< InFAMOUS (series)

InFAMOUS (series)/Funny

  • A good chunk of what Zeke says early in the game is pretty funny, but perhaps the most golden is during Alden in Chains, when you're called to help keep said boss firmly inside the prison. Surprisingly, Zeke, who previously professed to hate cops (to the point of openly relieving himself on one) is already there, helping out. The following conversation ensues:

Zeke: The boys in blue need to move some lops to a more secure area of the prison. Gotta hold off the trash-baggers while they make a move.
Cole: What the hell is a lop?
Zeke: A prisoner, man! You know, a shank-holder. C'mon, get with the lingo! Oh, and check it out: that walkway up there is cracking with juice. Little thing I whipped up.
Cole: Wow. Thanks.
Zeke: You're damn right.

    • This little nugget if you blow up the gas station early in the game near Zeke's roof:

Zeke: Man I just saw this Hellacious explosion, what was that?
Cole: Um...I blew up the gas station...
Zeke: C'mon, man! Just because you can't drive, doesn't mean no one else wants to! We could have used that.
Cole: Like you wouldn't have done the same thing.
Zeke: ...Touché, capitan.

  • Kessler during one of the dead drops.
"Wait, I can hear the subject moving... Unbelievable! It's flying! Damn it! Shoot it! SHOOT IT!!"
  • In the sequel, Cole and Zeke have an epically bromantic scene on the new rooftop. After chugging all the beer they've got and falling asleep on the couch, they end up with their heads on each others' shoulders. When Cole wakes up, he casually uses his new blast core while Zeke is still passed out, comically flopping down out of sight behind the couch when it's done giving him a new power.
  • The cutscene from the start of the mission during which Cole first meets Bertrand.

Cole: [Sneaking into Bertrand's rally] I miss anything?
Zeke: Nah, just Bertand telling everyone that you're the devil.
Cole: Oh. [[[Beat]]] Nice.

    • And then later in the same scene, when things deteriorate (as they do).


  • If you decide to take the evil route on your way into New Marais, Kuo is understandably upset when you overcharge a generator near the bridge, killing both enemies and innocents. She goes all What the Hell, Hero? Cue Zeke's voice in your earpiece: "Things... uh... tend to blow up around him. You get used to it."
  • One of the side missions in two involves tampering with TV dishes so Zeke can put his own program on the air. What program does Zeke show? A dating video for Cole.

Zeke: He loves all the standard crap. Long walks on the beach, brushing ladies' hair, romantic picnics with cheese.
Cole: Zeke, you bastard.

    • Note that Cole actually finds this hilarious, as he's chuckling when he says it.
  • For me it has to be from the misson where you and Zeke try to move a nuke down to the docks, and of course the militia try to stop you.


    • And shortly before that:

Militia: Give us back our nuke!
Zeke: If you know what it is, then STOP SHOOTING AT IT!

  • Zeke trying to call Cole about an idea he had to make some cash off of his image...while Cole is fighting a swarm of Reapers.

Zeke: Hey, Cole. You there? I gotta talk to you about something.
Cole: I kinda got my hands full right now!

  • Cole's reaction the first time you freeze an enemy when you work with Kuo:

Cole: (barely audible through laughter) It's a hickcicle!

  • During the mission "Lost and Found", Kuo and Cole have this exchange:

Cole: So, he's not like your significantly older boyfriend, or something like that?

Kuo: I believe the term you're looking for here is 'father figure'.

Cole: Hey, it's cool. I'm not gonna judge you.

  • The epic lampshading of your inability to climb fences in i1.

Troper climbs a fence.
Trophy achieved! 'Don't fence me in'
Description: Climb a chain-link fence and rejoice.

  • This little conversation with Zeke shortly after the arrival in New Marais:

Zeke: Hey, uh... remember when we came here the first time, and I got involved with uh... some unsavoury characters?

Cole: Yeah, yeah - a little penicillin, it all cleared up.

Zeke: Well, uh, now it's your turn. Couple of 'em still have my number, and they're looking for some help from the Electric Man.

Cole: Oh God.

  • In which Agent Kuo discovers the world is in the hands of a superpowered man with the soul of a fourteen-year-old boy, and a Face Palm is implied:

Cole: But Agent Kuo, isn't stealing illegal?
Kuo: (recites from memory a very long rule about government agents commandeering civilian vehicles when necessary, listed in the Penal Code.)
Cole: Heh. Penal Code.

  • Heartwarming and funny: Cole comforts Kuo in his own way when she's scared and disgusted by her powers. The cherry is how Kuo sounds both touched and a little taken aback by Cole's hilariously crude phrasing.

Cole: Listen, Kuo, you're not a freak. You're still you. You just happen to have ice coming out of your ass.
Kuo: Wow, that's...that's really sweet, Cole. Thanks.

  • At the end of festival of blood, when the woman Zeke was courting flashes a pair of fangs at him, Zeke's reaction is a simple but priceless "OH SHIT!" The look on his face, lacking his sunglasses, seals the deal.
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