< Katawa Shoujo

Katawa Shoujo/Funny


  • Disabling adult content can lead to a complete Mood Whiplash because of the way that sex scenes are censored. Once the sex starts, the game flashes to a random, unrelated image, and then cuts to after the sex ends. This troper turned sex scenes off to see what would happen, and navigated to Hanako's sex scene. The events leading up to it are touching and leaves many holding back Manly Tears, but all that emotion is turned into laughter when the game cuts to an image, of all things, fried shrimp.
    • Since the choice of image is completely random, some players have gotten the fried shrimp image when in Hanako's route, after she shows Hisao her severely burned body. The unfortunate coincidence is simply hilarious.
  • This video, parodying the "I love you Rin Tezuka" and "I love you Emi Ibarazaki" videos.
  • The April Fool's Day blog post's discussion of subscriber features, particularly getting the option to tell Kenji he's cute or propose a threesome with Shizune and Misha if you pay for it.
    • Also in April Fool's, the amusingly stilted deliveries of the voice acting samples, including Misha's trademark "WAHAHA~!" laugh. With Shizune you get thirteen seconds of silence.
    • The promised "HD" version of Katawa Shoujo that is said to have been stripped of anything remotely offensive i.e., anything other than the title screen.


  • Hisao trying to get out of listening to Kenji's first rant about the "vast feminist conspiracy".

Hisao: Stop it. Stop! I lost you way, way back there somewhere. Somewhere around "feminist infiltration".
Kenji: Too hard to follow? It's cool, I have some graphs and stuff in my room. And puppets. You like puppets?
Hisao: No puppets.
Kenji: You don't like puppets, okay. Graphs are still cool though, right?

  • Kenji bursting in on Hisao butt naked while Hisao is in the shower, to ask for money. And to rant a bit about feminists again.

Hisao: Must be a pretty crappy movement if it all hinges on one naked guy, ranting in a bathroom at another naked guy.

  • Hisao's reaction to one of Kenji's first inane rants:

"I have never seen anyone talk so heatedly and so defensively about absolutely nothing before."

    • For that matter, Kenji's inane rants, period. They really have to be read to believed.

Kenji: "That blind broad is up to no good. I can feel it in my spleen, man. Her presence is like a dark shadow that's in the way of my great vision! As expected of blind people."
Hisao: "What." *beat* "Wait a second, aren't you-"

Kenji: "Only legally."

    • Also, the "manly picnic".

Hisao: You didn't even bring glasses?
Kenji: No, this isn't some romantic princess picnic. What the hell, man? This is a manly picnic. No glasses. No napkins. Whiskey only. The beverage of true men.
Hisao: Whatever.
Kenji: And pretzels.

    • On him talking about why he doesn't have a phone.

Kenji: But, basically, when I hear a phone, I get nervous. It's my darkest secret. I have two theories on it: either I have some fear of receiving some undefined, ominous, life-altering doom call, or I was beaten with a phone in the past. Beaten so badly I can't remember it.
Hisao: Beaten in the head.
Kenji: Well, where else could I get beaten with a phone that would make me unable to remember it? The ass?

  • In Rin's route, when he mistakes Rin for a male and extends an invitation to join his anti-feminist movement. Rin doesn't even realize what he's talking about because of his vague phrasing and her Cloudcuckoolander nature.
  • During Lilly's route, he finds Hisao in the cafeteria and they decide to have lunch together. While looking for somewhere to sit:

Hisao: Seems like it'd be hard to find an empty table.
Kenji: There's a few people I wouldn't mind sitting with. Nobody's like you, though.

Background cafeteria chatter cuts out, only silence

Hisao: Clarify that now.

Kenji: They don't listen. Their minds are closed. It's the media, man, the Goddamn brainwashing mainstream feminist Fascist media.

Kenji's theme begins playing as he speaks.


  • "The problem must be in your pants!".
  • Rin's aversion of No Periods, Period.
  • "Underpants are the soul of a girl. You shouldn't peek at someone else's soul. Even if you are not a girl."
  • "Do you want me to do it with my foot or my mouth?"
  • Hisao: "Are you being sarcastic?" Rin: "What's sarcasm?"
  • Rin taking just a little too much cold medicine. And the subsequent reaction the following day with a hilarious wall of text.
  • Rin deciding that Lilly has stolen her and Emi's usual lunch spot on the roof, and declaring that a nearby yellow butterfly is Lilly's accomplice and was scouting the area for her. She concludes that Lilly is a "butterfly whisperer".
  • Rin casually walking in on Emi and Hisao after they (kinda) have sex for the first time, saying she needs to use Emi's window to look for a cloud that had passed her own window, then walking out without even seeming to notice that Emi is clad only in panties. Mind you, she probably DIDN'T notice. After all, she doesn't consider it to be inappropriate to answer her own door clad only in panties and an unbuttoned shirt.
  • During the scene in the atelier when Rin and Hisao are lying on the floor, looking at the stars, there's a piece of paper on the floor showing a sketch drawing of Rin fighting Lilly, who's wielding her cane like a sword.


Hisao: Wow, you must be really hungry!
Emi: Yeah, my morning run really works up my appetite. Which is great, because then I burn through lunch pretty quickly! Helps me keep my girlish figure.
Rin: What would happen if you lose it? Would you become a man?
Emi: It's a figure of speech!

  • There's quite a lot of funny moments in Emi's route: saying that the "runner's high" is Better Than Sex, Shizune's incredibly wordy and pompous rant on public displays of affection, Hisao's equally wordy and pompous response...
  • Emi's anal H-scene must be seen to be believed.
    • To sum up - at one point, Hisao states that her facial expression is "almost comical". This is an understatement.
    • It's even more hilarious for some people because it's quite clear that neither Hisao nor Emi have any idea what they're doing.
  • A minor one, but on Lilly's route, Hisao getting Emi into a deal where they both agree to share their English test results on the count of three, and then doing what anyone would do in that situation. Emi's reaction is wonderful:

Emi: Alright, on the count of three. One...Two...Three! Thirty Two!
Hisao: *silent grin*
Emi: Ah! Evil! Evil, evil, evil, evil!

  • Hisao hears that Rin caught Emi's cold, and worries that he might be at risk too:

Hisao: It would make sense, after all. Emi and I were in close contact the other day...
So what did she and Rin do that got her ill?
Steady on, old lad. Don't go down that road.

  • Hisao imitating a date with Emi if she keeps refusing to see the nurse:

"How's the food, Hisao?" "Talk to the nurse, Emi."
"How was your day, Hisao?" "Talk to the nurse, Emi."
"Hisao, I think I'm ready to go all the w-" "Talk to the nurse, Emi."


  • When Shizune and Misha corner Hisao on the third day he mentions that the only escape would be to jump out of the window. To any Genre Savvy players who are hoping for a Crazy Awesome option he says the following:

Sadly, jumping out the window wasn't the best option

  • Hisao and Shizune throw Rock-Paper-Scissors over which one of them should have a veal cutlet bread. They tie. Seventeen times.
    • The great part about this is the final time, in which Shizune declares that she has figured out Hisao's mindset and will definitely win next time. They tie again, resulting in Shizune getting a Flat What expression on her face and Misha (and the player) doubled over laughing.
    • This troper did some math and came to the conclusion that the odds of tying in rock paper scissors 17 times in a row is about a little less than 2%. Cue a bit more hilarity.
      • This troper also did the math and arrived at a much lower number. Specifically, this troper computed the odds to be about 1 in 129 million (1/3 ^ 17).
      • This troper has actually DONE this with a coworker, completely by accident. It was just as hilarious as you'd expect. We even had a crowd by the time we finally broke the streak.
  • Occasionally, but rarely, Shizune gets an evil cat eyes expression (>:3). When it does pop up, you'll be busting into laughter.
    • This one appears only once, and it's just as funny if not more! (°^°)
  • Shizune's over-the-top rant on the new council at the end of her route. "They're like a heavily-marketed but mediocre, big budget, critically panned sequel to the acclaimed, low budget Sleeper Hit".


Misha: Since we're just two poor little girls that need help with all the work we've been given just before the holidays begin~...
Hisao: Sure, I can help.
Misha: But Hicchan, we're really nee- What?
"I think I broke Misha."

    • And even before that, Misha stressing out prior to exams.

Misha: Shicchan's going to be fine, but I think I might die. Am I going to die, Hicchan? Will you let me die from all this work?

  • Misha's casual clothing, including a t-shirt with "Bush Cheney 2004" emblazoned on the front.
    • This becomes even funnier when you consider Bush's gaffes with the language, and how Misha trips over some of the larger words Shizune uses.
  • Misha's argument with Jigoro, and the result of what happens when two people with no indoor voice between them get into a shouting match.


  • Hanako having a bit too much to drink at her birthday party. Her normally cautious and concerned facial expressions are replaced by a big dumb open-mouthed smile, and a silly looking pout. It's somewhat amusing to see her act so out of character.

Hanako suddenly hiccups and accidentally knocks over the doll.
Hanako: I...think I should maybe go to bed. T-thank you, Hisao, thanks Lilly and Aaaaakiraaaaa.
She slurs Akira's name pretty hard, barely avoiding breaking out into a giggle midway through. She's completely plastered, and I can't decide whether I should feel a little bad or not for being amused at the state she's in.

    • There's also Hanako's dopey smile once the alcohol hits her.


  • Hisao does a Spit Take after Kenji describes a dictionary as "the medium our ancestors used to look at porn," ruining a book. As he fears having a heart attack over paying 7900 Yen to replace the book, he tells Yuuko "I'm trying out grape cologne!". She not only believes him, but continues to do so in a later scene.
  • Lilly's sister Akira can be hilariously frank at times, such as just after learning that Hisao and Lilly are dating:

Akira: "Oh yeah, and use protection, every time."
Hisao: *Spit Take*
Lilly: "Don't worry, we are."
Akira: "Atta girl." *leaves Hisao still looking flustered*

  • Though even Akira can be serious at times. Like when she and Lilly take Hisao and Hanako to a jazz club on Hanako's route. Lilly, Hisao, and Hanako are all underage, and not technically allowed to be at the bar in the back.

Bartender: Good evening, ladies! What'll it be?
Akira: Just a scotch, thanks. Lilly?
Lilly: May I have a glass of cham-
*gets elbowed in the ribs by Akira*

Lilly: Orange juice, please.

    • Just remember that the three of them skipped a school day because they got drunk earlier the same week, and this becomes even funnier.
  • During the fishing outing in Shizune's route.

Akira: Lilly, what should we call ourselves?
Lilly: I don't see why it matters.

Hideaki: (at the same time) I don't think it matters.

Akira: Team No-Enthusiasm it is...

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