Ice Palace
The ice palace tends to be a castle-sized and shaped piece of an Ice World. It may belong to a larger ice world, or it may be relatively self-contained...
It's a huge, foreboding building that seems as if it was once inhabited by normal people. However, it has now frozen over, and any people who currently live there are definitely not normal.
Expect any videogame boss or Big Bad who lives there to be An Ice Person. Snowlems might also be found living here.
Ice palaces tend to turn up in the mid-to-late story or videogame because of their nature. Also expect icicles, the occasional floor that's too slippery to walk on, and—if it's a videogame -- BlockPuzzles and various Malevolent Architecture.
A brick-and-mortar dungeon that's entirely underground counts as an Ice Palace if it is otherwise cold enough. But an ice palace has to be more, um, palatial than an icy cave.
May even be ruled by a Winter Royal Lady, or a literal Ice Queen.
Anime and Manga
- In Saint Beast, Zeus turns the palace where the Saint Beasts live into a freezing ice palace and imprisons them there as punishment for their disobedience.
Comic Books
- Superman's Fortress of Solitude is, at least in modern comics, an Ice Palace. This largely comes from the Donner films, however; see the example under Films. It is true that the Fortress was located in the arctic since the Silver Age, but it wasn't depicted as being made from ice until the films.
- The depiction of Superman's Fortress of Solitude as an Ice Palace really comes from the Richard Donner-directed Superman films starring Christopher Reeve. Since then, that idea has migrated into the comics and into certain television portrayals as well.
- Elsa builds herself one of these with magic in Frozen, which is what you'd expect from a story based on The Snow Queen.
Fairy Tales
- Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen of course lives in one of those. Her throne is a mirror of ice.
Game Books
- In the third Lone Wolf game book, The Caverns of Kalte, the ice-fortress of Ikaya is, well, an ice-fortress. The fortress of the Deathlord of Ixia is located in an arctic or subarctic region, but it isn't quite an Ice Palace.
- In Wintersmith, once the title character has become capable of understanding why it would, it creates an ice palace for it and the Summer Lady to live in.
- The White Witch's palace in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is made out of ice and black magic.
- In the Dragonlance novel Dragons of the Highlord Skies, and in the corresponding Dungeons and Dragons adventure modules, one group of the Heroes of the Lance must retrieve one of the Dragon Orbs from Icewall Castle.
Newspaper Comics
- Jack Frost's palace from Little Nemo in Slumberland.
Video Games
- Ice Palace in The Legend of Zelda a Link To T He Past
- Snowhead Temple in The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask
- Snowpeak Ruins in The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. This one is actually inhabited, by two friendly Yeti—the monsters there are just household pests to them.
- Temple of Ice in The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass
- Sword and Shield Dungeon in The Legend of Zelda Oracle Games, which is actually a Hailfire Peaks Palace.
- The Temple of Droplets in The Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap—plenty of ice, and the boss is a frozen octorok.
- The Snow Temple in The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
- The second Ice Land mini-fortress in Super Mario Bros 3
- Super Mario 64 had the igloo in Snowman's Land, as well. It's Bigger on the Inside.
- The Crystal Palace in Paper Mario.
- Joke's End in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
- There's a small ice castle within Crystal Caves in Donkey Kong 64.
- Peppermint Palace in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
- The Frozen Palace from Brave Fencer Musashi.
- The palace from Enchanted Arms were you fight the hot Ice Queen Demonic Golem and yes that name is pretty much correct.
- Found in the city of Svargrond in Tibia, available for rent as a guild hall.
- Phendrana Drifts in Metroid Prime houses a Chozo chapel.
- In Metroid Prime 3, Bryyo's hidden ice area.
- King's Quest V features one, where you have to convince the Ice Queen to help you in your quest.
- Permafrost in both EverQuest and Ever Quest 2. Also parts of The Tower of Frozen Shade.
- Half the settings of Battlefield 2142 are located in a Europe that is steadily being overtaken by massive glaciers. The other half are the African settings that all the survivors are trying to occupy.
- In Secret of Mana, the Ice Palace deep inside the Ice Country, a frozen castle filled with icy monsters. Strangely enough, the Mana Seed of Fire can be found here, after being smuggled into the palace by the Frost Gigas, also known as Santa Claus. Yes, Santa Claus.
- And later, in the prequel Children of Mana, a snowed in castle appears.
- Snowpoint Temple in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
- Almia Castle in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.
- Played straight in one level of Light Crusader—except the boss turns out to be a fire-breathing dragon.
- Glacia in Skies of Arcadia is an entire city made of ice, found clinging to the underside of a Floating Continent resembling Antarctica and originally founded by the (now-missing) Purple Moon Civilization.
- St. Hermelin High School is transformed into one of these in the Snow Queen Quest of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona.
- Castle Karstaag in the Morrowind expansion Bloodmoon.
- The Winter Palace in the Faerie Lea world in Dragon Quest V. Once the winter curse is broken upon returning, the palace melts and becomes a T'n'T board.
- World of Warcraft has the Icecrown Citadel, shown above. A fortress constructed from metal containing the blood of an Old God, built atop and within a titanic glacier. Not a nice place to visit.
- The fifth boss of Purple resides in such castle.
- Tundaria Tower and the Mars Lighthouse in Golden Sun, the latter being a Fire/Lava based dungeon after you defrost it, technically making it a Hailfire Peaks level.
- The Wawku shrine in Okami.
- In Baten Kaitos, we have Kaffaljidhma in the land of the witches, Wazn. However, unlike other examples, it holds no evil.
Western Animation
- The Northern Water Tribe from Avatar: The Last Airbender is all over this, having an entire City of Canals sculpted from ice.
- One of Dr. Drakken's lairs from an episode of Kim Possible.
Kim: Chillin' new lair, Drakken!
Drakken: Kim Possible?
Shego: [mocking] 'We'll build a frozen fortress, she'll never find us there!'
- The Ice King's palace, in Adventure Time.
Real Life
- There exist hotels and castles/palaces made of ice! Typically inhabited by paid guests, unless an Action Hero happens to be stopping by.
- An episode of Dinner: Impossible had Chef Robert cooking for one of these ice hotels, forcing him to do his cooking outside lest the heat from the ovens melt the building.
- Then there's the St. Pete Times Forum, home of the Tampa Bay Lightning, which used to be called the Ice Palace.
- Not a palace, and never actually realized, but there have been plans to build various large and labyrinthine structures, most famously HMS Habakkuk out of a frozen mix of water and wood pulp.
- The Cleveland Harbor West Pierhead Lighthouse looked like one waves of ice water covered it with frost.