Pocoyo (2005-2009) is a Spanish children's show, narrated by José María del Río. (Stephen Fry or Adal Romero, depending on the version you watch). Tells the adventures of a young boy named Pocoyo, the duck Pato, the elephant Elly, and more. Notable for its minimalist style- the characters lack any textures and all of the action takes place on a white background, and there is no backstory.
Also notable for being absolutely, unbearably adorable.
Tropes used in Pocoyo include:
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Pato wears a hat.
- Aerith and Bob: We have Pocoyo and Pato (as long as you didn't know that his name is duck in Spanish) then names like Elly and Fred.
- Animated Series
- Big No: Pocoyo gives one after breaking Ellie's favorite doll. Dramatic bird's eye zoom out and all.
- Bilingual Bonus: Pato means "duck" in Spanish.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Fred the octopus, oh God, Fred the octopus.
- Edutainment Show: You'd be surprised, but beyond the cute dancing and the adorableness of the show, there are actually morals throughout the show.
- Heavy Sleeper: Sleepy Bird.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: It appears that Pocoyo's French voice actress is Leela.
- Stephen Fry is the narrator for the English version.
- Limited Wardrobe: Except with Elly. When she dances, she puts on a leotard and tutu.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: By virtue of there not being Characters Of The Day. If a character makes an appearance in one episode, he will reappear again, no exceptions.
- Meaningful Name: See Bilingual Bonus above.
- No Antagonist
- No Fourth Wall: The narrator, Stephen Fry, José María del Río, or Adal Romero, depending on the version (English, Castilian Spanish, and Latin American Spanish, respectively) asks the viewer to various things from pepping up Pocoyo when he's feeling sad, to waking up Sleepy Bird.
- Nice Hat: Pocoyo and Pato both have one.
- Non-Human Sidekick: The entire cast. Pocoyo is the only human.
- Non-Interactivity
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Ellie and Pocoyo respectively. Thanks to simplistic character design and a lack of Tertiary Sexual Characteristics its really the only way to determine their genders first glance.
- Running Gag: Pocoyo and his friends dance at the every end of practically every episode.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Pocoyo wears blue, Elly's pink...
- The Unintelligible: Ellie speaks in trumpet noises, Pato speaks with quacks, and Octopus speaks in random gibberish. Thankfully, the narrator knows what they're saying.
- Although it must be said that as ducks go, Pato's got just about the most expressive face since Daffy.
- Where the Hell Is Springfield??: All we know is that Pocoyo's World consists of a blank white space with random trees, houses, and other stuff. In some episodes, you go underwater and in space!
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