- Hellish Pupils
- Heroic BSOD: In the novels, after her friends shrink back from her in terror when she first demonstrates her power in front of them. She then gets enveloped by a puny slime monster that shouldn't have had a chance, and Kazuma has to bail her out and restore her confidence.
- Hime Cut
- Hold the Line: In the first arc's Big Bad boss fight, she has to keep him back while Kazuma charges up for an attack. He lets her get knocked around a little before releasing it, of course.
- Hot Chick with a Sword: With emphasis on "hot".
- Idiot Hair: In at least one scene you can see Ayano putting a great deal of work into making sure she has an Idiot Hair, including combing her hair a certain way and liberal amounts of hairspray.
- Indirect Kiss: She drinks Kazuma's coffee while he's battling a Pandemonium player.
- Indy Ploy: A huge fan of these.
- Intimate Healing: When Kazuma gives her medicine via a kiss.
- Kissing Cousins: She and Kazuma are second cousins.
- The McCoy
- Ms. Fanservice: Has tons of Panty Shots, two Furo Scenes and suffers constant Clothing Damage.
- Limited Wardrobe: Ayano wears her school uniform at all times. Lampshaded when she takes her time picking between three identical outfits in the amusement park episode.
- Love Triangle: Ayano, Kazuma, and Katherine.
- Panty Shot: And lots of them.
- Playing with Fire: Part and parcel of being a member of the Kannagi Family.
- Red Headed Heroine
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red Oni to Kazuma's Blue Oni.
- Second Love: For Kazuma.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Nanase's Tomboy, and Tomboy to Yukari's Girly Girl.
- Tsundere: And a textbook example, at that.
- Tsurime Eyes
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade C.
- She is briefly seen wearing a Grade A in the Hot Springs Episode.
Ren Kannagi
Voiced by: Rika Morinaga (JP), Josh Grelle (EN)
Kazuma's younger brother. He looks up to Ayano and practically worships Kazuma, stating that one day he hopes to be as strong as him so he can protect everyone.
- Badass Adorable
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Did Not Get the Girl
- The Dulcinea Effect: He decides to protect Ayumi just after meeting her.
- Even the Guys Want Him
- The Glomp: His greeting.
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic Resolve: When he decides to save Ayumi from sacrifice.
- Keet
- The Kirk
- Love At First Sight: Toward Ayumi.
- Love Triangle: Ren and his two best friends, a guy, Tatsuya Serizawa, and a girl, Kanon Suzuhara.
- Morality Pet: To Kazuma
- Playing with Fire
- Take a Third Option: As opposed to just going with it, as the Tsuwabaki family does.
- Tareme Eyes
Genma Kannagi
Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama (JP), Mark Stoddard (EN)
Ren and Kazuma's strict father. Though he is responsible for banishing Kazuma from the Kannagi family, he only wanted his son to find his own path in life.
Though Kazuma defeats him in their first battle in years, Genma is the strongest En-Jutsushi of the Kannagi's, and wields the blue Divine Flame, Sōen, which only eleven others have wielded since the founding of the clan.
- Badass
- Brown Eyes
- I Have Only One Son: Since he has disinherited Kazuma.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The true reason he expelled Kazuma from the family is because he wanted his son to find his own path, but he has never admit it.
- Playing with Fire
Juugo Kannagi
Voiced by: Masaki Terasoma (JP), R. Bruce Elliott (EN)
Ayano's father and Genma's cousin. He is the current head of the Kannagi family.
- Cool Old Guy: He's actually very fair with Kazuma.
- Green Eyes
- Multicolored Hair: His front hairs are ligther.
- Shipper on Deck: He supports Ayano/Kazuma. He even fakes a Youma sighting in an amusement park to get Kazuma and Ayano on a date.
- The Stoic
Supporting Characters
Kirika Tachibana
Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (JP), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)
A detective working for the Tokyo MPD's Special Investigation Unit, in charge of investigating crimes related to jutsu.
- Hair of Gold
- Ms. Exposition: She reveals Kazuma's backstory to the main characters near the series finale.
- Occult Detective
- Purple Eyes: Pinkish purple.
- The Stoic
- Tall, Blonde And Bishoujo
Nanase Kudō
Voiced by: Shizuka Ito (JP), Brina Palencia (EN)
One of Ayano's best friends and classmates. She and Yukari know about the existence of jutsushi. She is a very athletic student and is admired by many of the female students.
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Go-Go Enslavement
- Purple Eyes
- Those Two Girls: With Yukari
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Ayano and Yukari's Girly Girl.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Yukari Shinomiya
Voiced by: Yuka Inokuchi (JP), Kate Oxley (EN)
One of Ayano's best friends and classmates. Yukari, along with Nanase, often teases Ayano about her apparent crush on Kazuma. She is well-connected to the information network of the student body and often knows what is happening around the school.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Eyes of Gold
- Go-Go Enslavement
- Hair Decorations
- Hair of Gold
- Those Two Girls: With Nanase
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Ayano and Nanase's Tomboy.
Cui Ling
Voiced by: Yui Makino (JP), Leah Clark (EN)
The girl Kazuma could not protect. She was sacrificed by the head member of the Armagest Erwin Leszaar to summon a demon.
- Anime Hair
- Dead Little Sister: To Kazuma.
- Green Eyes
- I Let Gwen Stacy Die
- Hair Decorations: She always wore a ribbon.
- Posthumous Character
Misao Oogami
Voiced by: Kana Ueda (JP), Monica Rial (EN)
A member of the secondary part of the Kannagi family. Her brother was the only person kind to her, but was killed by Ryuuya when he, alongside another Kannagi relative, were on a mission for capturing Kazuma. That's the reason why she believes Kazuma was the responsible for his death. After Ryuuya's defeat, she makes killing Kazuma her goal.
- The Atoner: After Michael Harley is finally destroyed she asks Kazuma to leave her to die, but Kazuma convinces her to atone for her sins by living on. She´s currently trying to pay her sins as a nun in some abbey near by Tokyo.
- Bob Haircut
- Broken Bird
- Brown Eyes
- Dead Older Brother
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Hair Decorations: Sports a headband.
- My God, What Have I Done?: After attempting to kill Kazuma twice, with no success, Michael Harley takes his chance and seduces her with the false promise of granting her enough power to get her revenge. She gathers inside her body the souls of many innocent victims, and even kills her own family in order to obtain that power. Michael Harley tells that their deaths were not a sin if the goal she was seeking was honorable, but when she finally confronts Kazuma and loses her battle, she realizes that those were nothing but lies and faints in horror.
- Playing with Fire
- Revenge Before Reason
- Stepford Smiler
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Subversion. She looks and acts the part but her train of thoughts and actions are very different, specifically killing her family for power.
Katherine McDonald
Voiced by: Chiaki Takahashi (JP), Caitlin Glass (EN)
A member of an American family of Enjutsushi, specially skilled in creating and controlling spirit beasts to harness flames.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Action Girl
- Blue Eyes
- Boobs of Steel
- Defeat Means Friendship: With Ayano.
- Eagle Land: Both flavors. Flavor 1 wasn't present for the most part, but by episode 22, it turns up.
- Gainaxing: At one point in episode 22 in her fight with Kazuma.
- Hair Decorations: She wears a headband.
- Hair of Gold: ...Well, what do you expect from an American character?
- Lady in Red
- Love Triangle: Katherine, Kazuma, and Ayano
- Ms. Fanservice
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- The Ojou
- Pet the Dog: In episode 22, toward Ayano.
- Phenotype Stereotype
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Playing with Fire
- Princess Curls
- Verbal Tic: "...desu wa"
Tatsuya Serizawa
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama (JP), Todd Haberkorn (EN)
One of Ren's best friends. Always butting heads with Kanon Suzuhara, Tatsuya is always trying to keep Ren to himself in order to help him pursue more manly things in life.
- Ambiguously Gay: Though outwardly he appears to like Ren in a romantic way, he's really only concerned that Ren will be too feminine if he hangs around Kanon.
- Lightning Glare: With Kanon.
- Purple Eyes
- Those Two Guys: With Kanon.
Kanon Suzuhara
Voiced by: Ayumi Tsuji (JP), Jad Saxton (EN)
A classmate of Ren Kannagi and Tatsuya Serizawa. She has a crush on Ren and tries her best to get his attention, though she gets into a fight with Tatsuya over Ren, since he wants to be with Ren.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Lightning Glare: With Tatsuya.
- Those Two Guys: With Tatsuya.
- Zettai Ryouiki: She only needs the Tsundere personality to be Grade S.
Tsuwabuki Family
Kureha Tsuwabuki
Voiced by: Mami Kosuge (JP), Lydia Mackay (EN)
Older daughter of the Tsuwabuki family, who are skilled "Chijutsushi", however she was born without the ability to control earth magic. During her father's absence due to "illness", she becomes the head of the Tsuwabuki family. Like Kazuma, she was ostracized for her lack of power by her family.
- Aloof Big Sister
- The Berserker: After realizing she was used as Zenon's puppet during her whole life she completely loses it.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Kureha turns out to be a Chijutsushi with an extremely high level of power, Zenon simply blocked her powers.
- Gravity Master
- Gray Eyes
- Manipulative Bitch
- Rapunzel Hair
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After Zenon is finally freed from the seal, Kureha is killed by Zenon.
Mayumi Tsuwabuki
Voiced by: Eri Miyajima (JP), Luci Christian (EN)
Younger daughter of the Tsuwabuki family. She was supposed to be sacrificed in Taisai, the ritual of taming the behemoth within Mt. Fuji every 30 years preventing the volcano from erupting, but decided to make a clone in order to replace her.
- Anime Hair
- Blue Eyes: Blue-green.
- Heel Realization: After Ayumi sacrifices herself in order to defeat Zenon.
- The Ojou
- Rapunzel Hair
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
Ayumi Tsuwabuki
Voiced by: Kanako Sakai (JP), Luci Christian (EN)
A mysterious girl Ren meets in the park in the middle of the night and he immediately falls for her. Later she is revealed to be the clone of Mayumi Tsuwabuki created in order to replace Mayumi in the sacrifice ritual. According to Mayumi, she had been implanted with random memories from Mayumi and has a lifespan of about two months. Using the treasure of the Pixies, which is an egg that will hatch into the tribal leader of the Pixies, Ayumi's growth is accelerated, so that within one month, she grew twelve years.
- Blue Eyes: Blue-green.
- Cloning Blues: She was created to replace Mayumi as a sacrifice to Mt. Fuji. If she tried to turn against the family, she would have a very short lifespan.
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: Poor Ren...
- Dying Declaration of Love: To Ren.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Go Out with a Smile
- Heroic Sacrifice: She sacrifices her life in order to weaken Zenon, so that Kazuma, Ren, and Ayano could destroy Zenon.
- Nice Girl
- Replacement Goldfish: Inverted, she was created FOR a girl who is supposed to be sacrificed to an evil spirit in order to prevent it from destroying half of Japan.
- We Hardly Knew Ye
- Younger Than They Look: She has the appearance of a twelve year old girl, but she is actually only a month old.
Ryuuya Kazamaki
Voiced by: Dai Matsumoto (JP), Christopher Sabat (EN)
Son of Hyoue Kazamaki, leader of the Fūga Clan, which served the Kannagi for the last 300 years.
Michael Harley
Voiced by: Eri Kitamura (JP), Joel McDonald (EN)
A young boy from the Stars of Sagacity, an organization related to Kazuma's past and Tsui-Ling's death. He uses Misao's anger at Kazuma and promised to grant her wishes. In truth, he only uses her as a medium, in order to obtain enough yoki, or life energy, to kill Kazuma.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Creepy Child
- Green Eyes
- Manipulative Bastard: He tricks Misao into sacrificing hundreds of people.
- Mask Power: Averted. He's defeated quite easily by Kazuma.
Wernharde Rhodes
Voiced by: Kenyuu Horiuchi (JP), John Swasey (EN)
The chairman of Armagest, a powerful organization of modern magic users. He holds a grudge against Kazuma for killing his master. He is also the man who sacrificed Cui-Ling.
Voiced by: Yui Makino (JP), Leah Clark (EN)
The entity that was made in Cui-Ling's image by Wernharde.
- Action Girl
- Affably Evil
- Anime Hair
- Emotionless Girl
- Hair Decorations: Wears a ribbon just like Cui-Ling.
- Lady in Red
- Pinocchio Syndrome
- Purple Eyes