Jelly Jamm
Jelly Jamm is a 3D CG animated series aimed at young children aged 4-7. It focuses on the adventures of five friends, Bello, Mina, Rita, Ongo and Goomo. These five friends live on the planet of Jammbo, the planet where all music in the universe originates. This makes music a major theme on the show: every episode includes a dance number, and there is music constantly playing in Jammbo (in fact, if the music ever stops, TIME ITSELF freezes.)
It is produced by Vodka and 737SHAKER CAPITAL, two Spanish companies based in Madrid and Segovia. It is, however, made for an English speaking audience. In the UK, it airs on Cartoon Network's pre-K block "Cartoonito".
Tropes used in Jelly Jamm include:
- Adorkable: Goomo.
- Adult Child: The King
- Parenting the Husband: The Queen
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Everyone... even the little dodos.
- Band Land:Planet Jammbo. Not surprising, considering that it's the source of all the music in the Universe.
- Bilingual Bonus: Ongo is a play on words for "Hongo" meaning "Mushroom" in Spanish.
- Also it should be mentioned that all the boys' names end in 'o' and the girls' names end in 'a'. In Spanish, words (adjectives and nouns) ending in either 'a' or 'o' denote the gender of the noun.
- Big Eater: Goomo on multiple occasions. He's also a bit pudgier than the other kids.
- Blinding Bangs: Ongo
- Cheerful Child: All of the kids.
- Cool Helmet: Goomo has one.
- Cuteness Proximity: Rita to the Dodos.
- The Cutie: Rita
- Fat Idiot: Goomo comes off as this sometimes, mostly due to being innocent and a little naïve. Although, he's been shown to be quite bright on other occasions.
- Five-Man Band:
- Bello: The Hero
- Goomo: The Big Guy / The Heart
- Mina: The Smart Girl
- Rita: The Chick
- Ongo: The Lancer
- Half Dressed Cartoon Kid: Bello. This is especially jarring since all the other kids, even the male ones, wear pants.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Bello and Goomo are shown to act like this.
- Humongous Mecha: Mina invents one to change Jammbo's light bulbs. It gets a makeover and becomes Bello's 'Jammbo Bot'.
- I Dye Grass: Music (which is apparently a mineral) is mined from Jammbo's core, refined, and delivered throughout the Universe in the form of bubbles.
- Limited Wardrobe: Everyone.
- Goomo changes his outfit once, in "Radio Goomo". He starts wearing black after discovering heavy metal music.
- Loony Fan: Goomo is this for Bello in "Best Friends Forever"
- Similarly, in "Rita Adopts a Dodo", Rita is shown to have an oddly large collection of stuff that resembles dodos in her home. The dodo she adopts gets rather weirded out by it.
- Meganekko: The Queen
- Minimalist Cast: Perhaps the most extreme example ever. The entire planet Jammbo appears to have only seven sentient inhabitants: the five kids, plus the king and queen. There is a nearly infinite supply of Dodos, though.
- Non-Interactivity: Averted, for the most part, with the exception being in "One Note Universe", when Goomo asks the viewers to find a pink key. This was more Played for Laughs however.
- Parental Abandonment: The King and Queen, who are clearly not the kids' parents, are the only grown-ups ever to be seen. The kids appear to live alone and no one ever considers this odd. Whether or not the concept of parents even exists on this planet is up for debate.
- Please Keep Your Hat On: In "Scary Story" the kids think they see a monster's shadow which actually happens to be just Goomo without his helmet
- Rose Coloured Girl: Rita
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: The Dodos.
- Rule of Cute
- Shout-Out: When giving a lecture on science to Rita, Mina mentions seeing a duck in a green hat and a pink elephant wearing a tutu, to see if she was paying any attention. She wasn't.
- Speech Impediment: Goomo has a noticeable lisp.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Mina is the Tomboy to Rita's Girly Girl.
- The Voiceless: Ongo. He normally doesn't speak except for making sound effects or beatboxing.
- In "Rita Adopts a Dodo" he does say "Oh, Mama!"
- What Does This Button Do?: There is a big button in the royal palace. Pushing this button stops the music. This is bad, because time stops in Jammbo when there is no music playing. The only thing that averted disaster when the king pushed the button was Goomo, who happened to be listening to a personal music player at the time.
- What the Hell Is That Accent?: Mina has an accent.
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