< Katawa Shoujo

Katawa Shoujo/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth hanging out with Kenji for.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Katawa Shoujo Fan Fics, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in a certain 'fic, based on who recommended it.

Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found below. Make sure you sign your recommendation! No-name recommendations may be deleted at other tropers' leisure. Do warn when a fanfic includes sexual situations.[1] Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business. Likewise, warn if it may head into non-canon territory.

Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.

Recommendations Template

Title of the Fanfic by Author OR Fic Trope Page, by Author (Link)

  • Recommended by: Troper Name[2]
  • Synopsis: What's the story about? Give here a brief summary of the plot. It would be also useful to point out in what moment of the series the story takes place. If it's a Gen Fic but it has some romantic elements, note here the characters involved too.
  • Pairing(s): If it's a Shipping Fic, list here the pairings that feature in the fic (warn here if it's het, male slash or female slash). If it's a Gen Fic, remove this line. To tell the difference between the two, notice if the focus of the fic is on a romantic relationship or if it focuses on the other aspects of the story. In case of doubt, classify the story according to the genres it's been tagged: the Romance tag for Shipping, absence of that tag for Gen Fic.
  • Tags: If any are known. This would be things like WAFF, Lemon, Dark Fic, any Trigger Warnings, etc. This is also where you would put character names with Characterization Tags if doing so would be equally indicative. ("uber!Harry" for Harry Potter, for instance.)
  • Comments: If you want to say something more about why you're recommending the fic, but please, keep it brief. We don't want Conversation in the Main Page.

Authors and Websites

None Yet

General Fics

Shizune Epilogue by Anonymous

  • Recommended by: Encrypted 12345
  • Synopsis: Years after the events of Shizune's Good end, he obtains a job as a science teacher at Yamaku where he meets...
  • Comments: It's just one big Moment of Heartwarming from beginning to end. If you thought Shizune's good end was a Maybe Ever After, this takes the maybe out.
  • Pairing: Hisao/Shizune
  • Tags: Heartwarming, Continuation Fic

Reconciliation by Robnonymous (link)

  • Recommended by: Linhasxoc
  • Synopsis: Eight years after Hanako's bad ending, Hanako has become a successful novelist, but still regrets lashing out at Hisao that fateful day, which has cost her her friendship with both Hisao and Lilly.
  • Comments: A very nice and well-written story that not only lets us see Hanako's bad ending from her perspective, but also lets us see how everyone else reacted to the fallout. Many Tear Jerkers to be had.
  • Pairing: Hisao/Lilly/Hanako/Original Character.
  • Tags: Continuation Fic

Alternate Universe Fics

The Adventures of Sherlock Hisao! by Rocket Royal

  • Recommended by: Crinias
  • Synopsis: Sherlock Hisao and his bumbling companion Kenji investigate a murder in Katawa City. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Comments: A hilarious and witty fic - absurd at times, and with a very post-modernist feel. Has a very polished feel to it, but at the same time one feels that the author made everything up on the spot.
  • Pairing(s): None
  • Tags: Comedy, Satire, AU.

Rika Story by Rikabro

  • Recommended by: Felicity Springs
  • Synopsis: "Can you open your heart?" A branch for one of the April Fools' characters, Rika Katayama, written in the same style as those from canon. Includes a few "dialogue options," complete with Bad Ends.
  • Comments: This fic is probably the closest anybody will ever come to a fully-realized Rika path, and it's done incredibly well. Rika has a unique personality, consistent with the description the KS team gave her and with a compelling characterization that manages not to step on the toes of any of the canon love interests. The author uses Rika's condition to explore Hisao's character in a way that was never really attempted in the canon material. It also has an incredibly haunting and beautifully written Bad End that gives those from canon a definite run for their money.
  • Pairing: Hisao/Rika
  • Tags: Original Flavour, The Stations of the Canon, Romance, unfinished

Mean Time to Breakdown by Leaty

  • Recommended by: SelfCloak
  • Synopsis: During a confession to the boy she had liked for years, Iwanako Daidouji collapsed in the snow from a sudden heart attack. Arrhythmia, they called it. She spent four months in the hospital, her world shattered to bits. Now, one year remaining in her high school career, she's being sent to Yamaku Academy, a strange school that she knows nothing about. Haunted by fear and insecurities, she has no choice but to put one foot in front of the other.
  • Pairing: Iwanako/(Unrevealed)
  • Tags: Original Flavour, Alternate Universe Fic (Character Facets), Drama, unfinished

Bantamweights by Leaty

  • Recommended by: SelfCloak
  • Synopsis: Six weeks after Hisao's heart attack, Iwanako needs rescuing from one very, very bad day.
  • Tags: Original Flavour, Hurt-Comfort Fic, Short

Crossover Fics

Stories which crossover with other characters or works.

With Apologies to Harlan Ellison by Doomish

With Apologies to Team Silent by Doomish

  • Recommended by: Breakerde Godot
  • Synopsis: Katawa Shoujo Fusion Fic with Silent Hill 2. Warning: Contains gore.
  • Comments: Sort of like Silent Hill 2, but with Hisao and Hanako instead of James and Mary. It's not even close to being finished at the time of this writing, but Doomish always knows how to write a good story, so there's no reason to doubt him this time.
  • Tags: Fusion Fic, Horror

Shipping Fics

Stories whose primary focus is on romantic or sexual relationships between the cast.

From Shizune's Perspective by Goldilurks

  • Recommended by: Red Savant
  • Synopsis: A (presumable) continuation of events after Act 1, from Shizune's perspective.
  • Comments: With a lot of good character development and exploration for Shizune, particularly in how it feels and what it means to be deaf/mute among classmates who can speak, this is one of the best KS fics out there, in my opinion. It was written before the full game was released, so some details may not mesh with canon (such as Shizune and Misha's sexuality), but these instances do not detract from the story.
  • Pairing(s): Hisao/Misha, Shizune/Emi
  • Tags: Yuri

Lilly Epilogue (Good End): Family Matters by Anonymous (link)

  • Recommended by: Eamil
  • Synopsis: A year after Lilly's good end, Hisao makes good on his promise to take her out on Tanabata. The next day Lilly gets a call from Akira: their parents are coming to Japan to visit.
  • Comments: Awkwardness (and some drama) ensues, but it's not a downer story at all, and it ends on a good note.
  • Pairing: Hisao/Lilly
  • Tags: Continuation Fic

Weekend at Hisao's by themocaw (link)

  • Recommended by: bradpara
  • Synopsis: A few months after Shizune's Good Ending, Hisao and Shizune meet again in Hisao's hometown to meet his parents.
  • Comments: A very well done story detailing how Hisao and Shizune's relationship developed Post-Good Ending. Also has a nice moment where they meet up with Hisao's old friends and Iwanako giving Hisao a chance to finally confront his remaining demons regarding that fateful day in the snow. With a massive Crowning Moment of Heartwarming when Hisao proposes to Shizune A good series to put in between the Good Ending and Shizune's Epilogue. 'Note: Contains mature content of a sexual nature'
  • Pairing: Hisao/Shizune
  • Tags: Continuation Fic

  1. please note this includes all sexual activity, not just homosexual or bisexual, including het.
  2. Reminder - if you want to recommend the fic but not write a review, add your Troper name to this line after the original name
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