Follow the Money
"Where are you getting all this money, Spyro? ...Heh heh... It's not just lying around on the ground, is it?"—Moneybags, Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Most Platform Games feature a type of very common gravity-defying pickup item that levitates in the air and populates all the game's stages. They're always small, shiny, and make a catchy sound when you grab them. Additionally, there's always a counter, usually shown on-screen, of how many of these items you've currently picked up. Levels can contain hundreds of these items just begging you to grab them all, and you may see tens of thousands of them over the course of the entire game.
They always look the same whether you're jumping through the Intro Level or the Final Castle, and no explanation is ever offered as to what they're doing floating in the air throughout the whole of the game's world and why hasn't anyone else collected them already. They're just there, and you just grab them. It's just what you do. Also, don't ask where the character stores all of them in his pockets.
The name comes from the coins in the Super Mario Bros. series, unarguably the most well-known version of this type of pickup. You might even say the rest of the games ripped them off.
Normally, there will be some sort of reward for collecting many of these. The standard reward is a 1-Up for 100 of them.
It is common for level designers to use these coins as a guiding hand, drawing paths with them to show you which way to go. Hence, Follow the Money. You will undoubtedly find yourself jumping, soaring, and falling through streams of these coins as you traverse the level.
Sometimes, they might tip you off to things that aren't immediately obvious, such as the location of an invisible path or other secret. They also might visually demonstrate just how the heck you're supposed to pull off that tricky jump. Sometimes there are even arrows drawn out of these items to guide you.
Ironically, sometimes these coins are just about the only thing the game can think of to reward you with. Found a secret nook in a wall? Followed that obscure, tricky path of coins into a previously unnoticed "treasure room"? Surprise, it's filled to the brim with—you guessed it—more coins! If not, it might contain a 1-Up or two (Wait, aren't those what the coins are supposed to be for anyway?)
Beat'Em Up and First-Person Shooter games use something similar on occasion - can't find where to go? Look for enemies, the closest equivalent to money.
The supertrope of the Law of One Hundred.
Video Games
- In Backyard Skateboarding, collecting 150 coins on each level unlocks T-shirts.
- Musical notes in the Banjo-Kazooie games, though collecting them is justified by certain numbers of notes being needed to open Locked Doors in Banjo-Kazooie and acquire necessary moves in Banjo-Tooie.
- Wumpa Fruit in Crash Bandicoot.
- Coins in the Dream World of Mario & Luigi: Dream Team occasionally take the form of an arrow or line to serve either as a guide for where to go or the outline for one of the platforming sequences.
- The bananas in the Donkey Kong Country games. One of the rare situations where the bananas (but not the floating) is explained: in the first game the bananas were the colossal mess the Kremlings made while trying to steal DK's Banana Hoard and get away with it. In the later games this was forgotten and the bananas were just...there.
- You'd think all the bananas would've, you know, gone off by the time DK gets to them.
- Well the game can be beaten pretty quickly so not necessarily. DK island isn't exactly huge.
- Bananas are also prevalent in Super Monkey Ball, but it's not necessary to get them to do well, since every stage is a very tightly Timed Mission.
- Donkey Kong 64 took this to a new level by having different colors of bananas - one color for each playable character. The bananas ended up not only outlining paths, but also indicating which character you should use for each area.
- Fur Fighters, a third-person shooter for Dreamcast and later PlayStation 2, had the inventively-named Tokens. Little golden pyramids, they both provided health and opened the route to later levels, with each level requiring a certain number to unlock (meaning you sometimes had to replay levels to find Tokens you missed). Since the game's levels were huge, and often partly non-linear, the Tokens often indicated the way you should be headed next.
- The developer's commentary in Half Life 2: Episode 1 reveals that the designers place health and armor strategically through the more hectic parts of the game so that the player will run in the right direction, if a certain path or jump wouldn't otherwise be obvious.
- In the first Harry Potter game for the PC, Harry had to escape from the rampaging troll set loose in the school on Halloween. The route he must follow is extremely dangerous, and includes a staircase with many holes in the floor. Luckily for the player, someone has already traced out the safest path using a trail of Bertie Bott's Every-Flavour Beans (the game's currency), so all he needs to do is dash along, scooping up beans.
- The frozen bubbles in Icycle are just there to guide you and for 100% Completion, though they were apparently the inspiration for the game.
- Used with Precursor Orbs in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. The game didn't have lives, but you traded orbs for power cells. This became frustrating when people would ask you for 90 Orbs while several would be dotted within reach around the village - why didn't they ever get their own and have done with it? Lazy bums.
- Diamonds in Kid Chameleon. Unique in that they gave you unique powers depending on what mask you were wearing. Also unique in that there was a 99-diamond cap, after which point no more could be collected.
- In an unusual RPG example, Kingdom Hearts II features mini-games in 100-Acre Wood where you have to guide Sora through some sort of obstacle course. In each case, following the "honey spheres" which line the way is the best way to figure out how to avoid obstacles.
- Dream Stones in Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil give you a 1-Up when you get 100, but if you collect 150 in one level then you unlock bonus stuffs.
- Pearls in The Legendary Starfy games.
- In the Lego Batman game, a trail of studs can often show you exactly how and where Batman's Glider suit is best used.
- In fact, all the LEGO games do that and sometimes lead to minikits, from whom there are 10 in every level, which give you... MORE STUDS.
- Inverted with the unlockable extra "stud magnet", where the money follows YOU!
- It could be said that Pac-Man uses this Trope, as his pellets were chiefly undefined and were basically just collected like games which made heavy use of this trope in more modern ways (Mario's coins, for example).
- In the Pac-Man World series, certain pellets cause Pac-Man to automatically devour his way across a twisting path of pellets. It's like Follow the Money on autopilot.
- The tings and lums in the Rayman games.
- Rule of Rose has a very cruel version of this, where sometimes trails of health restoring items can lead you to get swarmed by a group of enemies.
- Coins in the first Sly Cooper game; while they still exist in later games, the move towards a stealth-platformer discarded this trope. Interestingly, the coins have different designs on their faces in each stage.
- The rings in the Sonic the Hedgehog games. In addition to the typical uses of this trope, these also help Sonic avoid dying in the first place, as enemy attacks normally just make him drop the rings he's carrying.
- Rings are also used to turn into Super Sonic, provided you have all the Chaos Emeralds.
- Beginning in Sonic Adventure, Sonic (and other hedgehogs for some reason) can perform a technique called the Light Dash, in which Sonic would collect a line of rings by automatically flying through them, even if they were in mid-air. This sometimes made literally Following The Money the only way to get to certain areas.
- Also started in Sonic Adventure were missions where you'd have to collect a certain amount of Rings.
- Let's not forget the Ring Races in Sonic Heroes.
- Gems in the Spyro the Dragon series, which can lead players into more covert areas, whereas much of the game itself is very free-roaming in nature.
- The origin of the gems is briefly sorta explained in the first game: Gnasty Gnorc has turned all the gems into monsters. Guess who has to get them back. Picking up the gems on the floor also presumably prevents further monstrism.
- That and, you know, dragons. Having ludicrous amounts of gemstones just lying around to jog the memory is the sort of thing they'd do.
- The origin of the gems is briefly sorta explained in the first game: Gnasty Gnorc has turned all the gems into monsters. Guess who has to get them back. Picking up the gems on the floor also presumably prevents further monstrism.
- The coins in the Super Mario Bros. games. It was subverted in Luigi's Mansion, though: trails of coins would lead you to traps.
- Super Mario Galaxy adds Star Bits, but keeps the coins, making it one of the few examples of a game having multiple kinds of this.
- In this instance, both items have an additional use, however. Coins refill your health meter, while star bits can be used as weapons and chucked at enemies, are the game's currency and give you extra lives if you pick enough of them. Oddly, the first Galaxy has very few coins around, which looks odd on a Mario game; the sequel has more coins.
- Super Mario World had this with the standard coins and Yoshi Coins, the latter giving you a 1-Up if you found five in a level. Some levels even had more than five, giving you additional lives for each extra one.
- The coins in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins certainly performed the main functions of Follow the Money, but instead of automatically cashing in for extra lives every time you accumulated 100, you could hold up to 999. A cave near the castle has four wheels within, each of which allows you to trade a different amount of coins for prizes (items or extra lives) which you spin up on the wheel.
- Same thing in Super Mario Bros. 2. The coins (pulled out like vegetables while in Sub-Space) are used for extra turns on the slot machine.
- SML2 did, incidentally, give you the same effect for defeating 100 enemies.
- Super Mario Galaxy adds Star Bits, but keeps the coins, making it one of the few examples of a game having multiple kinds of this.
- Tin Stars in Toy Story (as in, the kind of star a sheriff might wear on his vest). There were about 50 of these in each level; collecting 50 would earn an extra life, and about every 100 would earn a Continue.
- Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion had Life Force, floating, rotating yellow diamonds. Collecting 100 of them would actually increase your health by 20, but for the most part, they often lead you on the obscure paths forward, including climbing up and walking across the girders of a building under construction to jump onto a rooftop in a small section of city whose focus is on the zombie-ridden streets.
- Turok: Evolution would use a more subtle version of the trope with small ammo pickups.
- Opals in Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. They changed color depending on the area for the first game, but obstinately stay red in the second and third.
- The collectibles in Xenoblade Chronicles bear similarities to these, appearing as glowing blue orbs that are scattered all over the landscape, occasionally in lines and trails. You get a random item from each one you pick up, which can then be used to fill out a collection page for rewards, given as gifts to party members, traded to townsfolk, or sold for money. It can be a little hard to resist the urge to gather every last one of them.
- In one instance, they are actually used to provide a clue to a secret area, however. There's one levitating off the edge of a particular platform in the Mechonis Field that's indicating a spot you can safely jump off at for the purpose of reaching an unique monster far, far below.
- The coins in Yoshi's Island would often point out exactly where you needed to throw eggs to ricochet them off walls and into bonus items. In addition, some coins were actually disguised red coins, which are needed for 100% Completion (the others are only used to get extra lives, like normal Mario coins.)
References in Other Media
- Levitating coins are explained as lighter-than-air currency in's #7 Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games.