A Character sheet for the cast of the beloved Nicktoon KaBlam!. We know that Henry, June and a lot of other characters are subject to Animated Actors, Art Evolution, Curtains Match the Window, Medium Awareness and No Fourth Wall already, so let's consider those covered already. Now let's get rolling.
Henry & June segments
Henry started the show as the more "normal" and laid-back host, especially compared to the (at the time) zany June. Eventually, while he was still calmer than June, he became the butt of almost every joke.
- Adorkable: He's a bit awkward sometimes and is very cute.
- Adorably Precocious Child: Moreso in the older episodes. Personality-wise, meaning. Appearence-wise? Got cuter.
- Amusing Injuries: And unfortunately for him, he's at the butt of most, if not all, of them.
- Anime Hair: Just look at his picture.
- Balloon Belly: In the episode Sasquatch-ersise, along with June.
- Berserk Button: Usually he's pretty agreeable. Call him a loser or relentlessly tease him, however...(June found this out the hard way when he got fed up with her mocking him and quit in the episode Won't Stick To Most Dental Work).
- Butt Monkey: Oh god, yes.
- Catch Phrase: "What did I do?" and "That's cute, June".
- Chew Toy: It would seem that the universe hates him.
- Designated Monkey: Poor guy.
- Forgotten Birthday: Take a wild guess what he does to June in the episode More Happiness Than Allowed By Law.
- Goofy Print Underwear: Revealed every time they announce "Surprising Shorts".
- Green Eyes
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Noah Segan, who did Henry, was also in the 1995 season finale of Married... with Children as a kid blackmailing Kelly into going with him to his elementary school prom
- Made funnier while he and Kelly were arguing, and it sounded like on of his many arguments with June.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He can be pretty self-occupied at times, even forgetting June's birthday (and making dickish comments after giving her a mood ring). But while he may not show it all the time, he deeply cares about her.
- Love Hurts: In A Nut In Every Bite, he found himself falling for Mr. Stockdale's visiting granddaughter, Dawn. Unfortunately, he only seemed to be able to charm her by hurting himself. After Dawn leaves:
June: I'm sorry she had to leave, Henbud.
Henry: I'm not. She was killing me!
- It's not only with Dawn, but June, who has a crush on him, spends most of her time making his life Hell.
- Minor Insult Meltdown: In Won't Stick To Most Dental Work, he storms off the show after June picks on him too many times.
- "No Respect" Guy: Although he does occasionally get respect from June (she does have a crush on him).
- Only One Name
- Pretty Fly for a White Guy: In the episode Now With More Flava'!, he tries to become a rapper, and fails miserably. But then again... IS he white?
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to June's blue.
- Straight Man: In Season 1, to the ditzy and overly-excited early June.
- The Power of Rock: In Your Logo Here, they attempt to make the show more educational by bringing in a singing otter who's more than a little like Barney. His teachings drive the kids crazy, so Henry lures him into a trap by playing a kickass electric guitar solo.
- This Trope Is Bleep: One episode has him being bleeped randomly by June, as a practical joke. When he finds out that she's pranking him, it's implied that he's cussing her out, at which point the bleeps are genuine.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: In Won't Stick to Most Dental Work.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: Happens to him a lot. In Won't Stick to Most Dental Work, he quits the show and opens his own restaurant. Despite it being very successful, he quits and returns to the show after seeing how heartbroken June was. And he's famous for falling in love, only to be rejected. But he finally gets his happy ending to that in the supposed "final episode", when June gives him a kiss.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
While Henry was the calmer and more laid-back host in the early episodes, June was ditzy and just a little crazy. From Season 2 onwards, however, she became a lovable, good-hearted Deadpan Snarker. The only things that stayed the same were her cute looks and fiery temper.
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: Would Henry picking on and beating her up be as funny?
- Accent Adaptation: She has a slight Japanese accent in the much-loathed Dutch dub for some...reason.
- Anti-Hero
- Art Evolution: Obviously she changed as much as Henry, but inverted a bit. Her ponytail started out more "bushy" until season three-ish, where it became more of it's well-known teardrop-shape.
- Badass Adorable: On most occasions.
- Badass Adorable Longcoat: The long orange jacket/sweatshirt/coat/overshirt she wears could count.
- Balloon Belly: In the episode Sasquatch-ersise, with Henry.
- Berserk Button: Quite a few things piss her off, but don't EVER forget her birthday, unless you want her to make your life a living hell.
- Blooper: Some early episodes have June missing her ponytail in some shots, which may be why a lot of people thought she was a guy at first.
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Cutie: In Won't Stick To Most Dental Work, after Henry gets fed up with her teasing him and quits. She starts out reasonably well (if you can call angrily tearing up his letter and stomping on it "reasonably well"), but by the end of the episode, she's in tears because she misses him so much.
- Breast Expansion: In a season two episode. And she was rather happy about it.
- The Chick: Completely averted.
- Cloudcuckoolander: In season one
- The Cuckoolander Was Right: In season one. Later it would become, "Snarker was right".
- Cool Shades: She wears them in the title card at the very end of Harold's Glow-In-The-Dark Butter.
- Cute Bruiser: Is she adorable? Yes. Could she kick your ass? Hell yes.
- Cute Clumsy Girl: Though not to a huge extent.
- Deadpan Snarker: Starting in Season 2.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: In season 4
- Deliberately Cute Child: Hooooo boy...
- Depending on the Writer: Normally, she's a snarky yet good-hearted prankster with an attitude problem - however, in some episodes she's portrayed as a bossy brat. This stopped near the end of the show.
- The Ditz: Only in season 1.
- Even the Girls Want Her: One Season 4 episode reveals that she has some female fans who are so obsessed with her that they have based their entire appearance off her. And yes, they're as hot-tempered as she is.
- Fan Service: Every time she wears a dress.
- Genius Ditz: In season one. While she was pretty good with technology, in fact making her own inventions sometimes, she was as dumb as a box of rocks.
- Genki Girl: In season one, and sometimes in the early season two.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Countless times in Cartoon Network's Mad.
- Hotter and Sexier: She tried to make the show this in the episode Won't Stick to Most Dental Work. It was kind of out of character for her, but hey, Fan Service.
- Jerkass: Always.
- Pet the Dog/ Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's bossy, snarky, agressive, bratty, and has a wicked short temper, but she has the biggest heart on the whole show, and has a very soft spot for animals. And despite Henry being the butt of many of her jokes, it's more than implied that she has a crush on him.
- Kawaiiko: She made it into the show because the staff found her adorable. However, the trope is very much subverted.
- Kubrick Stare: In the episode Hurts So Good, which revolves around a "Staplethon", in which viewers call in and donate staples. They aren't getting any callers at first, so June makes this face and says "Did we mention that Bigfoot knows where you live, and he can pluck your head off like a grape?" The phones suddenly start ringing off the hooks.
- The Ladette: As close as a 10-year-old girl can get.
- Lethal Chef: Her cooking is so terrible that it got her kicked out of the Logfire Girls.
- Little Miss Snarker: The PRINCESS of this trope.
- Magic Skirt: The episode Won't Stick To Most Dental Work has her swinging on girders while singing a song...and wearing a dress, which clings perfectly to her the whole time.
- Muscles Are Meaningless: She's much more butch than she appears.
- My Name Is Not Jane: It's not Jen either.
- Only One Name
- Rapunzel Hair: The episode "I Just Don't Get it!" showed the duo's audition tapes. In June's, her hair was compltetly down, and it reached her knees. She most likely got a haircut before episode one.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Henry's red.
- Rummage Sale Reject: Just part of her cuteness.
- Scout Out: The episode The KaBlair! Witch Project reveals that she used to be a "Logfire Girl", but was given the boot for her horrible cooking.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: She's shown to be quite beautiful in a dress (as beautiful as the crude art style can get, of course).
- Shorttank: She will wear a dress for more formal occasions, but it's stated in one episode that she dislikes wearing them and only does when she's made to. Which means that her little act in Won't Stick to Most Dental Work was most likely fanservice.
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl: Completely and utterly averted.
- Slap Slap Kiss: Her relationship with Henry.
- The Smurfette Principle: She's the only female character who appears in every episode of Henry and June, which is otherwise populated entirely by males.
- The Snark Knight
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Not as huge as most other examples, but she could come off as this.
- You could change the show's name to "June and her Friends" and probably no one would notice.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: During her "cute" act, she shows her eyelashes. Usually, she doesn't have them (although early sketches gave her eyelashes)
- Tomboy: To the point that a lot of people were shocked to discover that she's a girl.
- Tomboyish Ponytail
- Took a Level in Jerkass: In season three.
- Took a Level In Kindness: The following (and final) season.
- Tsundere: Type B: She's usually sweet, enjoyable to be around, and laid-back. However, when something bad happens (like Henry giving her crap or something won't go her way), take cover.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: The poster child for this trope.
- Villain Protagonist: She's bossy, snarky, agressive, bratty, and has a wicked short temper.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Slightly averted, as in the "Kablammy Awards" episode, June pulls the envelope (it says who won) out of the top part of her dress. However, since she's ten (and flat, unlike some ten-year-olds), it didn't get anything past the radar (unlike SOME stuff).
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Your Costume Needs Work: In the episode In It To Win It, where she met a group of obsessed, cosplaying fans of hers.
Mr. B. Foot
The stagehand of the show, who just so happens to be a Sasquatch. He enjoys beating Henry up, however he will never hurt June.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: He's a sasquatch.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Parodied in one episode.
- The Voiceless: Except for one moment in mid-season one.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: As stated above, he never hurts June - Henry, however, is fair game.
Mr. Fred Stockdale
Mr. Stockdale is KaBlam!'s elderly network executive, and Dawn's grandfather. While he doesn't make many appearances, each one shows him to be senile, dim, and a bit corrupt.
- Cloudcuckoolander: He's a Take That at executives everywhere: he's got the coherence of a five year old, more senile craziness than Mayor Adam West, and often has absolutely no idea what the show he controls actually is.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: While he's far from villainous, it seems he'll do anything for good ratings.
- Executive Meddling: His major schtick is a parody of this - he often adds hilariously terrible (for Henry and June, anyway) new elements to the show for no good reason at all.
- Heroic BSOD: Dawn explains that he hasn't been the same since Charlie's Angels was canceled.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: In the episode The KaBlair! Witch Project, it's mentioned that he's served in an unspecified war... and several of his actions in the episode show that he still hasn't gotten over it.
A one-shot character from the episode "A Nut In Every Bite". Dawn is the granddaughter of Mr. Stockdale, who comes from Switzerland to visit the show. Henry falls for her almost immediately (much to June's dismay), but she doesn't quite share the love. However, he does manage to charm her... by hurting himself. At the end of the episode, Dawn goes back to Switzerland, but by this point Henry is actually relieved (he's hurt himself so much he's covered in casts and bandages, and bound to a wheelchair).
- Blue Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Informed Attractiveness: Henry's "You can't just talk to a cute girl!" line to June seems to imply that he doesn't consider June cute... yet aside from the hair and outfit, Dawn doesn't really look that much different than June. Maybe Henry just prefers blondes.
- Ink Suit Actor: She looks a lot like her voice actress, Julia McIlvaine (who also voices June).
- Only One Name
- The Rival: Most fanfiction (see Alternate Character Interpretation) casts her as a rival for June.
- Shallow Love Interest: Henry discovers that she's got a rather boring personality (especially compared to June) and doesn't return his affections, aside from finding him getting hurt funny. At the end of the episode, he realizes that she wasn't worth it and promptly forgets about her.
- Ship Tease: Pretty much her only purpose.
- Talking To Herself: Dawn and June are both voiced by Julia McIlvaine, if Wikipedia is to be believed.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The light and fluffy Girly Girl to June's badass Tomboy.
Sniz and Fondue
Sniz Bronkowski
Sniz is a crazy little ferret/cat/thing who loves comic books and motercycles. Often getting into trouble, his older brother (or roomate) Fondue will try calming him down.
- Adorkable: He's a huge comic book collector...and he's also a cute little animal.
- Ambiguous Looking Cat
- Catch Phrase: "Smack me down!"
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: His name is a slang term for a female genitalia.
- Keet
- Motor Mouth: At times.
- Production Posse: Rick Gomez plays him, and also was in another show from the creators, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, as bully "Endless" Mike Helstrom. However, Will McRobb and Chris Viscardi (the creators) didn't know that he was going to be on the show (all the shorts had their own casting), and Gomez didn't know that McRobb and Viscardi were working on the show.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Squeaky Fondue
Fondue is Sniz's older brother (or roomate). He's skilled at cooking and drawing. Like Sniz, he's a pretty huge fanboy.
- Adorkable: Just like Sniz.
- Ambiguous Looking Cat
- Chef of Iron
- Continuity Nod: In the Sniz and Fondue pilot "Psyched For Snuppa", Fondue was called Squeaky. The show proper keeps the name as Fondue's rarely-used first name.
- Nice Hat: That chef's hat he wears all the time.
- Straight Man: To Sniz.
Life with Loopy
Loopicia "Loopy" Cooper
A crazy and imaginative seven-year-old who gets into all sorts of odd situations
- Badass Adorable: Sometimes
- Blue Eyes: Okay, so they're kinda a perriwinkle color. Close enough.
- Cheerful Child
- Creepy Child: At times. When she was making her "Snow-Lady", she put strawberry ice cream in the snow-lady's head and said "it's her brains!"
- And in the begining of one short, she's shown holding a chainsaw up to one of her toys.
- Danielle Judovits: One of her first roles in animation, actually.
- Friend to All Living Things: And non-living. She made friends with a snow-lady.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl: Averted. Unlike June, she is not hot-tempered and bratty, but she's more adventurous and open.
- Who Names Their Kid Loopy?
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Loopy's shy older brother whom Loopy tells all her adventures too, if he wasn't involved.
- Adorkable: He's a bit on the nerdy side, but he still has quite a few fangirls.
- Berserk Button: DON'T mess with Loopy in front of him. Just...DON'T!!!!!
- Expy: Of Older Pete.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kinda. He can be mean to Loopy sometimes (like most siblings), but is really warm-hearted.
- Limited Wardrobe: Somewhat averted, as he has two usual outfits.
- Shower Scene: He got one in an early episode (from the waist up, of course). This scene was quite popular with fangirls.
The Off-Beats
Betty-Anne Bongo
Betty-Anne is the (unoficial) leader of The Off-Beats.
- Blind Without'Em: Her without her glasses.
- Dub Name Change: In some dubs, she's named Peggy-Anne (for an unknown reason)
- Image Song: "My name is Betty-Anne Bongo! I Sing this little song-o! I sing it all day long-o!"
- Meganekko
- Team Mom
August is the brains behind the Off-Beats, however most of his inventions come out wrong.
- Butt Monkey: Sometimes.
- I Just Want to Be Special: He's the only one in the Off-Beats who wants to be popular.
- Innocent Prodigy
- The Smart Guy
Repunzil is the ditzier Off-Beat in the show, and loves animals.
- Cloudcuckoolander: "I can't wait till August reaches (in his paddleball record) 1,609! That's my favorite number" * cue eye rolls*
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Genki Girl
- Meaningful Name: She has Rapunzel Hair, after all.
- Repunzil Hair
- The Ditz
- Who Names Their Kid Repunzil?
Tommy is the other boy of the Off-Beats, and loves being outside. Usually very calm, he can yell pretty loud when upset.
- Berserk Button: "I WANT MY COAT!!!!!"
- Nice Hat: That yellow flannel hat he always wears.
- No Indoor Voice: Whenever he's upset.
September is August's dog, who's "paid" to like him.
Prometheus and Bob
A purple alien with a remote controlled video camera, trying to teach Bob about various things.
A caveman, understandably a slow learner, to Prometheus' ire.
- Aerith and Bob: Literally!
- The Ditz: Though it could be justified.
- The Unintelligible
The Monkey
A monkey, sometimes joins in the lessons, often damages the camera or Prometheus' other equipment.
- Ambiguous Gender: Most sites list it as a he, but it's unknown weather it's male or female.