< InFAMOUS (series)

InFAMOUS (series)/Heartwarming

  • If you have good Karma when Trish dies, with her last words she will tell Cole she loves him and his proud of how he uses his powers for good before dying happily.
  • Trish makes up with Cole after rescuing her from the Dust Men.

Trish: I know you didn't mean to kill Amy, Cole, that you've been trying to make things right. And I need to stop being angry at you. It's just been hard for me. I want us to be together again like how it used to be.

  • After Trish's death, Cole, not being on the best terms with Zeke and assumed not welcome at his home, sleeps in the park next to Trish's grave. Probably also a Tear Jerker.
  • In the sequel, when Kuo is feeling particularly down about being a Conduit during the "Hearts and Minds Campaign" mission. Also doubles as a Crowning Moment of Funny.

Cole: Listen, Kuo, you're not a freak. You're still you. You just happen to have ice coming out of your ass.
Kuo: Wow, that's...that's really sweet, Cole. Thanks.

  • In the sequel, after Zeke saves Cole from one of Bertrand's traps - all by himself, no less - Cole tells Zeke he's been treating him like crap and apologizes. To which Zeke replies:

Zeke: I don't call you "brother" because I like the way it sounds.

  • The Action Film, Quiet Drama Scene with Cole and Zeke just sitting on a couch watching a movie. No talking about fighting killer monsters, no worrying about the Beast or the Plague, hardly any dialog at all. Just a pair of old friends pretending everything is back to normal for a few hours.
  • Cole comforting Kuo even after she does a Face Heel Turn.

Kuo: I was... I am scared.
Cole: (very softly, almost as if to himself) I am too.

  • If you were on the good path in Infamous 1, there's a side mission early in Infamous 2 called "Past Decisions". Probably the easiest mission in the entire franchise, you start the mission, and a woman talks about her mom being in Empire City, and how she probably would've starved to death if it hadn't been for you. You get a kiss on the cheek, she walks away, mission accomplished. (After a little "Hey, where's MY kiss?" bitching from Zeke.) Considering how much easier being evil would've made I1 (evil route = more damaging powers), this mission alone makes the entire good path worth it.
  • How about that time when Nix spats at the dead Behemoth/Bertrand and Kuo takes pity on her for that? It's so nice to see these two, who are antagonizing each other for the entirety of the game, get along for once.
    • If that wasn't enough, in the good ending, Kuo, who does a Face Heel Turn, respects Nix, who dies doing a Heel Face Turn, by saying she made the right choice in using the RFI to kill all conduits.
  • The good ending:

Zeke: I love you, brother. And I'm sure gonna miss you.

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