Along Came Polly
He's an uptight actuary, she has a ferret.
Along Came Polly is a 2004 film starring Ben Stiller, Debra Messing, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Jennifer Aniston. The film follows Reuben (Stiller), a man fresh out of a marriage to an unfaithful bride, saddled with the mortgage on the house he bought for her to start their family. Attempting to rebuild his former life, Reuben joins his best friend at an art gallery where he meets his former classmate Polly (Aniston). Polly and Reuben soon start dating, and the film follows their mismatched romance.
Tropes used in Along Came Polly include:
- Bad Date: Thanks to the Potty Emergency mentioned below.
- Opposites Attract
- Odd Couple
- Potty Emergency: Reuben has IBS. Polly takes him to an Moroccan restaurant. Hilarity Ensues.
- Uptight Loves Wild: And provides the page image for that trope.
- Wedding Day
- Your Cheating Heart: Reuben's wife cheats on him during their honeymoon.
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