< Jagged Alliance

Jagged Alliance/Characters

List of mercenaries from Jagged Alliance series.

Introduced in Jagged Alliance:

  • Dr. Mark "Needle" Kranhuim
    • The Medic - The best one in the first game. The bio says that he revived two patients who were past critical point.
  • Gary Roachburn
  • Samuel "Sam" Garver
  • Glen "Boss" Hatchet
  • Lesley "Smoke" Peterson
    • Psychopathic Manchild - Practical jokes? Sure, why not. Short-fusing explosives and putting friendlies in mortal danger for some cheap laughs? Not the mark of an entirely sane man.
  • Jimmy Upton
  • Dr. Ahmad "Doc" Koolhan
  • Wink E. Dickerson
  • Mary Beth Wilkens
  • Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts
  • Lt. Bud Hellar
    • Ensign Newbie - having achieved his rank most likely due to...
    • Yes-Man - ...his pathological asskissing habits.
  • Victoria "Vicky" Waters
  • Larry Roachburn
  • Edward "Ears" Stockwell
  • Murray "Moses" Ebstern
  • Patrick "Screw" Phillips
  • Helmut "Grunty" Grunther
  • Russel "Rusty" Hunter
    • Only Sane Man - His selling point when compared to more skillful, but crazier explosive experts.
  • Ivan Dolvich
  • Dr. Bernie Gloveless
  • "Unusually Ruthless" Reuban
  • Murray "Pops" McGillicutty
  • Col. Leo Kelly
  • Tex R. Colburn
    • Guns Akimbo
    • I Know Karate
    • Cool Guns (his Awesome but Impractical revolvers in JA 2: Unfinished Business)
      • Made a lot less useless when loaded with AET rounds, scopes, and laser sights. Does more damage than an M37 SATAN for 1.13 users!
    • Japanese Ranguage
    • Ascended Fanboy - Turns out, he left AIM because he got movie deals in Japanese-made Westerns. He returns in Unfinished Business as a mercenary for MERC, still wanting a taste of gunning down bad guys Western-style.
  • Fidel Dahan
  • Hurl E. Cutter
    • Annoying Patient - ...and severely hypochondriac with the absolute highest health rating possible (100).
  • Biff Apscott
  • Maj. Spike Scallion
  • Dr. Raffito "Raffi" Leevon
    • Back-Alley Doctor - not only his credentials, but also his skills and general sanity are all very questionable.
  • Cynthia "The Fox" Guzzman
  • Sidney Nettleson
  • Mike
    • The Ace - mysterious, armed to the teeth, a master of almost every possible discipline and impractically expensive to employ.
    • Face Heel Turn - in Jagged Alliance 2
  • Hector Alvarez
  • Johnny "Snake" Edwards
  • Ice Williams
    • Soul Brotha - surfer accent, Badass quotes and a small 'fro.
    • More Dakka - Specialty is automatics, so give him a Bizon and watch him go to town.
  • Speck T. Kline
  • Willy "Weasel" Augustin
  • Timothy "Leech" Jenkins
  • Dr. Clifford "Cliff" Highball
    • Combat Medic - One of the few who has both decent (80s in Ja2) medical and marksmanship skills. He also has a perk in explosives, but it doesn't look like much (30-ish points in Explosives).
  • Frank "Hitman" Hennessy
  • Lance Fisher
  • Dr. Margaret "Stella" Trammel
    • Battleaxe Nurse - Has the looks and attitude of one, but is a very professional and competent doctor in her own right.
    • Butch Lesbian - All but stated in A.I.M.'s alumni in JA2 (she fought an uphill battle to gain spousal benefit's for same-sex partners and has retired to run a clinic with Mouse).
  • Dr. Eli Summers
  • Elroy B. Tolken
  • Peter "Wolf" Sanderson
    • The Mario—Adequate but unexceptional in every stat
  • Bruce "Skitz" Bonner
  • Walter "Wally" Yuntz
  • Kirk "Static" Stevenson
  • Herman "Turtle" Regents
  • Corporal Len Anderson
    • Sergeant Rock - Career military man since his teens. Has an experience level of 7 (out of a potential maximum of 9) in the sequel, surpassed only by Gus (8).
  • Marty "Kaboom" Moffat
    • The Ditz - his Wisdom score of 13 is the lowest in the history of the series.
    • Man Child - most likely due to brain damage.
  • Earl "Magic" Walker
  • Reverend "Rev" Clyde Potter
  • Megan "Sparky" Roachburn
    • Valley Girl
    • Genius Ditz - Between saying "like" in every sentence and missing every shot she ever fires, she's a master repairer- able to repair more points of gear per mission than Speck despite his higher mech score (due to a much higher dex).
  • Dr. Mitch Shudlem
  • Robert "Scully" James Sullivan
    • Knife Nut
    • Loveable Rogue
    • Casanova - Apparently. And he's paid for it... quite literally, since he's paying child support.
  • Howard "Carp" Melfield
  • Carl "It" Goodman
  • Vincenzo "Vinny" Massimo
  • Capt. Bob Adams
  • Hamous

Introduced in Deadly Games:

Introduced in Jagged Alliance 2:

  • Carl "Reaper" Sheppards
  • Kyle "Shadow" Simmons
    • Cold Sniper
    • Deadpan Snarker - When up against Crepitus.
    • Dissonant Serenity
    • Stealth Expert - Paraphrasing his bio: "...that shrub, sand dune, snow drift or satellite dish could easily be this master of disguise. He has made it his business to blend into any kind of environment for any length of time." And it shows - he's a 100% camouflaged in all environments, regardless of what he's wearing.
    • The Quiet One
  • Trevor Colby
  • Ron "Raider" Higgins
  • Charlene "Raven" Higgins
    • Deadpan Snarker - To an awesome degree.
    • Battle Couple - With Raider.
    • Love Triangle - If Hitman's on the same squad. Oddly, she doesn't do anything - Hitman and Raider just argue and take a huge drop in morale.
  • Thor Kaufman
    • New Age Retro Hippie - His bio states he's a healer. Of course, he's good in artificial medication, too.
    • Poirot Speak - probably the second most prevalent one besides Ivan.
  • Stephen Rothman
  • Dr. Daniel "Danny" Quinten
  • Dr. Q. Huaong
  • Ernie "Red" Spragg
    • Mad Bomber - Inverted as it is heavily implied that his work with explosives has made him insane, rather than the opposite. He's also extremely finicky about setting up explosives.
  • Keith "Blood" Hanson
    • Knife Nut, Extremely deadly knife throwing skills
    • Bare-Fisted Monk, Also one of the few characters with the martial art skill.
  • Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston
  • Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski
    • Genius Bruiser: as the name implied, he is very strong. He is also one of the best mercs for repair, computers and lockpicking until you can afford specialists (and even then, still good). His primary weakness being speed.
    • You No Take Candle - "Robert Gontarski is ummm... UNAVOIDABLE right now."
    • Fantastic Racism - He hates Russians. Which has some real-life justifications, considering he's Polish.
    • Narm - "Gun is empty! Dammit to hell!"
    • Large Ham
    • What the Hell Is That Accent? - sounds like a constipated Arnie parody, as done by someone who is mentally challenged.
  • Norma "Meltdown" Jessop
  • Monica "Buns" Sondergaard
    • Jack of All Trades - "Before settling on A.I.M., Buns explored a number of careers: kindergarten teacher, geriatric nurse, Danish sharpshooter at the Atlanta Olympic games, and professional soldier"
  • Steve "Grizzly" Bornell
  • Barry Unger
  • Igor Dolvich
  • Dr. Michael "M.D." Dawson
    • The Medic: Quite well versed as a doctor straight out of med school.
    • Wide-Eyed Idealist, Young, inexperienced, a little chattier than most of the others
  • John "Bull" Peters
    • Blood Knight, known to be violent and aggressive and while he is tough as nails in combat he is also known for a lack of discipline.
  • Frankie "Haywire" Gordon
    • Blood Knight: Doesn't care who he kills as long as he get to kill.
    • More Dakka: Along with a shank, Frankie's weapon of choice involve a leadspitter.
  • Doug "Gasket" Milton
    • Red Scare, does not trust the Russians too much...actually he doesn't trust them at all.
  • Bill "Razor" Lamont
  • Florence "Flo" Gabriel
    • The Load - Terrible skills all around, except maybe as a teacher of the militia in Alruco
  • Tim "Gumpy" Hillman
    • Magikarp Power - His wisdom score is 94. His quick rise from awkward movie nerd to a soldier of fortune is hilarious in contrast.
  • Thorton "Bubba" Jones
  • Tim "Numb" Sutton
  • Jim "Cougar" Wallace
    • Only Sane Man - before Unfinished Business came along, he was the only professional mercenary among the crowd of cowards, civilians, psychiatric patients, mental defectives and other misfits that was the M.E.R.C. roster. The most expensive, too.
    • Military Brat - His father ran a military institute, and he follows the regs to the letter. In fact, he wouldn't be out of place in a World War Two flick.
    • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking - When near death, he complains about his gaping chest wounds... and asks for some asprin afterwards.
  • Gaston Cavalier
  • Lt. "Stogie" Horge
  • Col Frederick Biggins

Jagged Alliance 2 Local Recruitables


  • Miguel Cordona
  • Carlos Da Souza
  • Ira Smythe
    • The Medic
    • Deadpan Snarker - her comments on towns and special places.
    • Mr. Exposition: Will, snarkily, give background on locations if she is sent there after they have been liberated.
    • Magikarp Power - Her marksmanship is abysmal, but her wisdom is sky-high. This combined with time, patience and her expert-level Teaching specialty means she has the potential to be both a competent gunner and the absolute #1 militia trainer in the game.
  • Dimitri Guzzo
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