Jelly Boy 2
Jelly Boy 2 is an unreleased Platform Game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System developed by Game Freak (best known for Pokémon) and a sequel to Jerry Boy (released as Smart Ball in America).
Three boys, two girls and a dog were going to Jelly Land for a fun day, but a wizard appears before them and turns them all into slimes. They are then captured and held in various attractions... all except Marine, the blue slime. Now Marine has to go save his friends and defeat the wizard in hopes of restoring themselves to their original form.
Each of the six slimes have their own special ability: Marine can shoot balls at enemies, Mint tosses the star on her head like a boomerang, Yolk can dash across the screen (he can also fall like a rock if the player jumps from a ceiling while holding the down button), Sienna's tail can be used for a slow descent, Carm can climb down certain ledges, and Ed produces balls that float in the air for a bit before boing off like a bomb.
- Aerith and Bob: Ed is the only one of the group with a normal name.
- Amusement Park of Doom
- Auto-Scrolling Level
- Baleful Polymorph: All six protagonists.
- Big Eater: Yolk, asking if anybody is hungry during inappropriate moments.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: In the bad ending, the words "A HAPPY ENDING" drops onto a black screen, then slightly iris in on Ed, who says, "You think?"
- Bullet Hell: Phase two of the boss of Wonder Space.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: The slimes.
- Cursed with Awesome
- Ditto Fighter: The midboss of Dark Palace
- Eternal Engine: Motor Maze.
- Everything Fades: Every enemy you kill disappears in a small explosion.
- Everything Trying to Kill You
- Expy: Marine is an expy of Jerry from Jerry Boy.
- Eyes Always Shut: Yolk in the opening (until the wizard shows up) and the character selection screen.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Marine.
- The Lancer: Mint.
- The Big Guy: Yolk.
- The Smart Guy: Ed.
- The Chick: Carm.
- Team Pet: Sienna.
- Follow the Money: Jelly beans. They even form a rocket ship around the exit door of Wonder Space Stage 2.
- Game Breaking Bug: The credits music freezes partway through, but the rest of the ending is unaffected.
- Gang Plank Galleon: Stage 2 of Crazy Ocean.
- Giant Mook: There are mice that are twice the size of standard mice, and they take twice as many attacks. There are also giant clown heads in the final level.
- Gimmick Level: Gimmick Woods.
- The Goomba: The mice.
- Green Hill Zone: Star Park is the closest thing to this trope.
- Guide Dang It: Finding the slates.
- Hailfire Peaks: Ninja Western starts off in The Wild West, and ends in a ninja training ground.
- Hair Decorations: Mint has a star in her hair, and Carm has a bow in hers. They retain both of these as slimes.
- Ice Palace: Stage 5 of Crazy Ocean.
- Improbable Weapon User: Mint uses the star on her head as a boomerang.
- Informed Ability: Carm's animation on the character select screen is her swimming animation, but in actuality, she swims no better than the others... her real ability is to climb down certain ledges.
- It's All Upstairs From Here: Stage 1 of Gimmick Woods.
- Jungle Japes: The first half of Lost World.
- Law of One Hundred: Collect 100 jelly beans for a 1-Up.
- Load-Bearing Boss: Jelly Land disappears after defeating the Perfect Run Final Boss.
- The Lost Woods: Gimmick Woods.
- Mad Scientist: The boss of Motor Maze.
- The Maze: Some stages, notably Lost World Stage 5 and Wonder Space Stage 4.
- Multiple Endings
- Off-Model: Sienna is colored purple at the end of the opening sequence.
- One-Winged Angel
- Perfect Run Final Boss
- Platform Game
- The Short Guy with Glasses: Ed.
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World: The latter three stages of Gimmick Woods.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Ed's special ability.
- Super Not-Drowning Skills
- Temple of Doom: The latter half of Lost World.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Carm is the only pink slime of the group, and she wears a bow to boot.
- This Was His True Form: Interestingly, your character remains in slime form when killed, but the angel that arises is in his/her original form.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Mint and Carm, respectively.
- Tomorrowland: Wonder Space.
- Under the Sea: Crazy Ocean.
- Unexpected Shmup Level: Played with in Stage 4 of Gimmick Woods: you are put on top of a malfunctioning plane that automatically goes up and down, and you can only make it go left and right, but otherwise, the gameplay remains unchanged.
- The Very Definitely Final Dungeon: Dark Palace.
- Warmup Boss: The boss of Star Park.
- World Map: Jelly Land.
- Wraparound Background: In Stage 1 of Wonder Space, you pass by the moon twice, for example.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Marine has blue hair, Mint has green hair, and Ed has purple hair. Yolk and Carm avert it, though the latter inexplicably has pink hair when she dies.