< Kamen Rider Fourze

Kamen Rider Fourze/WMG

There will be no secondary Rider.

The parts of the show the secondary Rider would be involved in will be filled with past Kamen Riders instead.

  • This is possibly Jossed with the reveal that Kamen Rider Nadeshiko will appear in Movie War MEGAMAX.
    • She seems rather... limited, what with having only two switches on her belt. She's probably gonna be a movie-only Rider.
      • Well, Accel only used one Gaia Memory at a time (two if you count Engine), and Birth only used Cell Medals, which are generally weaker than Core Medals unless enough of them are gathered. Besides, the Movie Wars are usually when the secondary Rider is revealed before its television appearance.
        • I see. But on top of that, look carefully at her belt. It looks like Fourze's, but two of the switch slots are... Filled in, somehow. Plus, second Riders have never been female and female Riders have a tendency to be Movie exclusive. If she does happen to be the actual second Rider, that's gonna be a first, but she still looks like a toned down Fourze. I think the second Rider is going to be different from Fourze in some way, Nadeshiko is too similar and, like I said, just a toned down Fourze.
    • Not to mention, female riders have a very poor track record when it comes to survival. As of October 2011, only Kamen Rider Kivala has not been killed off by the end of the movie.
    • Nadeshiko uses a prototype of the Fourze Driver, so that's why there are not Switch Ports for the legs.
        • Actually, Nadeshiko does not use a prototype. She's a liquid metal alien who copies what she sees. She became a Kamen Rider by watching Gentarou transform, but only as far as she understood it (hence, only two slots).
      • New scans show Kamen Rider Meteor. I'd say this one's Jossed.

Daimonji is going to be evil.

He's half-caucasian. He's a football player. He's got a cheerleader. The most common highschool stereotype dictates it.

  • Wouldn't that make the cheerleader evil, too? She's the Alpha Bitch and dates the Jerk Jock ...
    • Depending on your definition of 'evil' this may be either confirmed or Jossed. He's definitely a Jerk Jock and would easily qualify as a 'villain' in a normal high school series, but he doesn't appear to have any connection to the Zodiarts if that's what you mean.
      • Miu already joined Fourze's ranks and Daimonji is shown to be a member of the Kamen Rider Club in the opening, so he's just gonna be a regular Jerk Jock until Gentaro befriends him like everyone else.
    • And as of #8, he's in the club. So jossed.

One of Fourze's movies will be a crossover with Decade and Black RX.

Oh come on! all 3 are anniversary shows, so it could happen!

  • I think you meant ZX, not RX. As far as I know, BLACK RX isn't an anniversary series, ZX is.

The Zodiarts Switches are constellation versions of the Dopant Gaia Memories

So information given to us involves someone running around with the Zodiarts Switches and one of the monster in the promo pics looks like a chameleon which is a constellation as well. It also fits with the space theme of the show and a funny coincidence for the anniversary year. Multiple the numbers in 2011 (2&11, zero doesn't help in the math) then multiple by Fourze's numerical theme (4) and you get 88 the number of constellations. There's the reasoning behind it. Would you like me to repeat the WMG?

  • This doesn't seem to be too off the mark. Two of the lead Zodiarts are apparently based off of Scorpio and Orion.
    • Chamaeleon is a constellation and it's not that hard to figure out which Zodiarts is based on it if you've seen the preview trailer.
  • As the Zodiarts Switches are reported to work exactly like Dopant Gaia Memories, this WGM has even more evidence going for it than before.
  • They don't work exactly like Gaia Memories, they don't turn the person's body into the monster but their mind manifests into a monster composed of cosmic energy.
    • Actually that still works with the Gaia Memory theory as all of Phillip's memories only required his mind. (well soul technically...)
      • Not to mention the Virus Dopant was a woman in a coma who's mind controlled the dopant form which was separate from her own form so technically confirmed.
      • As it turns out, the way Zodiart Switches work is even more complicated then that. Initially, the work the same way as Gaia Memories, turning the person directly into a monster. However, after a set number of uses, the switch will switch will turn itself directly into the Zodiart, a state which is permanent unless the Zodiart is defeated.
        • Also, once a Last One-stage Zodiarts reach a certain point, they can evolve into Horoscopes Zodiarts, the Western Astrology-based Zodiarts that are more powerful than a normal Zodiarts. However, the original body must be intact in order for evolution to be invoked.

Super-1 will make some sort of cameo in Fourze.

Both are space themed, so it's possible.

  • Technically confirmed, as of Episode 2. He's one of the urban legends that's been caught on camera.
  • And in Movie Wars MEGAMAX, Fourze uses the Super-1 Switch to achieve Double Rocket States.
    • While it is probably a Shout-Out, that switch doesn't actually have anything to do with Super-1 the Rider; it's just the Super version of switch number 1 (Rocket). There could be Super versions of all the other switches eventually.
    • That is confirmed! In Kamen Rider x Super Sentai, Fourze will (somehow) gain the Super-3 Drill Switch!

Kamen Rider Fourze will take place in the W/OOO world

  • Possibly confirmed, Kengo and Yuki make a cameo during the end credits of OOO.
  • More evidence for this has appeared, as one character as of episode two is shown to have been doing research on the various Kamen Riders going back to Ichigo.
  • You could say it's already confirmed, with both W and OOO in Movie War Megamax.

Kamen Rider Fourze will have Astro Switches for past Kamen Rider, but they won't be canon.

Double and OOO both had Gaia Memory and Core Medals for past riders for the Ganbaride arcade game, and with Fourze now getting included in it, there's a strong chance that Astro Switches for past Riders will be made for it. As well, since none of those Gaia Memory or Cell Medals for past riders are canon within their respective series, the Astro Switches for past Riders will not be canon within Fourze.

  • Confirmed that there are Astro Switches for past riders, as the toy belt has sounds for all of the main riders. Yes, All of them.
  • Not really all of them, it just covers from Ichigo-Stronger and Kuuga-OOO. They can be used in Ganbaride.
    • Reason why it goes from Ichigo to Stronger is because they play a part in the Megamax movie.

The kaijin will be aliens

It's a space based series, what else would they choose? Plus, we haven't had alien monsters in Kamen Rider since Kamen Rider Kabuto.

  • Jossed. The Zodiarts are similar to the Dopants, in that they are humans who transform into monsters using special devices.
    • Doesn't joss the idea that perhaps they're alien in origin though.
    • Given the opening of the series and references to 'The Hole' in the first episode, it seems like this is confirmed in some way.
  • Kind of confirmed in a round about way. The Zodiarts Switches channel Cosmic Energy from space which manifests physically into a monster. And the Man With The Red Eyes didn't seem human in the flashback...

There will be different types of Kaijin

With the revelation of different states, having aliens in space in a space themed Kamen Rider show will lose some momentum when the Rider suddenly becomes a fire fighter. So here's what might happen: There will be alien Kaijin, but there will also be fire Kaijin and rock Kaijin to reflect the other two states.

Kengo will have some connection to the kaijin or will introduce a morally gray aspect to the story

He's supposedly the one to give Kisaragi the Fourze switches and it appears he'll play a similar role to Philip or Ankh - the main character's partner who turns out to be something to do with the bad guys.

The secondary rider will use switches with a different numbering system

Possibly either Roman numerals or Japanese Kanji. Labeling them alphabetically is possible but unlikely since they already did the alphabet thing with Kamen Rider Double

  • Jossed. Meteor's Switches are unnumbered.

There will be a switch numbered 0 at some point in the series or movies.

It'll likely be some kind of Super Prototype much stronger than the other switches. Likely candidates are either Fourze's Super Mode or a movie-only Evil Rider.

Fourze will have a police-themed form.

Recent scans have shown off some of Fourze's forms. Fire State is based off of a firefighter, Electric State seems to be based off of a construction worker, and the default Base State is obviously an astronaut. Since the theme appears to be "stereotypically cool dream jobs" a policeman would be a natural fit.

  • His Astro Switches could be cuffs, a Riot shield, a megaphone, and a police baton to fill the "rod weapon" niche that pretty much all multiform riders need (a gun would be the more obvious choice, but Fire State's already been established as The Gunslinger).
  • Jossed.

Some elemental State form ideas.

Since its revealed that Fourze's forms are based on children's dream jobs and how each one appears to use the element that corresponds to that job, here are some ideas for States with different elements:

  • Earth/Plants: Gardener
    • Or Lumberjack
  • Ice: Ice Cream Man
  • Sound: Musician
  • Water: Plumber
  • Wind: Weatherman/Forecaster
  • Who honestly wants to be a plumber when they grow up, when a more awesome water-related dream job would be some form of scuba-diver or a ship captain? In a similar vein, an airplane pilot would fit better for something wind-related.
    • Think plumber as in Mario, perhaps?
    • These are Jossed, because a full list of the 40 Fourze Switches has been available for some time. The only upcoming States are Magnet and Apollo.
    • Actually, switch Apollo for Cosmic.

The theme of this series will involve Gentaro trying to find out what his dream job is.

The State forms could symbolize this, as Base State is based on an astronaut, Fire State is based on a firefighter and Elek State is based on a construction worker.

  • Perhaps the monsters will come into existence when someone gives up on their dream or be born from nightmares to fit into this.
    • Jossed for now since the six seen so far are just people who have grudges over others.

The series is going to be a Coming of Age Story

The story has our hero in high-school, something the Heisei era Kamen Rider series has never done before, (save for a High School AU in Kamen Rider Decade) and the motifs are jobs people wanted when they were kids. No doubt that Gentaro will eventually make a mental switch from childhood to adulthood in this stage of life.

The series will be a Slice of Life

  • Jossed, big time.
    • Of course! After all, this is Kamen Rider.

The Zodiarts do not turn humans into the monster

Instead as a cross between the dopants and yummies where the humans use the switches like they would have the gaia memories but instead the switch summons the zodiarts to grant their wish.

Why a wish? Because constellations, from which the zodiarts are based, are made from stars.

  • Sort of, but not really. The Zodiarts Switches do not directly turn people into monsters, but rather create a temporary second body that the person's spirit controls remotely, while their body goes into a comatose state.

The Scorpio Zodiarts will destroy the Orion Zodiarts.

If you know your mythology then you know that one version of Orion's story involved him being killed by a scorpion that was created by Gaia... That would be a Crowning Moment of Awesome for the writers.

  • Considering the Greeeds' track record, it might not be unlikely.
  • Probably jossed unless there's another Orion Zodiarts running around, or Zodiarts Switches can be used more than once. Gentaro went up against the Orion Zodiarts in the first episode and destroyed it.
    • The episode 2 pictures on Toei's Fourze site show Fourze fighting the Orion Zodiarts.
    • Fully jossed Destroying a Zodiarts does not automatically destroy its switch, which has to be collected and shut down manually afterwards, so the Orion Zodiarts is still out there after episode 1. However, Gentaro tracks him down and beats him for good in episode 2.
    • Ironically, Sonoda/Scorpion does try to kill Miura/the former Orion Zodiarts after he rejects the switch in #14, so this isn't jossed completely.

Kamen Rider Fourze will have a crossover with Faiz

They will crossover with the 45th anniversary rider and it will be Kamen Rider Fourze-Faiz.

Fourze's Super Mode will involve four Rider Switches...

Decade, Double, OOO's and Fourze himself (1, 2, 3, 4). It even kinda fits the "childrens dream job" motif mentioned above.

  • Jossed. The Cosmic Switch is made of only one Switch.

Fourze's Super Mode will be a combination of all of his different States forms.

Because someone was gonna post this sooner or later, if just to use this pun: it will be called United States.

  • Sorta. From magazine scans, Cosmic States Fourze's weapon can use other Circle-based Astro Switches, which include Fire and Elek, through it's unsure if N Magnet would work.
  • Zig-zagged. Cosmic States' special ability is to use all of the Astro Switches' powers. Heck, he can combine Switches that share the same limb!

Fourze will have some connection to Kamen Rider Birth

The Astro Switches work simular to the CLAWS system. Perhaps Fourze's suit is based off Birth's...

There will be a Second Rider

And he/she will be based on constellations or a hornet.

The Jerk Jock will be a big fan of Fourze

But he will hate Gentaro, similar to Spider-man

  • please please please let this happen with a big reveal near the end where Jerk Jock learns a major life lesson
    • Jossed. Shun sees Gentaro becoming Fourze and fighting a monster in #2. He runs away, saying he'll act as if he never saw that, but he obviously knows that Gentaro=Weird space-themed super-hero, and that Yuki, Kengo and Nozama are working with him.

There will be an evil Rider

This one is a given but the concept for the evil rider would be a black hole.

  • I thought Poseidon was it.

OOO and W will show up occasionally to help

As a result, Fourze will lack a secondary rider unless its an evil one, as W, OOO, Birth or Accel, when they pop round, fill the role. If this does happen, it will be lampshaded by either Decade or Den-O if they end up showing up.

  • Sorta confirmed. Movie Wars Megamax anyone?

Decade WILL show up

Its an anniversary show, and it could be a great mythology gag, maybe have Fourze pursuing a mysterious foe... then have it revealed near the end that it is Tsukasa, who had been trying to stop a Zodiarts Switch that uses Shocker some how...either that, or he'll just have a few cameo roles, then show up in the ending battle, and give his speech, with neither us nor Fourze having ANY idea how he knows this stuff until after the battle, when it gets explained.

  • Sort of confirmed. Decade will be in the Super Hero Wars movie coming out in 2012.

There will be a Gurren-Lagann Reference at one point

This one pretty much goes without saying, the head writer was part of Gurren-Lagann, and Fourze has a drill leg weapon.

The Leader of the Zodiarts will use...

The Cepheus switch.

There will be Zodiarts Switches based on the Four Symbols

or the second rider will use switches based on those.

Kengo will die

He might be Only Mostly Dead, he might die and be brought back in the last episode, he might even be Killed Off for Real, all I know is that if he's this season's equivalent of Phillip/Ankh then he destined to have something bad happen to him by the time the series is over.

Kengo will have parallels to Phillip and Ankh.

Mostly a connection to the Zodiarts.

Kengo will be an alien

This is why he can go to the moon through his locker.

  • I'm pretty sure it has more to do with his fluxing health condition. Possible connection to the unknown astro switch his father kept from the Red-Eyed Man on the moon base.

If the Red-Eyed Man turns out to be the Big Bad...

...he'll use an Ophiucus Zodiarts Switch.

  • It's looking jossed for now. Red-Eyed Man/Gamou seems to be Sagittarius.

Gentaro really will become friends with everyone.

It's his goal at the start of the series, after all, and it would make for a great ending. Possibly his secret identity as Fourze gets revealed and people start becoming his friends as thanks for protecting the school/students from the Zodiarts.

The second Rider will be designed after a flying saucer.

And then people will stop complaining about Fourze's design.

  • Like Black Manta?
    • Libra Zodiarts looks like Black Manta already.
  • Jossed. He has a meteor and planetarium motif. Then again, people did complain about his design at first.

To follow on that idea, the second Rider will also have a Chinese zodiac and martial arts motif

The UFO would double as an Asian straw hat to drive the point home.

Kengo's health is worse than we realize.

The only thing that's keeping him relatively stable is a specialized Astro Switch inside his body. Bonus points if this Astro Switch gets stolen from him sometime near the finale.

Kengo winds up with the belt because it's GENTARO who dies later

The writer hasn't ONLY written TTGL, you know. There was another series they wrote that I can't remember the name of that had a pretty front up protagonist. Also, for TTGL, in the opening and everything, Simon was obviously the main character. In Fourze... Gentaro is obviously the main character.

Everyone in the show's intro will join the Kamen Rider Club.

For one reason or another, all of the characters in the intro will join the Rider Club by the end of the series; this includes not just Gentaro, Kengo, and Yuki (who start the club), but Shun Daimonji, Miu Kazashiro, Tomoko Nozama, and JK.

  • Not sure how "wild" of a WMG this is, since the intro already shows all these characters as members of the Kamen Rider Club...

Daimonji will be the second Rider.

As a counterpart to Gentaro's forms seemingly being "dream jobs", Shun's rider armor will be based on sports stars. Being a sports star is a dream job for athletes, which Shun is, being a football player.

  • So instead of a Rocket Head, he'll have a Football Head?
    • Or shaped like a sports helmet.
  • Kind of confirmed. He doesn't become a Rider, YET, but joins the team as the pilot of the Power Dizer, being the only one who can use it to its full potential.
  • Jossed. The second Rider is a martian named Gray.
    • His name is Ryusei Sakuta, and he's not a martian.

Gentaro is actually smart

  • Despite him being a delinquent, he'll do pretty well in school.
  • Not really. In #8, he said the highest he ever gotten was 50%.
    • No, that 50 was given to him out of kindness from Satake since Gentaro saved his son. If it wasn't for him, the score would've been 18%
  • On the other hand, he have deducted who the Perseus and Lynx Zodiarts are. He may only be Book Dumb.
    • Recent episodes are starting to paint Gentaro as Book Dumb. He's paying much more attention to his surroundings and actually learns from fights.

Miura is the Orion Zodiart

Pretty obvious since it appeared when he disappeared.

  • You, sir, have a good eye.

Every switch thats a multiple of 10 will change states

The 10, and 20 change to Elec and Fire states. While 30 and 40th switches will change Fourze's state to Wood and something else.

  • It'll be Water - as mentioned on the main page, this sounds like a Shout-Out to Megaman.EXE's elemental Style Changes from Mega Man Battle Network 2 and 3. He had four of them - Elec, Fire, Wood and Water.
  • Wouldn't Switch #40 be the Super Mode?
    • In all likelihood yes. But it doesn't mean it would not have the power base like that.
  • Sort of confirmed with Fourze's next form, the Magnet States - while it does use Switch #30, it also uses Switch #31, both standing for the poles of a magnet.
  • Confirmed. #40 is Cosmic Switch, which transforms Fourze into the Super Mode Cosmic States.

There will be an episode centered around a scary story

Because they are highschool students.

  • Partially confirmed as Nozama's initial arc.

The principal is the man with red eyes

He said Fourze was at HIS school

    • Confirmed as of #11. He's also a very famous astronaut.
    • Not quite, however. Mitsuaki "the red-eyed man" Gamo is actually the school chairman, which makes him similar to Hiroshi Tennoji, in a sense.

The Fourze belt was made by Aperture Science

Particularly the "Space Core", it was charged to create a personal Rider suit but could not get over it's obsession with space so it designed a Space based Rider suit, due to limited supplies it had to reuse the voice module from turrets.

All of the major character students will become True Companions by the end of the series.

The opening dictates so.

Gentaro is one of Kamina's ancestors.

C'mon, someone had to say it.

The man with red eyes is Kengo's father.

In the first scene of the first episode, an astronaut with red eyes took a suitcase away, and the other astronaut said "Kengo".

  • I'm pretty sure the implication was that the other astronaut was Kengo's father.
  • Jossed.

The second Rider will use two switches.

While W used two, Accel used one. While OOO used Cores, Birth used Cells. Since Fourze uses four switches, perhaps the second Rider may use two switches. It could be done as a Master-Slave system, where while the first 'Master' switch determines the weapon, the second 'Slave' switch augments the Master by way of elements or added effects.

  • There is a female Rider called Kamen Rider Nadeshiko in Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Fourze & OOO: Movie Wars MEGAMAX who uses only the arm switches.
  • However, the REAL Second Rider uses only one Switch to transform. One that is exclusive to him.

The red eyed man is the real Kengo.

The one we see in the show is a copy made from a Switch. The reason for his supposedly weak body is that the Kengo Switch is weakening overtime.

    • That's an interesting theory; maybe the Red-Eyed Man is a cynical older version of him.

The Second Rider will use four switches.

And his forms will be based on jobs that Fourze doesn't use. Such as: Base State- Race car Driver- right leg switch makes a racecar form on Rider's leg Elec State- Police- Taser gun Fire State- Blacksmith- welding rods

  • Jossed. Meteor only uses one Switch.
    • Not to mention, he has only one default mode.

The OOO x Fourze Movie Wars will involve Foundation X.

It's not too late for the writers to clean up that plot thread.

  • Confirmed

Fourze final form will have wind based powers

The original Kamen Rider was wind inclined and it is the fortieth anniversary after all.

Fourze's remaining states

Will be Water and Wind based. Base state represents Space or the void as it were.

  • Fire States could be partly water based, given the Hee-Hack Gun's Extinguisher mode. On the other hand, Fourze's next state is based on magnets.
  • Jossed. They're Magnet and Cosmic.

The Legend Switches will make an appearance

The toyline has Legend Switches based off of other Rders, like the Rider Memories and the special Cores. The difference is that, in Ganbaride, the Switches have Final Form Ride-esque designs instead of invisible power boosts. So at least in the HBV if not in-series, Fourze will get to use a few. Possibly OOO, Kiva, Decade and another.

Switch #30 is for Fourze's Mid-Season Upgrade and will first debut in Movie War Megamax.

Why not? Double and OOO's Mid Season Upgrades made their debuts in the Movie War films, so why shouldn't Fourze do the same? Also, it seems perfectly obvious that Switch #40 will be for his Super Mode.

  • Jossed. It's his movie-exclusive States.
  • Sort of confirmed, actually - Switches #30 and #31 are for his Mid-Season Upgrade Magnet States, but the form that is showcased in Megamax is the Double Rocket States, activated by a modified Rocket Switch.

Fourze's Final form will have a Motorcycle Racer theme.

Why? Beacuse it's a 40th Anniversary show to a franchise that started off as a man whose main profession was a motorcycle racer/biology expert. It just fits to well.

  • Jossed.

It's gonna be another one of those "break the cliques" plot

They established it early on in episode one and Gentaro thinks it's a stupid idea. Who won't see this coming.

The show will hit Cerebus Syndrome

  • Given how both OOO also got hitten by one with Dr. Maki, this is highly likely.
    • You'd be hard-pressed to find a Rider series that hasn't, so this is almost-guaranteed.
    • Done rather early. Makise, anyone?

Tomoko has a crush on Gentaro.

  • Really? Then why is she around Yuki so much?
    • Well, after episode 10 it is possible.
      • Maybe,it is not Gentaro who Tomoko have a crush,but Ryuusei(or Kamen Rider Meteor)
        • After episode 23 it is possible.
          • ..Well, after all this episodes and situationsshe knows about the identity of Meteor is obviuos that Tomoko and

Ryusei have a deep bond or connection..

Daimonji will be the second rider

just look at the opening and see what number he's wearing when the op shows him in his football uniform

  • That's actually a reference to Ichimonji Hayato/Kamen Rider 2, whom he is named after.
  • Jossed and partially confirmed. He's not a rider, but he is now the controller of the Power Dizer so he can fight alongside Gentaro.

The "Kamen Rider Urban Legend" will be a wasted plot

They did it for Foundation X, so why not?

  • Because Foundation X was in W and has no reason to be outside of W.
    • Making it doubly ironic for both points here that Foundation X members with Zodiart Switches will appear in the upcoming OOO/Fourze MEGAMAX crossover movie.

What happens to the host is determined by the Leader-class Zodiart

In episode 2 the Tarantula Zordiart picks up the Orion switch. Later when the host uses its final form, the host is wrapped up in web.

  • Only that there's no Tarantula Zodiart, as the Zodiarts are based off the Western Zodiac.
    • Specifically, that was the Scorpio Zodiart.
    • Do scorpions produce web?
    • No, they do not.
  • Jossed, Libra's Switchers have the same effect as Scorpions.

Faiz will be evil.

At least at first. An evil Orphnoch having stolen the belt, and using it to manipulate the club into fulfilling his objectives. Bonus points if they end up fighting the real Faiz as a result.

At some point, Kengo will become Fourze, to protect Gentarou.

Which in turn means hurting himself and solidifying his friendship with Gentarou.

  • Partially jossed as Kengo needed Tomoko to work out an alternate configuration for the Fourze belt, which merely outfitted one arm with the Fourze glove and cuff, allowing him to use one Astro Switch without actually turning into Fourze proper.

A second Rider will be the Student Council President.

To clash against Gentarou's delinquent style.

    • Semi-jossed; Kamen Rider Meteor is going to be a new transfer student who is actually an alien.
  • Jossed. He's a transfer student with a background in martial arts training.

The Riders shown on Nozoma's tablet will show up in the show.

    • Semi-confirmed. Theyll be in the OOO x Fourze Mega Max movie to be precise.
    • Actually the only Riders shown in the movie are Rider-1 and Double.

The second Rider will be Super-Two.

  • Maybe not by that name but perhaps based on Super-1.
    • Kamen Rider Nadeshiko has only her hands modular and has a shiny metal/silver colored body like Super-1.
  • Jossed. Goes by the name of Meteor.

There will be a Legend switch for Fourze.

And it will be marked with the number 50 giving him access to his true Final State that grants him the combined abilities of his five previous states. Billy the Rod, Hee-Hack Gun and the two other state upgrades. All Your Powers Combined.

Kamen Rider Eve will appear

Yes it was a manga but anything is possible during an anniversary series.

The second Rider will be a teacher.

  • Jossed, it's said to be a martian named Gray who transfers to Amanogawa.
    • Actually, he's a transfer student from a martial arts school.

There will be an Expy of a Gurren Lagann character

  • I thought that was Gentaro's job.

Whoever leaves prior to a Zodiarts attack is that Zodiart

Miura left and soon the Orion Zodiarts came in. The same thing might happen with the Chameleon Zodiart.

  • Also a bit of brilliance on the writer's part that the first two story arcs deal with the consequence of Daimonji and Kazashiro's actions. But that would mean Kazashiro's sidekick was only pretending to be choked.
    • ... and confirmed for episode 4. Tamae was the Chamaeleon Zodiarts.

The two known teachers and J.K are the cloaked Zodiarts.

Let's see Ohsugi would be the Scorpio Zodiarts, Sonada is the Virgo Zodiarts and J.K is Libra Zodiarts. Though only the later two make complete sense due to their qualities, Sonada being a young woman(which virgo represents) and J.K giving info for info(balance)

  • Ohsugi's sign is Scorpio. Hint or a Red Herring??
  • It gets better: Sonoda's name, when rearranged, can be read as "I am the scorpion [1]".
  • More and more indications seem to point to Sonoda being Scorpio - she's close enough to Mitsuaki Gamo/the Red-Eyed Man that she got Yuuki a meeting with him.
    • Sonoda confirmed for Scorpio as of #13!
    • Jossed for JK. The principal's Libra.

If there is a Gemini Zodiarts, there will be two people who turn into them

Or at least be one person turned into an half and half... wait a minute, zodiarts are created my the person's consciousness placed in a monstrous form, so if there was a Gemini Zodiarts it could be a shout out to Kamen Rider Double.

The Delinquents from Gentaro's old school show up

And they'll be named for the remaining Showa riders from Shigeru Jou onwards. Mad props if their ringleader is named Nobuhiko.

Similarly, the season ends with a graduation ceremony and a new set of first-year students named for the Heisei riders.

Gentaro immediately starts introducing them to the Kamen Rider Club. The new kids hear 'Kamen Rider' and immediately do their respective poses for whoever they're named after as the Fourze Driver's "3 - 2 - 1" can be heard in the background, ending as Gentaro gets a big fat grin on his face. Cue end credits.

  • Punny Names would include Okita (Agito with reversed syllables]], Ryuji (combining Shinji and Ryuki) Go (meaning five) and Ken (meaning blade.)
  • Pretty much jossed. There was a graduation ceremony and subsequent arrival of new students, but it happened mid-season, not at the end.

The Meteor Switch is for this show's secondary Rider

It's the only Switch to sound like the Legend Switches without a corresponding past Rider. So it's probably for a future Rider!

  • Confirmed.

Kazashiro will become friends with Gentaro in episode 4

she still wins the queen festival but calls off the bet as a sign of their friendship. Unfortunately Daimonji wouldn't be too happy about it, but I could be wrong and that girl he had his arm around in the preview was Kazashiro.

  • hit and miss. she still wins the queen festival and becomes friends with Gentaro but the thing with Daimonji happens before she actually wins.

The second rider will have a group of his own

They will be named after the remaining showa riders with the second rider either named after Shigeru Jou or Kazuya Oki. Moneys on Kazuya.

  • Partially jossed. The second Rider's name is Gray.
    • Partially un-jossed. The second Rider's name is Ryusei, and he has one partner named after Tobei Tachibana.
    • The group's also called the Anti-Zodiarts Union.

Kazashiro will end up with Gentaro by the end of the season

Watch episode 4 cause they already have an implied more than friends thing going on and since we don't exactly know what'd gonna happen with the Queen and her Jerk Jock King it's highly possible that this will happen

  • Uh. When was that ever implied? Like, ever?
    • Sorry used implied for lack of a better word. But let's see, he tries to comfort her, he there while Daimonji isn't, and it's a show set in high school. And it always starts with friendship. Not counting that oops thing with the magic hand even though that sounds awefully familiar.

Kengo becomes the last one to pick up the secret handshake.

And THEN he dies.

  • Jossed. He does the secret handshake with Gentaro at the end of #12.

The second Rider will "have no use for friends".

Because Conflict Ball, ho!

  • Considering all the reference to Megaman, particularly Starforce, this wouldn't be too far off the mark. The Rider Club is a lot like Geo's group of friends to some degree so having a Solo Expy wouldn't be that surprising.
    • Confirmed in #17, Ryusei thinks Gentaro's constant friendship talk is obnoxious.

Kamen Rider Nadeshiko will die, somehow is evil, or both

Because 1, she's a female rider and 2, she's a movie rider. Female and Movie riders always die or the power is destroyed somehow (though they seem to be recently jossed thanks to Den-O, Kiva, and Decade).

  • Jossed on the evil bit. She's gunning for Foundation X.
  • Confirmed on her dying. Although to be technical, she was never alive in the first place, as she was SOLU taking on human form.

Kamen Rider Nadeshiko will be a parody of the Women Rider, No Survivors theory

As mentioned in the WMG before, most, if not all female riders tend to die. This will somehow be lampshaded or deconstructed in some way.

  • Femme & Larc sure. Tackle technically isn't a Kamen Rider. Kivala's alive, Ixa's female users didn't die in duty (Yuri is dead while Megumi is alive). And I don't remember how many Oni riders there were but I'm pretty sure the only female oni to die was Shuki. Missing any because three (four if you count tackle) riders compared to how many surviving one not really going with the whole female riders all die but then again she is a love interest to Gentaro so maybe considering both Tackle and Femme were love interest to the rider of their series, the latter more so than the former.

At some point, a Zodiart's body will be killed before they can be saved

Upon reaching the Last One state, the Zodiart Switch's user's mind leaves their body to control the Zodiart's. At some point, in the ensuing rampage, their body will be killed or destroyed. Either they realize what they've done and be left stuck a Zodiart and make a Heel Face Turn after realizing their actions caused this or Gentaro will be forced to actually kill his enemy.

  • The heel face turn only works if it's done by the Zodiarts attacks. This show is slightly on the lighter side so it will probably be a close call with the Zodiart asking the rider to defeat it.

Each Zodiac Zodiart will give switches to a person with a specific kind of motivation based on their mythology

Scorpio's two Switches given out so far were both for jealousy, which in the story behind the constallation was the reason Apollo sent the scorpion to sting Orion in the myth. Possible guesses for the other Zodiarts include:

    • Scorpio could also represent pride because the other version of Orion's death story was that he boasted he could kill any creature and so Gaea created the scorpion to kill Orion
      • Which also works, as both sought to take out a prideful person as well.
  • Virgo's will revolve around a desire for either "justice" or revenge for grief, as in mythology, the Virgo sign was either representitive of Astraea, the Roman Goddess of Law and Justice, or Erigone, a woman who hanged herself in grief for a loved ones death. More likely the latter, as the Libra Zodiart exists.
    • Justice is more likely but ya never know.
  • Libra will likely deal with people wishing to see justice done in some fashion (revenge for wrongdoing), as it's the "scales of justice". Or perhaps as revenge for being lied to (balance of truth and lies).
    • You mean Karmic Balance right? on that note J.K seems the top suspect for being the Libra Zodiarts when you consider his whole thing about trading things for information or 'give and take' as he put it.
    • Seems confirmed. Libra's first Zodiarts is a boy who believed he was being wronged by people distracting him from his work. Kengo even points out the Perseus Zodiarts' MO isn't inline with Scorpion's It's Personal Switchers.
  • Leo...perhaps fufilling a difficult task of some sort? (it's associated with the Nemean Lion, one of the 12 labors of Hercules)
    • Considering Leo is the tallest of the Horoscopes, it would be a surprise if there wasn't some kind of Hercules shout out associated with this.

The series is a Shoutout the Mega Man Star Force

While yes it's more focused on other sources of inspiration but it has plenty of references already.

  • Kengo, a boy who lost his father in space and keeps rather distant from others. Sounds a lot like Geo before Omega-xis showed up.
  • Gentaro, described as hot-blooded and is the new guy, without him there would be no one properly fighting the Zodiarts. Sounds a lot like Omega-xis. But he also a bit like Ace in the child at hard friend to everyone kind of way.
    • His states as Fourze has the elemental powers similar to the battle network series.
  • The enemies are constellation based.
  • Take one main character from Fourze and you'll find some similarity to another character in Starforce. Yuki is Sonia while Kazashiro is Luna(Prez), Junko is Bud while Tamae is Zack. and so on.

The final battle will take place on the moon.

Because why not.

The final battle will take place in space.

Because Gurren Lagann.

Nadeshiko's human identity will be named after a rider ally

Stronger was in the trailer for Megamix, make of that as you will but moneys on Yuriko since Misaki was taken by another ally. Though she'll have better luck than the one she's named after.

  • Sorta confirmed. Her name is Nadeshiko Misaki.
    • She's also the second rider to retain her name in rider form so she doubles as a shout-out to Kamen Rider Shin
      • Hibiki and Gaoh are saddened by this accusation.
        • Fine the third to keep their name in rider form. Hibiki is the rider who is most like Amazon, they both use their rider/oni name as their proper name but they had a different birth name.

The Zodiac Zodiarts motivation.

They're humans who are currently on their "Last One", and they can't return to their human forms, but if they can get another person on their "Last One", they can take control of the user's body, and become human again.

  • Episode 13 Josses this to space and back.

The Zodiac Zodiarts will be introduced in groups of four

Scorpio, Virgo, Libra and Leo will be defeated around the time the second rider appears in the show. The next four (Sagittarius, Aquarius, Capricorn and Pisces for those that noticed the pattern) will be defeated by the time the super mode is introduced. The last four(Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer) will be defeated by the second last episode. The Ophiucus Zodiarts will be the last one- no pun intended- and the Bigger Bad (as in why the red eye man has red eyes)

  • Except that the order is going backwards... and it makes sense that way as it would go from Scorpio (the First Horoscope) to Ophiucus (the last Horoscope as well as rumored to be the Red-Eyed Man ). This would make the order simple - Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, and finally Ophiucus.
    • That order was going well until Aries showed up after Cancer.

The Second rider will be a reference to Black and RX

And have a twin who is the Gemini Zodiarts who looks like a Kaijin(constellation marked) version of his/her Rider form.

  • Jossed for now.

During Movie War Megamax, Shotaro and Philip will each appear in Fourze and OOO's respective stories.

You know, they could split up to find out clues that'll lead to the plot of the team-up portion of the movie. They could make brief cameos, like watching Fourze and OOO fight their respective monster enemies.

There will be a second organization.

The Red-Eyed Man is the current Big Bad, however, he will be taken out early in the series to give rise to a new organization, whether they use Zodiart switches too or not.

All of the insert songs for this series will be named after things involving space.

The title of the song "Giant Step" obviously refers to the saying "One small step for earth, one giant leap for mankind".

  • Now "Shooting Star", Meteor's theme.
  • "Bounce Back", Magnet States' theme, is a little harder to pinpoint.
  • "Cosmic Mind", Cosmic States' theme, natch.

There is a vehicle for each States.

Fourze already has vehicles that matches his Base and Elek States. The Massiguler and the Base States have the same color scheme, black and white. The Power Dizer and the Elek States have also the same color scheme, gold and black with blue "eyes".

  • There might be a red vehicle for his Fire States.
  • So far, not happening.

There will be a traitor in the KRC

Think about it. If the KRC effectively turned jerks into good guys through The Power of Friendship, what better way to destroy it than with a traitor?

    • With the results of #11 Kengo is seriously going to chew out Yuki for letting a Zodiarts destroy the locker to Rabbit Hatch and thus trapping him on the moon. How the other members will react to her is unconfirmed.
    • Confirmed in episode 31 but is forgiven in episode 32.

Episode 10 begins with Shun knocking the Zodiarts Switch out of Tomoko's hands with a football

We've had Miu bring her inflated attitude into the Kamen Rider Club proper. If Shun contributes something outside of driving the Power Dizer, it'd have to be this.

  • Jossed - she held onto it without using it, just to discard it at the end.
  • By throwing it into a pond no less.

There will be a Zodiarts that will break the circle of Friendship in the Kamen Rider Club

Kamen Rider Poseidon and Aqua represent time

specifically the phrase "time is not a flowing river but many streams flowing along side each other". Think about it, they're both the same person split between good and evil due to a temporal anomoly, have an aquatic motif, one resembles the heisei riders while the other resembles the showa riders. It fits with Fourze's base space theme either way.

Nadeshiko won't die

She'll suffer a fate worse than death. Either it'll be revealed that she came from the future as well and has to go back or she's from the present and is being transfered to a school really far away. Either way, she can't be with Gentaro.

  • Better yet to fit with the space motif she'll be an alien
    • Or she'll be from the future like Miharu. For bonus points, she may be Gentaro's daughter and/or granddaughter.
    • Alien = Confirmed. Won't die = Jossed.

The Hole mentioned in episode 1

Is the true big bad and when it manifests it will be known as the Black Hole Zodiarts, with the unique ability of all the previous Zodiarts. And when it's defeated it will spit out some brightly coloured coins as well as a purple dinosaur themed monster.

The type of Zodiart is determined by the Switcher, not the Zodiart Switch

The Switches have no identifying traits to seperate them from one another, they're all identical. They are all completely identical, but something about the person using them is what decides what kind of Zodiart it creates. Perhaps it has something due to the "wish upon the stars" thing the Scorpion says when he hands them out or simply due to personality.

  • Let's see Miura was gunning(hunting) for Shun, Tamae wanted to beat Miu and played the role of friend(blending in), Nitta was unable to fence due to JK and was on a high horse(unicorn is a horse but he used the horn as a sword) about his revenge and the chain boy was feeling like a dog on a leash plus his father's catchphrase is two letters off from Bad Dog. There seems to be a lot of reasoning behind this. Maybe someone should put this on the Fridge page if the fake witch has a similar connection to Altar...oh wait!
    • An interesting theory, but Jossed. Scorpio mentions that the Altar Switch would have lesser powers in the hands of someone not devoted to occultism. So it would seem that the type of switch is set by default, though they can gain new powers depending on their users personality.
      • Not really, he says an Altar Zodiarts, not the switch itself. There are probably some other personality types that could make someone get Altar.

The fourth switch will control....

Gravity, tying into the space theme.

A possible future movie form (not MEGAMAX) will be with an F-1 Switch

F-1 standing for Formula 1 and Fourze would get a theme similar to an F-1 driver.

All signs point to it not happening in the Movie War, but Kabuto will appear once the scale of the enemy becomes clear.

Guesses as to what Fourze's two recently revealed forms will be in the Multiform Balance.

Double Rocket States will be a Fragile Speedster, due to the two rockets on his hands that will obviously give him increased speed, and Magnet States will be a Lightning Bruiser, because nearly every Kamen Rider's Mid-Season Upgrade form is one.

  • Rocket States: Confirmed. Magnet States: Jossed.

The entire purpose of the school is to serve as a Zodiart Switch testing ground.

In the first episode, it is mentioned that it is school policy to persuade students to fall into their own cliches and subcultures. And the Red-Eyed-Man states that the switches tend to develop in interesting ways in the hands of children. So essentially what he has done is set up an area where he can use impressionable young people to further the switches development.

Gentaro has something to do with the Astro Switches.

In the second episode, Getnaro sees the majestic beauty of Earth and a single tear falls from his eye. He questions as to why he's crying though, so that might be some subtle foreshadowing for a later date.

    • Also he mentions that his parents before their death anyway, had a job that went over his and his grandfather's head. However, he also notes that his dad encouraged him to make new friends because "those friends will save you one day."

(At least) One of the switches will be modeled after a Zodiart Switch

In fact, it may also have 'last one' feature and has Zodiart's power!

Magnet States' debut is when the story takes a turn for the darker.

An interview with head producer Tsukada revealed that Fourze has no "tear marks" on his mask because of his cheerful personality. However, Magnet States has said "tears", so this may be an indication of more drama in the future.

The locker destroyed in #11 isn't the correct one.

  • We don't know for sure unless Kengo still has the switch that activated the locker. Perhaps any locker can work, but you need the switch to activate it.
  • My guess is, Sonoda really does have a locker she wanted condemned, then found the paper on the Rabbit Hutch locker and took it to stick on the "right" one. It's just silly enough to fit with the rest of the series.
    • Also the preview for #12 shows Tomoko examining the debris, maybe her ESP can pick up something amiss.
  • Alternatively, they are just able to recover the switch used to create the initial portal, and use it on a different locker.
  • Confirmed on the wrong locker but jossed on Tomoko's ESP. Apparently Ohsugi believed Yuki's lie about the locker being Sonada's a while back and swapped the paper that was on it with another before dragging it out. The reason Tomoko knew it was wrong was because of the bunny drawing she drew back in #11 was on the back of the door that lead to Rabbit Hatch.

One of the future Zodiart will be Hercules and will have a bug motif.

  • Not only will it be a Hercules Beetle, the the latest Zodiart,Pyxis, has a Stag Beetle design and past series have use the Japanese Beetle Brothers trope before.
    • The only question is, which zodiac sign fits the beetle thing?
      • Southern Cross?

Switch #40 will use ALL the four slots in the Fourze Driver

  • Jossed. It'll use only the Circle Slot instead.

Each arc will be about the KRC gaining a new friend/ally/power

  • The initial story arc has been all about the club forming. In addition to the KRC members, the show goes out of its way to show that Fourze's powers and support must be mastered the way one would gain a friendship.
    • 1-2: Gentaro and Yuki (and Base States)
    • 3-4: Miu
    • 5-6: JK (and Elec States)
    • 7-8: Shun (and Power Dizer)
    • 9-10: Tomoko (and Fire States)
    • 11-12: Kengo
    • 13-14: Miura
      • By extension the true identity of the Scorpio Zodiarts, since it is heavily displayed in the trailer, whoever it may be... cough, female, cough.
    • 15-16: Motoyama, the entire Glee Club
    • 17-18: Ryusei (and Kamen Rider Meteor)
    • 19-20: Magnet States

Jun, Reiko and Chosuke will become Zodiarts

They are the only three other than the main cast that appear in more than one episode(arc) with speaking lines its very possible that they may become Zodiarts at some point. Or they will find out about the kamen rider club.

But here are the ideas for their Zodiarts form. Jun would be Cetus, Reiko and Chosuke would... someone else try.

    • Jun doesn't seem like she would be capable of becoming a Zodiarts, Chosuke would need a good reason why he had to (like his gang of delinquents was hurt or something) and Reiko might have the possibility of becoming one.

If Miu and Shun became Zodiarts

They would be the Cepheus and Cassiopia Zodiarts

The title of the Chairman's book is foreshadowing

It was entitled 'Voices from the Distant Cosmos' when translated into english afterall. Though much like Ohsugi's sign, this could be a red herring.

The Big Bad will be an extra-terrestrial Cosmic Horror

Because Gurren Lagann.

Makise will return

He has Knight of Cerebus written all over him.

    • Great, as if we didn't have a huge section on him in the Fridge Horror page.
    • Considering Miura has returned, and has an addiction to his Switch, it wouldn't be a stretch for Makise to return as a Psycho for Hire working for the Zodiac Zodiarts of his own accord.
      • Confirmed and Jossed. The preview for episode 37 shows that Makise will return, but not as a monster.

Makise IS Dr Maki

Maybe one time he was left in a ditch by the football team after stalking Miu, and Dr Maki exploded in the sky above and the Cell Medal fragments rained down and were embedded into him, healing his wounds overnight. Shun and Miu do have a history of taking too long to identify those they've offended in the past. And we know shattered Cell Medals can still be of use, since Ankh's returning yet again in this year's Movie Wars.

  • The movie confirmed that the Medals were transported, not destroyed. Maki Greeed could still exist.

Fourze's ultimate form will be Zodiac States.

He'll use the Zodiarts Switch that was thrown into a pond to transform, and will eventually become a Zodiarts.

The new principal being introduced in episode 13 is the Scorpio Zodiarts

Look at how he points in the trailer. It is exactly like how the Scorpio Zodiarts holds out the Zodiart Switches with the thumb and index finger extended and the other three fingers back.

  • Jossed.
    • Still think he may be the Scorpio Zodiarts. Yes we see Sonoda change into it but that conversation in the classroom is far too suspicious. Don't understand spoken Japanese so really can't tell but the conversation seemed like a do-me-a-favor kind of thing.
      • Still Jossed. He's Libra, and Sonoda is definitely Scorpio.

Mitsuaki Gamo/The Red-Eyed Man Zodiart Switch will be Ophiuchus.

Its been use as the unofficial thirteenth sign of the Western Zodiac signs and his Dragons are made up of the original twelve.

The Ursa Major Zodiarts...

...is being saved for the Fourze standalone movie (like the Shogun one for OOO and the A to Z one for Double).

  • And it's special attack is? One word: AAAATATATATATATA...
  • Will most likely the user will be female and have a child to go with the Mama Bear angle.

Alternatively, the one that appears in the movie is just the Ursa Minor Zodiarts.

What's the Ursa Major one like? You don't wanna know.

If and when the Leo Zodiarts hands out a switch...

The first one will be Hercules Zodiarts. The rest may also be associate with whatever cosntellation the twelve labors of hercules are connected to.

The new principal is one of the Zodiac Zodiarts

He may not be Scorpio, but there's a chance that he may be a different one.

  • Bonus points if he's the Gemini Zodiarts.
    • Which makes it funnier when you think about the Superhero Wars(Kamen Rider vs Super Sentai) movie due to some recent rumours.
  • Confirmed. He's Libra Zodiarts, however.

The Zodiac Switches can be used by multiple people

The Scorpio Switch was already designed with the Scorpio symbol on top of it. It seems to imply that those switches are preset and could possibly be used by anyone. If this turns out to be true then the Scorpio Zodiarts may not be who we think it is.

We'll find out what happens to a switch that isn't shut off after Last One

It something that came to mind when the identity of the Scorpio Zodiarts was revealed. It had a special switch and the voice sounded different. Maybe the result of Last One is that the consciousness of the person is sealed in the switch. If the red eye man got it he could maybe cause it to upgrade to it's true Last One.

  • Confirmed, Zodiarts that exceed Last One become Horoscopes like Scorpio... although theres no indication if this itself can recieve a Last One state

If the new principal is gonna play a major part, he won't be a Zodiart

But instead at some point he will get out a familiar device, and people will be able to hear this again: "TURN UP!"

  • This could work. They said they were going to try and fix the KR universe with this show. Gentaro doesn't need to get a legend switch but at least making him true to his line in 21 Medals about befriending all riders is a start. Maybe the principal is using a pseudonym.
  • Jossed. He's the Libra Zodiarts.

The real Scorpio Zodiarts is the principal, and he has demonic possesion powers

All along, he is able to control a person and made him/her into a Scorpio Zodiart. With the victim completely unaware of what they are doing at all.

  • Jossed. He's a different Zodiarts instead.

Episode 14 will change the status quo

In Kamen Rider OOO, the arc that kicked off the first major status quo shift ( Mezool and Gamel die for the first time and Birth is introduced) started on #15, which was released on December 19th, a day after Movie Wars Core came out. #15 for Kamen Rider Fourze will come out the same day Movie Wars Megamax comes out, so going by that logic, something will change or at least start to.

  • From the looks of things Scorpio Zodiarts will be defeated in this episode. #15-16 will see Libra taking Scorpio's place as Gamo's field lieutenant (though serving as a breather arc for what follows), with the first episode of 2012 (on January 8) being Meteor's debut.

The principal is the Libra Zodiarts.

He mentions things as being light and heavy, and his given name means justice, the personification of which carries a pair of scales.

  • I see this happening for a few reasons.

1) They just revealed the Scorpio Zodiarts identity. 2) They introduced a character that seems in on the conspiracy. 3) One scan showing Kamen Rider Meteo shows him fighting the Libra Zodiarts. 4) The Libra Zodiarts seems to be the new Dragon to the Red-Eye Man should the Scorpio Zodiarts be defeated by episode 14. 5) They are most likely going to be introduced in the next episode arc.

  • Confirmed.

The Track Shot when Fourze yells 'Uchu Kita'

Will go all the way to the end of the solar system by the end of the series if not the whole galaxy.

  • One such shot will go in a circle instead of just zooming out, sweeping through the planets of the solar system - then the one the next week is virtually identical, except it includes Pluto.
  • Jossed for the time period. During Cosmic States' introduction in #32, the track shot went outside the Milky Way Galaxy and panned to several neighboring galaxies!!

The Zodiarts are actually parasitic aliens who infect people through the Switches

The Drunk on the Dark Side effect is a result of the alien slowly influencing the person's behavior and the drug withdrawl symptoms are caused by the alien making it's host desire to keep using the Switch so it can continue to grow and feed on the Cosmic Energy, much like nicotine in tabacco. Destroying the Switch kills the Zodiart alien, but the host still craves to have ANOTHER one inside them due to the addiction. The "Last One" stage is the point when the alien gains enough cosmic power to form it's own body, taking the host's spirit along with it. The host is used as a way for the alien to get more cosmic power to feed on. The Horoscope Zodiarts either aren't human at all or have merged with a high ranking alien. Either way, the aliens controling the Horoscope Zodiarts are sentient and either entirely in control or co-controling their host. While the normal Zodiarts are "infants" who relay on their hosts to control the Zodiarts body, the Horoscope Zodiarts are fully grown. This is why some Zodiarts voice tends to have a Voice of the Legion effect to it and the Scorpio has a male voice despite having a female host, the Scorpio alien is male and the voice distortion is caused by the Zodiart itself. Another possibility is that the Red Eyed Man's plan is to merge all of humanity with the Zodiarts, either as an Alien Invasion or simply because he believes it's the best thing for them.

The principle is the Leo Zodiac.

Both of them have a power of authority, principle with his school, lion with his pride. All the females, bother mothers and the female student,swoon over the principle, just like how all female lions follow the male lion. And also, the principle dislike Gentaro, which almost mirrors how older male lion see younger ones as a threat to their pride.

  • Jossed. He's Libra.

Each of the Horoscope Zodiarts has a different type of Dustard

Scorpio and Kengo both confirmed the Dustards are formed from the Zodiart's own body ("Stardust"). The ninja-like ones are unique to Scorpio and each of the Horoscope Zodiarts have a unique type, either completely unique or with a different fighting style.

  • If so, the new Dustards merely retain the helmets and belts over new suits - Chinese martial artists? Death metal rockers? Bruce Lee Game Of Death suits? Or maybe more reused suits like Zectrooper kevlar.
  • Jossed. They're all the same.

Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere situations will be solved using Switch #24 Medical

In fact, Switch #24 can heal any wounds and illnesses as well as harm Zodiarts in general. With Limit Break, it fully heals a person. If used on a Zodiarts, it leads to an instant KO instead!

We won't see all of the zodiac symbols represented as a Zodiarts

At this rate, having all 12 zodiac symbols would make the series 120+ episodes, unless they show up and die really fast. It'll probably stay at the four shown in the opening.

  • What's likely is leaving the other eight zodiac symbols as Horoscopes, like the other four, but with them serving merely as Elite Mooks or for being the big bad come the Movie Wars for Fourze and the Rider succeeding him.
  • Hopefully they will pop up in more numbers like the Greeed.
    • The first four Zodiarts will be defeated around episode 25, give or take, the other eight will be introduced with the last nine episodes or so having a Boss Rush where they are each defeated one by one, not too differently from the Infershia Pantheon.
  • Maybe the introduction of Meteor will prompt the Zodiarts to double up their forces and start having 2 or more active ones as Co-Dragons.
    • Played with. Instead of the villains bringing out more Horoscopes for Meteor, Meteor himself wants to create new Horoscopes.
  • Libra reveals in #15 the procedure for creating a Horoscope Zodiarts (which involves a Switcher going past a Last One), and that only four of the Horoscopes have been born so far (himself, Sonoda/Scorpio, Leo, and Virgo).
  • Not of that would prevent multiple Horoscopes from being out and about at a time, which also increases drama and challenge.

Well, we already know that he was formerly a coworker of Kengo's father.

The other eight Horoscopes will be movie exclusive.

Four showing up in the Superhero Wars movie and the other four appearing in the Fourze summer movie with one defeated solely by the next rider as a call back to ooo.

Fourze's appearance in the OOO summer movie was a reference to Double

Think about it. They both showed up to help the then current rider defeat an enemy and they were already transformed when they did so. This stands to reasoning. Also the next rider will show up in Fourze's summer movie but will henshin and defeat the movie exclusive enemy.

Ohsugi is the only faculty member of note to not be involved in the conspiracy, let alone a Horoscope.

It seems that he's locked out of the loop with regards to Zodiarts (as Principal Hayami/ Libra Zodiarts told him to leave when he talked to Sonoda/Scorpio Zodiarts. Ironically, this may mean that he's the only authority figure the KRC can trust. Plus, he seems like a comic relief character anyway, not unlike most of the Fuuto Irregulars.

    • However... As of #29, he knows about the Rabbit Hatch. It won't be too much of a stretch that he somehow learns about the true motive of the Kamen Rider Club. Note that he was Dangerously Genre Savvy about the Zodiarts attacks in #26 and even let the prom continue despite of that.
    • And as of #30, he gives the Kamen Rider Club his blessing and wishes to help it out, becoming The Mentor to the students.

Kengo is one of the Zodiarts.

Maybe not a regular one, but it could explain his poor health. If there's another being fighting inside him that he doesn't know about.

  • Gemini Zodiarts, then?

Ohsugi will be Virgo

Because virgin.

    • Jossed; he's now The Mentor of the Kamen Rider Club.

Makise will be the first Zodiarts to be Killed Off for Real

Miura was redeemed, and it's implied the Kamen Rider Club will try to do the same to the other Zodiarts and that it's likely the Zodiarts will try to rerecruit them. When the montage of previous Zodiarts was shown in #13, Makise was omitted and he was the only Zodiarts that Gentaro personally allowed to be punished. If any of the previous Zodiarts are going to kick the bucket, it'd be him.

  • Jossed: Makise survived his episode arc.

Sonoda will outlive her usefulness

Reasons: A. She was the first Horoscope to be defeated by Fourze. B. She already had her switch taken away from her. C. She is now on a quest to get her status back that will more than likely end in failure D. Someone's going to.

  • Confirmed.

Fourze's ultimate form will be unlocked by the Power of Friendship.

It's already been shown that the Switches grow stronger through Gentaro's friendships. What better way to awaken Fourze's ultimate form?

Yuki will get along or at least gush over Kamen Rider Meteor

He's an alien, she's a space fanatic.

  • Something tells me that they might end up as a canon couple by the end of the season, much like what happened with Nago and Megumi and Ryu and Akiko.
    • Well,they don't seem so close.Who know maybe Tomoko will get a crush over Kamen Rider Meteor.

Sonoda became a Zodiarts for It's Personal reasons

It's the Scorpion's MO for handing out Switches, so it'd make sense it's her reason. It'd also easily crossover into Libra's turf, if the grudge grew out of an injustice committed against her.

  • ... Sonada is Scorpio, and she's already been and exceeded being the Canis Minor Zodiarts, apparently.

Ohsugi is more than he seems

He's one of the following

  • A Zodiart with his memory of being one erased to keep him hidden until he is needed
  • A friend/associate of Kengo's father keeping an eye on him and the Zodiarts
    • Jossed, but as of #30 he decides to be The Mentor to the group.

There will be a Canis Majoris Zodiarts and it's gonna play a large role

The VY Canis Majoris is the largest star known to man. Seeing as how they Shown Their Work, it's obvious that they might do this.

  • They've already set the groundwork by having Canis Minor mature into Scorpio, who plays a large role in the series already.

All the Horoscopes already created were just students before the start of the series literally

After they became Horoscopes they aged fast to the way we see them now and joined REM in his quest. With that said, their defeat will turn them back into teens to deal with the problems they had the right way.

  • Mostly jossed. They don't return to teenagers when defeated.

Someone's gonna die by being overloaded with Cosmic Energy

OPTIONAL: They will say something along the lines of: "So this is the power of the cosmic... Not bad, not bad at all."

There will be a deeper connection between Astro Switches and Zodiarts Switches

Like astro switches are purified zodiarts switches or similar.

Switches 30 and 31 are the Magnet Switches

This may sound like Captain Obvious to you, but hear me out: it's not that Astro Switches 30 and 31's power are Magnet N and S respectively, but rather, the magnetic astro power is seperated into two poles, one for each switch. With that, here is how the switches work:

  • 1. As a phone (Switches 30 and 31's combined form), a code is dialed to seperate magnet's power
  • 2. One of the switches is slotting into the Fourze Driver and the deep man voice says Magnet North or South, depending on the switch.
  • 3. The switch is activated. A strange bleeping noise is made.
  • 4. The other switch is slotted in, and the deep man voice calls out the name of that Astro Switch.
  • 5. That switch is turned on, and the robot voice says "Magnet On" with both the Astro Switches' logo appearing on each side, and the word "Magnet" appearing between them. Then, the logos move towards the centre, Magnet State' music jingle is played and Fourze's State is changed into Magnet.
    • Let's see... Jossed for 1. It's just pulling them apart.
    • Jossed for 2. It is "N Magnet" and "S Magnet".
    • Jossed for 3 in the show. Gentaro activated both Switches at the same time.
    • Jossed for 4. See 2
    • Jossed for 5.

Makise will return and become a Horoscope

Becoming a Horoscope requires one to give up your humanity. Makise is close enough already.

    • Jossed. Preview for 37 shows Makise reappears, and considering how Pegasus evolved into Cancer, it seems unlikely that Makise would become a Horoscope.

The KRC Christmas Cake wasn't commisioned from a bakery.

A standard bakery would ask too many questions. There's only one man who could be trusted with this kind of responsibility, and his name is...Kougami.

  • While I understand this is probably a joke, remember that the bakery would have been a Japanese bakery... They don't ask questions.

At one point, Time travel will be involved.

And at that point, Gentaro will be forced to travel back to the past, and solve the problems of the four Horoscopes, to stop them being Horiscopes in the first place, or to simply make it possible for him to stop a plan in the future. If the former, may possibly result in a bad future, where and inexperienced Gentaro got killed early on by high level Zodiarts... leaving the now time displaced Gentaro to fix things, and fight off a strange time travelling train who insists he doesn't exist anymore in the process.

... ok yeah, the latter isn't going to happen, but it'd be cool if it did.

  • However, it is confirmed that the Super Hero Taisen movie (which of course co-stars Fourze and crew) also involves Riders using time travel to discover the cause of the mess. Time travel, fixing the past and Kamen Rider needed to do it? Stop me if you've heard this one...

All the Hayabusa references are foreshadowing the Fourze standalone movie...

which will take Fourze and Meteor deep into space, to find the Spiritual Successor of Hayabusa before a Horoscope appearing only in the movie does. Maybe the new probe is actually carrying the Horoscope within range of a black hole that would grant it insane power.

The Switch Tomoko threw into the lake at the end of #10 will become important later.

The Kamen Rider Club is only assumed to have retrieved the Switch Tomoko threw into the lake at the end of the tenth episode. They're never shown to actually shown to have gotten it though. It may very easily still be there, waiting for someone to pick it up and use it.

  • How is it assumed they retrieved it? I thought it was assumed they left it there.

Some Zodiarts are brought back to battle for the KRC down the line.

Possibly to hold the line against the Horoscopes one last time. Orion and Perseus are meant to be mythical heroes, after all. Maybe they'll be controlled by using the Rabbit Hutch systems to motion-capture the former Switchers' movements to manipulate empty Zodiarts shells.

Tachibana will become a Well-Intentioned Extremist

His goal is to eliminate all Zodiarts. He might do it by any means necessary.

Tachibana is Kengo's father

He's under an assumed identity (taking on the name of the Legendary Seven Riders' ally Tobei Tachibana), and he seems to know something that would make him oppose the Zodiarts. Not to mention that Kengo's father isn't shown dying clearly.

  • Not to mention, he says he can't fight -- maybe it's either poor health like Kengo, whatever process was used to save his life, or both.

We won't see all the zodiarts

We we will probably see Maybe about 20-30 something of them. The reason? The rest are spread out on other planets.

  • Very likely. There's 88 official Western constellations. It's going to be Blade all over again.

Ryusei's friend had a deeper connection with Aries

and that is why he's looking for that specific horoscope. Whether his friend would have become Aries eventually or the switch was given to him by the commander at that school is unknown.

Tachibana is using Ryusei

He's lying about the boy being able to save his friend so that he'll fight in Tachibana's place.

  • Jossed. He's noy.

The Virgo Zodiarts gave the switch to Ryusei's friend

The current episode arc shows Meteor off and shows his reasons for fighting, the preview of episode 18 shows Virgo in it so it is safe to assume that there is a deeper connection.

The only way to destroy the Horoscopes for good is to target their Zodiarts Switch

Thus far, the only time this has been used is on Orion in the second episode and never brought up again, because most of the time the Zodiarts are destroyed in their Last One states, so it's not needed. But the Horoscope Zodiarts Switches seem to have a limitless number of uses, so the only way to truly stop them is to target their Switches and destroy them manually.

  • Seems logical. After all, Scorpion got beat twice and still had her Switch.

Cancer will be the fifth Horoscope to appear.

So far every Horoscope introduced or mentioned has been that of the zodiac, all that get introduced have been appearing in reverse order of how the zodiac line up during the year since the first four known to already exist are Scorpio, Libra, Virgo shown in action as of episode 18 and Leo in makes perfect sense for the fifth Horoscope to appear to be Cancer.

  • Confirmed in recent magazine scans.
  • Confirmed in the show.

When Saban will adapt Fourze into Power Rider, Meteor will be renamed into Comet.

Why? Look at his helmet. Look at his name. Now look at what a meteor looks like. Now doesn't that look similar? But wait, the color of the tail isn't the same! But what looks like a meteor and has a blue tail? A comet!

Ryusei will do the handshake when he truly opens up to Gentaro

As of episode 18, he has joined the club, but still hasn't revealed himself as Meteor OR done the handshake. Once he does both and he is accepted, he will do it.

Why Kengo has poor health is actually quite simple!

It's all because of Fast Foods. Even to the point where most of the Foodroids are modelled after them!

  • Actually, blame Yuki for why the Foodroids are themed after fast food.

Gentaro is Kengo's father.

He actually escaped from the rabbit Hutch through space teleportation, but it went wrong and regressed him into a baby.

  • Then he wants to be friends with everyone because subconsciously he feels as though he could of been a better friend to REM?

Ryusei will attempt to turn the Kamen Rider Club members against each other.

The smirk on Ryusei's face after he got accepted into the club seems to suggest that he plans to eliminate the club, so they can't interfere with his mission of finding the Aries Zodiarts. And what better way of doing it then destroying it from the inside out?

  • Jossed as this was unintentional in #19-20. Ryusei even makes an effort to patch things up between them. Apparently they're more useful to him as a cohesive group...
    • And his talking Shun and Miu out of leaving the Club entirely in #26 comes across as quite intentional indeed.

Kamen Rider Meteor will try to use all three planet powers at once

It wouldn't turn out well......may unless he has a new power switch or something.

  • Not so for the toy. It will just say "Error" if more than one is pushed at the same time, making all of the Switches go back down.

Kamen Rider Meteor will have a Super Mode

In the form of a new switch, it will be activated once Ryusei understands the true meaning of friendship.

  • Two-thirds confirmed. Meteor's Super Mode is called Meteor Storm, and is accessed by using the Meteor Storm Switch. No word yet on whether or not the switch is activated via The Power of Friendship, however.
    • The switch was given to him by Tachibana via Secret Test of Character--if Ryusei hadn't decided to go back and save the Kamen Rider Club from Cancer, then he wouldn't received the switch.

Fourze gets thrown into the Dark Nebula before the finale...

...but Determinators his way out of it for the finale, bringing with him any banished Zodiarts that have gone through an offscreen Heel Face Turn for an epic Big Damn Heroes moment.

Zodiarts most likely to Heel Face Turn?

Sagittarius. Leo. Aries, providing actual closure for Ryusei. Pisces. And Capricorn, the token Sour Supporter. Scorpio brings the WTF just for being the least likely one. This may lead to an epic Horoscopes 6vs6 fight to the bitter end.

  • I say Leo just for the gag

Alternatively, Leo is the first to be killed outright, switch and all.

Sacrificial Lion, geddit?

  • If that ends up being the case it adds a bit of brilliance. Leo is the fourth of a group of villains and The Brute at that. If it dies first it wouldn't be the first time

Or even better, getting actual Horoscopes Switches allows Kengo to channel their power into the KRC members for the epic final battle.

Giving us Kengo-as-Sagittarius, Yuuki-as-Scorpio, Miu-as-Aries, Shun-as-Leo, JK-as-Capricorn, Tomoko-as-Pisces.

Cancer may not only Heel Face Turn but revert to Pegasus form.

And who will be responsible for it? Why, Soushi, the Perseus Zodiarts of course!

  • Jossed.

Ohsugi goes into a Heroic BSOD after Sonoda becomes absent from school following getting sucked into the Dark Nebula in #18

Maybe his actor will get a break as well, who knows.

  • Confirmed. The poor man...
    • He bounces back and soon becomes The Mentor for the Kamen Rider Club in #30.

Leo Zodiarts' death will lead to a Break the Cutie or Heroic BSOD moment.

Because Digimon Tamers.

Meteor will get another Meteor Galaxy on his left arm.

Only it will have access to the four remaining planets in the Solar System (besides earth).

  • Potential powers:
    • Mercury- Super speed
    • Venus-
    • Uranus-
    • Neptune-
    • Pluto (it's dwarf planet status would be lampshaded)- Ice powers
  • Or it could have two switches instead that act as state changes
    • Solar based off the sun with powers to match possibly light based
    • Lunar based off the moon with powers to match possibly shadow based

The Meteor Galaxy's fingerprint system does not scan for any specific fingerprint.

It's actually a trick system where it activates properly ONLY when there isn't any fingerprint to scan. Specifically, it detects a touch first, then scans whether there are any fingerprints to begin with. If it catches any fingerprint, it will self-destruct, taking the user along with it!

All 12 Horoscopes will be in the summer movie.

Even dead ones, seeing as how Sonoda was banished to some sort of void, the movie will have a mess happen there and all 12 Horoscopes will be running loose as a consequence.

Ryusei wants his friend to get better so he can personally punish him.

If he beats up a comatoise person, he'll forever be branded a Complete Monster, so he has to find a way to cure him first. Ryusei once learned that the hard way, and teared over it.

Ryusei won't be able to keep his secret identity for long.

If he bails on the KRC every time Meteor appears, someone should catch on quickly.

  • The others are starting to catch on. Slowly, but surely.
  • And his identity was found by Cancer in #27, previews show he untransforms in front of Kengo and JK in #31 or #32.

The TRUE reason for Jiro's coma and Ryuusei's assholeness.

The Zodiart Switch blow up in Jiro's face because... it wasn't his. It belong to RYUUSEI. Our second-rider-to-be was using it for whatever reason (probably to better himself at martial arts or something, and may or may not explain why his dojo from the flashbacks is completely empty now). When the Switch turned into the Last One phase, Jiro grabbed it before Ryuusei could turn himself into a Zodiart again. Out of panic, Jiro pressed the Switch, but since it wasn't his to begin with, he got a blast of Cosmic Energy in the face, thus resulting in his coma and Ryuusei feeling extremely guilty about the whole thing.

BTW, found this theory on JEFusion, and I thought it was too good to not be spread further.

  • Jossed, in a recent episode it was shown that Jiro was the one who was trying to use the switch.

Egawa will NOT be the Dragon Zodiarts.

It just seems way too obvious.

  • Confirmed. Her track captain is it.

Apollo States will have a Scarf of Asskicking

Magnet States has the tear lines, a normal part of a Kamen Rider design. Apollo States will give him the other one.

  • Actually, Magnet States does not have the tear lines YET as of it's debut. Just to let you know.
    • More specifically, what appears to be a tear line is actually a reflected highlight showing the helmet detail.
  • Jossed. Cosmic States is the final form. And it doesn't have a scarf.

Ryusei gets to drive the Power Dizer.

Basically, they're stuck in a situation where Ryusei can't just use the Meteor Driver in front of them, and Shun is indisposed, leaving just Ryusei available to drive it. Cue the Power Dizer doing mecha kungfu.

  • Jossed, Kengo states that Ryusei doesn't get to drive it due to him being needed for technical support.

Tomoko gets to drive the Power Dizer.

Rather than tax her out physically, she drives it at a Zombie Gait, and her creepy aura seeps out of it and does the actual work without needing her to bring it above trudging speed - after which the Power Dizer ejects her and rolls off.

  • May actually pan out eventually, as JK got to drive the Power Dizer out of necessity in #25.

Switch #40 is SPACE!!!!!! not Apollo

The Apollo form is just a rumor, and there's no way to actually prove that there's Apollo switch, even if you hack the Fourze Belt toy. This will turn Fourze into his Space states.

  • It's called Cosmic States, not Space States.

Fourze could have pull the lever and do a limit break with N Magnet and S Magnet switches before they're fixed into a cell phone

But if he did, however, it'll attract the whole Earth itself and cause it to implode!

  • Well, that's if he could use his arms. The Modules binded him a la prison cuffs.

Apollo States uses The Power of the Sun

Apollo is obviously a Shout-Out to Apollo 11, but it could just as easily be referring to the Greek/Roman god of the sun. Not only would having a sun-based Super Mode fit well with the 'space' motif, it would also be a tie in to the villains, who also use Greek mythology via the Western Zodiac.

  • Bonus points if the armor incorporates solar panels in some way.
  • Double bonus points if Red-Eyes Man lampshades the mythology reference and says something along the lines of "Now Fourze has obtained power equal to that of a god!"
  • Triple bonus points if Apollo's Weapon of Choice is a Bow and Arrow.
  • Quadruple bonus points if they manage to throw in a Shout-Out / Homage to the original "child of the sun", Black/Black RX
    • Jossed. There is no Apollo States. There is COSMIC States.

There will be a third Rider this season

The Rider's Driver will be passed around to Gentaro's friends. Kind of like Thebee or IXA was multiple people using the same costume.

  • That's basically the Power Dizer's role...
    • But currently only Shun pilots it.
    • Also it's not a Kamen Rider.

There will be an evil Rider this season

Who destroys Zoriarts for the sole purpose to make them into Horiscopes]]

  • Semi-confirmed with Meteor. However, he isn't really evil.
  • Maybe in the Summer movie...

Kamen Rider Meteor will get to use the N Magnet Switch

This will result with the N gun turret thingy floating above his shoulder. Bonus point if Fourze acivate S Magnet Switch seperately.

  • Also, by spinning his Meteor Driver Globe, the gun turrent would be able to rotate around his body.
  • And through pushing it hidden button like Magnet Fourze will do, it'll do a Limit Break!
    • The Meteor Driver can currently only use the Meteor, Elek and Fire Switches.
  • Jossed for the toy.

Ohsugi will become a NEW Scorpio Horoscope and will be the "last dragon" for the Big Bad

Given how Ohsugi is himself a Scorpio, his obsession with Sonoda and thus his reaction to her disappearance, how do you think he would take the news if he found out that Sonoda was not only a Zodiart Horoscope, but that 2 of his students (Gentaro as Fourze and Ryusei as Meteor) were directly responsible for her "death". A Scorpio is the sign of WRATH and revenge and that would bring us full circle back from Scorpio to Scorpio standing between the Riders and Red-Eyes.

  • Bonus points if the fight is between Ohsugi as "Neo Scorpio" and Meteor (the one who defeated Sonoda and thus is responsible for Sonoda's banishment) while Fourze obviously takes on Ophiucus alone.
  • Jossed for now-- he's now part of the Kamen Rider Club.

If a Horoscopes Switch is destroyed,

The original switcher will be Killed Off for Real.

Ohsugi won't be the Butt Monkey any longer

At some point, he will have Took a Level in Badass.

  • If him not being The Mentor of the Kamen Rider Club isn't one, at least it's a good starting point.
    • How about convincing Hayami/Libra to get the Kamen Rider Club into Subaruboshi?

If Kamen Rider Fourze begins killing off characters, Ohsugi will be the first to go

Because of Shoo Out the Clowns

  • Jossed, Ohsugi has now become The Mentor to the Kamen Rider Club.
    • Becoming The Mentor doesn't mean he can't be killed, though he wouldn't be the first to go seeing as Gentarou "died" in episode 30.
  • This may play out in a more comedic fashion - now that he's more likely to learn about Sonoda being the Scorpio Horoscopes, we may see him enter Heroic BSOD for the remainder of the series.

Tachibana is on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge ala Shroud

  • If the rumours about him being Kengo's father are to be believed.

Libra becomes The Starscream

He's obviously falling out of favor at the moment. And in the literal sense too, he might come Back from the Dead a few times, if being designed after a cockroach is any indication.

The sixth horoscope will be the Gemini Zodiarts

And it will be a hypocrite or someone with major duality(like pretending to be a hero but for praise instead of goodness)

  • The hero being praised thing was Cygnus, but he wasn't Gemini.
  • Jossed. It's Aries.

Alternatively, the Gemini Zodiarts will be played by real-life twins.

They could alternate using the Switch, and since they're identical twins they can use each other as an alibi. Bonus points if they're played by the guy who was GekiBlue and his twin.

Leo Zodiarts is now in charge of handing out switches

And the Cygnus Zodiarts is one of them!

  • Jossed for now. Libra gave Cygnus his switch, though as of episode 25, Cancer has started handing them out too. But not Leo.

Just wait until the 11th Horoscopes appears for this to be jossed.

  • You are aware that you can technically be right if Leo shows up to fight as the fifth Horoscope the KRC, well, fights but if Leo is the twelfth to show up then this still works
  • It seems to have been a coincidence. The sixth Zodiarts to show up will be Aries.
  • Confirmed, Aries is the highlight of #31-32.

Torisaki is Cygnus

Let's see both have the take this much points in their speech pattern, Toriisaki dance in ballet style (pirouettes and all that), Cygnus is a Dance Battler of the Ballet variant, one way of saying swan in japanese is shiratori, and there is a famous ballet known as Swan Lake.

  • There's the fact that her name is Torisaki.
    • Never used her first name
  • Jossed-it was the guy in white swan suit all along! In actuality, it was the guy in the white swan suit's darker personality.

All the Ship Tease between Ryusei and Tomoko leads up to...

...a Loves My Alter Ego situation.

  • ... Well, not after the stunt Ryusei pulled in #31.
  • .....Well,the ship continues...even if she knows that Ryusei is Meteor..

The third-year members of the Kamen Rider Club will be Put On the Bus eventually.

Due to graduation. Unless they find a way to stay, like volunteering.

  • Confirmed; Miu and Shun get an awakening from Ryuusei that the Club needs them and they're going to go help them out when they can. Plus, Shun notes that their universities are close-by so it wouldn't be difficult to get to Amanogawa High.

Sakuma, Ritsuka and Jin will ask Gentaro to let them join the Kamen Rider Club in place of Miu and Shun.

Thus, they will become Ascended Extras.

  • I think this is unlikely since they're seniors like Miu and Shun are. They'll be graduating too.
  • Jossed; the three are graduating but Miu and Shun are still members of the KRC.

The finale will be similar to that of Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan...

...with Gentaro locking himself up in the Rabbit Hutch, refusing to graduate and be separated from his friends.

  • #25 has Gentaro saying "I thought we'd be the Kamen Rider Club for ever"... That's just creepy now.
  • Despite Shun and Miu graduating, they're going to come back and help the group out since it's their duty and also cause their universities are close by.

Something will happen that will cause Miu and Shun to repeat the grade or be held back

|Seniors having to repeat a year has happened before.

  • Jossed. They're going to universities, but since they're close to where Amanogawa High is, they can go to the Rabbit Hatch and help out with the other members of the KRC.

Fourze takes place in the future, and Amanogawa is located in/near Fuuto.

The reason the meeting place of the Ugly Ducklings resembles the Narumi Detective Agency building so much it's because it is the Narumi Detective Agency building. Fourze takes place several years after the end of Double; after the Dopants were long gone, Shotaro and Philip decided to retire, while Akiko went off to buy a new building for the agency because the old one was falling apart. Thus, Movie Wars Megamax would have to be considered non-canon.

There will be a Yandere Zodiarts

The boy/girlfriend friend will either help the zodiarts out in return, exploit the situation or get kicked off in the end.

  • Wouldn't Makise/Pyxis already count as a yandere, at least technically?

Fourze will use the Meteor Switch at some point.

There's a sound effect for it in the Driver. The Meteor Driver can use right-arm Switches, so it makes sense for the reverse to be true. When used, it will give Fourze either a direct copy of Meteor's right bracer with fingerprint identification weapon, or a chunkier version that resembles a typical Module more.

  • This WMG does not endorse the possibility of a Meteor States, since Elek did not trigger a state change in Meteor.
  • Perhaps Fourze will get the Meteor Galaxy, but it's useless because he doesn't have the fingerprint on his other hand. It might even be an intentional feature.

In the final fight scene of Fourze's standalone movie, he will use every Switch.

At the end of Double's movie, he juggled quickly between all six basic Memories before going Xtreme, and it was awesome. Near the end of OOO's movie, all the Combos were used individually. Therefore, at some point after next series' Rider makes a cameo, Fourze will unleash an epic beatdown on the Final Boss utilising every switch in some fashion [likely juggling between them all like Double].

Fourze's identity will be discovered near the final battle and as a result, Gentaro and the KRC will be expelled.

Ohsugi-sensei notes that he wished that Gentaro would get expelled from school, and most like Gamou would expel Gentaro and the KRC so they wouldn't interfere with his master plan.

  • Given that he's transformed in public on many occasions, I'm suprised more people don't know it already.

Episode 26 will go down in one of two ways

A) Miu meant what she said at the end of episode 25 in it's literal way. Shun get's mad at Gentaro who convinces Miu to go with Shun(or he goes with Miu and Yuki{or another girl} with Shun but they ditch leaving the King and Queen to talk things out while they deal with the Zodiarts.(this seems more likely because Miu doesn't look that happy in the preview).

B) Miu meant it in the 'Gentaro is better than you I'd rather go with him' kind of way. Shun gets mad but Gentaro fixes things by convincing Miu to go with Shun while he and the others minus Ryusei take care of the Zodiarts.

End results) Miu and Shun may get back together or decide to just be friends depends on what exactly happens between them. Ryusei's secret may be found out by Ritsuko when/if he decides to go help Gentaro with the Zodiarts.

  • The scenario for A is the right one. Gentaro tries to talk to Miu about going to dance with Shun and she does. However, Shun doesn't feel happy about it and so he runs off to fight Coma Zodiarts and Miu follows him. Once Coma is destroyed, Shun gives Gentaro his coat and lets him dance with Miu.

Ryusei's secret will be revealed in episode 27/28

The title of episode 27 is Transformation Rejection. While it can just as easily refer to Gentaro/Fourze, Ryusei is the one that needs something outside the henshin device to transform, namely the M-Bus. Sounds like Tachibana is going to get made at Ryusei for something that has happened and refuses to let him transform or something happens to incapacitate him and the M-Bus. This could also be connected to Meteor Storm form but still unlikely.

  • It might be possible; the preview for #27 hints that Kijima finds out about Ryuusei's identity.
  • Jossed. Kijima is sent to the Dark Nebula before he can divulge anything and Ryuusei isn't talking.
  • it is set to happen in episode 31/32.
  • Confirmed!!!

The Horoscopes are an alternate version of the Lucavi.

Western Zodiac-based villains? Check. Use a special stone to switch between human and monster form? Check. Seek to gather the stones as part of the plot? Check. Disguise themselves as people in positions of authority? Check. The one based on Scorpio being the first to fall? Check. Additionally, the Aries Zodiarts has a major role, and it looks somewhat like Belias.

Kijima's going down against Meteor Storm

Remember the last time a Big Bad took on someone who just got a Super Mode?

  • C to the onfirmed.

Gentaro making friends is a defense mechanism

Summaries for #27 state that Gentaro lost his parents in a car accident in his 3rd year of primary school. Also, Yuki notes that she hasn't seen him since that time so that meant that Gentaro had been in such a traumatic state that he went to different schools and made friends with a thousand people to fill the hole in his heart that was caused by losing his parents.

  • Except that it was also stated in the same episode that Gentaro was already in the habit of making lots of friends back when his parents were still alive and they fully encouraged him in this.

The ED for Cosmic States will be in Dubstep style.

Once Cosmic States is unlocked, shit be real

Remember Putotyra?

  • The plot picking up with the final form is nothing new in Rider, really.

There will eventually be a Sailor Moon reference in this series

2012 as the year of the rabbit, space-themed Kamen Rider series and moon as a secret hideout.

Gamou has Fourze 1.0.

Gentaro is using Fourze 2.0. Gamou's goal seems to be at the least collecting the Horoscope Switches, given that Sonoda was banished to the Dark Nebula without her Switch. So what if Gamou's goal were to use Fourze 1.0 with the Horoscope Switches?

Cancer Zodiarts will get smashed by Fourze's Giant Foot (Switch #35) Limit Break

Just like how Hercules stomped on Cencer the crab in the mythology.

  • Jossed. Libra tricks Virgo into sending Cancer to the Dark nebula after his defeat from Meteor Storm.

Cancer stealing the Kamen Rider Club's souls will send both Riders on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against him

We know hurting his friends will press Gentaro's Berserk Button, and the previews show Ryusei doesn't take it well either. The Hot-Blooded Unstoppable Rage will reach GaoGaiGar or Kamen Rider Kuuga levels.

  • Bonus points if they wind up kicking his ass after defeating him in Zodiarts form.
  • Jossed. Ryuusei saves the day by subverting Cancer's Open Mic from Hell and curbstomping him with Meteor Storm.

Ryusei will eventually have Kengo modify the Meteor Switch to work without the need of the Anti-Zodiarts Union's space station.

Eventually he'll be betrayed by them and have to have another way of transforming.

The Anti-Zodiarts Union has more Kamen Riders

They have no problem shutting off Ryusei, and it's clearly an organization. More will show up later, either as allies or, possibly, villains.

  • Most likely in a villainous light if Ryusei finally ditches Tachibana for the KRC. There'll be several named for other galactic phenomena, with one called Nebula early on, and the last and most powerful one based on a black hole.

Tachibana is Gentarou's father

His parents didn't die in a "car crash." They were scientists who were working alongside Kengo's father in the field of astro switches, and were "killed" by Gamou in order to remove them from the field, and their deaths were disguised as a car accident. Gentarou's father survived, but is grievously injured, and becomes Tachibana and lives in space in order to prevent the after-effects of the Zodiarts attack from taking a further toll on him.

He already had the Meteor Storm add-on ready at the beginning of episode 27, yet Ryusei got ahold of it somehow before the end of episode 28, according to the preview. Because of the trouble that KRC is in due to Cancer, and because Ryusei is Gentarou's "friend," Tachibana decides to take mercy on Ryusei and give him Meteor Storm, so that Gentarou's friend will save him in the end.

Ryusei's friend could have easily gotten better.

All it need is Fourze's Medical Switch.

  • Sounds too easy.
  • Jossed. The problem with Jiro isn't that he is physically injured, but rather that he is caught in a halfway point between Zodiarts and human. He needs to be artificially awoken so that he can turn off the Zodiarts Switch, hence the need for the Aries Zodiarts' power.

Switch #37 Gyro can make other things fly, including himself

Just as how as the Nugget box box droid activates, mini nuggets start flying around.

  • Confirmed. Gentaro can fly with the Gyro switch. However, the ability to make others fly is Jossed. The Tsunuggets of Nuggegyroika fly because of little propellers built into them.

Cosmic States will be a Space Master.

This picture seems to imply it.

Kijima returns with a vengeance.

Thanks to the fact that the Zodiart Switch he would have handed to the winner of Open Mic from Hell was still with him when he was sent into the Dark Nebula.

Musca Zodiarts is destroyed from the inside by Power Incontinence.

While developing more colored body parts, ending up looking like Agito Trinity Form or Kiva Dogabaki Form. ** Jossed, he gets captured in the Net Switch and gets a talk with Ran, then gets blasted with Magnet States.

Fourze will have an Apollo States

But it will be reserved for its next movie.

Meanwhile, in the Dark Nebula...

Former Cancer and Scopio Zodiarts got along well and agreed that the Libra Zodiarts is too demanding.

The Dark Nebula will allow for Back for the Finale

Remember when they had a void that acted as a prison for defeated people?

At some point, Virgo will send one of the KRC members into the Dark Nebula.

Bonus points if it's Gentaro, Ryusei, or both.

Meanwhile, in another school,

Leo Zodiarts has been handing Zodiart switches to students offscreen. One of them eventually became Aries.

  • Confirmed. It's not Leo doing it, but it's a Zodiarts though.

Ran and Haru wanting to join the rider club was a reference to Black/RX

Ran's name contains the characters for gemini and has kuro which means black (referencing Black who becomes RX and gains 2 forms on opposite ends of the power distribution) and Haru becomes a villain (referencing Shadow Moon, Black's "brother") thus Ran and Haru asking to join the rider club would cover Black/RX's embodiement.

There will be more students who want to join the rider club by the time the series ends

And those students will be named for the remaining showa riders (Skyrider, Super-1, ZX, Shin, J, and ZO). We already have a character named for someone from Stronger (Nadeshiko is named for Tackle) and as the above theory states, Ran and Haru can cover Black/RX. Possible names: Sora for the Skyrider counterpart, Shinichi for Shin, and Zoe for ZO. Don't have any more examples.

  • That makes sense, but I have to say if Let's Go Kamen Riders is any indication the production crew seems to group Shin, ZO, and J with the heisei riders.
  • I've thought of the following:
    • Sho Hakutsu (伯津洋) for the Skyrider counterpart
    • Osamu Mataoki (也沖一) for the Super-1 counterpart
    • Amaya Nagamura (良村雨夜) for the ZX counterpart

Following the events of Episode #30, Oosugi is about to become very paranoid.

He knows a teacher is handing out Zodiarts Switches to unsuspecting students and he has no idea who, nor does he know whether or not the principal or chairman are involved. He's going to be scrutinizing every remotely shady action his fellow teachers make on the off chance that it's related to the Switch-distribution syndicate.

The writer is being savvy

Okay, most people associate him with Gurren Lagann, and have been making the joke that Gentaro will die at some point, well, that actually happened, but he may play with this, and he'll get better by the end of #32.

The Cosmic Switch will be involved in reviving Gentaro

  • Confirmed!

The Aries Zodiarts will be just another Monster of the Week

After getting KOed in the next episode, Libra will ditch it into the Dark Nebula. By tricking Virgo, of course.

  • Confirmed, but instead of being sent into the Dark Nebula, Aries was put into a coma.

Gentaro won't get better in #32, and Kengo will (try to) become Fourze in his stead.

Notice the preview at the end of #31. At one point he's wearing the Fourze Driver.

  • But he's also wearing the adapter glove he first used back when they were fighting Perseus. Probably going to use Medical again, or maybe Elec to jumpstart Gentaro's heart.
    • I didn't watch that episode, what adapter glove?
  • Actually, it was used in #14 to cure Scorpion's poisonous sting.
    • Problem is, the adapter glove in that clip is the same one from #14, on the left hand, and won't be able to channel Elec or Cosmic states, which require the right-hand Astro Switch socket.
  • It's all jossed anyway. Kengo uses the adapter glove to try to revive Gentaro, but it doesn't work.

Jiro will be one of the Horoscopes when he wakes up

  • And will have awesome fights against Meteor.
  • Jossed.

Using #32 Freeze Switch in fire state will give Fourze water powers similar to #23 Water switch

Because ice melts into water under fire.

Fourze can use Freeze Shock and Ice Burn

Switches #32 Freeze + #10 Electric / #20 Fire + Limit Break

I know this may be a given already, but Cosmic States will only work the moment Gentaro and Ryusei do the handshake.

I mean really? It's the only time I can see the two doing it.

Norio Eguchi's evil side recovers and awakens with a vengeance.

All it takes is a new switch from Libra and BAM, instant evolving past Cygnus into Gemini Horoscopes. The suit will be designed with the Mook mishmash monster from the Gokaiger movie in mind, but with just two beings in one. The suit actor looks out from a shield held in Righty's left hand, with two heads over the actor's shoulders, and he Dual Weilds dfferent-sized swords. Any resemblance to Twin Cities from Real Steel unintended.

Ryuusei will become The Atoner

Well given that even if Gentaro can come back to life from the dead, realistically (or at least, it would be expected), someone who's body was dead for a little wouldn't be able to fight, much less in Cosmic States... and Ryuusei may become friends, meaning he will take the Fourze driver and fight Aires in Gentarou's place.

  • Ryusei does indeed become The Atoner, but Gentaro is pretty much ready to fight as soon as he is revived.

Drill States will appear in Fourze's Summer movie.

He does need a movie-exclusive form, like OOO and his BuraKaWani, and that Drill Super-3 Switch is gonna need to be used for something, other then as a Deus Ex Machina alongside the Rocket Super-1 Switch in Super Hero Taisen.

If Drill States does appear, its Finishing Move will be the Rider Rocket Double Drill Kick.

You know, as a reversal of Rocket States' Rider Double Rocket Drill Kick finisher.

Everyone can get better from Aries's sleep power

Cosmic States Fourze + #4 Radar Module + Augmented with #24 Medical Switch

We won't get to see all of the Horoscopes during the series's run.

However, the missing ones will appear in either The Movie, or the crossover movie with the next rider.

There will be a special machine that can slot in all 40 switches

It can also use a limit break with all of them.

The netmovie from the upcoming Fourze movie will have 20 episodes

Each of them represents 2 switches at a time. And it'll have a few more without any switch representations for extra stuff.

Gentaro's father is space.

He will show up at the end to say how proud he is of his son and that they are now a family again.

Cosmic States will be weakened.

Possibly by having the Big Bad overpower it during the final battle or something. C'mon, there's no way a Rider can be that powerful.

  • Virgo noted that Fourze was equally as strong as her with access to Cosmic States.

Tomoko and Ryusei will get together in the end.

I agree. I mean when she said that she thought that Meteor was a Kamen Rider but she was wrong Ryusei could have said "I'm not a Rider and I never was", but he didn't. And Ryusei was a bit shocked when Tomoko said that.

  • I agree too.Tomo-chan and Ryu-chan are an adorable couple and if the writers are not going to put them together i will write 1000 of fanfics!!!

Likewise, Gentaro and Haruka Utsugi will get together.

Okay, so she IS a teacher, but the two did seem to show genuine attraction to each other after they became friends. Plus, she did seem very eager to have him to help with the Kickboxing Club. And Gentaro calls Haruka by her first name, unlike how he addresses the other teachers.

Kengo's dad was a part of the Anti-Zodiarts Union and was killed by one of the staff members at the school

Well, we already know that it was Gamou who killed him, so at least half of that is already confirmed.

The next horoscope to appear will be Taurus, and he'll be another male student from AGHS.

Jossed, magazine scans show that Capricorn and Aquarius are up next.

The Dark Nebula was supposed to keep one Horoscope at a time.

In actually, it can keep as much people as Virgo wants, but the red-eyed man wants only one horoscope to be in it at a time along with other people, not knowing Cancer was in it too. Afterwards Libra gets busted and was sent into the Dark Nebula while Scorpio and Cancer are set free.

  • Upon which Cancer will go after Fourze with Scorpio to attempt a 2 vs 1 gambit and both get their Supernova Asses kicked in a double rider battle. Honestly, its probably better to keep Libra at the moment, unlike the other he still has useful abilities and he hasn't accessed Supernova yet.
  • Virgo is just about ready to send Libra there at the end of Episode 34, so this seems to be Jossed.

The Final Battle will be between Fourze Cosmic States and a Big Bad with the combined powers of all 12 Horoscopes

And will come down to a power based Shape Shift Showdown style battle, constantly changing abilities to try and gain the upper hand.

The summer movie will feature a movie-exclusive Rider who uses three Switches.

His name will probably be something along the lines of Kamen Rider Apollo or Kamen Rider Stellar.

Great Leader is the true Big Bad of the series

Leo was formerly the Heracles Zodiarts.

It would fit well as his status as The Brute of the group, and would be a nice reference to Heracles having worn the pelt of the Nemean Lion as a cape.

Yukina is Virgo

Cause every girl that has shown any romantic interest in Gentaro has either been an alien substance that copied a human form or a Zodiarts. Miu had a non-romantic reason for showing interest in him whether or not there is anything there.

  • Not possible. Kijima was the first Horoscope since Sonoda.
    • What about Yamada?

Yukina will become a Yandere Zodiarts ala Makise

Epic Fail awaits for the Red-Eyes Man

Even when he wins, he will be impersonated and killed by a Worm. Who now has Zodiarts power.

From this point on, the Monsters of the Week will be Horoscopes

We're almost to the end of the series, which normally run about 46 episodes or so. If the Horoscopes become the Monsters of the Week now, the six remaining ones will probably have shown up in 12 episodes, placing it right at the 46 episode mark.

  • Considering that Libra now has the ability to detect those with the capacity to become Horoscopes rather than just relying on guesswork, this seems likely.

Virgo and Leo both already have their Supernovas

Leo and Virgo are both insanely powerful, and Leo called Libra a Horoscope without his Supernova in a very condescending manner, something that would only make sense if he's already got his.

  • May be confirmed as Leo and Virgo can go into an additional flash-of-stars for their secondary battle mode (claws for Leo, wings for Virgo).

Jean is JK.

Admittedly, it's rather obvious, but JK is shown prominately in the preview for 35, rumors say JK's name will be revealed soon, and Jean, obviously, begins with J.

  • Confirmed, though they spell Jean as Gene (a la Gene Simmons?)

Kamen Rider Fourze will have an Everybody Lives ending

The Monsters of the Week haven't really killed anyone. The big bad tends to send his minions to the Dark Nebula (aka the Shadow Realm) rather than kill them off. The final battle might end up with the Red Eyed Man alive, Sonoda and Kijima returned from the Dark Nebula, and Tachibana revealed as Kengo's father.

The Leo Zodiarts will be defeated by Meteor

The two of them have recently formed a rivalry of sorts, battling each other whenever the chance arises. Meteor was also able to form a strategy capable of injuring Leo, something that nobody else could do. It would stand to reason that Meteor will be the one to finish off the Leo Zodiarts.

Aquarius Zodiars will be defeated by Fourze in its Elek States

Or alternatively, in Cosmic States, #10 Electric Switch in Barizun Sword + Augmented with #40 Cosmic Power

  • Jossed.

Yuuki was instructed to 'cheat' and hide the camera

It is part of the test to see how the others react accordingly. This applies to one of the team members in each group.

  • Confirmed.

Fourze will not get to use the Left Leg Combos

Just as how Decade Complete Form never used Kuuga Ultimate, Cyclone Joker Xtreme never involved Trigger Memory in its maximum drive etc.

Possible Switch combos and effects for Kamen Rider Fourze Cosmic States

Here, you may add in your ideas in the appropriate slot below:

  • Barizun Sword Combos
    • Rocket + Fire: Giant firey rocket charge attack.
    • Magic Hand + Claw: A telescoping claw weapon.
    • Elek + Fire: Instant Nuke.
    • Elek + N Magnet: When hit, the target gets magnetized.
    • Chain Array + Magic Hand: The Mace Ball can be controlled easier due to the chain acting like a robotic arm.
    • Chain Array + N Magnet: Gives the Mace Ball Magnetic Properties
    • Chain Array + Elek: Gives the Mace Ball Electric Properties. Anyone can get a shock just by touching it.
    • Scope + Elek: Electricity comes out from the ground.
    • Scope + Claw: Extreme Digging Up to Eleven
    • Claw + Chain Array: Each of the 3 claw tips produces a chain array.
  • Right Leg Combos
    • Launcher + Smoke: Thick smoke is produce upon the missle's impact.
    • Launcher + Stealth: Missiles disappear as they leave the launcher module.
    • Launcher + Net: The missiles open up into a net to catch the target(s).
    • Chainsaw + Pen: Ink-chainsaw projectile slashes.
    • Pen + Stealth: Invisible Ink. Which can only block solid objects, but not light energy.
    • Giantfoot + Stealth: We get to see the gravity effect without the huge foot appearing to crush the foe.
    • Giantfoot + Hand: A giant energy projection of a hand capable of grabbing Zodiarts.
  • Left Leg Combos
    • Drill + Hopping: Allows Fourze to bounce around with its drill.
    • Drill + Spike: A massive rotating spikey drill kick.
    • Hopping + Stamper: Each time Fourze hops, that spot explodes seconds later.
    • Gatling + Water: Water drops are shot out instead of bullets
    • Gatling + Aero: Gust of air is shot out.
    • Gatling + Stamper: Exploding bullets.
    • Water + Aero: The water speads out and is shot even further by the wind produced.
    • Board + Wheel: Instant skateboard.
    • Stamper + Drill: After stamping the foe, instead of an exploding impact, the stamp mark turns into a drill inwards and drill into the foe.
  • Left Arm Combos
    • Radar + Medical: Heal people with radio waves.
    • Radar + S Magnet: Direct where the magnetized Chain Array strike.
    • Scissors + Shield: An expy of Gobuster-Oh's shield arm.
    • Shield + S Magnet: Allows Fourze to retrieve the magnetized Chain Array safely by having it attracted to the shield.
    • Medical + S Magnet: Magnetic Theropy
    • Gyro + Shield: Allows Fourze to deflect attacks with its rotating blades.

Gemini and Pisces will both be introduced in the same episode.

Because both are double-themed. And the end is ending sooner.

At some point, Fourze will use the exploding feature of the Cosmic Switch to his advantage

A Zodiarts keeps interrupting his Cosmic States transformation, so he presses the Switch repeatedly and throws it to the Zodiarts and lets the explosion take them out. Bonus points if the Zodiarts gets an Oh Crap before the explosion.

When Gentaro changes his uniform to the normal Amanogawa one, so will Ryuusei.

If the new rules apply to all the students...

  • Jossed, unfortunately. It would have been awesome to see Ryuusei in an Amanogawa uniform.

Emoto is Virgo

Considering the truth about Scorpio's identity, it wouldn't be too surprising if Emoto, whom seems to be close to Gamou as well, was the Virgo Zodiarts.

  1. sasori nanoda
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