Infinite Stratos Sacred Twins
My name is Orimura Madoka, due to fun stuff that is mostly my fault, I and my brother were dragged into an All-girls Educational Institution.—The opening quote
You can't spell Twincest without WIN.—The very Motto
The unholy fic started as experiment by Zero XSEED. It started as Plagiarism (Self admitted by author, then again, what Fan Fic is not one?) because he copied 100% of the dialogue bar some changes to fit the OC Stand-In inside...but somehow with the support of the fans (and craziness that is Animesuki IS Fanfic Discussion Thread) the Ship continue to sail.
Following the growing attraction between the Twins in the I.S. academy, Sacred Twins boasted slight difference, you read that right. The plot is almost the same, yet, things seems a LOT too different not to notice...and the story began to show it's true color...
- Accidental Pervert: Ichika, also, Charles.
- Achievements in Ignorance: Ichika just wanted to win a match with near-impossible odds, he ended up inventing his ways to deflect beam and cutting shockwave, negating two Anti-IS Image Interface Weapon in process.
- Adaptational Badass: From the get go, Ichika is portrayed as being stronger and competent than the canon counterpart, and god forbid, far smarter.
- Amazonian Beauty: Houki seems to be a mild example of this, complete with Boobs of Steel
- Ascended Extra: Char (somewhat) while he was turned into a guy (maybe) and kicked from being major member of Harem, he get his own plot and Love Interest (Laura).
- Badass Family: Orimura family, obviously.
- Berserk Button: Do not in any circumstances: 1. Bullying a lonely girl or 2. Mentioning male inferiority in front of Ichika, God helps.
- Oh and you being a girl not helping....
- Madoka's button is Ichika's safety, S-words and Precision F-Strike may ensues.
- BFS: Yukihira is already large enough, but combined with Koyuki, it became Yukihira Sanshiki that's about 8 foot long, and when it switched into beam blade version, it grows to 10 foot...
- Considering it's nature (see below), there's an implication that full form of Seven Sword module is even larger....
- Bifurcated Weapon: Ahem, Weapon Archive System.
- Compensating for Something: Somewhat too literal as Ichika has only one slot bus so all those must be compressed into a single archive...but one can't help but lampshade about the size anyway (as example, from chapter 7).
- Considering it's nature (see below), there's an implication that full form of Seven Sword module is even larger....
Rin: "Instead of holding a pair of sword, he's holding a much longer one. At the very least, that blade should be about 8 foot long… even for my standard; it's really, really overcompensating."
- Big Brother Attraction: Well, as if Ichika would notice...
- Big Brother Instinct: Ichika certainly has thick one.
- Big Brother Worship: Prominent mostly in chapter 1
- Played For the Lulz in chapter 4, now Ichika's nickname is 'Emperor Orimura'
- Birds of a Feather: Houki and Madoka, two outcast, both saved by Ichika.
- Bi the Way: While Char's infatuation for Laura is defined like a bedrock, his thought of Ichika is a little dubious, and there's Char being The Tease to him.
- Book Dumb: Subverted, he doesn't understand how I.S. work as a whole, despite being well versed in mundane physic, and in his words; "Might as well calling it magic". Considering the result of his battles so far, he's more of a Genius Bruiser.
- Easily missed fact that he's an Class-A top student in his Junior shown in chapter 1 flashback. (which is actually Canon)
Ichika:"Thanks to a year of cramming, I was designated as a class A student. Madoka however always been All-star student…"
- He also can deliver epic Info Dump on certain times, such as in chapter 11
Ichika:"Is that so? Considering I.S.' borderline supernatural abilities, such phenomenon involving similarities of genes between two subjects might be matter if you think of it. I.S. creation itself is based on the advancement of nanotechnology, especially regarding Nano Machine, which itself was based on the concept of biological engine such as various microbes. There might be a reason for I.S. to interact with it's user down to the cellular, or maybe, genetic level"
- Subverted with Houki, who sounded like a Book Dumb.
Ichika:Even though Houki is using sound effect again, I can still understand since there's a picture for it, the sound effect surprisingly very accurate though.
- Break the Haughty: Cecilia, TWICE, first by Madoka, then by Maya (the second of which shared with Rin).
- Cerebus Syndrome: Mild case, considering it started with 'Madoka stalking her brother', recent chapter is almost strange to read due to amount of Tear Jerker and Foreshadowing inserted.
- Chapter 11 is full blown Dramedy, with even the author warned about Mood Whiplash.
- Chekhov's Gun: Crystal clear as stated in Chapter 8 that Ichika will have Seven Sword (that can combine into single BFS), but how much he can summon is limited to the development of him and Byakushiki.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Iori Senbei mentioned as early as That man who handle Byakushiki in chapter 8 but appears in chapter 11.
- Also, the name of 'Yoshi' mentioned by both Chifuyu and Ichika, and seems like this guy has some impact in their past life.
- And that man who appear in the factory in chapter 11...Chifuyu of all people broke her stoic mask. Hmmm.
- Chekhov's Skill: Ichika and mundane physic. Period.
- Clarke's Third Law: In chapter 2, Ichika concluded that to make stuff easier for him to understand, he has to use MST3K Mantra.
- Cliff Hanger: Chapter 7 ended with Ichika took the beam aimed at Rin, parodied in that the author quickly pointed out that Ichika will be okay.
- Chapter 11 is rather normal even with a lot of Foreshadowing abound, but the sneak peek for chapter 12 is especially cruel.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Subverted with Madoka, who knew about Ichika's harem and let other girl have a chance to be close with Ichika. She is jealous nonetheless, but definitely not clingy or angry.
- The subversion came further with virtually all the member of Ichika's harem. Yep, even resident Yandere Rin.
- Crazy Enough to Work: The fic, why do you ask?
- Crack Fic: Borderline....
- Creepy Twins: Invoked in chapter 2.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Dan seems to be this.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Chaper 12, 4 vs 90, 4 people wins. Justified, it was done to test the discrepancy between rookie gamer and experienced, authentic pilot. And as expected, Ran understandably can't do anything significant whereas somewhat more experienced Dan do notably well for a first timer.
- Dark and Troubled Past: All girls in the harem, but only Madoka's being explained. She was fed up with her so-called-friends rampant feminism action and snap when they tried to molest/ date rape an innocent boy from neighboring boy school. Also, some teacher just plain hated her and spicing up the rumour. WAY before that, she was hailed as antisocial and freaky as a child. Ichika is her Living Emotional Crutch, and this serves as her Freudian Excuse for loving him as a man she can depend and trust forever.
- Subverted in Chapter 11... the happy memories in fact pure Tear Jerker material, except for Cecilia, who has no ROLE whatsoever.
- And there's Ichika in The Stinger, though it's more of Foreshadowing variant.
- Deadpan Snarker: When angry or depressed, Ichika may only seconded Kyon.
- Deconstruction: Of various tropes played straight in the Canon, such as the concept of Oblivious to Love, the later of which precisely because Ichika didn't want a girlfriend yet and prompt him to nerf his own brain, Chifuyu's strict aloofness isn't portrayed as sympathetic either, neither does the Leeroy Jenkins attitude of the heroines.
- Also, the concept of abusing I.S. power to torture Ichika, which can hit bystander if not prevented. Even Ichika is pissed as hell.
- Also the concept of Legacy Character and Generation Xerox. Both Ichika and Madoka taking much effort to differentiate themselves so that they can stay as "Ichika and Madoka" and not being shadow of their sister Chifuyu.
- Demoted to Extra: Most of the heroines, by default was demoted from Balanced Harem to Supporting Harem.
- Subverted by Charles and Laura, who was kicked outright of the harem but getting their own romantic subplot. And that's not mentioning Char's Hidden Depths...
- Humorously, Cecilia in Chapter 11.
- Does This Remind You of Anything??: the exchange between an anonymous senpai and Ichika in chapter 4 could be likened to...something.
Ichika: "Thank you very much; this is a priceless experience, senpai! This is my first fight too!"
Senpai: "R-realy? As expected from Madoka-san, really skillful. Orimura-kun, I'm glad to be defeated in your debut battle… be sure to give your best shot next Moday, okay?"
- Even funnier than that considering Ichika defeated exam instructor because of her own...err, recklessness. He didn't land any single hit.
- There's also Rin's reaction to Yukihira Sanshiki.
- Dual-Wielding: Both Houki and Ichika, though Ichika just started recently.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Charles, and most definitely heterosexual Ichika is disturbed by it...
- Complete with man-boobs.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Madoka, apparently just a remnant of Chifuyu's manly charisma, and she knew it well.
- Although back in her old school, the attraction might be genuine, or at the least because of her own incredible reputation.
- First-Name Basis: Played straight with Ichika and all the girls, inverted with Madoka to Ichika, she started calling him by honorifics as a sign of her growing affection.
- Foreign Cuss Word: Charles and his liberal use of Gratuitous French cuss word (on his defense, his 'masculine french' tutor told him to memorize it).
- Gatling Good: Ichika often carry a small caliber Gatling.
- Gender Bender: Charles, now an authentic male, maybe.
- Gender Is No Object: Ichika has no hesitation insulting girls when ticked off, and frankly, with females in I.S. Academy, he doesn't need and should not holding back in physical fight either...
- Generation Xerox: Averted hard with both Ichika and Madoka, despite the expectation of people that they will be Chifuyu's sucessor.
- Deconstructed, Madoka DID NOT want to be Chifuyu-copy.
- Guys Smash, Girls Shoot: Subverted, Chifuyu is the resident sword-wielding Badass Teacher. Houki and Rin by no means a slouch, and Laura is self explanatory. On the other hand, Ichika is one crazy melee fighter and his twin sister Madoka is one crazy gunfighter.
- Huge Schoolgirl: Houki and Madoka was considerably taller than most.
- Hunk: Ichika, at least by Charles' admission.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: Subverted that it was Ichika who reminded Houki, that she's better at Dual-Wielding. Well, she's his mentor...
- Incest Subtext: While Madoka's crush is official, Ichika's monologue and their interactions overall are chock full of this.
- Implied to be a case of Selective Obliviousness on Ichika's part.
- Idiot Ball: Ichika in chapter 4 recklessly activate Yukihira's special properties without checking, causing his defeat.
- Indy Ploy: Ichika.
- Chapter 04: Rapid beam barrage? No problem, calculate the delay and trajectory!
- Chapter 07: 'Invisible' Shockwave Cannon? No problem, use thermal imaging!
- Last-Name Basis: To a narmful level by Chifuyu, seriously, Orimura-Imouto?
- She drop it on private conversation, or when her siblings are fed up with her 'professionalism'.
- Love Epiphany: Madoka realized that there's no one she can trust besides Ichika-nii after certain incident back when she's in the Boarding School, though even when she began to open up again to other girls, she still keep her feelings.
- Younger Sibling Fetishization: Well, this is Twincest story, so it's to be expected...
- Mood Whiplash: Chapter 11 is practically this, complete with readers' discretion. Ship Tease between Rin and Charles followed by Charles' betrayal (sorta) AND some weird images that causing a seizure, AND then a comedic romance moment between him and Laura... okay.
- Not as You Know Them: Ichika = Excessively nice guy with temperament and self-denial issues just the tip of an Iceberg.
- Madoka is a kuudere with excessive brocon.
- Chifuyu has shown bright and cheerful side sometimes, as chapter 8 indicates.
- In general, the Heroines' penchant for violence is toned down after few chapters, especially Rin, which is part of her Character Development.
- Real Robot & Super Robot: Apparently the titular Power Armor sport both features. Capable of incredible feat compared to 'conventional stuff' and all the time stomped at newtonian laws like there's no tommorow. But at the same time has numerous defined weaknesses, has Mass production version, being part of the military industry, and still affected by law of physic it doesn't broke.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Color inverted, cold and logical brunette with Black mech and cheerful and clever but arrogant blonde with blue mech. Also, Cold Sniper and Friendly Sniper in that order.
- Running Gag: "ALL HAIL ORIMURA!"
- Phrase Catcher: The above also marked his Heroic Resolve and Moment of Awesome.
- Sacred First Kiss: Ichika mistook Madoka's request simply because his own urge convoluted his mind. Cue the awkward conversation after that...
- Schedule Slip: Considering the usual update speed (about a week), it's strange that the fic hasn't been updated in two months....
- Three months or more according to Author's latest note. At least he's still doing it.
- Scope Snipe: Madoka did this to Cecilia in a mock battle between the two. Justified because Cecilia wasted too much movement and the scope in question is 8 inch wide....
- Selective Obliviousness: Lampshaded by Charles that Ichika ignores his harem on purpose, afraid of awkward interaction (he was right, by the way). But cuminates with this:
- Shout-Out: Aside from that phrase above, which referenced Norio Wakamoto in particular and Code Geass in general, the nickname also obviously a Shout-Out to Shinji and Warhammer 40 K.
- In Chapter 8, prompting Rin to smile, Ichika say "Chi".
- Later we have Rin quoting Hana Yori Dango, its an inversion, since she complain Ichika chose to hang out with the dango instead...
- Also, Iori Senbei. At its concept, he's a Captain Ersatz of Aeolia Schenberg, including Conflict Intervention. Except he also Resident Crazy Genius' Childhood Friend Romance. (Don't ask).
- Well, at the least Ichika got Seven Sword that can combine into one giant-ass sword....
- Sneeze Cut: At the very end of Chapter 11, Ichika wonder if Cecilia will sneeze when he talk about her with Dan, cue Cecilia sneeze back in the school....
- Springtime for Hitler: Invoked by author when he's encouraging other author who just started their own fic. And then there's this 'off-topic report'.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Ichika claims he and Madoka is quite similar to each other when they're little, but gradually became different... and yet they still shares good amount of resemblances, especially the hair and facial structures. To be fair, he also shares this with Chifuyu, and Madoka is practically 'Mini-Chifuyu' physically wise.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Madoka.
- Deconstructed, Madoka is increasingly emotional and less rational as the problems piling up, especially regarding Ichika.
- Reconstructed in chapter 10, as Madoka gains real friends, she became less icy and more sweet.
- Super Prototype: Aside from canon examples, Kurogane is one, being much better than it's MP version Uchigane. Justified that Uchigane was deliberately made weak so it can be easily used by amateur, and anyone not skilled enough (or plain talented) is unable to use Korogane without thrashing around wildly.
- Super Senses: Ichika has super precise sight and high-speed reflex, heightened further by Byakushiki's high-grade sensor. The combination of those justified all those shit he can do.
- The Mole: Charles, definitely symphatetic variety.
- The Stinger: You'd think Ichika is Flat Character and only serves as Harem Plot Device, you're right, at least until Chapter 11 rolled out...
Ichika: I could only hope that I would not regret it by not telling them, but hey, everyone had a secret or two, right? With that mindset, I tried to forget about the memories of blood splattering to the walls of dark alleys and my enemies screaming in rage-
- Twice, with Sneeze Cut.
- Title Drop: Chapter 5 has Ichika dropped the chapter title, Calm Before Storm.
- Wham! Episode: Chapter 12. Just, holy shit....
Ichika: The day I paved my path...
Dan: Silver switchblade, memento of these days, darkest day of my and Ichika's Junior High… where Ichika stood up on the mountain of our foe's bodies, and I stood up beside him, laughing manically.
Rin: "Well, on the more positive note, you don't carry burden of secret for the one you love"
- What the Hell, Hero?: Chifuyu, Chifuyu, Chifuyu...if this Fanfic is a Black Comedy, it might became a Running Gag.