Jennifer Aniston

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Her famous Nineties haircut from Friends that launched a million imitators...

Jennifer Aniston (February 11, 1969 - ) is a Greek-American actress famous for playing Rachel Green in Friends. She has been romantically linked with several actors - most famously Brad Pitt who she married in 2000 and divorced in 2005. Currently (as of September 2017) single, she has starred in several romantic comedies since the end of Friends in 2004.

Jennifer Aniston provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Absolute Cleavage: Some of her dresses.
  • Betty and Veronica: Was the 'Veronica' to Julie's 'Betty' in Friends. In Real Life she was the 'Betty' to Angelina Jolie's 'Veronica' for Brad Pitt.
  • Dumb Blonde: In Along Came Polly.
  • Dyeing for Your Art: Had to fight to dye her hair to a real dark brunette for Horrible Bosses as producers feared she wouldn't be instantly recognizable in the promotional spots.
  • Here Comes the Science!: Provides the page quote.
  • Hollywood Hype Machine: The book Desperate Networks (about how TV worked during the mid-90s through the 2000s) goes into some detail about how she was a "network darling", and the studio was actively looking to give her a break-out role. The Hype Machine got behind her big-time, showcasing her constantly in all forms of media. She is actually given far more mainstream press than her non-A-list movie career would warrant, except for the fact that she's wildly famous regardless of her films' success, and she sells magazines very well.
  • Old Shame: Don't mention Leprechaun, and while we're at it, she despised the "Rachel cut."
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: As Polly from Along Came Polly. The character she played when she guest starred on 30 Rock was something of a Deconstruction, with the usual quirky antics played in a way which made her come off as a psycho Stalker with a Crush.
  • Playing Against Type: Worked in The Good Girl as a down-on-her-luck woman in a failing marriage. Trying to go femme fatale in Derailed didn't fare so well. Now going the raunchy comedic route as one of the titular Horrible Bosses in the film of the same name.

Dale: [sees pics of him unconscious posed in sexual positions with Julia] YOU RAPED ME!
Julia: Oh calm down, Jodie Foster. Besides, your dick wasn't even hard!"

  • Plucky Girl: Her Rachel Green character.
  • Product Placement: The famous Rachel-do hairstyle from Friends.
  • Romance on the Set: With Vince Vaughn in The Break Up. Guess how both turn out.
    • In one of those "Once You've Seen It, You're Unable To Not Notice It" situations[1], she has a habit of dating (or simply rumored to be dating) a male in whatever movie she's making at the time.
  • Spoiled Sweet: As guess who, Rachel Green.
  • Stage Names: Kinda. Her father (John Aniston of Days of Our Lives)'s last name at birth was Anastassakis, but changed it to Aniston later in life to make it easer for viewers to pronounce.
  • Will They or Won't They?: As Rachel in the Ross-Rachel love pairing. Notably lasted for ten seasons before finally hooking up in the Finale episode.
Jennifer Aniston has performed in the following roles:
  1. Which might belong as a trope itself come to think of it...
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