< InFAMOUS (series)

InFAMOUS (series)/Awesome

  • Zeke's Big Damn Heroes moment when he shoots Kessler repeatedly before he blows him away.
  • In the first game, just after you turn on the last substation, you find out that this mission is a little different: you need to power up some older substations that are above ground to restore power. The problem is they take forever to charge up, you have to stand right near them, and the First Sons are doing their damnedest to kill you and destroy them. But who cares? You've just gained the ability to rain ultra-destructive lightning storms from the sky! And the best part? The substations constantly supply power to you while you stand on top of them. It's the closest the game comes to a Curb Stomb Battle, and you take out more bad guys in five minutes than you do in all of the third act.
  • Any time the citizens of Empire City join in to help heroic Cole during one of his fights. They may only be able to throw rocks, but they will throw rocks with the passion of people who have had enough devastation and oppression from the marauding gangs.
  • Late in the second game, Cole is going to get the final blast core, when a thunderstorm starts. He draws electricity from the storm, completely flooring the ice Mooks, who naturally can't believe what they're seeing.
  • The final mission of In Famous 2 if you choose the good mission. The hopelessly outgunned Rebels and Militia will fight and cheer you on as you go to activate the RFI.
    • Later in the same mission, Cole fully charges the RFI, jacking his power up to new levels. Instead of activating it, he says "Not yet" and leaps out of the church before flying at The Beast and unleashing all his fury on him, bringing him down for good. And there's no real competition, either. Cole makes the Beast his bitch.
  • Taking down the Behemoth. The epic music, combined with the slow motion of meleeing the Swamp Monsters and the all around awesomeness of taking down something that big.
  • Awesome but for all the wrong reasons. In the bad ending, Zeke despite knowing he stands no chance in hell, still stands against his best friend. "I gotta try", proving that he despite all the stuff he may have done in the first game, he really is a hero and the game makers showing that if you really choose this path, then you deserve the title "the beast"
    • What really sells it is that they don't just use a cutscene. They force you to pull the trigger, and then they make you do it again. And again. It's one of the game's best moments and the player isn't having any fun.
  • Near the end of Infamous: Festival of Blood, before dealing the blow to Mary, this exchange occurs:

Cole: I'm more than a vampire.
(player uses Ionic Storm for the first...and only...time in this DLC game)

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